698 research outputs found


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    Several studies revealed that Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp, known as bay leaves, has the potential to be used as herbal medicine due to its active compounds including flavonoids. Herbal medicines are chosen to replace synthetic drugs which have side effects on health. However, some active substances of herbal medicines including bay leaves are less soluble in water and have low bioavailability to be absorbed by the intestine is low. A formulation into nanoparticles will provide more effective results. This study aimed to develop a standardized herbal medicine from the bay leaves extract in nanoparticle form with fine quality and efficacious in lowering blood glucose levels. The nanoparticle formulation was conducted using the ionic gelation method with chitosan- tripolyphosphate base and was designed into pre- and post-test-controlled group designs. Wistar white rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used as the experimental animal and grouped into a negative control group, normal control group, positive control (Glibenclamide) groups, and test dosages-induced control group. Fasting blood glucose levels were measured using an enzymatic glucometer and the AUC was analyzed based on the trapezoidal formula statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. The results showed that the bay leaves contained secondary metabolite including flavonoid with concentrations at 96%, 70%, 50%, respectively. The nanoparticles sizes were 1.48%; 1.62%; 1.50%; and 0.03%, respectively. The average particle size was 549.2 nm, and the zeta potential was -40.2 mV. Nanoparticle administration at a dose of 426.80 mg/kg BW; 213.40 mg/kg BW; and 106.70 mg/kg BW showed decreasing blood glucose levels when compared to the positive control group but not significant (P>0.005). The smallest dose of nanoparticle extract that lowered blood glucose levels was at a dose of 106.70 mg/kg BW. It can be concluded the nanoparticles form of bay leaves extract can lower blood glucose levels and meets the quality requirements

    Antibacterial Compound from Aspergillus elegans SweF9 an Endophytic Fungus from Macroalgae Euchema sp.

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    The antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens has become a serious health concern and encouragement to search for novel and efficient antimicrobial metabolites. On the other hand, endophytic fungi have great potential as a natural source for antimicrobial agents. The objective of this study was to isolation antibacterial compound from endophytic fungi of A.elegans SweF9. The fungus was stationarily cultured at 30°C for 12 days in potato malt peptone (PMP) medium, then extracted with ethyl acetate. The antibacterial activities of the extract were evaluated by agar well diffusion method against Gram-poitive (Bacillus subtilis and  Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacterial strains. The broth extract was able to inhibit the growth of E. coli, S. aureus and B. subtilis with antibacterial activity index compared to streptomycin sulfate were 84.6%, 91.6%, and 90% respectively. The active compound (1) was purified to yield amorphous white and identified using FTIR, NMR, and EI-MS analyses, revealed identified as (+) - epi-Epoformin. The compound showed an antibacterial activity index of E. coli, S. aureus and B. subtilis  bacterial were 38%, 45%, and 47%, respectively.  Based on these results endophytic fungi A. elegans SweF9 can be used as a new source of potential antibacterial compound


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    Combination Gel Formulation Extracts of Moringa Leaf and Red Betel Leaf as an Inhibitor of Acne-Causing Bacteria (Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus aureus)

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    The most common skin disorder is acne (Acne vulgaris) which is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs in the pilosebaceous unit. Infection can be caused by Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus. Moringa leaves are known to inhibit acne growth. Piper crocatum leaves are also thought to have antibacterial activity. The study aims to determine the effect of the combination of the two extracts in inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria, also tested the gel formula to meet physical and chemical parameters as well as stability to temperature and storage, also to test the acute dermal irritation against rabbit. Each extract with a concentration of 0.3%; 0.6%; 1.25%; 2.5%; 5%; 10%; 20%, incubated then measured the inhibition zone, then determined the minimum inhibition zone concentration of the two extracts to determine the lowest levels of the extracts which still gave antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria by the well diffusion method. The extract combination was formulated in a gel preparation with the excipients Carbopol 940, PG, Phenoxyethanol, TEA, CMC, and Aquadest. Antibacterial activity test for gel preparations used the well method with positive control Medi-Klin® gel. Then the formula evaluation includes physical, chemical, and microbiological evaluations. The results showed that the combination gel form had activity against P. acne and S. aureus at concentrations of 2.5% : 2.5%. The combination gel preparation of the two extracts also has synergistic effect in inhibiting acne bacteria. The formula can meet physical and chemical parameters and is stable to temperature and storage

    Formulasi Tablet Salut Teofilin Menggunakan Eksipien Koproses Pregelatinisasi Pati Singkong- Metilselulosa Sebagai Bahan Penyalut

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    Pregelatinized cassava starch (PCS) is a physically modified starch. The purposes ofthe study were to improve functionality of PCS with making coprocess composed ofPCS and methylcellulose (MC) by proportionally variation, which are 2:1, 3:1, and4:1, as well as to applied co-processed excipient that could retard the drug release ascoating material of theophylline tablet. Coprocessed excipient were characterized interms of morphology, particle size distribution, compressibility index, flow rate andangle of repose, thermal analysis, hygroscopicity, gel strength, swelling test, andmoiety analysis. Theophylline tablet that coated by PCS, MC, and co-processed PCSMCratio (4:1) characterized and in vitro drug release were made in chloride mediumof pH 1,2 and phosphate medium of pH 7,2. The characterization result of co-processedPCS-MC showed the improvement of functionality from PCS and synergismPCS with MC. Meanwhile, the result of in vitro drug release showed theophyllinetablet that coated by MC 1%, co-processed PCS-MC (4:1) 4% and 2% could retardthe drug release in both medium


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    ABSTRACT MOHAMAD CHAIDIR, 2016. ; RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF EFFICACY WITH STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 44 JAKARTA. Department of Economics and Administration. Study program Economy study, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, 2016. This study aimed to obtain data or facts that are valid and reliable about whether there is a relationship between self efficacy with students learning outcomes of State Vocational High Schools 44 Jakarta. Research conducted on students of class X (Class One) State VHS 44 Jakarta for 3 (three) months will be held from January to March 2016. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The total students of 68 students and the sample used by 55 people who are determined using technique of proportional (Proportional random Sampling). Instrument used to obtain data on the variable X (Self Efficacy) and Variable Y (Student Learning Outcomes) were measured using a questionnaire with likert scale. Data analysis techiques starts with finding regression equation Y=58,23+0,244X. Liliefors normality test results have produced Lcount = 0,731, and L = 0,119. It can be concluded that the normal distribution of data for L count Table (0,731) Ftabletable (4,03) then the regression equation was significance. Linearity regression test produce Ftable = 1,95, while F count = 0,65. Because F (0,65) T (1,67). Based on these results it can be concluded that there is a relationship between self efficacy with students learning outcomes on State Vocational High Schools 44 Jakarta. With coefficient determination by 7,57%. Variables learning outcomes determined by self efficacy, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between self efficacy with students learning outcomes. . Keywords : Self Efficacy, Students Learning Outcome

    Preliminary Exploration of Cyanobacteria in Peat Waters, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Cyanobacteria were formerly known as blue-green algae and are currently considered algae-like Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the bacterial kingdom. Lack of scientific information on the presence and distribution of cyanobacteria species in peat water habitats, particularly in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, which has extensive peat waters. This study aims to conduct a preliminary exploration as an initial action for further research on the diversity and distribution of cyanobacteria species in peat water ecosystems. The results of the study reported that 5 species of cyanobacteria were found to be present in the peat water habitat in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, belonging to the orders Chroococcales, Oscillatoriales, and Synechococcales. The cyanobacteria species found in this study include Microcystis sp., Chroococcus sp., Oscillatoria sp., Arthrospira sp., and Pseudanabaena sp. These findings indicate that further research needs to be carried out to explore, identify and isolate cyanobacteria from peat waters to obtain more detailed and clear data as a basis for optimizing the potential and benefits of cyanobacteria for sustainable life


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    Faktor manusia merupakan masalah utama di setiap kegiatan yang ada dalam berbagai bidang khususnya kehidupan berorganisasi. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya garis ketersinggungan atau interaksi antar individu itu sendiri, pada organisasi maupun pada teknologinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan, stres kerja, disiplin kerja, dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Boyolali, dan (2) menganalisis variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai di kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Boyolali. Sampel penelitian adalah sampel populasi yaitu seluruh Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Boyolali sebanyak 68 orang pegawai. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan dengan kinerja pegawai KPP Pratama Boyolali, (2) Ada pengaruh negatif antara stres kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai KPP Pratama Boyolali, (3) Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai KPP Pratama Boyolali, (4) Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kompensasi terhadap kinerja pegawai KPP Pratama Boyolali, dan (5) Variabel kepemimpinan mempunyai pengaruh yang paling dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai KPP Pratama Boyolali. Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Boyolali merupakan salah satu kantor pemerintah yang langsung berkaitan dengan sektor publik oleh karena itu peneliti menyarankan kepada : (1) pimpinan hendaknya mampu menggunakan jabatan dan kekuasaannya untuk mengatur bawahannya sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan, (2) diperlukan penghargaan baik berupa material dan non material agar pegawai menjadi termotivasi dalam bekerja sehingga mau memberikan hasil kerja yang terbaik bagi instansi, (3) disarankan untuk memberikan CCTV di masing-masing ruangan yang ada di KPP Pratama Boyolali sehingga pimpinan bisa memantau bawahannya apakah telah menggunakan waktu kerjanya sesuai ketentuan apa belum, (4) kompensasi, disarankan untuk dipertahankan bahkan bila perlu diteliti lebih jauh mengenai kinerja pegawai terhadap cara penentuan peringkat jabatan serta evaluasi jabatan, agar memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai merasa diperlakukan dengan adil yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kinerjanya, (5) Penelitian ini masih banyak kekurangan yang perlu dikaji ulang, sehingga perlu dikaji ulang untuk menemukan variabel lain yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, misalnya : lingkungan kerja, motivasi kerja, pelatihan kerja dan lain-lai


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran online dengan menggunakan materi termokimia di Google Classroom. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMAN 2 Tanjungpinang selama satu semester tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 2 sebanyak 38 siswa, dan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dilaksanakan selama dua siklus. Memperoleh data penelitian berdasarkan prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan Google Classroom untuk pembelajaran online dapat meningkatkan efek belajar siswa. Pada tahap pertama prestasi belajar siswa mencapai 42,1% dan tahap kedua mencapai 89,4%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan diketahui bahwa penggunaan Google Classrom dalam pembelajaran online dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Perekonomian Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Sistem Globalisasi

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    Globalisation is a part of human being. Until now, there aren´t succes for a nation without relation and assosiation to other countries. Indonesia hope, that globalisation can continue the national economic market system to the international level. What is our attitude to face it? what is the agenda need to be prepared? Preparing non market institution is a key toface globalisation and executing more effective diplomacy. Keywords:Globalisation, Economic market system