521 research outputs found

    What do people with aphasia want to be able to say? A content analysis of words identified as personally relevant by people with aphasia

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    Background Word finding is a common difficulty for people with aphasia. Targeting words that are relevant to the individual could maximise the usefulness and impact of word finding therapy. Aims To provide insights into words that people with aphasia perceive to be personally relevant. Methods and procedures 100 people with aphasia were each asked to identify 100 words that would be particularly important for them to be able to say. Two speech and language therapist researchers conducted a quantitative content analysis of the words selected. The words were coded into a framework of topics and subtopics. The frequency with which different words and topics were selected was then calculated. Outcomes and results 100 participants representing 20 areas of the United Kingdom ranged in age from 23 to 85 years. Word finding difficulties ranged from mild to severe. The sample of 9999 words selected for practice included 3095 different words in 27 topics. The majority of words selected (79.4%) were from the topics ‘food and drink’ (30.6%), ‘nature and gardening’ (10.3%), ‘entertainment’ (9.4%), ‘places’ (7.3%), ‘people’ (6.7%), ‘house’ (6.5%), ‘clothes’ (5.2%) and ‘travel’ (3.5%). The 100 words types chosen with the greatest frequency were identified. These account for 27 percent of the 9999 words chosen by the participants. Discussion Personally relevant vocabulary is unique to each individual and is likely to contain specific or specialist words for which material needs to be individually prepared. However there is some commonality in the words chosen by people with aphasia. This could inform pre-prepared materials for use in word finding therapy from which personally relevant words could be selected for practice

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (April 2015)

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    In this second Collective Article with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea we present the evaluation of bony structures in aging of Barbus tauricus, otolith dimensions-body length relationships for two species (Trachinus draco and Synchiropus phaeton), information on the growth of juvenile Thunnus thynnus and of Ruvettus pretiosus, weight-length relationships for three species (Aulopus fiamentosus, Thunnus thynnus and Tylosurus acus imperialis) and data on feeding habits and reproduction of Aulopus fiamentosus

    Melting of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites.

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    Several organic-inorganic hybrid materials from the metal-organic framework (MOF) family have been shown to form stable liquids at high temperatures. Quenching then results in the formation of melt-quenched MOF glasses that retain the three-dimensional coordination bonding of the crystalline phase. These hybrid glasses have intriguing properties and could find practical applications, yet the melt-quench phenomenon has so far remained limited to a few MOF structures. Here we turn to hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites-which occupy a prominent position within materials chemistry owing to their functional properties such as ion transport, photoconductivity, ferroelectricity and multiferroicity-and show that a series of dicyanamide-based hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites undergo melting. Our combined experimental-computational approach demonstrates that, on quenching, they form glasses that largely retain their solid-state inorganic-organic connectivity. The resulting materials show very low thermal conductivities (~0.2 W m-1 K-1), moderate electrical conductivities (10-3-10-5 S m-1) and polymer-like thermomechanical properties

    Local structural distortions and reduced thermal conductivity in Ge-substituted chalcopyrite

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    Chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 is considered one of the promising n-type thermoelectric materials with high natural abundance as a mineral. In this work, partial substitution of germanium in materials CuFe1−xGexS2, (0.0 ≀ x ≀ 0.10), leads to an almost six-fold enhancement of thermoelectric properties. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) reveals that germanium is present in two oxidation states: Ge2+ and Ge4+. The stereochemically-active 4s2 lone-pair of electrons associated with Ge2+ induces a local structural distortion. Pair-distribution function (PDF) analysis reveal that Ge2+ ions are displaced from the centre of the GeS4 tetrahedron towards a triangular face, leading to pseudo-trigonal pyramidal coordination. This distortion is accompanied by lattice softening and an increase of the strain-fluctuation scattering parameter (GS), leading to a decrease in thermal conductivity. Phonon calculations demonstrate that germanium substitution leads to the appearance of resonant phonon modes. These modes lie close in energy to the acoustic and low-energy optical modes of the host matrix, with which they can interact, providing an additional mechanism for reducing the thermal conductivity. The weak chemical bonding of germanium with sulphur also leads to localized electronic states near the Fermi level which results in a high density-of-states effective mass, enabling a relatively high Seebeck coefficient to be maintained, despite the reduced electrical resistivity. This combination produces an almost three-fold improvement in the power factor, which when coupled with the substantial reduction in thermal conductivity, leads to a maximum figure-of-merit, zT ∌ 0.4 at 723 K for CuFe0.94Ge0.06S2

    New localities of the subendemic species Berberis croatica, Teucrium arduini and Micromeria croatica in the Dinaric Alps

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    New localities of three subendemic species (Berberis croatica, Teucrium arduini and Micromeria croatica) have been found in the Dinaric Alps. Berberis croatica was found at ten new locations, nine of them in Croatia and one in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Teucrium arduini was found on Mt Učka, Mt Velebit, Mt Biokovo and Mt SnijeĆŸnica, at nine new locations while Micromeria croatica was found at four new locations, only on Mt Velebit

    A rare leucine codon in adpA is implicated in the morphological defect of bldA mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor

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    Streptomycetes are mycelial bacteria that produce sporulating aerial hyphae on solid media. Bald (bld) mutants fail to form aerial mycelium under at least some conditions. bldA encodes the only tRNA species able to read the leucine codon UUA efficiently, implying the involvement of a TTA-containing gene in initiating aerial growth. One candidate for such a gene was bldH, because the bldH109 mutant of Streptomyces coelicolor resembles bldA mutants in some aspects. In the work reported here, adpAc, an S. coelicolor gene similar to the Streptomyces griseus A factor-regulated adpAg, was found to complement the bldH109 mutant partially at both single and multiple copies. The sequence of adpAc from the bldH109 mutant revealed a frameshift. A constructed in frame deletion of adpAc conferred a bald colony phenotype, and the mutant behaved like bldA mutants and bldH109 in its pattern of extracellular signal exchange. Both adpAc and adpAg contain a TTA codon. A TTA-free version of adpAc was engineered by replacing the TTA leucine codon with a cognate TTG leucine codon. The adpA(TTA→TTG) gene could partially restore aerial mycelium formation to a bldA mutant when it was followed in cis by the gene ornA, as in the natural chromosomal arrangement. This indicated that the UUA codon in adpAc mRNA is the principal target through which bldA influences morphological differentiation. It also implied that translational arrest at the UUA codon in adpAc mRNA caused a polar effect on the downstream ornA, and that the poor translation of both genes contributes extensively to the deficiency of aerial mycelium formation in bldA mutants. Unlike the situation in S. griseus, adpAc transcription does not depend on the host’s γ-butyrolactone signalling system, at least in liquid cultures. In addition, sigma factor BldN, which is the homologue of an S. griseus sigma factor AdsA that is absent from adpAg mutants of S. griseus, was present in the constructed adpAc null mutant of S. coelicolor

    Bayesian inference for the information gain model

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    One of the most popular paradigms to use for studying human reasoning involves the Wason card selection task. In this task, the participant is presented with four cards and a conditional rule (e.g., “If there is an A on one side of the card, there is always a 2 on the other side”). Participants are asked which cards should be turned to verify whether or not the rule holds. In this simple task, participants consistently provide answers that are incorrect according to formal logic. To account for these errors, several models have been proposed, one of the most prominent being the information gain model (Oaksford & Chater, Psychological Review, 101, 608–631, 1994). This model is based on the assumption that people independently select cards based on the expected information gain of turning a particular card. In this article, we present two estimation methods to fit the information gain model: a maximum likelihood procedure (programmed in R) and a Bayesian procedure (programmed in WinBUGS). We compare the two procedures and illustrate the flexibility of the Bayesian hierarchical procedure by applying it to data from a meta-analysis of the Wason task (Oaksford & Chater, Psychological Review, 101, 608–631, 1994). We also show that the goodness of fit of the information gain model can be assessed by inspecting the posterior predictives of the model. These Bayesian procedures make it easy to apply the information gain model to empirical data. Supplemental materials may be downloaded along with this article from www.springerlink.com

    DNA Methylation Signature for EZH2 Functionally Classifies Sequence Variants in Three PRC2 Complex Genes.

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    Weaver syndrome (WS), an overgrowth/intellectual disability syndrome (OGID), is caused by pathogenic variants in the histone methyltransferase EZH2, which encodes a core component of the Polycomb repressive complex-2 (PRC2). Using genome-wide DNA methylation (DNAm) data for 187 individuals with OGID and 969 control subjects, we show that pathogenic variants in EZH2 generate a highly specific and sensitive DNAm signature reflecting the phenotype of WS. This signature can be used to distinguish loss-of-function from gain-of-function missense variants and to detect somatic mosaicism. We also show that the signature can accurately classify sequence variants in EED and SUZ12, which encode two other core components of PRC2, and predict the presence of pathogenic variants in undiagnosed individuals with OGID. The discovery of a functionally relevant signature with utility for diagnostic classification of sequence variants in EZH2, EED, and SUZ12 supports the emerging paradigm shift for implementation of DNAm signatures into diagnostics and translational research

    Optimising care for patients with cognitive impairment and dementia following hip fracture

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    The global shift in demographics towards aging populations is leading to a commensurate increase in age-related disease and frailty. It is essential to optimise health services to meet current needs and prepare for anticipated future demands. This paper explores issues impacting on people living with cognitive impairment and/or dementia who experience a hip fracture and are cared for in acute settings. This is important given the high mortality and morbidity associated with this population. Given the current insufficiency of clear evidence on optimum rehabilitation of this patient group, this paper explored three key themes namely: recognition of cognitive impairment, response by way of training and education of staff to optimise care for this patient group and review of the importance of outcomes measures. Whilst there is currently insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about the optimal ways of caring for patients living with dementia following hip fracture, this paper concludes that future research should improve understanding of healthcare staff education to improve the outcomes for this important group of patients
