10 research outputs found

    De novo TBR1 variants cause a neurocognitive phenotype with ID and autistic traits:report of 25 new individuals and review of the literature

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    TBR1, a T-box transcription factor expressed in the cerebral cortex, regulates the expression of several candidate genes for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Although TBR1 has been reported as a high-confidence risk gene for ASD and intellectual disability (ID) in functional and clinical reports since 2011, TBR1 has only recently been recorded as a human disease gene in the OMIM database. Currently, the neurodevelopmental disorders and structural brain anomalies associated with TBR1 variants are not well characterized. Through international data sharing, we collected data from 25 unreported individuals and compared them with data from the literature. We evaluated structural brain anomalies in seven individuals by analysis of MRI images, and compared these with anomalies observed in TBR1 mutant mice. The phenotype included ID in all individuals, associated to autistic traits in 76% of them. No recognizable facial phenotype could be identified. MRI analysis revealed a reduction of the anterior commissure and suggested new features including dysplastic hippocampus and subtle neocortical dysgenesis. This report supports the role of TBR1 in ID associated with autistic traits and suggests new structural brain malformations in humans. We hope this work will help geneticists to interpret TBR1 variants and diagnose ASD probands

    Study of oral and written language of a population of children born very premature : clinical and electrophysiological aspects

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    Les populations d’enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s reprĂ©sentent 7% des naissances, soit 15 millions de bĂ©bĂ©s par an dont 40 % vont prĂ©senter des troubles neurodĂ©veloppementaux. Les Ă©checs scolaires sont surreprĂ©sentĂ©s par rapport Ă  des enfants nĂ©s Ă  terme et la lecture est alors constamment atteinte. Nous Ă©tudions, au sein d’un travail longitudinal en trois parties, leur langage oral puis leur lecture par les potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s. La lecture s’acquiert sur des compĂ©tences langagiĂšres et visuo-attentionnelles. Nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse qu’ils prĂ©senteraient des troubles moteurs Ă  minima, qui selon la thĂ©orie motrice de la perception de la parole, gĂȘneraient le dĂ©veloppement de la phonologie. Nous avons, dans une premiĂšre partie, au sein d’un PHRC national, inclus des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s de 3 ans pour caractĂ©riser et stimuler leur langage oral. Nous les avons randomisĂ©s en un groupe rĂ©Ă©duquĂ© (n=87) et un bras groupe non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ© (n= 78) (LAMOPRESCO 1). Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© l’efficacitĂ© de la stimulation courte et protocolisĂ©e sur des aspects sensorimoteurs du langage Ă  4 ans. Les enfants rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s ont une meilleure progression de leur score en phonologie (p=0.07), et des scores significativement amĂ©liorĂ©s en lexique de rĂ©ception (p=0.02) et de production (p<0.01), et en comprĂ©hension (p<0.01). Les scores de phonologie Ă©taient corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des scores moteurs, motricitĂ© fine et de latĂ©ralitĂ© (p=0.019). Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thodologie de PEV en lecture, avec des stimuli mots simples et contrastĂ©s dans l’hypothĂšse de distinguer la voie phonologique motrice de la voie visuelle. Les rĂ©sultats en DĂ©cision Lexicale et en Oddball, de notre population normative adulte (n=19) et enfants normo lecteurs de 12 ans (n=19), questionnent l’onde N170. La population d’enfants appariĂ©s dyslexiques (n=16) enregistrĂ©e a permis de confirmer les fluctuations maturationnelles de l’onde N170 et de sa co-construction avec l’onde P100 attentionnelle. Le couple P1N1 semble ĂȘtre un marqueur neuro dĂ©veloppemental prĂ©coce avant l’automatisation de la N170. Le dĂ©cours temporel positif de P1N1 est corrĂ©lĂ© (p=-0.51) pour l’ensemble des populations (n=48) de normo lecteurs et de dyslexiques Ă  notre paramĂštre de leximĂ©trie (VL). Au dĂ©cours de cette deuxiĂšme partie, la N170, apparait bien ĂȘtre la spĂ©cialisation et l’automatisation de la lecture experte, mais le couple P1N1 nous renseigne sur sa construction neurodĂ©veloppementale par le biais d’un probable effet top down maturationnel sur la P100. La position de la N170, est positive chez 56% des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s appariĂ©s (n=19) alors qu’on la retrouve chez 39% des enfants dyslexiques. En Oddball, la latence de la P300 mots cibles est corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la leximĂ©trie VL (r=-0.39) dans toutes nos populations Ă©tudiĂ©es. Pour la troisiĂšme partie qui est l’enregistrement par les PEVc de nos enfants de la premiĂšre partie, maintenant ĂągĂ©s de 8 ans, nous avons simplifiĂ© nos stimuli mots. Nous avons enregistrĂ© de nouvelles populations normatives : adultes normo lecteurs (n=26), enfants appariĂ©s de 8 ans normo lecteurs (n=18) et enfants dyslexiques (n=11). Ils se diffĂ©rencient tous, par les paramĂštres hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes de la N170. Dans le test de lecture en une minute (LUM), les enfants dyslexiques ont de moindres performances que les enfants nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s (p=.01), eux mĂȘme diffĂ©rents des normo lecteurs. En DL, le taux de bonnes rĂ©ponses et le temps de rĂ©ponse diffĂ©rencient les enfants nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s des enfants dyslexiques (p=.01). En Oddball, les enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s (n=8) se distinguent des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s (n=9) sur le plan comportemental par de meilleurs TBR et des TR plus longs (p=.01). Les enfants non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s ont une absence d’effet OB. Nous dĂ©montrons l’effet d’une rĂ©Ă©ducation Ă  4 ans en langage oral Ă  court terme qui modifie les stratĂ©gies de lecture Ă  8 ans. PrĂ©maturĂ©s. Langage Oral . Pev en lecture . Dyslexie. RĂ©Ă©ducation.Populations of children born very prematurely represent 7% of births, or 15 million babies per year. While death and cerebral palsy rates decrease in Western countries, nearly 40% of these children will present neurodevelopmental disorders. Among their difficulties, school failures are overrepresented when compared to full-term children. Reading acquisition is nonetheless very often achieved. We hypothesized that formerly preterm newborns would present minimal motor disorders which, according to the motor theory of speech perception, would hinder the development of phonology. In a longitudinal work conducted in three parts, we analyzed the reading of formerly very preterm newborns by analyzing their event-related potentials on the EEG. In the first part, within a national research program (PHRC), we included children born very prematurely and tested at 3 years of age to characterize and then stimulate their oral language. We randomized them into a re-educated group (n = 87) and a non-reeducated group (n = 78) (LAMOPRESCO study). The results showed the effectiveness of a short and protocol-specific stimulation program on the development of sensorimotor aspects of language at 4 years of age. Re-educated children showed a trend toward a better progression of their score in phonology and significantly improved scores in the lexicon in language reception (p = 0.02), production and comprehension Phonology scores were correlated with motor, fine motor, and laterality scores. In the second part, we developed a methodology of ERP during reading, with stimuli represented by simple and contrasted words in order to distinguish between the phonological motor way and the visual way. The results in two paradigms in ERP of our normative adult population (n = 19) and normal 12-year-old children (n = 16) concerned the N170 wave. This parameter of choice, which signifies the automatization of reading, allows us to confirm the “tuning” effect and to consider the importance of the stimuli. The recorded population of dyslexic paired children confirmed the existence of maturational fluctuations of the N170 wave and its co-construction with the attentional P100 wave. The positive time course of P1N1 was correlated for all populations of normo-readers and dyslexics at our leximetry parameter. The N170 appears to reflect the specialization and automatization of expert reading, but the P1N1 couple informs us about its neurodevelopmental construction through a probable “top down” effect maturation on the P100. The position of the N170 was positive in 56% of the paired premature infants (n = 18), while it is found in 39% of dyslexic children. In the oddball task, the latency of the P300 target words was correlated with the VL in all studied groups. This complementary result directs us to the importance of visual attention and working memory, especially in children born very prematurely during the specialization of neurons in reading. To achieve our third part, which is the recording of our first-time children, who are now 8 years old, by the cVEVs, we simplified our stimulus words. We recorded new normative populations: normal adult readers (n = 25), matched norma, reading children at 8 years of age (n = 22), and dyslexic children (n = 11). They were all differentiated by the heterogeneous parameters of the N170. In the one-minute reading test, dyslexic children performed less well than children born prematurely (n = 18), themselves different from normal readers. The correct response rate and the reaction time differentiated children born prematurely from dyslexic children. In the oddball paradigm, children born very prematurely but rehabilitated (n = 8) were distinguished from children born prematurely but uneducated (n = 9) at the behavioral lecel by better CRR and longer RTs. Non-rehabilitated children had no oddball effect. We demonstrate the effect of a 4-year reeducation program in short-term oral language that modifies reading strategies at age 8

    Étude du langage oral et Ă©crit d'une population d'enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s : aspects cliniques et Ă©lectrophysiologiques

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    Populations of children born very prematurely represent 7% of births, or 15 million babies per year. While death and cerebral palsy rates decrease in Western countries, nearly 40% of these children will present neurodevelopmental disorders. Among their difficulties, school failures are overrepresented when compared to full-term children. Reading acquisition is nonetheless very often achieved. We hypothesized that formerly preterm newborns would present minimal motor disorders which, according to the motor theory of speech perception, would hinder the development of phonology. In a longitudinal work conducted in three parts, we analyzed the reading of formerly very preterm newborns by analyzing their event-related potentials on the EEG. In the first part, within a national research program (PHRC), we included children born very prematurely and tested at 3 years of age to characterize and then stimulate their oral language. We randomized them into a re-educated group (n = 87) and a non-reeducated group (n = 78) (LAMOPRESCO study). The results showed the effectiveness of a short and protocol-specific stimulation program on the development of sensorimotor aspects of language at 4 years of age. Re-educated children showed a trend toward a better progression of their score in phonology and significantly improved scores in the lexicon in language reception (p = 0.02), production and comprehension Phonology scores were correlated with motor, fine motor, and laterality scores. In the second part, we developed a methodology of ERP during reading, with stimuli represented by simple and contrasted words in order to distinguish between the phonological motor way and the visual way. The results in two paradigms in ERP of our normative adult population (n = 19) and normal 12-year-old children (n = 16) concerned the N170 wave. This parameter of choice, which signifies the automatization of reading, allows us to confirm the “tuning” effect and to consider the importance of the stimuli. The recorded population of dyslexic paired children confirmed the existence of maturational fluctuations of the N170 wave and its co-construction with the attentional P100 wave. The positive time course of P1N1 was correlated for all populations of normo-readers and dyslexics at our leximetry parameter. The N170 appears to reflect the specialization and automatization of expert reading, but the P1N1 couple informs us about its neurodevelopmental construction through a probable “top down” effect maturation on the P100. The position of the N170 was positive in 56% of the paired premature infants (n = 18), while it is found in 39% of dyslexic children. In the oddball task, the latency of the P300 target words was correlated with the VL in all studied groups. This complementary result directs us to the importance of visual attention and working memory, especially in children born very prematurely during the specialization of neurons in reading. To achieve our third part, which is the recording of our first-time children, who are now 8 years old, by the cVEVs, we simplified our stimulus words. We recorded new normative populations: normal adult readers (n = 25), matched norma, reading children at 8 years of age (n = 22), and dyslexic children (n = 11). They were all differentiated by the heterogeneous parameters of the N170. In the one-minute reading test, dyslexic children performed less well than children born prematurely (n = 18), themselves different from normal readers. The correct response rate and the reaction time differentiated children born prematurely from dyslexic children. In the oddball paradigm, children born very prematurely but rehabilitated (n = 8) were distinguished from children born prematurely but uneducated (n = 9) at the behavioral lecel by better CRR and longer RTs. Non-rehabilitated children had no oddball effect. We demonstrate the effect of a 4-year reeducation program in short-term oral language that modifies reading strategies at age 8.Les populations d’enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s reprĂ©sentent 7% des naissances, soit 15 millions de bĂ©bĂ©s par an dont 40 % vont prĂ©senter des troubles neurodĂ©veloppementaux. Les Ă©checs scolaires sont surreprĂ©sentĂ©s par rapport Ă  des enfants nĂ©s Ă  terme et la lecture est alors constamment atteinte. Nous Ă©tudions, au sein d’un travail longitudinal en trois parties, leur langage oral puis leur lecture par les potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s. La lecture s’acquiert sur des compĂ©tences langagiĂšres et visuo-attentionnelles. Nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse qu’ils prĂ©senteraient des troubles moteurs Ă  minima, qui selon la thĂ©orie motrice de la perception de la parole, gĂȘneraient le dĂ©veloppement de la phonologie. Nous avons, dans une premiĂšre partie, au sein d’un PHRC national, inclus des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s de 3 ans pour caractĂ©riser et stimuler leur langage oral. Nous les avons randomisĂ©s en un groupe rĂ©Ă©duquĂ© (n=87) et un bras groupe non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ© (n= 78) (LAMOPRESCO 1). Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© l’efficacitĂ© de la stimulation courte et protocolisĂ©e sur des aspects sensorimoteurs du langage Ă  4 ans. Les enfants rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s ont une meilleure progression de leur score en phonologie (p=0.07), et des scores significativement amĂ©liorĂ©s en lexique de rĂ©ception (p=0.02) et de production (p<0.01), et en comprĂ©hension (p<0.01). Les scores de phonologie Ă©taient corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des scores moteurs, motricitĂ© fine et de latĂ©ralitĂ© (p=0.019). Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thodologie de PEV en lecture, avec des stimuli mots simples et contrastĂ©s dans l’hypothĂšse de distinguer la voie phonologique motrice de la voie visuelle. Les rĂ©sultats en DĂ©cision Lexicale et en Oddball, de notre population normative adulte (n=19) et enfants normo lecteurs de 12 ans (n=19), questionnent l’onde N170. La population d’enfants appariĂ©s dyslexiques (n=16) enregistrĂ©e a permis de confirmer les fluctuations maturationnelles de l’onde N170 et de sa co-construction avec l’onde P100 attentionnelle. Le couple P1N1 semble ĂȘtre un marqueur neuro dĂ©veloppemental prĂ©coce avant l’automatisation de la N170. Le dĂ©cours temporel positif de P1N1 est corrĂ©lĂ© (p=-0.51) pour l’ensemble des populations (n=48) de normo lecteurs et de dyslexiques Ă  notre paramĂštre de leximĂ©trie (VL). Au dĂ©cours de cette deuxiĂšme partie, la N170, apparait bien ĂȘtre la spĂ©cialisation et l’automatisation de la lecture experte, mais le couple P1N1 nous renseigne sur sa construction neurodĂ©veloppementale par le biais d’un probable effet top down maturationnel sur la P100. La position de la N170, est positive chez 56% des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s appariĂ©s (n=19) alors qu’on la retrouve chez 39% des enfants dyslexiques. En Oddball, la latence de la P300 mots cibles est corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la leximĂ©trie VL (r=-0.39) dans toutes nos populations Ă©tudiĂ©es. Pour la troisiĂšme partie qui est l’enregistrement par les PEVc de nos enfants de la premiĂšre partie, maintenant ĂągĂ©s de 8 ans, nous avons simplifiĂ© nos stimuli mots. Nous avons enregistrĂ© de nouvelles populations normatives : adultes normo lecteurs (n=26), enfants appariĂ©s de 8 ans normo lecteurs (n=18) et enfants dyslexiques (n=11). Ils se diffĂ©rencient tous, par les paramĂštres hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes de la N170. Dans le test de lecture en une minute (LUM), les enfants dyslexiques ont de moindres performances que les enfants nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s (p=.01), eux mĂȘme diffĂ©rents des normo lecteurs. En DL, le taux de bonnes rĂ©ponses et le temps de rĂ©ponse diffĂ©rencient les enfants nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s des enfants dyslexiques (p=.01). En Oddball, les enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s (n=8) se distinguent des enfants nĂ©s grands prĂ©maturĂ©s non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s (n=9) sur le plan comportemental par de meilleurs TBR et des TR plus longs (p=.01). Les enfants non rĂ©Ă©duquĂ©s ont une absence d’effet OB. Nous dĂ©montrons l’effet d’une rĂ©Ă©ducation Ă  4 ans en langage oral Ă  court terme qui modifie les stratĂ©gies de lecture Ă  8 ans. PrĂ©maturĂ©s. Langage Oral . Pev en lecture . Dyslexie. RĂ©Ă©ducation

    La dysphasie développementale (description et analayse des critÚres cliniques et psycholinguistiques du diagnostic de dysphasie au CRTLA de Rouen)

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    La dysphasie dĂ©veloppementale : Description et analyse des critĂšres cliniques et psycholinguistiques du diagnostic de dysphasie au CRTLA de Rouen. Introduction Les dysphasies dĂ©veloppementales concernent 7,4 % des enfants d'Ăąge scolaire. Elles constituent un problĂšme de santĂ© publique, risquant d'altĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement cognitif, et nĂ©cessitent donc un dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce. Leur diagnostic est difficile, aussi, plusieurs Ă©valuations verbales et non verbales ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s pour mettre en Ă©vidence des marqueurs linguistiques et cognitifs spĂ©cifiques permettant de distinguer les divers profils de dysphasies, et de les diffĂ©rencier des autres troubles non spĂ©cifiques du langage. L'objectif de notre travail Ă©tait la description et l'analyse des critĂšres cliniques et psychomĂ©triques du diagnostic de dysphasie. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thode : Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  partir d'une cohorte de 23 enfants diagnostiquĂ©s dysphasiques au CRTLA de Rouen entre FĂ©vrier 2009 et Mars 2011. Ces enfants, ĂągĂ©s de 5 Ă  7 ans 1/2 ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une Ă©valuation du langage oral par le BILO 2, des performances cognitives par la WPPSI III, et des Contraintes liĂ©es au langage par l'EC 2. Les corrĂ©lations entre les tests ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour dĂ©terminer les spĂ©cificitĂ©s des profils langagiers et cognitifs mis en Ă©vidence pour le diagnostic et la typologie des dysphasies. RĂ©sultats 15 garçons et 8 filles ont Ă©tĂ© inclus, Ă  un Ăąge moyen de 4 ans et 1 mois. Le diagnostic de dysphasie Ă©tait confirmĂ© Ă  un Ăąge mĂ©dian de 6 ans et 2 mois. 74 % des dysphasies Ă©taient de type phonologique-syntaxique, 8,6 % avaient respectivement une dyspraxie verbale et une dysphasie phonologique-lexicale. Les troubles phonologiques mis en Ă©vidence par l'Ă©preuve de rĂ©pĂ©tition de mots Ă©taient constants, et pathologiques (< - 1,5 ET) pour 78 % de la cohorte. L'Ă©valuation des contraintes montrait un dĂ©ficit dans la boucle audio-phonatoire etiou le traitement phonologique, avec des troubles des praxies bucco-faciales dans 61 % des cas. L'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des profils langagiers et l'association de plusieurs zones de fragilitĂ©s dans les contraintes Ă©taient des marqueurs fiables de Dysphasie. L'Ă©valuation cognitive montrait une dissociation significative entre les QIV, avec une mĂ©diane Ă  73, et les QIP avec une mĂ©diane Ă  101. Dans les troubles associĂ©s, 56,5 % avaient des troubles de motricitĂ© fine, 43 % des troubles des praxies gestuelles, 48 % des troubles attentionnels, 44 % des troubles du comportement, et 26 % des troubles visuo-spatiaux. La vitesse de traitement de la WPPSI semblait ĂȘtre un bon marqueur de troubles associĂ©s et reflĂ©tait les ressources de l'enfant. Les rĂ©sultats de la WPPSI et de l'EC 2 peuvent faire suspecter un dĂ©ficit dans la mĂ©moire de travail et les processus de traitement en lien avec les fonctions exĂ©cutives. Conclusion : Plus que la dĂ©finition d'un seuil pathologique, c'est l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© du fonctionnement linguistique associĂ© a de multiples contraintes qui constituent des critĂšres fiables de dysphasie. Le dĂ©ficit langagier est la rĂ©sultante de dĂ©ficits dans les processus de traitement intervenant prĂ©cocement dans le dĂ©veloppement l'enfant. Aussi, le repĂ©rage prĂ©coce associĂ© au dĂ©pistage de troubles sensorimoteurs par l'Ă©valuation des contraintes distales (praxies et attention visuelle) permettrait une prise en charge prĂ©coce pour favoriser les compensations mises en oeuvre avant que certaines compĂ©tences ne soient dĂ©finitivement fixĂ©esROUEN-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    CĂ©phalĂ©es primaires de l'enfant (enquĂȘte diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique sur une population de 49 enfants cĂ©phalalgiques)

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    La cĂ©phalĂ©e est un symptĂŽme frĂ©quent chez l'enfant. Les cĂ©phalĂ©es primaires rĂ©currentes sont parfois invalidantes. L'existence de thĂ©rapeutiques validĂ©es rend indispensable l'Ă©tablissement d'un diagnostic. Ce travail Ă©tudie les caractĂ©ristiques d'une population de 49 enfants vus en mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale pour cĂ©phalĂ©es rĂ©currentes et Ă©tablit un diagnostic selon les critĂšres de l'IHS modifiĂ©s en 2003, pour les 53 accĂšs dĂ©crits. Ses rĂ©sultats sont comparĂ©s Ă  ceux d'une Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e en milieu spĂ©cialisĂ© ayant utilisĂ© les mĂȘmes outils. L'analyse des rĂ©sultats et leur confronation aux donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature montre que la migraine est de loin la premiĂšre cause de cĂ©phalĂ©e rĂ©currentes avec 68% des accĂšs (N= 36) salon l'IHS. On peut recommander en pratique l'utilisation d'outils cliniques pour en amĂ©liorer la diagnnostic, en Ă©valuer le retentissement, et prescrire les thĂ©rapeutiques adaptĂ©es.ROUEN-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparative electrophysiological study of word reading in French: does the P1-N1 temporal window reveal a neurodevelopmental anomaly?

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    International audienceBackground: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) permit to study neuronal specialization during reading acquisition. The N170 wave was previously shown to be a surrogate of the fine tuning of reading in adults and adolescents as well. Aim: We analyzed and described the variations of the N170 wave as a function of French words with visual or phonetical similarities in 12 to 14 yearold dyslexic patients. We tested the validity and modulation of this effect by comparing different populations of normal and dyslexic patients of various severity. Methods: ERPs were recorded in seventeen dyslexic children with the same method as in normative populations in lexical decision. Stimuli consisted of frequent words chosen on the basis of near or far visemes and morphemes. Dyslexic children were compared to two control (i.e. normal readers) groups, one group of the same age (N=15) and one group of adults (N=17). N170 and P100 waves were analyzed, as well as interactions between both (i.e. P1N1) searched. Psychometric and language tests were also performed. Results were analyzed by ANOVA. Results: The results of sixteen patients are presented. All sixteen showed significant differences on all psycholinguistic items when compared to the two control groups. All groups (patients and controls) significantly differed from each other for all tests (F'(4;42)=119, 2; p<0.001). However, the heterogeneity of the ERP patterns in the dyslexic group rendered group averaging irrelevant. The N170 wave sometimes overlapped with the P100 wavelength, but was also found to be negative or absent in some patients. In the course of development, N170 variations seem dependent on characteristics of the P100. No correlation was found between the variations of the N170 and clinical measures. Analysis of the P1-N1 temporal course showed a tendency to correlate with reading speed for the entire study population, yet not reaching statistical significance. Interpretation: N170 variations during development and dyslexic pathologies are associated with P100 variations. The P1-N1 time course could reflect silent reading speed. The P1-N1 temporal course was linked with clinical measures in all three groups, which could reflect neurodevelopmentalyrelated variations of the heterogeneity of the N170 as well as a developmental pathology. Verbal stimuli permit us to test the N170 physiological heterogeneity during development but variations in response to easy tasks show low sensitivity of N170 as a marker of dyslexia

    Obstetrical and neonatal characteristics vary with birthweight in a cohort of 100 term newborns with symptomatic arterial ischemic stroke.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVES: Many questions remain regarding the mechanism of perinatal stroke. METHODS: In a series of 100 prospectively enrolled term neonates with symptomatic arterial ischemic stroke, we explored family antecedents, pregnancy and delivery conditions and clinical presenting features and distinguished features of the 50 larger infants with the remainder. Cardiac and cervical arterial imaging were performed in 70 and 51 cases. RESULTS: Previous fetal loss, first pregnancy, primiparity, twin-gestation, cesarean and traumatic delivery, neonatal distress, male sex and premature rupture of membranes were statistically more common than in the general population. Normal pregnancy proportion and mean birthweight were in the normal range, arguing against a vasculo-placental origin in the majority. Furthermore, there was an excess of large babies. The larger infants were more subject to suffer from acute perinatal events, with a trend for an excess of neonatal distress (p=0.065) and for more severe presenting features (p=0.027), while the lighter were more likely to have experienced longstanding obstetrical risk factors such as complicated pregnancy (p=0.047) and tobacco exposure (p=0.028). Cervical MR angiography showed an internal carotid occlusion in two babies, whereas echo-Doppler was always normal; in one case the two methods were discordant. Echocardiography was non-informative. INTERPRETATION: The data from this prospective cohort of neonates with stroke confirm that many obstetrical and perinatal factors are risk determinants. They also suggest that birthweight and gender may be biomarkers of two populations of neonates with different pathological mechanisms. MR angiography appears more sensitive than echo-Doppler for the exploration of the neonatal cervical vasculature

    MEF2C haploinsufficiency caused by either microdeletion of the 5q14.3 region or mutation is responsible for severe mental retardation with stereotypic movements, epilepsy and/or cerebral malformations.: MEF2C haploinsufficiency

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Over the last few years, array-comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) has considerably improved our ability to detect cryptic unbalanced rearrangements in patients with syndromic mental retardation. METHOD: Molecular karyotyping of six patients with syndromic mental retardation was carried out using whole-genome oligonucleotide array-CGH. RESULTS: 5q14.3 microdeletions ranging from 216 kb to 8.8 Mb were detected in five unrelated patients with the following phenotypic similarities: severe mental retardation with absent speech, hypotonia and stereotypic movements. Facial dysmorphic features, epilepsy and/or cerebral malformations were also present in most of these patients. The minimal common deleted region of these 5q14 microdeletions encompassed only MEF2C, the gene for a protein known to act in brain as a neurogenesis effector, which regulates excitatory synapse number. In a patient with a similar phenotype, an MEF2C nonsense mutation was subsequently identified. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results strongly suggest that haploinsufficiency of MEF2C is responsible for severe mental retardation with stereotypic movements, seizures and/or cerebral malformations

    De novo variants in TCF7L2 are associated with a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

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    TCF7L2 encodes transcription factor 7-like 2 (OMIM 602228), a key mediator of the evolutionary conserved canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Although several large-scale sequencing studies have implicated TCF7L2 in intellectual disability and autism, both the genetic mechanism and clinical phenotype have remained incompletely characterized. We present here a comprehensive genetic and phenotypic description of 11 individuals who have been identified to carry de novo variants in TCF7L2, both truncating and missense. Missense variation is clustered in or near a high mobility group box domain, involving this region in these variants' pathogenicity. All affected individuals present with developmental delays in childhood, but most ultimately achieved normal intelligence or had only mild intellectual disability. Myopia was present in approximately half of the individuals, and some individuals also possessed dysmorphic craniofacial features, orthopedic abnormalities, or neuropsychiatric comorbidities including autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We thus present an initial clinical and genotypic spectrum associated with variation in TCF7L2, which will be important in informing both medical management and future research

    De novo TBR1 variants cause a neurocognitive phenotype with ID and autistic traits: report of 25 new individuals and review of the literature

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    TBR1, a T-box transcription factor expressed in the cerebral cortex, regulates the expression of several candidate genes for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Although TBR1 has been reported as a high-confidence risk gene for ASD and intellectual disability (ID) in functional and clinical reports since 2011, TBR1 has only recently been recorded as a human disease gene in the OMIM database. Currently, the neurodevelopmental disorders and structural brain anomalies associated with TBR1 variants are not well characterized. Through international data sharing, we collected data from 25 unreported individuals and compared them with data from the literature. We evaluated structural brain anomalies in seven individuals by analysis of MRI images, and compared these with anomalies observed in TBR1 mutant mice. The phenotype included ID in all individuals, associated to autistic traits in 76% of them. No recognizable facial phenotype could be identified. MRI analysis revealed a reduction of the anterior commissure and suggested new features including dysplastic hippocampus and subtle neocortical dysgenesis. This report supports the role of TBR1 in ID associated with autistic traits and suggests new structural brain malformations in humans. We hope this work will help geneticists to interpret TBR1 variants and diagnose ASD probands.status: publishe