188 research outputs found

    Development of the commodity strategy: the case of sidel

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    The thesis will address the development of the sourcing strategy in Sidel, a manufacturing company that provides packaging equipment for liquids such as water, carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks, sensitive beverages like milk, and liquid dairy products. It is developed the sourcing strategy structure that characterizes every commodity, with a particular focus on the commodity execution process. Then, it is discussed a concrete case: the one of Nitro Dozers. In order to achieve the goal, it is used a systematic approach that focuses on different steps, from the Product overview and Spend analysis to the supplier assessment and benchmarking. After defining the commodity strategy, it be deepened the new supplier qualification process: it is required when the company decided to purchase from a new supplier. The ultimate goal of this dissertation is the definition of the purchasing strategy that meets the targets and mitigates the supply risk for the Company

    Pb9Cu(PO4)6O is a charge-transfer semiconductor

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    By means of density functional theory and constrained random phase approximation we analyze the band structure of Pb9Cu(PO4)(6)O (named LK-99). Our data show that the lead-phosphate apatite LK-99 in the proposed Cu-doped structure is a semiconductor with a predominant charge-transfer nature, a result incompatible with a superconducting behavior. In order to understand the interesting electronic and magnetic properties of this compound, it will be necessary to study the actual response to doping, the possibility of alternative structural and stoichiometric (dis)order, and to clarify the magnetic interactions as well as their impact on the electronic structure

    Desatar, desnudar… reanudar

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    This paper discusses how the construction of the feminist subject in Latin America opens up new theoretical approaches through which to analyze the experiences undergone by women under the dictatorships of the Southern Cone. If we can talk about gender violence in these dictatorships today it is because feminism has created a space where collective enunciation assumes the existence of a subject who is capable of politicizing her experience and thus of opening up a field of debate with other social actors about the meanings of these experiences. To develop this idea, I have constructed an argument centered on the three verbs used by the feminist movement in Latin America during the celebration of its thirtieth year: to untie, to unfold, and to re-entangle. My aim is to show that certain categories that are perceived as neutral by the hegemonic culture may not be when the social experience of women – read from a feminist perspective – enters the public debate. Thus, I hope to bring to the fore dissonant aspects and hidden meanings that have been concealed up until now.El articulo analiza cómo la constitución del sujeto feminista en América Latina posibilita una lectura de la experiencia de las mujeres en las dictaduras del Cono Sur desde nuevas perspectivas teóricas. Si hoy podemos hablar de violencia de género en las dictaduras del Cono Sur es porque desde el feminismo se ha creado el espacio de enunciación colectivo que supone la existencia de un sujeto capaz de politizar su experiencia y abrir campos de disputa con otros actores acerca del sentido de esas experiencias. Para hacer ese recorrido se toman tres verbos que convocaron la conmemoración de los 30 años de feminismo en América Latina: desatar, desnudar y reanudar, con la intención de mostrar que cuando la experiencia social de las mujeres leída desde el feminismo, ingresa en el debate público, todas las categorías asumidas como neutras por la cultura hegemónica, son interpeladas, mostrando, entonces, espesores y disonancias, hasta entonces desconocidos.

    Quantizzazione canonica del campo gravitazionale

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    Si mostra il tentativo di costruzione di una teoria quantistica del campo gravitazionale attraverso il metodo di Dirac come originariamente presentato da DeWitt nel 1967. A tal fine, si discutono i sistemi hamiltoniani vincolati e in particolare quelli generalmente covarianti, per le analogie formali che questi presentano con la Relatività Generale. Il programma di quantizzazione è presentato dopo aver introdotto il formalismo geometrico che permette di scrivere l'azione ADM del campo gravitazionale, la quale costituisce il punto di partenza per lo sviluppo della teoria quantistica. Enfasi particolare è posta sul problema del tempo e sul ruolo della covarianza generale

    The Mott transition in the 5d1^1 compound Ba2_2NaOsO6:_6: a DFT+DMFT study with PAW non-collinear projectors

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    Spin-orbit coupling has been reported to be responsible for the insulating nature of the 5d1^1 osmate double perovskite Ba2_2NaOsO6_6 (BNOO). However, whether spin-orbit coupling indeed drives the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in this compound is an open question. In this work we investigate the impact of relativistic effects on the electronic properties of BNOO via density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory calculations in the paramagnetic regime, where the insulating phase is experimentally observed. The correlated subspace is modeled with non-collinear projectors of the projector augumented wave method (PAW) employed in the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package (VASP), suitably interfaced with the TRIQS package. The inclusion of PAW non-collinear projectors in TRIQS enables the treatment of spin-orbit coupling effects fully ab-initio within the dynamical mean-field theory framework. In the present work, we show that spin-orbit coupling, although assisting the MIT in BNOO, is not the main driving force for its gapped spectra, placing this material in the Mott insulator regime. Relativistic effects primarily impact the correlated states' character, excitations, and magnetic ground-state properties

    Retraction of Published Research

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    retraction NOUN 1. the action of drawing something back or back in. “The pilot retracted the airplane’s landing gear.” 2. a withdrawal of a statement, accusation, or undertaking. “The hospital retracted its job offer after learning that the applicant never graduated medical school.

    Diálogo de mulheres de fronteira no contexto da universidade popular dos movimentos sociais: novas metodologias e agendas

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    A atuação dos movimentos sociais pode ser sentida em vários lugares do mundo intervindo nas mais diversas esferas: local, nacional ou internacional. O movimento de mulheres e a fronteira se insere neste contexto de disputas de significados, agendas e novas metodologias de diálogos e troca de experiências. Estas trocas podem dar-se a partir de uma perspectiva decolonial com agendas pautadas a partir das autonomias: do corpo, econômica, política e territoriais. A metodologia consiste no intercambio de saberes acadêmico e popular por meio da ecologia de saberes empregada a partir da Universidade Popular dos Movimentos Sociais (UPMS). Neste trabalho propomos discutir o processo da UPMS a partir do diálogo de mulheres de fronteira e para isto faremos a discussão deste processo a partir de três pontos neste artigo: 1) contextualização da geopolítica mundial e latino-americana, 2) construção de novas pedagogias e epistemologias a partir do diálogo e 3) a experiência da Universidade Popular dos Movimentos Sociais: mulheres em diálogo de fronteira.Palavras-chave: Movimentos sociais. Feminismo. Mulheres. Ecologia de saberes.Border women's dialogue in the popular university of social movements context: new methologies and agendas.AbstractThe activities of social movements have an impact in several places of the world intervening in the most diverse spheres: local, national or international. The women's movement and the border are inserted in this context of disputes of meanings, agendas and new dialogue's methodologies and exchange of experiences. These exchanges can take place from a decolonial perspective with agendas based on the autonomies: of the body, economic, political and territorial. The methodology consists of the exchange of academic and popular knowledge through the ecology of knowledges employed by the Popular University of Social Movements (UPMS). In this article, we propose to discuss the UPMS' process from the border women's dialogue point of view and for this propose we divide this article in three parts: 1) contextualization of global and Latin American geopolitics, 2) construction of new pedagogies and epistemologies through dialogue and 3) the Popular University of Social Movements’ experience: women in border’s dialogue.Key words: Social movements. Feminism. Women. Ecology of knowledge

    Le techno-complexe hoabinhien en Asie du Sud-est continentale : L’histoire d’un galet qui cache la forêt

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    The prehistory of Southeast Asia is characterized by some chaînes opératoires which are still not very well known or poorly described. This lack of knowledge comes on the geographical remoteness of these tropical regions with respect to Western prehistoric problems developed during the past two centuries. The prehistory of the Far East is complex, original, surprising because on the sidelines of major technical lineages elsewhere known to the relevant period, the one of anatomically modern human advent. This regional prehistory of about 2 million km2, which is called Peninsular or Continental Southeast Asia, refers to the development of a science in motion whose construction is still relevant. In colliding with the classic thesis of evolution and technical progress, the Hoabinhian shakes the rules and landmarks in prehistory. It is located at the antipodes of the classical model (Eurasian, African) of development of the stone tools according to the improvement and gradual lightening of the tool-kit, from the pebble culture until the Neolithic. Our reflection is precisely on this singularity, about a unique technical phenomenon that remains difficult to place on the evolutionary axis of industries as it exists elsewhere in the world or in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan). The regularity and homogeneity of cobble-based tool shapes in a vast area and for a record length of nearly 30,000 years are the main features of this unorthodox technocomplex that questions the cognitive capacity of Homo sapiens in a wet tropical ecosystem. But we also question the nature of the existing links between prehistoric men and their lithic productions, and the role played by knapped stone techniques during the human development in this region away from Europe. To this monotonous longevity of pebble-based tools is added the absence of pointed lithic tools (tips, apical ends, tool with converging salient edges, etc.) as they are found everywhere else in hunter-gatherer groups, whether from the Upper Palaeolithic or historical times.This is why the stability of these pebble-based tools would hide a whole range of complexity unknown to the technical field such as the elusive activities relating to the transformation of hard animal materials but also of vegetable materials not preserved in archaeological context. The thought process from the mineral towards the question of the vegetal sends back the need to complete the "toolbox" of Hoabinhian prehistoric artisans with sharp objects. Known to date only through the ethnographic data, the "vegetal civilization" leads naturally to reflect on the importance of this perishable material in the tool-kit of the last hunter-gatherers from the Upper Pleistocene rain forest in continental Southeast Asia. In other words, the possibility of another technical existence in equilibrium with the external environment.After having highlighted the originality of Hoabinhian cultural phenomenon compared with impact of research in paleoanthropology and prehistory in the Southeast Asia regions, this paper will present from a strictly qualitative point of view the main chaînes opératoires that are present within the Hoabinhian techno-complex, a regional variant that characterizes the main culture of Southeast Asia Final Paleolithic hunters-gatherers between about 30 000 and 5 000 years BP. More generally, details will be provided on the informative incompleteness of the lithic phenomenon as archaeological data and, also, on its overcoming as a phenomenon. It will therefore be a question of rethinking the reverse of the lithic-lignic dialectic, that is to say the vegetable objects forever extinguished, in the light of stone tools, the only preserved markers of time, technique, space and absence.La préhistoire du Sud-est asiatique se caractérise par un matériel lithique dont les chaînes opératoires restent encore peu connues ou mal décrites. Cette méconnaissance s’explique par l’éloignement géographique de ces régions tropicales vis à vis des problématiques préhistoriques occidentales développées depuis maintenant deux siècles. La préhistoire de l’Extrême-Orient est complexe, originale, surprenante parfois paradoxale car en marge des grandes lignées techniques connues ailleurs pour la période concernée, celle qui a vu l’avènement de l’Homme anatomiquement moderne. Cette préhistoire régionale d’environ 2 millions de km2 que l’on nomme l’Asie du Sud-est péninsulaire ou continentale renvoie à l’élaboration d’une science en mouvement dont la construction est toujours d’actualité. En se heurtant à la thèse classique de l’évolution comme à celle du progrès technique, le Hoabinhien bouscule les règles et les repères en préhistoire. Il se situe aux antipodes du modèle classique (Eurasiatique, Africain) de développement des outils de pierre selon l’enrichissement et l’allègement progressif de l’outillage depuis la pebble culture jusqu’au Néolithique. C’est précisément sur cette singularité que porte notre réflexion à propos d’un phénomène technique unique qui reste difficile à positionner sur l’axe évolutif des industries tel qu’il existe ailleurs dans le monde ou en Asie de l’Est (Chine, Corée, Japon). La régularité et l’homogénéité des formes d’outils façonnées sur galet dans un vaste espace et sur une durée record de près de 30 000 ans sont les caractéristiques principales de ce technocomplexe peu orthodoxe qui interroge la capacité cognitive d’Homo sapiens en écosystème tropical humide. Mais aussi, la question de la nature des liens existants entre l’homme et ses productions lithiques ou la place occupée par la technique de la pierre taillée lors du développement humain dans cette région hors d’Europe.A cette monotone pérennité d’outils sur galet se greffe l’absence d’outils lithiques pointus (pointe, extrémité apicale, outil à bords saillants convergents, etc.) tels qu’ils se rencontrent partout ailleurs chez les groupes de chasseurs-cueilleurs qu’ils soient du Paléolithique supérieur ou (sub-)actuels.C’est pourquoi la stabilité de ces outillages sur galet cacherait tout un pan de complexité inconnu du domaine technique comme l’insaisissable travail des matières dures d’origine animale mais surtout végétale non conservées à ce jour dans les niveaux archéologiques. Le cheminement du minéral vers la question du végétal renvoie à la nécessité de compléter la « boîte à outils » des artisans préhistoriques hoabinhiens par des objets pointus. Connue à ce jour qu’à travers les données de l’ethnographie, la « civilisation du végétal » conduit tout naturellement à réfléchir sur l’importance de ce matériau périssable dans le bagage outillé des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs de la forêt tropicale d’Asie du Sud-est continentale. Autrement dit, la possibilité d’une autre existence technique en équilibre avec le milieu extérieur.Après avoir mis en avant l’originalité du phénomène culturel hoabinhien au regard de l’impact de la recherche en préhistoire et en paléoanthropologie dans les régions du Sud-est asiatique, cet article présentera d’un point de vue strictement qualitatif, les chaînes opératoires du techno-complexe hoabinhien. Faciès industriel sur galet qui caractérise la principale culture technique des chasseurs-cueilleurs du Paléolithique final d’Asie du Sud-est entre environ 30 000 et 5 000 ans BP. Plus largement des précisions seront apportées d’une part sur l’inachèvement informatif du phénomène lithique en tant que donnée archéologique et d’autre part, sur son dépassement en tant que phénomène. Il s’agira donc de repenser l’envers de la dialectique lithique-lignic c’est-à-dire les objets du végétal à jamais disparus, à la lumière des objets de pierre taillée seuls conservés comme marqueurs de temps, de technique, d'espace et d’absence

    JĂłvenes y adultos en Uruguay : cercanĂ­as y distancias

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    gráfs., tablasEste trabajo presenta los resultados en Uruguay de una encuesta realizada en 2008, de carácter regional, aplicada simultáneamente en 6 países a la población mayor de 18 años de cada país, haciendo foco en la percepción de los jóvenes y sus demandas específicas. La coordinación nacional del proyecto estuvo a cargo de Lilián Celiberti (Cotidiano Mujer) y Verónica Filardo (GEUG-FCS-UDELAR).Introducción -- Capítulo 1. Perfil de los entrevistados -- Capítulo 2. Juventud, trabajo y transición a la adultez -- Capítulo 3. Las juventudes en Uruguay -- Capítulo 4. Valores, sociabilidad y participación social -- Capítulo 5. Demandas -- Capítulo 6. Políticas públicas para jóvenes -- Capítulo 7. Integración sudamericana -- Bibliografía -- Anexo

    Feminist Movements and the Gender Economic Agenda in Latin America

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    In Latin America, the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing represents a milestone in the history of the feminist and women's movements. Twenty years have passed and despite important achievements in gender equality, for issues of economic equality the results are still meagre and there remains a long road ahead in the fields of employment, access to resources, and social protection for women. Unsurprisingly, it is in economic matters that the feminist and women's movements have renewed their themes and strategies. This article identifies a gender economic agenda that is broad in its transformative scope and in its determination to challenge core aspects of the current economic and social organisation. This broad perspective is a direct legacy of the Beijing Platform for Action but expands a step beyond as it incorporates new challenges for bringing gender justice by questioning the current ways of production and consumption
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