235 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present study was to investigate thecomparison of effect of clove oil and 2-phenoxy ethanol for Channapunctatus and using values of serum biochemical profile and histological tissue studies ,to assess the effects of fish exposure to that anaesthetic:A total of 60 C.punctatus of 60.23±5.02g were divided in to five groups (12 fish per each):1st treatment as control (no anaesthetic),2nd 0.2ml/1 2-phenoxy ethanol ,3rd 0.3ml/1 2-phenoxy ethanol ,4th 30mg/1 clove oil and 5th 40mg/1 clove oil.Biochemical blood profile of C.puntatus were taken 15 min and 24 hrs. After Anaesthesia induction ,the factors used to evaluate the serum biochemical profile included the glucose (GLU), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB),total globulin (GLOP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP),serum Glutamic oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), histological tissue examination of tissue like gills ,ten minutes exposure to 2-phenoxy ethanol and clove oilcaused an increase in concentration of glucose and alkaline phosphatase 15 min after Anaesthesiainduction.Histological examination showed.Capillary ectasia of gill filaments immediately after clove oil and 2-phenoxy ethanol,showed  swelling of primary and secondary lamella .Twenty –four hours after anaesthesia ,no ectasia was observed .No histopathological changes were demonstrated in gills:Our result showed that The 2-phenoxy ethanol at 0.20ml/1and clove oil at 30mg/1 concentration may be used as an efficient and safe anaesthetic for Channapunctatus. Key words: Clove oil, 2-Phenoxy ethanol,Channapunctaus,Serum biochemical profile, histological examination of tissues

    Análise do perfil de liderança dos treinadores das categorias de base do futebol brasileiro

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    Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o perfil de liderança dos treinadores das categorias de base do futebol brasileiro. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário de identificação da amostra e a Escala de Liderança Revisada para o Esporte (ELRE), versão auto-percepção. Participaram deste estudo 109 treinadores com média de idade de 38,64 anos (± 10,33) e uma média de tempo de envolvimento na função de treinador igual a 7,05 anos (± 6,01). Os treinadores entrevistados advinham de quatro categorias: sub-20 (33 treinadores), sub-17 (28 treinadores), sub-15 (25 treinadores) e sub-13 (23 treinadores). A análise estatística foi realizada no SPSS versão 11.0. Os resultados mostraram que os treinadores se auto-percebem como sendo mais autocráticos e voltados para os aspectos de treino-instrução de suas equipes. Constatou-se que não houve diferença entre as percepções dos treinadores que trabalham nas quatro categorias de base coletadas. Em relação à forma de trabalho desses treinadores em suas equipes conclui-se que eles são autocráticos e mostram uma preocupação com a conduta educativa e de instrução, denotando preocupação com a melhoria do desempenho técnico, tático e motivacional das equipes. Conclui-se também, que os profissionais entrevistados mostram perfis de liderança semelhantes independentemente da categoria na qual eles estão trabalhando no momento.This study aimed to identify the factors derived from the real leadership style of soccer coaches. This study used a questionnaire to characterize the sample and the Revised Leadership Scale for Sport, real profile version, as instruments for data collection. One hundred and nine soccer coaches of youth teams participated of this research. They presented an average age of 38.64 years (± 10.33) and a direct involvement with coaching of 7.05 years (± 6.01). The interviewees were coaches of four age groups: under 20's (33 coaches), under 17's (28 coaches), under 15's (25 coaches) and under 13's (23 coaches). The results showed that the coaches interviewed perceive themselves as autocratic and orientated to training-instruction aspects as the main components of their leadership profile. The study also found that there were no statistical differences between coaches of the four age groups studied. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that, the real profile of leadership for soccer coaches in youth teams combines autocratic decision style and the technical, tactical and motivational performance of the team; and that the interviewed coaches have the same leadership profile independently of the age group they work with

    Cultural Orientations of sport managers

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    Various interpretations of sport management are cultural constructs underpinned by core assumptions and values held by members of professional communities. Sport managers world wide share common problems, but differ in how they resolve them. These universal differences emerge from the relationships they form with other people, and their attitude to time, activities and the natural environment. This paper examines the role of sport managers’ cultural orientations in the interpretation and practice of sport management. Using a multiple dimension model (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 2000) it sketches the cultural profiles of fifteen sport managers from seven countries. A combination of methods was employed including questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. It is contended that the culture of sport management concerns a social process by which managers get involved in reconciling seven fundamental cultural dilemmas in order to perform tasks and achieve certain ends. Thus, a knowledge of the cultural meaning of sport management in a particular country would equip sport managers with a valuable tool in managing both the cultural diversity of their own work forces and in developing appropriate cross-cultural skills needed for running international events, marketing campaigns, sponsorship deals and joint ventures

    Relação treinador-atleta e exercício da liderança no desporto: a percepção de treinadores de alta competição

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    Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados de quatro entrevistas levadas a cabo com treinadores de alta competição portugueses, onde se procurou recolher informações sobre as competências necessárias para exercer a actividade de treinador, os princípios e filosofia adoptada no trabalho, as principais áreas de exercício da liderança e os valores defendidos na modalidade e na prática profissional. Os resultados permitiram verificar um acordo quanto à importância de possuírem boas competências conceptuais e pessoais, princípios claros e aceites pelos atletas, boas condições de trabalho e atletas com qualidade para a alta competição. Paralelamente, foi evidente a complexidade de tarefas assumidas na orientação dos atletas (nove dimensões do exercício da liderança). Por último, é de salientar a importância dada à obtenção dos resultados competitivos (objectivo principal) em conjunto com a análise satisfatória do trabalho realizado e a valorização do desenvolvimento pessoal, tanto no treinador como nos atletas (objectivos “periféricos”).Coach-athlete relationship and leadership practice: the perceptions of four high level competition coaches. On this article we present the results on interviewing four high level competition Portuguese coaches. The aim was to look for information on the essential coaching competences, the working principles and philosophy, the main leadership exercise areas and the defended values on sports and professional practice. The results showed the relevancy of gathering good conceptual and personal competencies, clear and accepted principals, good working conditions and qualified athletes. Also evident were the complex tasks assumed on guiding the athletes (nine leadership exercise dimensions were found). Finally, it is essential to point out the importance given to obtaining sporting results (main goal) as well as the satisfactory working analyses and the value given to coaches’ and athletes’ self-development (side goals).(undefined

    Culture change in elite sport performance teams: Examining and advancing effectiveness in the new era

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    Reflecting the importance of optimizing culture for elite teams, Fletcher and Arnold (2011) recently suggested the need for expertise in culture change. Acknowledging the dearth of literature on the specific process, however, the potential effectiveness of practitioners in this area is unknown. The present paper examines the activity's precise demands and the validity of understanding in sport psychology and organizational research to support its delivery. Recognizing that sport psychologists are being increasingly utilized by elite team management, initial evidence-based guidelines are presented. Finally, to stimulate the development of ecologically valid, practically meaningful knowledge, the paper identifies a number of future research directions

    Passion in the Workplace: Empirical Insights from Team Sport Organisations

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    Although sport management scholars have focused on a fairly wide number of psychologically-related constructs in the workplace, passion has not been part of this research agenda. The present study is the first attempt to fill this gap by exploring employees’ passion in the workplace setting of sport organisations. It does so by applying for the first time the dualistic model of passion developed by Vallerand et al. (2003), which measures two distinct types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Online survey data were gathered from administrative employees in the United Kingdom’s football industry, responsible for either business-related functions or the clubs’ social agenda (N=236) in order to measure the passion experienced by individuals guided by different institutional logics. The particular instrument has two components: harmonious and obsessive passion towards the job. Besides the passion scales, the survey contained measures related to demographic variables (e.g., age, gender and education), to employment position in the organisation and to previous job experience. Data were statistically analysed in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and analysis of variance, using SPSS and Amos 18.0. To determine the effect of contextual variables on the passion for the job, t-test and ANOVA were also used. Both groups of employees are passionate about their job. They remain harmoniously passionate throughout their career and show low level of obsessive passion. The type of work activities influences both levels of harmonious and obsessive passion experienced by personnel within sport organisations with employees responsible for the social agenda being slightly more harmoniously and obsessively passionate compared to those responsible for the business agenda. Vallerand et al.’s (2003) dualistic model of passion has been adapted to measure passion at workplace within sport organisations. The particular working environment that forms these organisations attracts and/or facilitates employees to experience a positive work–life balance

    Understanding sport clubs as sport policy implementers

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    The original publication is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17430430802196553This article aims at developing a theoretical framework for analysing the implementation of sport policy, as it is conducted by voluntary sport clubs at grass root level. First, three options are presented and discussed: (i) a classical top-down implementation model, (ii) the governance theory of policy tools, and (iii) the Advocacy Coalition Framework. Second, the theoretical perspectives are discussed, and criticized for failing to take sufficiently into account the implementing body of sport policy, namely the voluntary sport clubs. In that respect, an alternative theoretical framework is suggested as a possible solution for analysing the implementation of sport policy; which is the translation perspective of neo-institutionalism. It stresses that, if elements of central policy influence the implementation process at the local level, it does so by the active import, interpretation and implementation of it in the local context. The autonomy of the local sport club in relation to central policy is reinforced by the fact that the activity in sport clubs is mainly done on a voluntary basi

    Transcriptional profiling unveils molecular subgroups of adaptive and maladaptive right ventricular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension

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    Right ventricular (RV) function is critical to prognosis in all forms of pulmonary hypertension. Here we perform molecular phenotyping of RV remodeling by transcriptome analysis of RV tissue obtained from 40 individuals, and two animal models of RV dysfunction of both sexes. Our unsupervised clustering analysis identified ‘early’ and ‘late’ subgroups within compensated and decompensated states, characterized by the expression of distinct signaling pathways, while fatty acid metabolism and estrogen response appeared to underlie sex-specific differences in RV adaptation. The circulating levels of several extracellular matrix proteins deregulated in decompensated RV subgroups were assessed in two independent cohorts of individuals with pulmonary arterial hypertension, revealing that NID1, C1QTNF1 and CRTAC1 predicted the development of a maladaptive RV state, as defined by magnetic resonance imaging parameters, and were associated with worse clinical outcomes. Our study provides a resource for subphenotyping RV states, identifying state-specific biomarkers, and potential therapeutic targets for RV dysfunction

    The role of emotions on consumers’ satisfaction within the fitness context

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    Previous studies have suggested that consumption-related emotions are important to understand post-purchase reactions. This study examines the relationship between fitness consumers’ emotions and overall satisfaction. After an initial step of free-thought listing and content validity, followed by a pre-test, a survey was conducted among consumers of five different fitness centers (n=786). The questionnaire included measures to assess positive and negative emotions, as well as overall satisfaction with the fitness center. The results gathered through a structural equation model provide evidence that negative emotion experienced by consumers impacts negatively overall satisfaction, while positive emotion have a positive effect on overall satisfaction. These findings suggest managerial implications, such as the need to collect consumers’ perceptions of both tangible and intangible aspects of the services, listen costumers’ opinions in a regular basis, and provide regular training to staff members, in order to identify the triggers of positive emotions and contribute to increased levels of overall satisfaction. Guidelines for future research within the fitness context are also suggested.Estudos precedentes sugerem que as emoções relacionadas com o consumo são importantes para compreender as reações dos consumidores após a compra. Este estudo analisa a relação entre as emoções dos consumidores de fitness e satisfação global. Depois de uma etapa inicial de listagem de pensamento-livre e validade de conteúdo, seguido de um pré-teste, foi realizada uma pesquisa entre os consumidores de cinco centros de fitness diferentes (n = 786). O questionário incluiu medidas para avaliar as emoções positivas e negativas, bem como a satisfação global com o centro de fitness. Os resultados obtidos através de um modelo de equações estruturais forneceram evidências de que as emoções negativas vivenciadas pelos consumidores impactam negativamente a satisfação global, enquanto as emoções positivas têm um efeito positivo sobre a satisfação global. Estes resultados sugerem implicações para os gestores, tais como a necessidade de recolher informação sobre a perceção dos consumidores dos aspetos tangíveis e intangíveis dos serviços, ouvir regularmente as opiniões dos consumidores e facultar formação regular aos colaboradores. Isto permitirá identificar os aspetos que desencadeiam emoções positivas e contribuir para o aumento dos níveis de satisfação global. Orientações para futuras pesquisas no contexto de fitness também são sugeridas.Sin financiación0.185 SJR (2015) Q3, 1090/1779 Medicine (miscellaneous); Q4, 177/229 Health (social science), 112/128 Sports scienceUE