82 research outputs found

    Optimal Reduction of the Ozone Monitoring Network over France

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    International audienceOzone is a harmful air pollutant at ground level, and its concentrations are measured with routine monitoring networks. Due to the heterogeneous nature of ozone fields, the spatial distribution of the ozone concentration measurements is very important. Therefore, the evaluation of distributed monitoring networks is of both theoretical and practical interests. In this study, we assess the efficiency of the ozone monitoring network over France (BDQA) by investigating a network reduction problem. We examine how well a subset of the BDQA network can represent the full network. The performance of a subnetwork is taken to be the root mean square error (RMSE) of the hourly ozone mean concentration estimations over the whole network given the observations from that subnetwork. Spatial interpolations are conducted for the ozone estimation taking into account the spatial correlations. Several interpolation methods, namely ordinary kriging, simple kriging, kriging about the means, and consistent kriging about the means, are compared for a reliable estimation. Exponential models are employed for the spatial correlations. It is found that the statistical information about the means improves significantly the kriging results, and that it is necessary to consider the correlation model to be hourly-varying and daily stationary. The network reduction problem is solved using a simulated annealing algorithm. Significant improvements can be obtained through these optimizations. For instance, removing optimally half the stations leads to an estimation error of the order of the standard observational error (10 ÎŒgm−3). The resulting optimal subnetworks are dense in urban agglomerations around Paris (Île-de-France) and Nice (CĂŽte d'Azur), where high ozone concentrations and strong heterogeneity are observed. The optimal subnetworks are probably dense near frontiers because beyond these frontiers there is no observation to reduce the uncertainty of the ozone field. For large rural regions, the stations are uniformly distributed. The fractions between urban, suburban and rural stations are rather constant for optimal subnetworks of larger size (beyond 100 stations). By contrast, for smaller subnetworks, the urban stations dominate

    Regional Arctic sea ice predictability and prediction on seasonal to interannual timescales

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    The fast depletion of the Arctic sea ice extent observed during the last three decades has awakened concerns about the consequences of such changes at hemispheric scales, and opened socio-economic opportunities such as maritime transport. This PhD project aims at investigating the sources of predictability and prediction skill of Arctic sea ice conditions at the regional scale. The first months have been dedicated to the investigation of the mechanisms behind the development of model systematic errors in seasonal regional predictions

    SoDeep: a Sorting Deep net to learn ranking loss surrogates

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    International audienceSeveral tasks in machine learning are evaluated using non-differentiable metrics such as mean average precision or Spearman correlation. However, their non-differentiability prevents from using them as objective functions in a learning framework. Surrogate and relaxation methods exist but tend to be specific to a given metric. In the present work, we introduce a new method to learn approximations of such non-differentiable objective functions. Our approach is based on a deep architecture that approximates the sorting of arbitrary sets of scores. It is trained virtually for free using synthetic data. This sorting deep (SoDeep) net can then be combined in a plug-and-play manner with existing deep architectures. We demonstrate the interest of our approach in three different tasks that require ranking: Cross-modal text-image retrieval, multi-label image classification and visual memorability ranking. Our approach yields very competitive results on these three tasks, which validates the merit and the flexibility of SoDeep as a proxy for sorting operation in ranking-based losses

    Summer predictions of Arctic sea ice edge in multi-model seasonal re-forecasts

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    In this study, the forecast quality of 1993–2014 summer seasonal predictions of five global coupled models, of which three are operational seasonal forecasting systems contributing to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), is assessed for Arctic sea ice. Beyond the Pan-Arctic sea ice concentration and extent deterministic re-forecast assessments, we use sea ice edge error metrics such as the Integrated Ice Edge Error (IIEE) and Spatial Probability Score (SPS) to evaluate the advantages of a multi-model approach. Skill in forecasting the September sea ice minimum from late April to early May start dates is very limited, and only one model shows significant correlation skill over the period when removing the linear trend in total sea ice extent. After bias and trend-adjusting the sea ice concentration data, we find quite similar results between the different systems in terms of ice edge forecast errors. The highest values of September ice edge error in the 1993–2014 period are found for the sea ice minima years (2007 and 2012), mainly due to a clear overestimation of the total extent. Further analyses of deterministic and probabilistic skill over the Barents–Kara, Laptev–East Siberian and Beaufort–Chukchi regions provide insight on differences in model performance. For all skill metrics considered, the multi-model ensemble, whether grouping all five systems or only the three operational C3S systems, performs among the best models for each forecast time, therefore confirming the interest of multi-system initiatives building on model diversity for providing the best forecasts.This study was partly funded by the H2020-APPLICATE project, EU grant number 727862. JCAN acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the personal grant Juan de la Cierva FJCI-2017-34027, PRACE for awarding access to MareNostrum at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and ESA/CMUG-CCI3 for financial support. PO work was funded by the Ramon y Cajal grant RYC-2017-22772.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Coupled Data Assimilation for Integrated Earth System Analysis and Prediction: Goals, Challenges, and Recommendations

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    The purpose of this report is to identify fundamental issues for coupled data assimilation (CDA), such as gaps in science and limitations in forecasting systems, in order to provide guidance to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on how to facilitate more rapid progress internationally. Coupled Earth system modeling provides the opportunity to extend skillful atmospheric forecasts beyond the traditional two-week barrier by extracting skill from low-frequency state components such as the land, ocean, and sea ice. More generally, coupled models are needed to support seamless prediction systems that span timescales from weather, subseasonal to seasonal (S2S), multiyear, and decadal. Therefore, initialization methods are needed for coupled Earth system models, either applied to each individual component (called Weakly Coupled Data Assimilation - WCDA) or applied the coupled Earth system model as a whole (called Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation - SCDA). Using CDA, in which model forecasts and potentially the state estimation are performed jointly, each model domain benefits from observations in other domains either directly using error covariance information known at the time of the analysis (SCDA), or indirectly through flux interactions at the model boundaries (WCDA). Because the non-atmospheric domains are generally under-observed compared to the atmosphere, CDA provides a significant advantage over single-domain analyses. Next, we provide a synopsis of goals, challenges, and recommendations to advance CDA: Goals: (a) Extend predictive skill beyond the current capability of NWP (e.g. as demonstrated by improving forecast skill scores), (b) produce physically consistent initial conditions for coupled numerical prediction systems and reanalyses (including consistent fluxes at the domain interfaces), (c) make best use of existing observations by allowing observations from each domain to influence and improve the full earth system analysis, (d) develop a robust observation-based identification and understanding of mechanisms that determine the variability of weather and climate, (e) identify critical weaknesses in coupled models and the earth observing system, (f) generate full-field estimates of unobserved or sparsely observed variables, (g) improve the estimation of the external forcings causing changes to climate, (h) transition successes from idealized CDA experiments to real-world applications. Challenges: (a) Modeling at the interfaces between interacting components of coupled Earth system models may be inadequate for estimating uncertainty or error covariances between domains, (b) current data assimilation methods may be insufficient to simultaneously analyze domains containing multiple spatiotemporal scales of interest, (c) there is no standardization of observation data or their delivery systems across domains, (d) the size and complexity of many large-scale coupled Earth system models makes it is difficult to accurately represent uncertainty due to model parameters and coupling parameters, (e) model errors lead to local biases that can transfer between the different Earth system components and lead to coupled model biases and long-term model drift, (e) information propagation across model components with different spatiotemporal scales is extremely complicated, and must be improved in current coupled modeling frameworks, (h) there is insufficient knowledge on how to represent evolving errors in non-atmospheric model components (e.g. as sea ice, land and ocean) on the timescales of NWP

    An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions

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    Global and regional ocean and sea ice reanalysis products (ORAs) are increasingly used in polar research, but their quality remains to be systematically assessed. To address this, the Polar ORA Intercomparison Project (Polar ORA-IP) has been established following on from the ORA-IP project. Several aspects of ten selected ORAs in the Arctic and Antarctic were addressed by concentrating on comparing their mean states in terms of snow, sea ice, ocean transports and hydrography. Most polar diagnostics were carried out for the first time in such an extensive set of ORAs. For the multi-ORA mean state, we found that deviations from observations were typically smaller than individual ORA anomalies, often attributed to offsetting biases of individual ORAs. The ORA ensemble mean therefore appears to be a useful product and while knowing its main deficiencies and recognising its restrictions, it can be used to gain useful information on the physical state of the polar marine environment.Peer reviewe
