730 research outputs found

    Solving the discretised multiphase flow equations with interface capturing on structured grids using machine learning libraries

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the following EPSRC grants: the PREMIERE programme grant, “AI to enhance manufacturing, energy, and healthcare” (EP/T000414/1); ECO-AI, “Enabling CO capture and storage using AI” (EP/Y005732/1); MUFFINS, “MUltiphase Flow-induced Fluid-flexible structure InteractioN in Subsea” (EP/P033180/1); WavE-Suite, “New Generation Modelling Suite for the Survivability of Wave Energy Convertors in Marine Environments” (EP/V040235/1); INHALE, “Health assessment across biological length scales” (EP/T003189/1); AI-Respire, “AI for personalised respiratory health and pollution” (EP/Y018680/1); RELIANT, “Risk EvaLuatIon fAst iNtelligent Tool for COVID19” (EP/V036777/1); and CO-TRACE, “COvid-19 Transmission Risk Assessment Case Studies — education Establishments” (EP/W001411/1). Also, the authors acknowledge the Innovate UK grant D-XPERT, “AI-Powered Total Building Management System“ (TS/Y020324/1). Support from Imperial-X’s Eric and Wendy Schmidt Centre for AI in Science (a Schmidt Futures program) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors state that, for the purpose of open access, a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license will be applied to any Author Accepted Manuscript version relating to this article.Peer reviewe

    Renormalization-group study of Anderson and Kondo impurities in gapless Fermi systems

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    Thermodynamic properties are presented for four magnetic impurity models describing delocalized fermions scattering from a localized orbital at an energy-dependent rate Γ(ϵ)\Gamma(\epsilon) which vanishes precisely at the Fermi level, ϵ=0\epsilon = 0. Specifically, it is assumed that for small ϵ|\epsilon|, Γ(ϵ)ϵr\Gamma(\epsilon)\propto|\epsilon|^r with r>0r>0. The cases r=1r=1 and r=2r=2 describe dilute magnetic impurities in unconventional superconductors, ``flux phases'' of the two-dimensional electron gas, and zero-gap semiconductors. For the nondegenerate Anderson model, the depression of the low-energy scattering rate suppresses mixed valence in favor of local-moment behavior, and leads to a marked reduction in the exchange coupling on entry to the local-moment regime, with a consequent narrowing of the range of parameters within which the impurity spin becomes Kondo-screened. The relationship between the Anderson model and the exactly screened Kondo model with power-law exchange is examined. The intermediate-coupling fixed point identified in the latter model by Withoff and Fradkin (WF) has clear signatures in the thermodynamic properties and in the local magnetic response of the impurity. The underscreened, impurity-spin-one Kondo model and the overscreened, two-channel Kondo model both exhibit a conditionally stable intermediate-coupling fixed point in addition to unstable fixed points of the WF type. In all four models, the presence or absence of particle-hole symmetry plays a crucial role.Comment: 44 two-column REVTex pages, 31 epsf-embedded EPS figures. MINOR formatting changes. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cross Section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV

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    The differential cross section for the gamma +n --> pi- + p and the gamma + p --> pi+ n processes were measured at Jefferson Lab. The photon energies ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV, corresponding to center-of-mass energies from 1.7 to 3.4 GeV. The pion center-of-mass angles varied from 50 degree to 110 degree. The pi- and pi+ photoproduction data both exhibit a global scaling behavior at high energies and high transverse momenta, consistent with the constituent counting rule prediction and the existing pi+ data. The data suggest possible substructure of the scaling behavior, which might be oscillations around the scaling value. The data show an enhancement in the scaled cross section at center-of-mass energy near 2.2 GeV. The differential cross section ratios at high energies and high transverse momenta can be described by calculations based on one-hard-gluon-exchange diagrams.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    Synchronization Landscapes in Small-World-Connected Computer Networks

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    Motivated by a synchronization problem in distributed computing we studied a simple growth model on regular and small-world networks, embedded in one and two-dimensions. We find that the synchronization landscape (corresponding to the progress of the individual processors) exhibits Kardar-Parisi-Zhang-like kinetic roughening on regular networks with short-range communication links. Although the processors, on average, progress at a nonzero rate, their spread (the width of the synchronization landscape) diverges with the number of nodes (desynchronized state) hindering efficient data management. When random communication links are added on top of the one and two-dimensional regular networks (resulting in a small-world network), large fluctuations in the synchronization landscape are suppressed and the width approaches a finite value in the large system-size limit (synchronized state). In the resulting synchronization scheme, the processors make close-to-uniform progress with a nonzero rate without global intervention. We obtain our results by ``simulating the simulations", based on the exact algorithmic rules, supported by coarse-grained arguments.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figure

    The promoter from SlREO, a highly-expressed, root-specific Solanum lycopersicum gene, directs expression to cortex of mature roots

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    Root-specific promoters are valuable tools for targeting transgene expression, but many of those already described have limitations to their general applicability. We present the expression characteristics of SlREO, a novel gene isolated from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). This gene was highly expressed in roots but had a very low level of expression in aerial plant organs. A 2.4-kb region representing the SlREO promoter sequence was cloned upstream of the uidA GUS reporter gene and shown to direct expression in the root cortex. In mature, glasshouse-grown plants this strict root specificity was maintained. Furthermore, promoter activity was unaffected by dehydration or wounding stress but was somewhat suppressed by exposure to NaCl, salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. The predicted protein sequence of SlREO contains a domain found in enzymes of the 2-oxoglutarate and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. The novel SlREO promoter has properties ideal for applications requiring strong and specific gene expression in the bulk of tomato root tissue growing in soil, and is also likely to be useful in other Solanaceous crop

    Success Factors of European Syndromic Surveillance Systems: A Worked Example of Applying Qualitative Comparative Analysis

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    Introduction: Syndromic surveillance aims at augmenting traditional public health surveillance with timely information. To gain a head start, it mainly analyses existing data such as from web searches or patient records. Despite the setup of many syndromic surveillance systems, there is still much doubt about the benefit of the approach. There are diverse interactions between performance indicators such as timeliness and various system characteristics. This makes the performance assessment of syndromic surveillance systems a complex endeavour. We assessed if the comparison of several syndromic surveillance systems through Qualitative Comparative Analysis helps to evaluate performance and identify key success factors. Materials and Methods: We compiled case-based, mixed data on performance and characteristics of 19 syndromic surveillance systems in Europe from scientific and grey literature and from site visits. We identified success factors by applying crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. We focused on two main areas of syndromic surveillance application: seasonal influenza surveillance and situational awareness during different types of potentially health threatening events. Results: We found that syndromic surveillance systems might detect the onset or peak of seasonal influenza earlier if they analyse non-clinical data sources. Timely situational awareness during different types of events is supported by an automated syndromic surveillance system capable of analysing multiple syndromes. To our surprise, the analysis of multiple data sources was no key success factor for situational awareness. Conclusions: We suggest to consider these key success factors when designing or further developing syndromic surveillance systems. Qualitative Comparative Analysis helped interpreting complex, mixed data on small-N cases and resulted in concrete and practically relevant findings

    Double Spin Asymmetries of Inclusive Hadron Electroproductions from a Transversely Polarized 3He^3\rm{He} Target

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    We report the measurement of beam-target double-spin asymmetries (ALTA_\text{LT}) in the inclusive production of identified hadrons, e \vec{e}~+ 3Heh+X~^3\text{He}^{\uparrow}\rightarrow h+X, using a longitudinally polarized 5.9 GeV electron beam and a transversely polarized 3He^3\rm{He} target. Hadrons (π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm} and proton) were detected at 16^{\circ} with an average momentum =2.35 GeV/c and a transverse momentum (pTp_{T}) coverage from 0.60 to 0.68 GeV/c. Asymmetries from the 3He^3\text{He} target were observed to be non-zero for π±\pi^{\pm} production when the target was polarized transversely in the horizontal plane. The π+\pi^{+} and π\pi^{-} asymmetries have opposite signs, analogous to the behavior of ALTA_\text{LT} in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering.Comment: Published in PRC (92.015207), nuclear experiment, high-energy experimen

    The European Union in the World — A Community of Values

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    These are momentous times in Europe. The Euro has been successfully introduced, the enlargement negotiations are approaching their climax, and the European Convention (“Convention”) is moving towards the drafting of a constitution for a new, continent-wide political entity. At the same time, unrest is manifest, particularly in two areas. On the one hand, many of our citizens, and not just the political elites, are dissatisfied with Europe\u27s performance on the world stage and are concerned about the maintenance of peace and security within the Union. In these areas they would like to see a strengthened, more effective entity-- “more Europe.” On the other hand, their disenchantment with the long reach of European Union (“EU” or “Union”) regulation in the first pillar area of economic policy is growing. The feeling of loss of local control over their destiny and a vague feeling of potential loss of identity within an ever more centralized polity is palpable. Here, they want “less Europe.” In the outside world, change is also the order of the day. The ice-sheet of bipolarity, which overlaid and hid the complexity of international relations during the Cold War, is breaking up at an ever-increasing speed and revealing a world in which two paradigms are competing to become the underlying ordering principles for the new century. The traditional paradigm of interacting Nation States, each pursuing its own separate interests, with alliances allowing the small to compete with the large, is alive and well, and its proponents like Machiavelli or Churchill continue to be in vogue in the literature of international relations and the rhetoric of world leaders. At the same time, there is a school of thought which points to the growing economic and ecological interdependence of our societies and the necessity for new forms of global governance to complement national action. It is also becoming abundantly clear that the concept of a “Nation State” is often a fiction, positing as it does an identity between the citizens of a State and the members of a culturally homogenous society. For both reasons, the concept of the Nation State as the principal actor on the world stage, is called into question. The experience of the Union with the sharing of State sovereignty is clearly related to the second paradigm and also to the EU\u27s firm support for the development of the United Nations (“U.N.”) as well as other elements of multilateral governance. It would hardly be wise to suggest that any foreign policy, and certainly not that of the EU, should be based only on this paradigm. Given the recurrent threats to security, which seem to be part of the human condition expressed by some as the “inevitability of war”--the defense of territorial integrity; action against threats of aggression; and resistance to crimes against humanity such as genocide--the ability to conduct a security policy based much more on the old paradigm of interacting interests will continue to be required. That the EU needs to develop such a capability will be taken here as a given. Such a crisis-management capability will be essential to the Union, but will be distinguished here from the more long-term elements of foreign policy, which can be thought of as being designed to reduce the need for crisis management in the context of a security policy to a minimum. The crisis-management area of policy will not be treated further here. The thesis of this Essay is that the same set of political concepts can serve as a guide to the future internal development of the EU and as the basis of such a long-term foreign policy. Furthermore, it suggests that neither should be seen in terms of the balancing of interests but rather, as the expression of a small list of fundamental values. The list is as follows: (1) the rule of law as the basis for relations between members of society; (2) the interaction between the democratic process and entrenched human rights in political decision-making; (3) the operation of competition within a market economy as the source of increasing prosperity; (4) the anchoring of the principle of solidarity among all members of society alongside that of the liberty of the individual; (5) the adoption of the principle of sustainability of all economic development; and (6) the preservation of separate identities and the maintenance of cultural diversity within society. These values can be seen as the answer to the question posed both, by citizens of the Union and by our fellow citizens of the world: “What does the EU stand for?” In exploring these values we should, however, remember that in the real world there will be occasions on which Realpolitik will intrude and the interest-based paradigm will prevail