142 research outputs found

    Tout le monde en parle : un miroir révélateur de la société québécoise?

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    La tĂ©lĂ©vision a fait son apparition au QuĂ©bec en 1952 et dĂšs lors elle provoqua un sĂ©isme culturel. Elle a progressivement pris de plus en plus de place et de temps dans notre vie personnelle et sociale. C'est durant les annĂ©es 1970 et 1985 que l'industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle quĂ©bĂ©coise connut un essor marquĂ©. Son Ă©volution fulgurante tient Ă  ses rapides progrĂšs technologiques qui lui permirent d'accroĂźtre ses choix offerts aux tĂ©lĂ©spectateurs. La quantitĂ© et la diversitĂ© des produits tĂ©lĂ©visuels au QuĂ©bec en font un cas unique. Rares sont les rĂ©gions du monde ayant accĂšs Ă  autant de canaux et de diversitĂ© dans leur programmation. Les QuĂ©bĂ©cois font partie des bien nantis de la tĂ©lĂ©vision et sont particuliĂšrement avides de celle-ci, puisqu'ils en consomment tout prĂšs de 24 heures par semaine. La tĂ©lĂ©vision, trĂšs rassembleuse, a toujours occupĂ© une place centrale dans la construction de l'identitĂ© et de la culture quĂ©bĂ©coise. Celle-ci projette la rĂ©alitĂ© dans ces productions, et offre en quelque sorte un miroir de notre sociĂ©tĂ©. Elle met en scĂšne une histoire, un rĂ©cit et des personnages selon ses propres repĂšres. Ainsi, les tĂ©lĂ©spectateurs ont devant eux un espace oĂč s'observer. Les grands succĂšs populaires comme Lance et compte, les Beaux Dimanches, les Bougons, la P 'tite vie ou encore Un gars, une fille, sont tous des concepts tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©s qui offrent une image symbolique de l'identitĂ© de la nation. Ils font partie et feront partie de nos grands classiques tĂ©lĂ©visuels. Tout le monde en parle est un concept tĂ©lĂ©visĂ© qui, selon nous, fera partie de notre rĂ©pertoire tĂ©lĂ©visuel. L'Ă©mission est sans contredit l'un des succĂšs de l'heure. Sa popularitĂ© n'est toutefois pas sans heurts, puisque chaque jour de nouvelles critiques jaillissent de la presse Ă©crite. Jamais une Ă©mission n'a fait autant l'objet de polĂ©miques de toutes sortes. Compte tenu de la popularitĂ© indĂ©niable de l'Ă©mission et de son influence sur la scĂšne publique, Tout le monde en parle demeure un objet d'analyse incontournable. Nous vous prĂ©sentons donc une Ă©tude de Tout le monde en parle, puisque nous croyons que l'Ă©mission n'est pas un talk show ordinaire. L'Ă©mission a une Ăąme et vĂ©hicule des normes et des modĂšles sociaux rĂ©vĂ©lateurs de l'identitĂ© et de la sociĂ©tĂ© quĂ©bĂ©coise. Ce prĂ©sent mĂ©moire sera l'occasion de dĂ©couvrir la formule de l'Ă©mission et son dĂ©roulement. Il sera Ă©galement question d'observer comment se prĂ©sente les prises de paroles, afin de comprendre les mĂ©canismes discursifs au QuĂ©bec. Enfin, ce mĂ©moire sera aussi l'occasion de rĂ©flĂ©chir au tournant que prend la tĂ©lĂ©vision quĂ©bĂ©coise. Cette Ă©tude n'a pas la prĂ©tention d'expliquer l'envoĂ»tement et le mĂ©pris face Ă  ce talk show, mais elle se veut ĂȘtre un effort de comprĂ©hension quant aux reprĂ©sentations culturelles et sociales vĂ©hiculĂ©es par l'Ă©mission. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : IdentitĂ©, TĂ©lĂ©vision, Talk show, QuĂ©bec, Culture, Valeur

    Bone material properties and response to teriparatide in osteoporosis due to WNT1 and PLS3 mutations

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    Context: Patients with osteoporosis-associated WNT1 or PLS3 mutations have unique bone histomorphometric features and osteocyte-specific hormone expression patterns. Objective: To investigate the effects of WNT1 and PLS3 mutations on bone material properties. Design: Transiliac bone biopsies were evaluated by quantitative backscattered electron imaging, immunohistochemistry, and bone histomorphometry. Setting: Ambulatory patients. Patients: Three pediatric and eight adult patients with WNT1 or PLS3 mutations. Intervention: Bone mineralization density distribution and osteocyte protein expression was evaluated in 11 patients and repeated in six patients who underwent repeat biopsy after 24 months of teriparatide treatment. Main outcome measure: Bone mineralization density distribution and protein expression. Results: Children with WNT1 or PLS3 mutations had heterogeneous bone matrix mineralization, consistent with bone modeling during growth. Bone matrix mineralization was homogenous in adults and increased throughout the age spectrum. Teriparatide had very little effect on matrix mineralization or bone formation in patients with WNT1 or PLS3 mutations. However, teriparatide decreased trabecular osteocyte lacunae size and increased trabecular bone FGF23 expression. Conclusion: The contrast between preserved bone formation with heterogeneous mineralization in children and low bone turnover with homogenous bone mineral content in adults suggests that WNT1 and PLS3 have differential effects on bone modeling and remodeling. The lack of change in matrix mineralization in response to teriparatide, despite clear changes in osteocyte lacunae size and protein expression, suggests that altered WNT1 and PLS3 expression may interfere with coupling of osteocyte, osteoblast, and osteoclast function. Further studies are warranted to determine the mechanism of these changes.Peer reviewe

    Dystrophy-associated caveolin-3 mutations reveal that caveolae couple IL6/STAT3 signaling with mechanosensing in human muscle cells

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    Caveolin-3 is the major structural protein of caveolae in muscle. Mutations in the CAV3 gene cause different types of myopathies with altered membrane integrity and repair, expression of muscle proteins, and regulation of signaling pathways. We show here that myotubes from patients bearing the CAV3P28L and R26Q mutations present a dramatic decrease of caveolae at the plasma membrane, resulting in abnormal response to mechanical stress. Mutant myotubes are unable to buffer the increase in membrane tension induced by mechanical stress. This results in impaired regulation of the IL6/STAT3 signaling pathway leading to its constitutive hyperactivation and increased expression of muscle genes. These defects are fully reversed by reassembling functional caveolae through expression ofcaveolin-3. Our study reveals that under mechanical stress the regulation of mechan-oprotection by caveolae is directly coupled with the regulation of IL6/STAT3 signaling inmuscle cells and that this regulation is absent in Cav3-associated dystrophic patients

    Isolation of canine Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains from clinical blood samples using the Ixodes ricinus cell line IRE/CTVM20

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    AbstractAnaplasma phagocytophilum is an intracellular tick-borne rickettsial pathogen, which causes granulocytic anaplasmosis in various species of livestock and companion animals and also in humans. Previously A. phagocytophilum has been isolated and propagated in cell lines derived from the tick Ixodes scapularis and in the human promyelocytic cell line HL60. In this study we used the Ixodes ricinus-derived cell line IRE/CTVM20 to isolate and propagate two new canine strains of A. phagocytophilum.Blood samples were collected by veterinarians from two dogs, one from Germany and the other from Austria. Suspicion of clinical canine granulocytic anaplasmosis was raised by the treating veterinarians and after confirmation of A. phagocytophilum infection by real-time PCR, buffy coat cells were isolated and co-cultivated with IRE/CTVM20 cells maintained at 28°C in L15/L15B medium.In the tick cells, rickettsial inclusions were first recognised after 86 days of incubation. Electron microscopic examination of tick cells infected with one of the isolates revealed cytoplasmic vacuoles containing pleomorphic organisms with individual bacteria enveloped by a bilayer membrane. Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes confirmed the isolation of A. phagocytophilum and showed the highest identity to the A. phagocytophilum human HZ strain. The two A. phagocytophilum isolates were passaged several times in IRE/CTVM20 cells and transferred to the I. scapularis cell line ISE6. This confirms for the first time the successful establishment and continuous cultivation of this pathogen in I. ricinus cells as well as infectivity of these canine strains for I. scapularis cells

    Report of the 2011-2012 AACP Special Advisory Committee on Research and Graduate Education

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    According to the Bylaws of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), the Research and Graduate Affairs Committee (RGAC) shall provide assistance to the Association in developing its research, graduate education, and scholarship agenda. This assistance may include facilitating colleges and schools in formulating and advancing legislative and regulatory initiatives, and nurturing collaborative activities with organizations sharing an interest in issues related to the pharmaceutical sciences

    EHD2 is a mechanotransducer connecting caveolae dynamics with gene transcription

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    Caveolae are small invaginated pits that function as dynamic mechanosensors to buffer tension variations at the plasma membrane. Here we show that under mechanical stress, the EHD2 ATPase is rapidly released from caveolae, SUMOylated, and translocated to the nucleus, where it regulates the transcription of several genes including those coding for caveolae constituents. We also found that EHD2 is required to maintain the caveolae reservoir at the plasma membrane during the variations of membrane tension induced by mechanical stress. Metal-replica electron microscopy of breast cancer cells lacking EHD2 revealed a complete absence of caveolae and a lack of gene regulation under mechanical stress. Expressing EHD2 was sufficient to restore both functions in these cells. Our findings therefore define EHD2 as a central player in mechanotransduction connecting the disassembly of the caveolae reservoir with the regulation of gene transcription under mechanical stress

    Evidence of the role of tick subolesin in gene expression

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    Background: Subolesin is an evolutionary conserved protein that was discovered recently in Ixodes scapularis as a tick protective antigen and has a role in tick blood digestion, reproduction and development. In other organisms, subolesin orthologs may be involved in the control of developmental processes. Because of the profound effect of subolesin knockdown in ticks and other organisms, we hypothesized that subolesin plays a role in gene expression, and therefore affects multiple cellular processes. The objective of this study was to provide evidence for the role of subolesin in gene expression.Results: Two subolesin-interacting proteins were identified and characterized by yeast two-hybrid screen, co-affinity purification and RNA interference (RNAi). The effect of subolesin knockdown on the tick gene expression pattern was characterized by microarray analysis and demonstrated that subolesin RNAi affects the expression of genes involved in multiple cellular pathways. The analysis of subolesin and interacting protein sequences identified regulatory motifs and predicted the presence of conserved protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation sites.Conclusion: Collectively, these results provide evidence that subolesin plays a role in gene expression in ticks.Peer reviewedVeterinary PathobiologyBiochemistry and Molecular Biolog

    Identification of CRISPR and riboswitch related RNAs among novel noncoding RNAs of the euryarchaeon Pyrococcus abyssi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Noncoding RNA (ncRNA) has been recognized as an important regulator of gene expression networks in Bacteria and Eucaryota. Little is known about ncRNA in thermococcal archaea except for the eukaryotic-like C/D and H/ACA modification guide RNAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a combination of <it>in silico </it>and experimental approaches, we identified and characterized novel <it>P</it>. <it>abyssi </it>ncRNAs transcribed from 12 intergenic regions, ten of which are conserved throughout the Thermococcales. Several of them accumulate in the late-exponential phase of growth. Analysis of the genomic context and sequence conservation amongst related thermococcal species revealed two novel <it>P</it>. <it>abyssi </it>ncRNA families. The CRISPR family is comprised of crRNAs expressed from two of the four <it>P</it>. <it>abyssi </it>CRISPR cassettes. The 5'UTR derived family includes four conserved ncRNAs, two of which have features similar to known bacterial riboswitches. Several of the novel ncRNAs have sequence similarities to orphan OrfB transposase elements. Based on RNA secondary structure predictions and experimental results, we show that three of the twelve ncRNAs include Kink-turn RNA motifs, arguing for a biological role of these ncRNAs in the cell. Furthermore, our results show that several of the ncRNAs are subjected to processing events by enzymes that remain to be identified and characterized.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work proposes a revised annotation of CRISPR loci in <it>P</it>. <it>abyssi </it>and expands our knowledge of ncRNAs in the Thermococcales, thus providing a starting point for studies needed to elucidate their biological function.</p
