200 research outputs found

    Clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral en trabajadores administrativos de la dirección regional de salud Apurímac, Abancay, 2022

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    La investigación que se desarrolló consideró como objetivo principal, determinar la correlación que existe entre el clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral. El estudio corresponde al tipo básico, el diseño es no experimental con alcance descriptivo correlacional y de corte transversal. La población fue de 180 trabajado res nombrados de los cuales ser obtuvo una muestra de 123 trabajadores nombrados de la DIRESA, el instrumento fue el cuestionario debidamente validado y sometido a prueba de confiabilidad. En los resultados descriptivos se indica que un 60,4% considera regular al clima organizacional, así mismo la satisfacción laboral está considerada como regulador de los resultados institucionales. Se concluye que el clima organizacional se relaciona moderadamente con la satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores nombrados de la DIRESA El valor r =0,775 y el P-valor obtenido es de 0,00

    Alternatives of state interventionism in the sugar agroindustry: Argentina and Brazil, 1880-1938

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    El texto propone un análisis comparativo de las diversas alternativas de intervención estatal en la agroindustria del azúcar que se implementaron en Brasil y Argentina a partir de la década de 1880. Crisis de sobreproducción, pérdida de competencia en el mercado internacional, conflictos entre diferentes actores y zonas productoras dieron origen a arreglos institucionales en los dos países que perseguían valorizar el producto, conciliar intereses y hacer previsible el comportamiento de un mercado siempre complejo. El análisis se cierra en 1937-1938 con la inauguración de la experiencia del Estado Novo en Brasil, que profundizó el intervencionismo, y el fracaso en la Argentina de un intento de aprobar una ley que habría involucrado de manera decisiva el Estado en el desarrollo azucarero.This paper proposes a comparative analysis of the various options of State intervention in the sugar agroindustry, which were implemented in Brazil and Argentina beginning in the 1880s. Overproduction crisis, loss of international competitiveness, conflicts among the various actors and production zones, all led to new institutional arrangements in each country, as they sought to increase prices, harmonize interests and bring planning to an always complex market. The analysis closes in 1937-1938 with the start of the Estado Novo experience in Brazil, which increases state intervention, and the failure, in Argentina, of the attempt to approve a law which would involve the State decisively in the development of the sugar industry.Fil: Campi, Daniel Enrique A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Pinto de Moura Filho, Héctor. Associação Biblioteca de Cultura; BrasilFil: Bravo, Maria Celia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    The gap between the Financial Mathematics expressed in textbooks and that practiced in banks

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    In this study, we aim to characterize the gap between the Financial Mathematics as expressed in textbooks and what is practiced in banking institutions. Three textbooks selected from public universities in the Brazilian state of Bahia were analyzed, and bank employees working in two banks in a city of the same state were observed. We noted different routines expected of participants in these two contexts, different problems faced and wide variation in the use of technology. Bank employees cope with client requests by interacting with bank systems in routines that include data selection to input into systems and the solution approach are organized around outputs as critical steps. However, this type of participation is also related to concerns about executing procedures with the security and agility required by the context’s social practice. By contrast, Financial Mathematics reified in textbooks indicates pseudo-realistic exercises involving routines that include selecting models and calculation procedures as critical steps with only marginal use of technology, such as calculators


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    O maior desafio do Estado Democrático de Direito é proporcionar a efetivação das garantias previstas no texto normativo, o que se vê, por exemplo, na latente violação ao acesso à educação infantil em creche pelo Poder Público, lesando o direito inerente à inúmeras crianças nos anos iniciais de sua vida e desenvolvimento. Com a insuficiência de vagas, a negativa de matrícula em creche é formalizada pela via administrativa, sendo um dos meios alternativos para o cumprimento da obrigação de fazer pelo Poder Público através da justiciabilidade, ou seja, a provocação do Poder Judiciário em busca de uma solução satisfatória a lide constituída. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa exploratória é analisar e avançar nos estudos sobre a atuação da Defensoria Pública no município de Londrina (PR), como instituição competente e legitimada para a representação e ajuizamento de demandas que versem acerca do direito à educação infantil em creche e a forma que tal prerrogativa garante o acesso à justiça ao detentor do direito violado

    Panorama geral da estrutura do HRAC-USP

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    The aim of the current study was to validate the General Paranoia Scale for Portuguese Adolescents population (GPS-A). This scale assesses the paranoid ideation in non-clinical population. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis of the scale on 1218 youths confirmed an alternative model to the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable (1992) comprising three different dimensions (Mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas and depreciation). This alternative model presented a good fit: χ2 (162)= 727.200, p = .000; CFI = .925; RMSEA = .054, P(rmsea ≤0.05) = .000; PCFI = .788; AIC = 863.200. All items presented adequate factor loadings (λij ≥0.5) and individual reliability ((λij)2 ≥0.25). Further data analysis on the scale revealed that the GPS-A is an adequate assessment tool for adolescents, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency

    Hanle Magnetoresistance in Thin Metal Films with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We report measurements of a new type of magnetoresistance in Pt and Ta thin films. The spin accumulation created at the surfaces of the film by the spin Hall effect decreases in a magnetic field because of the Hanle effect, resulting in an increase of the electrical resistance as predicted by Dyakonov [PRL 99, 126601 (2007)]. The angular dependence of this magnetoresistance resembles the recently discovered spin Hall magnetoresistance in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 bilayers, although the presence of a ferromagnetic insulator is not required. We show that this Hanle magnetoresistance is an alternative, simple way to quantitatively study the coupling between charge and spin currents in metals with strong spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    The COMET (Comparison of Operative versus Monitoring and Endocrine Therapy) trial: a phase III randomised controlled clinical trial for low-risk ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

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    Introduction Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive non-obligate precursor of invasive breast cancer. With guideline concordant care (GCC), DCIS outcomes are at least as favourable as some other early stage cancer types such as prostate cancer, for which active surveillance (AS) is a standard of care option. However, AS has not yet been tested in relation to DCIS. The goal of the COMET (Comparison of Operative versus Monitoring and Endocrine Therapy) trial for low-risk DCIS is to gather evidence to help future patients consider the range of treatment choices for low-risk DCIS, from standard therapies to AS. The trial will determine whether there may be some women who do not substantially benefit from current GCC and who could thus be safely managed with AS. This protocol is version 5 (11 July 2018). Any future protocol amendments will be submitted to Quorum Centralised Institutional Review Board/local institutional review boards for approval via the sponsor of the study (Alliance Foundation Trials). Methods and analysis COMET is a phase III, randomised controlled clinical trial for patients with low-risk DCIS. The primary outcome is ipsilateral invasive breast cancer rate in women undergoing GCC compared with AS. Secondary objectives will be to compare surgical, oncological and patient-reported outcomes. Patients randomised to the GCC group will undergo surgery as well as radiotherapy when appropriate; those in the AS group will be monitored closely with surgery only on identification of invasive breast cancer. Patients in both the GCC and AS groups will have the option of endocrine therapy. The total planned accrual goal is 1200 patients. Ethics and dissemination The COMET trial will be subject to biannual formal review at the Alliance Foundation Data Safety Monitoring Board meetings. Interim analyses for futility/safety will be completed annually, with reporting following Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines for noninferiority trials

    Analytical results for coupled map lattices with long-range interactions

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    We obtain exact analytical results for lattices of maps with couplings that decay with distance as rαr^{-\alpha}. We analyze the effect of the coupling range on the system dynamics through the Lyapunov spectrum. For lattices whose elements are piecewise linear maps, we get an algebraic expression for the Lyapunov spectrum. When the local dynamics is given by a nonlinear map, the Lyapunov spectrum for a completely synchronized state is analytically obtained. The critical lines characterizing the synchronization transition are determined from the expression for the largest transversal Lyapunov exponent. In particular, it is shown that in the thermodynamical limit, such transition is only possible for sufficiently long-range interactions, namely, for αalphac<d\alpha\le alpha_c<d, where dd is the lattice dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, corrections included. Phys. Rev. E 68, 045202(R) (2003); correction in pres