323 research outputs found

    Manipulating Self-Avatar Body Dimensions in Virtual Worlds to Complement an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Overweight Women

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    [EN] Virtual reality has been found to be a useful tool for positively influencing relevant psychological variables in order to increase physical activity (PA), especially in the overweight population. This study investigates the use of avatars and their physical variations to extend the effectiveness of existing interventions to promote PA. The main objective is to analyze the influence of the avatars' body dimensions on the efficacy of an Internet intervention to increase PA levels and improve other relevant variables (motivation toward PA, enjoyment, anxiety, self-efficacy, and PA goals). A total of 42 overweight women received a brief online intervention, and they were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: the "Ideal avatar" (IAC: participants are represented by avatars with ideal body dimensions); the "Real avatar" (RAC: participants are represented by avatars with participants' current body dimensions); and the "Non avatar" (NAC: participants are not represented by avatars). Results showed that the online intervention was effective in increasing PA practice and self-efficacy expectations. However, manipulating the body dimensions of avatars did not improve this intervention, although ideal avatars helped to reduce the anxiety experienced during PA in this population.This study was funded by "INTERSABIAS" project (PROMETEO/2018/110, Conselleria d'Educacion, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana) and by CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity Nutrition, an initiative of ISCII (ISCII CB0603/0052).Navarro, J.; Cebolla, A.; Llorens Rodríguez, R.; Borrego, A.; Baños, RM. (2020). Manipulating Self-Avatar Body Dimensions in Virtual Worlds to Complement an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Overweight Women. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 17(11):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17114045S1141711Ding, D., Lawson, K. D., Kolbe-Alexander, T. L., Finkelstein, E. A., Katzmarzyk, P. T., van Mechelen, W., & Pratt, M. (2016). 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    Gradient high-performance thin-layer chromatography for characterizing complex hydrocarbon-containing products

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    Classic saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA) analysis has long enabled the chromatographic separation of complex hydrocarbon-containing products into these four families. This simplification often does not provide sufficient or correct information on the relationship between the composition of the products and the process variables studied. The obtention of profiles by gradient automated multiple development (AMD) is an interesting alternative to obtain extended SARA separations with increasing level of complexity for heavy petroleum products that adequately represent the entirety of the sample. An optimized 20-step gradient based on tetrahydrofuran (THF)‒dichloromethane‒n-heptane over a total migration distance of 83 mm is proposed here to characterize all types of heavy oil products. The combination of ultraviolet (UV)–densitometry (at 201, 228, and 273 nm), fluorescence detection by intensity changes using berberine cation, together with on-plate recording of UV spectra of separated peaks and the comparison with those of standards, allow for a deep characterization of chemical families. In the apolar zone of the chromatogram saturates, naphthenes, naphteno-aromatics, alkyl-aromatics, and aromatics with different degrees of condensation are detected. The use of THF, both in the plate precleaning stage and in the first stages of the gradient, is responsible for the satisfactory resolution of the resins in the polar zone. AMD chromatographic zones can be related to peaks from hydrocarbon groups in classical SARA. The application of this gradient to different types of products allowed for the relation of the profiles of bitumen to their origin, differentiation of the resin part trapped in asphaltenes, control performance of deasphalting in hydrorefining products, and the control of the composition of base oils

    Affinity partitioning of proteins tagged with choline-binding modules in aqueous two-phase systems

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    We present a novel procedure for affinity partitioning of recombinant proteins fused to the cholinebinding module C-LytA in aqueous two-phase systems containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Proteins tagged with the C-LytA module and exposed to the two-phase systems are quantitatively localized in the PEG-rich phase, whereas subsequent addition of the natural ligand choline specifically shifts their localization to the PEG-poor phase by displacement of the polymer from the binding sites. The described procedure is simple, scalable and reproducible, and has been successfully applied to the purification of four diverse proteins, resulting in high yields and purity

    Paving the road for flipped teaching in Spanish universities

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    Spanish university lecturers have traditionally spent most of their contact time with students explaining theory in the classroom. Once the theoretical contents have been presented, lecturers demonstrate (with little or no student participation) several reinforcing examples and practical exercises. Student involvement only occurs when they are asked to perform a series of tasks and exercises after the lesson and generally outside the classroom. Active learning methodologies have been proven to significantly enhance the teaching-learning process, and fortunately, Spanish universities are increasingly promoting these approaches. Among these active learning methodologies, flip teaching is one of the most frequently adopted teaching strategies. However, the introduction of flip teaching poses challenges and requires a radical change of mentality from lecturers and students. To succeed, participants must abandon former work habits and work on the theoretical concepts outside the classroom, while significantly increasing the degree of interaction inside and outside the classroom. Lecturers must spearhead this process of change, but success can only be achieved with student involvement. This paper shows how flip teaching was implemented in a subject within the MSc in Project Management course at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Emphasis is given to active teaching strategy and the three basic components on which it relies: students, faculty, and the teaching learning methodology. Results and conclusions extend the discussion and provides some guidelines on facilitating the (necessary) adoption of this and other active learning methodologies in Spanish universities

    Eficacia de la solarización y contaminación por nitratos tras la aportación de estiércol

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    La solarización reforzada con la aportación de materia orgánica mejora su eficacia en el control de patógenos de las plantas de cultivo. Elevadas aportaciones de materia orgánica pueden provocar contaminación de aguas subterráneas por lixiviación de nitratos, hay que considerar que la legislación sobre contaminación de aguas marca la cantidad de 170 kg N/ha como aportación máxima anual, esta cantidad suele ser sobrepasada con frecuencia en las prácticas habituales de algunas zonas de cultivo. El objetivo del ensayo ha sido valorar las dosis para las que la solarización mantenga su eficacia y no provoque contaminación. En dos invernaderos de la Estació Experimental Agrària de Carcaixent, cada uno con textura de suelo distinta, uno franco arenoso y otro franco arcilloso, se solarizaron diversas parcelas, en los meses de julio y agosto de 2003, con dosis distintas de estiércol de ovino correspondientes a 0, 170 y 340 kg N/ha, y después se plantó escarola. Se evaluó la eficacia biocida mediante sondas biológicas con preparados de Fusarium spp. todos los tratamientos, incluido el testigo fueron efectivos. También se evaluó la producción comercial de escarola y el control de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, siendo mejor el tratamiento con dosis alta de materia orgánica. Los elevados contenidos en N03- en el suelo al inicio del ensayo dificultan la interpretación de los resultados de lixiviación de nitratos. La investigación continuará durante varios años para confirmar los resultados

    The serenity of the meditating mind: A cross-cultural psychometric study on a two-factor higher order structure of mindfulness, its effects, and mechanisms related to mental health among experienced meditators.

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    Objective To investigate the psychometric and structural properties of the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) among meditators, to develop a short form, and to examine associations of mindfulness with mental health and the mechanisms of mindfulness. Methods Two independent samples were used, a German (n = 891) and a Spanish (n = 393) meditator sample, practicing various meditation styles. Structural and psychometric properties of the FFMQ were investigated with multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling. Associations with mental health and mechanisms of mindfulness were examined with path analysis. Results The derived short form broadly matched a previous item selection in samples of non-meditators. Self-regulated Attention and Orientation to Experience governed the facets of mindfulness on a higher-order level. Higher-order factors of mindfulness and meditation experience were negatively associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety, and perceived stress. Decentering and nonattachment were the most salient mechanisms of mindfulness. Aspects of emotion regulation, bodily awareness, and nonattachment explained the effects of mindfulness on depression and anxiety. Conclusions A two-component conceptualization for the FFMQ, and for the study of mindfulness as a psychological construct, is recommended for future research. Mechanisms of mindfulness need to be examined in intervention studies

    FERTI.CFH: Nuevo recurso para el cálculo de la fertilización y fertirriego

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    Ferti.cfh permite elaborar planes de abonado o de fertirrigación de una manera eficiente, ajustando las cantidades de fertilizantes en función de las necesidades del cultivo, de su estado nutritivo y de los aportes que se realizan por suelo y agua, con lo que se pueden obtener unos rendimientos óptimos preservando el medio ambiente a un mínimo coste. La aplicación permite la configuración de datos predeterminados reduciendo su tiempo de realización, y dispone de una base de datos en la que se almacena todos los parámetros que intervienen en la elaboración del plan. Con esta herramienta, el usuario tiene la posibilidad de llevar a cabo un seguimiento histórico de todas las recomendaciones de abonado y de riego, realizadas en diferentes campañas