10 research outputs found

    Paleo-denudation rates suggest variations in runoff drove aggradation during last glacial cycle, Crete, Greece

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    Fluvial aggradation and incision are often linked to Quaternary climate cycles, but it usually remains unclear whether variations in runoff or sediment supply or both drive channel response to climate variability. Here we quantify sediment supply with paleo-denudation rates and provide geochronological constraints on aggradation and incision from the Sfakia and Elafonisi alluvial-fan sequences in Crete, Greece. We report seven optically stimulated luminescence and ten radiocarbon ages, eight 10Be and eight 36Cl denudation rates from modern channel and terrace sediments. For five samples, 10Be and 36Cl were measured on the same sample by measuring 10Be on chert and 36Cl on calcite. Results indicate relatively steady denudation rates throughout the past 80 kyr, but the aggradation and incision history indicates a link with climate shifts. At the Elafonisi fan, we identify four periods of aggradation coinciding with Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5a/b, and likely 6, and three periods of incision coinciding with MIS 1, 3, and likely 5e. At the Sfakia fan, rapid aggradation occurred during MIS 2 and 4, followed by incision during MIS 1. Nearby climate and vegetation records show that MIS 2, 4, and 6 stadials were characterized by cold and dry climates with sparse vegetation, whereas forest cover and more humid conditions prevailed during MIS 1, 3, and 5. Our data thus suggest that past changes in climate had little effect on landscape-wide denudation rates but exerted a strong control on the aggradation–incision behaviour of alluvial channels on Crete. During glacial stages, we attribute aggradation to hillslope sediment release promoted by reduced vegetation cover and decreased runoff; conversely, incision occurred during relatively warm and wet stages due to increased runoff. In this landscape, past hydroclimate variations outcompeted changes in sediment supply as the primary driver of alluvial deposition and incision

    The Twannberg iron meteorite strewn field in the Swiss Jura mountains: insights for Quaternary environmental conditions

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    Abstract The ~ 10 km2 strewn field of the Twannberg type IIG iron meteorite is located in the Swiss Jura Mountains, 30 km northwest of Bern. The strewn field has been mapped by a group of citizen scientists since 2006, yielding more than 2000 meteorite fragments with a total mass of 152.7 kg until the end of 2022. With a terrestrial age of 176 ± 19 ka and a minimum pre-atmospheric mass of ~ 250 t, the Twannberg meteorite is a local time marker in an area with a poorly-known paleoenvironmental history. The Twannberg strewn field is located just outside of the maximum extent of ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). On the Mont Sujet, meteorites are size-sorted in a 6-km long section of the primary strewn field (altitude 945–1370 m a.s.l.), indicating a fall direction from east-northeast to west-southwest (azimuth approximately 250°). On the Twannberg plateau and in the Twannbach gorge, meteorites are not size-sorted and occur in a ~ 5.7-km long area associated with till and recent stream sediments (altitude 430–1075 m a.s.l.). The mass distribution of meteorites on the Twannberg plateau demonstrate that these meteorites were not found where they fell but that they must have been transported up to several km by glacier ice flow after the fall. The distribution of meteorites and of glacially transported Alpine clasts on the Mont Sujet and on the Chasseral chain indicates the presence of local ice caps and of an approximately 200-m higher Alpine ice surface with respect to the LGM at the time of fall. This high ice level during MIS 6 (Marine Isotopic Stage 6, 191–130 ka) indicated by the meteorite distribution is consistent with surface exposure ages of 50–144 ka from nearby resting erratic boulders at altitudes of up to 1290 m a.s.l., including the newly dated Jobert boulder (63 ka). These boulders indicate an ice level ~ 400 m higher than during LGM at a time not later than MIS 6. Post-LGM luminescence ages of loess-containing meteorites on the Mont Sujet and 14C ages of materials associated with meteorite finds indicate relatively young pedoturbation and increased oxidation of meteorites since ~ 7300 cal BP, possibly correlated with deforestation and enhanced erosion resulting from increased human activities since the Neolithic. This study shows that Twannberg meteorites in their palaeoenvironmental context provide valuable information about ice levels and transport directions during MIS 6 and about their interaction with the post-LGM environmental conditions. The unique Twannberg strewn field has the potential to reveal more valuable information

    The Twannberg iron meteorite strewn field in the Swiss Jura mountains: insights for Quaternary environmental conditions

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    The ~ 10 km² strewn field of the Twannberg type IIG iron meteorite is located in the Swiss Jura Mountains, 30 km northwest of Bern. The strewn field has been mapped by a group of citizen scientists since 2006, yielding more than 2000 meteorite fragments with a total mass of 152.7 kg until the end of 2022. With a terrestrial age of 176 ± 19 ka and a minimum pre-atmospheric mass of ~ 250 t, the Twannberg meteorite is a local time marker in an area with a poorly-known paleoenvironmental history. The Twannberg strewn field is located just outside of the maximum extent of ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). On the Mont Sujet, meteorites are size-sorted in a 6-km long section of the primary strewn field (altitude 945–1370 m a.s.l.), indicating a fall direction from east-northeast to west-southwest (azimuth approximately 250°). On the Twannberg plateau and in the Twannbach gorge, meteorites are not size-sorted and occur in a ~ 5.7-km long area associated with till and recent stream sediments (altitude 430–1075 m a.s.l.). The mass distribution of meteorites on the Twannberg plateau demonstrate that these meteorites were not found where they fell but that they must have been transported up to several km by glacier ice flow after the fall. The distribution of meteorites and of glacially transported Alpine clasts on the Mont Sujet and on the Chasseral chain indicates the presence of local ice caps and of an approximately 200-m higher Alpine ice surface with respect to the LGM at the time of fall. This high ice level during MIS 6 (Marine Isotopic Stage 6, 191–130 ka) indicated by the meteorite distribution is consistent with surface exposure ages of 50–144 ka from nearby resting erratic boulders at altitudes of up to 1290 m a.s.l., including the newly dated Jobert boulder (63 ka). These boulders indicate an ice level ~ 400 m higher than during LGM at a time not later than MIS 6. Post-LGM luminescence ages of loess-containing meteorites on the Mont Sujet and 14C ages of materials associated with meteorite finds indicate relatively young pedoturbation and increased oxidation of meteorites since ~ 7300 cal BP, possibly correlated with deforestation and enhanced erosion resulting from increased human activities since the Neolithic. This study shows that Twannberg meteorites in their palaeoenvironmental context provide valuable information about ice levels and transport directions during MIS 6 and about their interaction with the post-LGM environmental conditions. The unique Twannberg strewn field has the potential to reveal more valuable information.ISSN:1661-8734ISSN:1661-872

    Paleo‐denudation rates suggest variations in runoff drove aggradation during last glacial cycle, Crete, Greece

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    Fluvial aggradation and incision are often linked to Quaternary climate cycles, but it usually remains unclear whether variations in runoff or sediment supply or both drive channel response to climate variability. Here we quantify sediment supply with paleo‐denudation rates and provide geochronological constraints on aggradation and incision from the Sfakia and Elafonisi alluvial‐fan sequences in Crete, Greece. We report seven optically stimulated luminescence and ten radiocarbon ages, eight 10Be and eight 36Cl denudation rates from modern channel and terrace sediments. For five samples, 10Be and 36Cl were measured on the same sample by measuring 10Be on chert and 36Cl on calcite. Results indicate relatively steady denudation rates throughout the past 80 kyr, but the aggradation and incision history indicates a link with climate shifts. At the Elafonisi fan, we identify four periods of aggradation coinciding with Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5a/b, and likely 6, and three periods of incision coinciding with MIS 1, 3, and likely 5e. At the Sfakia fan, rapid aggradation occurred during MIS 2 and 4, followed by incision during MIS 1. Nearby climate and vegetation records show that MIS 2, 4, and 6 stadials were characterized by cold and dry climates with sparse vegetation, whereas forest cover and more humid conditions prevailed during MIS 1, 3, and 5. Our data thus suggest that past changes in climate had little effect on landscape‐wide denudation rates but exerted a strong control on the aggradation–incision behaviour of alluvial channels on Crete. During glacial stages, we attribute aggradation to hillslope sediment release promoted by reduced vegetation cover and decreased runoff; conversely, incision occurred during relatively warm and wet stages due to increased runoff. In this landscape, past hydroclimate variations outcompeted changes in sediment supply as the primary driver of alluvial deposition and incision.We investigate the impact of Quaternary climate cycles on denudation rates and fluvial aggradation and incision on Crete, Greece. We find that alluvial channels aggrade during cold and dry periods and incise during warm and wet stages, despite relatively steady denudational supply from the hillslopes. We conclude that, in this landscape, past hydroclimate variations outcompeted changes in sediment supply as the primary driver of alluvial deposition and incision.Swiss National Science Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001711https://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.3.3.2022.00

    Status report of the 1 MV AMS facility at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

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    Parte del número especial: The Thirteenth Accelerator Mass Spectrometry ConferenceSARA (Spanish Accelerator for Radionuclides Analysis) was the first multielemental AMS facility installed in Spain in 2005. Since then it has been dedicated to the routine analysis of several radionuclides, such as 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 129I and Pu isotopes. Tests have been carried out with other isotopes, such as 41Ca, 236U and 237Np, and several changes have been made to the original facility to improve performance. First, an upgraded version of the ion source SO-110 has allowed us more stable measurement conditions for volatile elements (i.e. iodine), and a better general performance. Besides, changes in the target geometry have improved the ionization efficiency and long-term stability of the source output. Moreover, different software upgrades have been introduced to meet our routine operational needs. Finally, changing the movable Faraday-cup associated electronics now allows the measurement of smaller currents (in the range of pA), which has been key for the study of 236U/238U atomic ratio in environmental samples. Apart from these modifications it has to be noted that routine radiocarbon measurements have been moved to a Micadas system (200 kV) installed at CNA in 2012. In this paper we will illustrate the evolution of the facility up to now, and our future prospects will be introduced.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2012- 31853Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad P-10-FQM-595

    Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway

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    Quantifying bedrock weathering rates under diverse climate conditions is essential to understanding timescales of landscape evolution. Yet, weathering rates are often difficult to constrain, and associating a weathered landform to a specific formative environment can be complicated by overprinting of successive processes and temporally varying climate. In this study, we investigate three sites between 59°N and 69°N along the Norwegian coast that display grussic saprolite, tafoni, and linear weathering grooves on diverse lithologies. These weathering phenomena have been invoked as examples of geomorphic archives predating Quaternary glaciations and consequently as indicators of minimal glacial erosion. Here we apply cosmogenic nuclide chronometry to assess the recent erosional history. Our results demonstrate that all three sites experienced sufficient erosion to remove most cosmogenic nuclides formed prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. This finding is inconsistent with preservation of surficial (<1–2 m) weathered landforms under non-erosive ice during the last glacial period, while simultaneously demonstrating that post-glacial weathering and erosion rates can be locally rapid (4–10 cm kyr−1) in cold temperate to subarctic coastal locations

    Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway

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    Quantifying bedrock weathering rates under diverse climate conditions is essential to understanding timescales of landscape evolution. Yet, weathering rates are often difficult to constrain, and associating a weathered landform to a specific formative environment can be complicated by overprinting of successive processes and temporally varying climate. In this study, we investigate three sites between 59°N and 69°N along the Norwegian coast that display grussic saprolite, tafoni, and linear weathering grooves on diverse lithologies. These weathering phenomena have been invoked as examples of geomorphic archives predating Quaternary glaciations and consequently as indicators of minimal glacial erosion. Here we apply cosmogenic nuclide chronometry to assess the recent erosional history. Our results demonstrate that all three sites experienced sufficient erosion to remove most cosmogenic nuclides formed prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. This finding is inconsistent with preservation of surficial (<1–2 m) weathered landforms under non-erosive ice during the last glacial period, while simultaneously demonstrating that post-glacial weathering and erosion rates can be locally rapid (4–10 cm kyr−1) in cold temperate to subarctic coastal locations

    The Twannberg iron meteorite strewn field in the Swiss Jura mountains: insights for Quaternary environmental conditions

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    The ~ 10 km 2 strewn field of the Twannberg type IIG iron meteorite is located in the Swiss Jura Mountains, 30 km northwest of Bern. The strewn field has been mapped by a group of citizen scientists since 2006, yielding more than 2000 meteorite fragments with a total mass of 152.7 kg until the end of 2022. With a terrestrial age of 176 ± 19 ka and a minimum pre-atmospheric mass of ~ 250 t, the Twannberg meteorite is a local time marker in an area with a poorly-known paleoenvironmental history. The Twannberg strewn field is located just outside of the maximum extent of ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). On the Mont Sujet, meteorites are size-sorted in a 6-km long section of the primary strewn field (altitude 945-1370 m a.s.l.), indicating a fall direction from east-northeast to west-southwest (azimuth approximately 250°). On the Twannberg plateau and in the Twannbach gorge, meteorites are not size-sorted and occur in a ~ 5.7-km long area associated with till and recent stream sediments (altitude 430-1075 m a.s.l.). The mass distribution of meteorites on the Twannberg plateau demonstrate that these meteorites were not found where they fell but that they must have been transported up to several km by glacier ice flow after the fall. The distribution of meteorites and of glacially transported Alpine clasts on the Mont Sujet and on the Chasseral chain indicates the presence of local ice caps and of an approximately 200-m higher Alpine ice surface with respect to the LGM at the time of fall. This high ice level during MIS 6 (Marine Isotopic Stage 6, 191-130 ka) indicated by the meteorite distribution is consistent with surface exposure ages of 50-144 ka from nearby resting erratic boulders at altitudes of up to 1290 m a.s.l., including the newly dated Jobert boulder (63 ka). These boulders indicate an ice level ~ 400 m higher than during LGM at a time not later than MIS 6. Post-LGM luminescence ages of loesscontaining meteorites on the Mont Sujet and 14 C ages of materials associated with meteorite finds indicate relatively young pedoturbation and increased oxidation of meteorites since ~ 7300 cal BP, possibly correlated with deforestation and enhanced erosion resulting from increased human activities since the Neolithic. This study shows that Twannberg meteorites in their palaeoenvironmental context provide valuable information about ice levels and transport directions during MIS 6 and about their interaction with the post-LGM environmental conditions. The unique Twannberg strewn field has the potential to reveal more valuable information