122 research outputs found

    Men and their perception of gender stereotypes used in print advertisements

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    This thesis deals with the question of how men perceive the usage of gender stereotypes in print advertisements. After reviewing existing literature in the field of gender stereotypes and their utilization in advertisements, a research gap has been identified in two areas: male gender stereotypes and perception of advertisements. Hence, this thesis combines these two aspects in an attempt to contribute to filling the aforementioned gap. The empirical data for this study was gathered through fourteen semi-structured in-depth interviews with male customers of apparel who have German citizenship. The outcome was coded manually. The findings of this study revealed that the participating men reacted more positively towards traditional stereotypes of men and women. Any depictions that did not show men as muscular, powerful or strong were considered unmanly and evaluated more negatively. In addition, it was found that while women tend to struggle with discriminating depictions, the interviewed men stated they do not feel restricted when being put into a category. In conclusion, the outcome of this study implies that traditional stereotypes and classic gender roles are still deeply anchored in the participants’ minds. It is argued that as long as advertisers reproduce these traditional images in advertisements, the mindset of men will not change. This, in turn, can make a change in people’s mindsets and a move towards a more equal society difficult. This study is limited to a small sample of apparel customers and is therefore not generalisable

    Educação em saúde durante a assistência de enfermagem no Pré-natal: Health education during Prenatal nursing assistance

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    Introdução:  A assistência pré-natal representa papel fundamental na prevenção e/ou detecção precoce de patologias e agravos à saúde dos binômios mãe e filho. Trata-se de um cuidado  relacionadas ao bem-estar físico e mental e deve ser acompanhado e apoiado por familiares, amigos e pessoas capazes de fortalecer as mulheres a enfrentar inseguranças propícias a aparecer Objetivo: O relato de experiência  tem por finalidade descrever a vivência ocorrida no Estágio Supervisionado do curso de Bacharelado em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, entre os meses julho à agosto de 2022, na Unidade Básica de Saúde Dr. Leon Teostoli Rodrigues de Lima-CSU, na cidade de Dourados-MS, com o intuito de organizar as ações de educação em saúde através de um instrumento orientador (checklist) Método: O percurso metodológico foi baseado no método do arco criado por Charles Maguerez e apresentado por Bordenave e Pereira (1991) através de cinco etapas: observação da realidade; construção de maquete ou pontos-chave dos problemas; fundamentação teórica do problema; hipóteses de soluções e propostas de soluções e aplicabilidade a realidade e a utilização de metodologias ativas. Sendo neste artigo apresentado como relato de experiência sobre a identificação e seleção da situação problema presente nas consultas pré-natal, a estratégia de enfrentamento desenvolvida com vistas a gestão participativa na vivencia da acadêmica de enfermagem durante o estágio em atenção primaria a saúde. Resultados: A utilização do instrumento foi de fácil utilização e consequente adesão, sendo passivo de melhorias e ampliação junto à equipe multidisciplinar, uma vez que cumpriu a proposta a melhora na qualidade do atendimento. Considerações Finais: Conclui-se que muitas ações podem tornar-se realidade se elaboradas com a participação coletiva, porém isso não é sinônimo de facilidade uma vez que quanto mais envolvidos mais complexo se torna um projeto. Que devemos propiciar a continuidade dos avanços firmados no processo de trabalho, incluindo e oportunizando a continuidade dos projetos de intervenções

    Educação em saúde durante a assistência de enfermagem no Pré-natal: Health education during Prenatal nursing assistance

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    Introdução:  A assistência pré-natal representa papel fundamental na prevenção e/ou detecção precoce de patologias e agravos à saúde dos binômios mãe e filho. Trata-se de um cuidado  relacionadas ao bem-estar físico e mental e deve ser acompanhado e apoiado por familiares, amigos e pessoas capazes de fortalecer as mulheres a enfrentar inseguranças propícias a aparecer Objetivo: O relato de experiência  tem por finalidade descrever a vivência ocorrida no Estágio Supervisionado do curso de Bacharelado em Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, entre os meses julho à agosto de 2022, na Unidade Básica de Saúde Dr. Leon Teostoli Rodrigues de Lima-CSU, na cidade de Dourados-MS, com o intuito de organizar as ações de educação em saúde através de um instrumento orientador (checklist) Método: O percurso metodológico foi baseado no método do arco criado por Charles Maguerez e apresentado por Bordenave e Pereira (1991) através de cinco etapas: observação da realidade; construção de maquete ou pontos-chave dos problemas; fundamentação teórica do problema; hipóteses de soluções e propostas de soluções e aplicabilidade a realidade e a utilização de metodologias ativas. Sendo neste artigo apresentado como relato de experiência sobre a identificação e seleção da situação problema presente nas consultas pré-natal, a estratégia de enfrentamento desenvolvida com vistas a gestão participativa na vivencia da acadêmica de enfermagem durante o estágio em atenção primaria a saúde. Resultados: A utilização do instrumento foi de fácil utilização e consequente adesão, sendo passivo de melhorias e ampliação junto à equipe multidisciplinar, uma vez que cumpriu a proposta a melhora na qualidade do atendimento. Considerações Finais: Conclui-se que muitas ações podem tornar-se realidade se elaboradas com a participação coletiva, porém isso não é sinônimo de facilidade uma vez que quanto mais envolvidos mais complexo se torna um projeto. Que devemos propiciar a continuidade dos avanços firmados no processo de trabalho, incluindo e oportunizando a continuidade dos projetos de intervenções

    Lernbedarf vs. Lernbedürfnis: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirksamkeit von diagnostischen Online-Selbsttests

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    Um vorhandene Wissenslücken bestimmen zu können, stellen Online-Selbsttests ein geeignetes Instrument dar. In ihnen werden Soll-Anforderungen abgebildet und vorhandenes Ist-Wissen abgefragt. Durch diese mediale Unterstützung sind Lernbedarfe individuell bestimmbar, jedoch trägt sie nicht per se zur Förderung der Selbststeuerung im Lernprozess bei. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Grenzen von diagnostischen Online-Selbsttests zu identifizieren und zugleich Potentiale für die Unterstützung der Reflexion im selbstgesteuerten Lernprozess aufzuzeigen. Anhand eines entwickelten Online-Selbsttests für Studierende zur eigenständigen Einschätzung ihrer Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse im Bereich des methodisch-wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, der hochschulweit zur Verfügung gestellt wurde, sowie parallel erhobener Metadaten erfolgt eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirksamkeit von Online-Selbsttests. Die Ergebnisse dieses Beitrags tragen zur konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung dieses Instrumentes bei

    Development of Reacted Channel During Flow of CO2 Rich Water Along a Cement Fracture

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    AbstractLab scale experiments were performed to characterize how coupling between reaction and flow affect time-dependent flux of CO2-rich water along leaky wells. The core flow system applies confining stress to a cement core with a single tensile fracture while CO2-rich water is injected at constant rate and elevated pore pressure. Results show no significant variation in pressure differential, despite the development of a texturally distinct calcium depleted channel along the fracture surfaces which is bounded by thin rims of precipitation. Silicon rich material remains in the channel and prevents wormhole development and large increases in aperture. Implications for time-dependent CO2 leakage are that even with high fluid flux, the leak does not get appreciably worse

    A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins Diminish TGF-β1/Cigarette Smoke-Induced Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition

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    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) plays a role in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) can inhibit transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) mediated EMT. Although compartmentalization via A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) is central to cAMP signaling, functional studies regarding their therapeutic value in the lung EMT process are lacking. The human bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B) and primary human airway epithelial (pHAE) cells were exposed to TGF-β1. Epithelial (E-cadherin, ZO-1) and mesenchymal markers (collagen Ӏ, α-SMA, fibronectin) were analyzed (mRNA, protein). ELISA measured TGF-β1 release. TGF-β1-sensitive AKAPs Ezrin, AKAP95 and Yotiao were silenced while using siRNA. Cell migration was analyzed by wound healing assay, xCELLigence, Incucyte. Prior to TGF-β1, dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP), fenoterol, rolipram, cilostamide, and forskolin were used to elevate intracellular cAMP. TGF-β1 induced morphological changes, decreased E-cadherin, but increased collagen Ӏ and cell migration, a process that was reversed by the inhibitor of δ/epsilon casein kinase I, PF-670462. TGF-β1 altered (mRNA, protein) expression of Ezrin, AKAP95, and Yotiao. St-Ht31, the AKAP antagonist, decreased E-cadherin (mRNA, protein), but counteracted TGF-β1-induced collagen Ӏ upregulation. Cigarette smoke (CS) increased TGF-β1 release, activated TGF signaling, augmented cell migration, and reduced E-cadherin expression, a process that was blocked by TGF-β1 neutralizing antibody. The silencing of Ezrin, AKAP95, and Yotiao diminished TGF-β1-induced collagen Ӏ expression, as well as TGF-β1-induced cell migration. Fenoterol, rolipram, and cilostamide, in AKAP silenced cells, pointed to distinct cAMP compartments. We conclude that Ezrin, AKAP95, and Yotiao promote TGF-β1-mediated EMT, linked to a TGF-β1 release by CS. AKAP members might define the ability of fenoterol, rolipram, and cilostamide to modulate the EMT process, and they might represent potential relevant targets in the treatment of COPD

    Experimental infection of conventional nursing pigs and their dams with \u3ci\u3ePorcine deltacoronavirus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a newly identified virus that has been detected in swine herds of North America associated with enteric disease. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the pathogenicity, course of infection, virus kinetics, and aerosol transmission of PDCoV using 87 conventional piglets and their 9 dams, including aerosol and contact controls to emulate field conditions. Piglets 2–4 days of age and their dams were administered an oronasal PDCoV inoculum with a quantitative real-time reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR quantification cycle (Cq) value of 22 that was generated from a field sample having 100% nucleotide identity to USA/Illinois121/2014 determined by metagenomic sequencing and testing negative for other enteric disease agents using standard assays. Serial samples of blood, serum, oral fluids, nasal and fecal swabs, and tissues from sequential autopsy, conducted daily on days 1–8 and regular intervals thereafter, were collected throughout the 42-day study for qRT-PCR, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. Diarrhea developed in all inoculated and contact control pigs, including dams, by 2 days post-inoculation (dpi) and in aerosol control pigs and dams by 3–4 dpi, with resolution occurring by 12 dpi. Mild to severe atrophic enteritis with PDCoV antigen staining was observed in the small intestine of affected piglets from 2 to 8 dpi. Mesenteric lymph node and small intestine were the primary sites of antigen detection by immunohistochemistry, and virus RNA was detected in these tissues to the end of the study. Virus RNA was detectable in piglet fecal swabs to 21 dpi, and dams to 14–35 dpi

    Cleavage at a V(D)J recombination signal requires only RAG1 and RAG2 proteins and occurs in two steps

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    Formation of double-strand breaks at recombination signal sequences is an early step in V(D)J recombination. Here we show that purified RAG1 and RAG2 proteins are sufficient to carry out this reaction. The cleavage reaction can be divided into two distinct steps. First, a nick is introduced at the 5' end of the signal sequence. The other strand is then broken, resulting in a hairpin structure at the coding end and a blunt, 5'-phosphorylated signal end. The hairpin is made as a direct consequence of the cleavage mechanism. Nicking and hairpin formation each require the presence of a signal sequence and both RAG proteins

    A keratin scaffold regulates epidermal barrier formation, mitochondrial lipid composition, and activity.

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    Keratin intermediate filaments (KIFs) protect the epidermis against mechanical force, support strong adhesion, help barrier formation, and regulate growth. The mechanisms by which type I and II keratins contribute to these functions remain incompletely understood. Here, we report that mice lacking all type I or type II keratins display severe barrier defects and fragile skin, leading to perinatal mortality with full penetrance. Comparative proteomics of cornified envelopes (CEs) from prenatal KtyI(-/-) and KtyII(-/-)(K8) mice demonstrates that absence of KIF causes dysregulation of many CE constituents, including downregulation of desmoglein 1. Despite persistence of loricrin expression and upregulation of many Nrf2 targets, including CE components Sprr2d and Sprr2h, extensive barrier defects persist, identifying keratins as essential CE scaffolds. Furthermore, we show that KIFs control mitochondrial lipid composition and activity in a cell-intrinsic manner. Therefore, our study explains the complexity of keratinopathies accompanied by barrier disorders by linking keratin scaffolds to mitochondria, adhesion, and CE formation

    Ribosome-Targeting Antibiotics Impair T Cell Effector Function and Ameliorate Autoimmunity by Blocking Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis

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    While antibiotics are intended to specifically target bacteria, most are known to affect host cell physiology. In addition, some antibiotic classes are reported as immunosuppressive for reasons that remain unclear. Here, we show that Linezolid, a ribosomal-targeting antibiotic (RAbo), effectively blocked the course of a T cell mediated autoimmune disease. Linezolid and other RAbos were strong inhibitors of T helper-17 cell effector function in vitro, showing that this effect was independent of their antibiotic activity. Perturbing mitochondria! translation in differentiating T cells, either with RAbos or through the inhibition of mitochondria! elongation factor G1 (mEF-G1) progressively compromised the integrity of the electron transport chain. Ultimately, this led to deficient oxidative phosphorylation, diminishing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide concentrations and impairing cytokine production in differentiating T cells. In accordance, mice lacking mEF-G1 in T cells were protected from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, demonstrating that this pathway is crucial in maintaining T cell function and pathogenicity