8 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The correlations of diet, regular exercise, body composition, and the biomarkers in plasma and urine of the elderly

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    [[abstract]]The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship of diet, regular exercise, body composition, and the biomarkers in the plasma and urine of the elderly. Healthy and free-living older adults (n = 56, ages ≧ 60 years) voluntarily participated in this study. Based on gender and regular exercise time, the elderly were divided into four groups: high exercise males (n = 13), low exercise males (n = 13), high exercise females (n = 16), and low exercise females (n = 14). The habits on diet and exercise were recorded. The parameters including pulse rate, blood pressure, body composition, calcaneus broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), grip strength and single leg standing duration; plasma amino acid concentrations; urinary urea nitrogen, 3-methylhistidine (3-MH), hydroxyproline (HP), and calcium excretions, and urinary pH value were measured. The energy, egg, bean, fish and meat consumption, the right hand grip strength and the left leg standing duration of the high exercise males were significantly higher than those of low exercise males (p < .05). Within the same gender, there was no significant difference in body composition measurement, BUA, urinary excretions and pH value between the high exercise and low exercise groups. The plasma branched-chain amino acid concentrations of high exercise males were significantly lower than that of low exercise males (p < .05). Body mass index was positively correlated with percentage of body fat mass (r = .605, p < .0001), waist-to-hip ratio (r = .795, p < .0001), and triceps skinfold thickness (r = .692, p < .0001). Percentage of body fat mass was positively correlated with waist-to-hip ratio (r = .714, p < .0001) and triceps skinfold thickness (r = .973, p < .0001). Daily protein intake was positively correlated with percentage of body muscle mass (r = .284, p = .0337) and plasma BCAA concentrations (r = .320, p = .0174); and negatively correlated with urinary 3-MH excretion (r = -.311, p = .0196). There were significant correlations between the daily protein intake and left hand grip strength (r = .532, p = .0030), and right hand grip strength (r = .470, p = .0100) of the high exercise group, but not the low exercise group. Urinary calcium was negatively correlated with bone mass (r = -.433, p = .0009) and right calcaneus BUA (r = -.307, p = .0212); and positively correlated with urinary HP excretion (r = .389, p = .0030). Bone mass was positively correlated with left (r = .687, p < .0001) and right (r = .722, p < .0001) calcaneus BUA. There were significant correlations between the bone mass and left leg standing duration (r = .535, p = .0028), and right leg standing duration (r = .404, p = .0300) of the high exercise group, but not the low exercise group. In conclusion, with adequate intakes of energy and nutrients, regular exercise enhanced muscle strength and bone homeostasis in the elderly.


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    [[abstract]]本論文根據「文體風格」觀點,分析梁任公獨特的「新民叢報體」風貌.共分七章, 第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機與目標及其資料來源的情形. 第二章由梁任公生平事跡的探討來解析任公生長過程中所培養的人格氣質、企圖和文 章風格的形成或影響作銜接的工夫. 第三章析述「新民叢報」的成立過程、「名稱」的界定劃分,再據此探求文體肩負的 時代使命與意義. 第四、五章本論文部分,專對「風格」(style )一詞加以論述,分為內涵,形式二 方面.內涵方面從作品所包含的個人生命層次,與流露的群體情感、精神境界著手, 形式方面則專對描摩技巧的鑽研來呈現任公表現手法的獨特. 第六章談論新民叢報體魔力所產生的成果,說明它對後代的貢獻. 第七章結論部分,參考文人學者對新民叢報的評論,希望從毀譽參半中還給新民叢報 體一個持平而中肯的價值判斷.

    [[alternative]]The Fault-Tolerance Synchronization Strategy in Distributed Systems and Its Application on Web Environment

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    [[abstract]]Time synchronization is the topic of great importance in distributed systems. Many fault-tolerance related applications need time synchronization in their systems, for example, the message total ordering. Even for many non-fault-tolerance related applications, they also need to assume the system clocks in their systems are synchronized. So time synchronization is considered as one of the important parts of distributed systems. The problem of time synchronization has various aspects. In distributed systems, not only the different nodes have different times, they may also be running at different speeds. To synchronize the system clocks on various computers often require the reference times in different nodes. This job is completed through the communication network. So it needs to consider of the delay of communication network. Another fact to think is the possibility of faulty reference times. The faulty reference times will affect the precision of time synchronization. All the above problems are very important on solving time synchronization in distributed systems. In this thesis, we propose a time synchronization strategy on distributed systems, we use the "Sliding Window Algorithm" to ensure the correctness and reliability of time consensus. On the other hand, World Wide Web environment will become the major platform for distributed systems in the near future. In this thesis, we discuss the difficulties and problems to provide time synchronization on webs.In order to provide the capability of time synchronization on webs,we use the CORBA technology to solve the limitations on web, and develop a fault-tolerant time synchronization system called "Web Ticker".


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    [[abstract]]近來關於歷史教育的研究專文愈來愈多,唯技職院校內的歷史課程與歷史教學鮮少有人關注,本研究旨在探討高級職業學校歷史教學的議題? 在章節的安排上,本文除了緒論與結論外,共計四章,第一章擬先分析並建構高職歷史教育的目的、歷史學科的教學目標及其功能與定位?第二章主要在回顧戰後以來台灣高職歷史教育與課程的發展與演變,包括:歷年來課程標準的訂定、教學目標、教材大綱、教科書等,以資對高職歷史教學、課程作一番系統性的了解;並藉著國外高職歷史課程施實的情形,以比較台灣與國外現況之異同,以為台灣高職歷史教學實施之參考與借鏡?第三章繼而以問卷量表的普查統計來深入了解目前台灣高職歷史教育「教」與「學」的問題,檢討其缺失?第四章則從教育的觀點及歷史學科的學科觀點來研擬高職歷史學科的教學原則及其在教材與教法上的設計與運用,並藉由教學實驗以檢驗其成效? 根據本論文的研究可知,歷史學科對以職業教育為導向的高中生而言,有著極為重要的學習價值,然而自戰後以迄民國75年高職歷史課程全面實施,再到民國87年課程標準的改定,期間教學與課程問題弊病叢生,以致歷史教育成效不彰?為有效改進高職歷史教學的問題,需從教材教法上謀求進一步的突破,在教材上,專史主題教材能結合歷史與職科專業,符合學習需求、具有學習成效;教法上,合作學習能藉由「做中學」強化學習的感知,為培養自學能力、奠定終身學習的有利方式?

    Dynamic transfer partial least squares for domain adaptive regression

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    The traditional soft sensor models are based on the independent and identical distribution assumption, which are difficult to adapt to changes in data distribution under multiple operating conditions, resulting in model performance deterioration. The domain adaptive transfer learning methods learn knowledge in different domains by means of distribution alignment, which can reduce the impact of data distribution differences, and effectively improve the generalization ability of the model. However, most of the existing models established by domain adaptation methods are static models, which cannot reflect the dynamic characteristics of the system, and have limited prediction accuracy when applied to dynamic system modeling under multiple operating conditions. The dynamic system modeling methods can effectively extract the dynamic characteristics of the data, but they cannot deal with the concept drift problem caused by the change of data distribution. This paper proposes a new dynamic transfer partial least squares method, which maps the high-dimensional process data into the low-dimensional latent variable subspace, establishes the dynamic regression relationship between the latent variables and the labels, and realizes the systematic dynamic modeling, at the same time, the model adds regular terms for distribution alignment and structure preservation, which realizes dynamic alignment of data distribution difference. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on three publicly available industrial process datasets.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Transport Engineering and Logistic


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    Using salicylaldehyde and 4-aminophenyl ethanone as raw material, a Schiff base derivative 4-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino) phenyl ethanone was synthesized by the solid phase reaction method at room temperature. The structure of the product was characterized by elemental analysis and (HNMR)-H-1. The UV spectra, fluorescence emission spectra and fluorescence quantum yield of the title Schiff base derivative were investigated. The results showed that this Schiff base displayed superior fluorescence property. The ground state configuration of the title Schiff base was optimized by density functional theory (DFT) method at the B3LYP/6-311G level. After vibrational analysis, there is no imaginary frequency, which indicates that the structure is stable. Then the ground state configuration was optimized to the excited state configuration by the method of single excited interactions CIS. Based on the optimized structure for the ground state and excited state time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations were carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G level to predict the absorption spectra and the fluorescence spectra. The results show that the computed spectra were comparable with the spectra from the experiments. The relationship between the molecular structure and the fluorescence property of 4-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino) phenyl ethanone was also discussed. The results obtained may provide some theoretical guidance for the design of new fluorescence compounds.Using salicylaldehyde and 4-aminophenyl ethanone as raw material, a Schiff base derivative 4-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino) phenyl ethanone was synthesized by the solid phase reaction method at room temperature. The structure of the product was characterized by elemental analysis and (HNMR)-H-1. The UV spectra, fluorescence emission spectra and fluorescence quantum yield of the title Schiff base derivative were investigated. The results showed that this Schiff base displayed superior fluorescence property. The ground state configuration of the title Schiff base was optimized by density functional theory (DFT) method at the B3LYP/6-311G level. After vibrational analysis, there is no imaginary frequency, which indicates that the structure is stable. Then the ground state configuration was optimized to the excited state configuration by the method of single excited interactions CIS. Based on the optimized structure for the ground state and excited state time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations were carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G level to predict the absorption spectra and the fluorescence spectra. The results show that the computed spectra were comparable with the spectra from the experiments. The relationship between the molecular structure and the fluorescence property of 4-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino) phenyl ethanone was also discussed. The results obtained may provide some theoretical guidance for the design of new fluorescence compounds

    Analytical methods for sensing of health-hazardous arsenic from biotic and abiotic natural resources

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