13 research outputs found

    Relação do exercício físico com a microbiota intestinal: revisão integrativa da literatura / The relationship between physical exercise and intestinal microbiota: an integrative literature review

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    Os microrganismos no trato gastrointestinal desempenham um papel significativo na absorção de nutrientes, síntese de vitaminas, captação de energia, modulação inflamatória e resposta imune do hospedeiro, contribuindo coletivamente para a saúde humana. Analisar a relação do exercício físico na modulação da microbiota intestinal. Foi realizada uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura (RIL), a partir da avaliação de fontes secundárias, executada em seis passos: foi definido o tema do estudo e constituída a pergunta norteadora, em seguida foram definidos os Descritores Controlados em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): “Gastrointestinal Microbiome” AND “Exercise” e iniciou-se a busca nas bases de dados SCIELO e LILACS. Foram encontradas 432 publicações e após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão e inclusão, a amostra constituiu-se de 18 artigos. Depois, realizou-se a categorização, foi feita a análise e interpretação dos estudos selecionados, o desenvolvimento dos resultados e apresentação da conclusão do conhecimento. Fatores importantes como idade, método de nascimento, uso de antibióticos e dieta moldam a microbiota intestinal. Outro fator de extrema importância que influencia a microbiota intestinal é o papel que o exercício físico desempenha associado ao ambiente e suas interações a microbiota intestinal. Faz-se necessário mais estudos sobre essa temática, visando ampliar os conhecimentos sobre a relação entre a microbiota e o exercício físico, no entanto há uma compreensão crescente do papel modulador exercido pelo exercício físico sobre a microbiota   e seu poder influenciador na qualidade de vida


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    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o autocuidado frente ao tratamento e as práticas relativas à dieta, cuidados de saúde e atividade física dos pacientes diabéticos, assim como conhecer o perfil sociodemográfico. Métodos: estudo de campo do tipo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com adultos diabéticos tipo 2 cadastrados na UBS, Cajazeiras-PB. Os dados foram coletados durante o HIPERDIA no segundo semestre de 2019 mediante entrevista estruturada utilizando os questionários de Caracterização Sociodemográfico, Caracterização do Diagnóstico, Tratamento e Controle, e Atividades de Autocuidado com o Diabetes. Os dados foram avaliados por meio de estatística descritiva e os da­dos apresentados em tabelas com valores absolutos e porcentagens. Resultados: Com relação aos dados sociodemográficos, a maioria era do sexo feminino, tinha a faixa etária de 46 a 60 anos, eram solteiros, moravam sozinhos, possuía apenas o ensino fundamental incompleto, e recebiam menos de um salário mínimo. As principais comorbidades relatadas e relacionadas ao DM2 foram: hipertensão arterial, sobrepeso e/ou obesidade e dislipidemia. Com relação ao tratamento, a dieta e medicação foram a primeira escolha, destacando a Metformina para controle glicêmico. Com relação ao Questionário de Atividades de Autocuidado com o Diabetes, relataram tentar manter uma alimentação equilibrada e não ter praticado nenhum tipo de atividade física. Por fim, os dados mostraram um resultado extremamente positivo sobre o uso dos medicamentos. Considerações finais: Os voluntários com DM2 apresentaram boa adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e baixa adesão ao não medicamentoso, indicando que a equipe da UBS precisa ampliar a implantação de ações de promoção da saúde, prevenção e controle da doença e suas complicações

    Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeastern Brazil - Spatial analysis

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    Background: Human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) is a potentially fatal disease with a worldwide distribution, being endemic in 12 countries in the Americas. The main reservoir in the urban environment is the dog, whose cases precede the disease in humans. For the control of HVL, the Ministry of Health of Brazil recommends efficiency in the notification of human cases, control of sandflies, elimination of reservoirs and health education, in addition to the interruption in the transmission of the disease by the intensification of surveillance and control of priority areas based on identification by spatial analysis. The objective of the study was to investigate the spatial distribution of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, determining areas of risk by identifying spatial clusters, with a view to monitoring and implementing preventive actions.Materials, Methods & Results: Secondary data from sample and/or routine serological surveys for serological diagnosis of LVC in the period from 2011 to 2018 were used. The inclusion of animals in the routine diagnosis per municipality resulted from demands of veterinarians, veterinary clinics, dog tutors, zoonoses control centers and environmental surveillance. The spatial statistical analysis was performed with SatScan software version 9.6 for the detection of spatial clusters, based on using the statistical scan method. Of the total of 231,123 dogs tested in the period, 24,642 (10.6%) were seroreactive for CVL. During the study, the municipalities with the highest number of cases were Natal and Mossoró, with 9,671 and 4,514 cases, respectively. During the years 2011 to 2018, 38 significant clusters (P < 0.05) were identified that included one or more municipalities.Discussion: The state of Rio Grande do Norte has an urban environment susceptible to the occurrence of CVL, with climate and topography that favor the proliferation of the vector and housing in precarious socio-sanitary conditions. The high number of CVL cases in Natal can be explained by the fact that the city is considered endemic for CVL, characterized as an area of intense transmission of the disease, according to the Ministry of Health. In addition, public infrastructure insome locations is deficient and living conditions are unfavorable, so that there is a need to invest in effective protection measures for vector control, as well as a focus on health education, whose HVL control measures in the municipality need to be readjusted. The high rate of cases and the constant presence of clusters in the municipality of Açu can be explained by the increasing degradation of the Caatinga biome, evidenced by the removal of firewood for use in the ceramist pole, whose activity is concentrated on a large scale in the use of raw material and energy, through the production of charcoal, for agricultural and livestock fronts, putting species of fauna and flora at risk. It is also noteworthy that this fact contributes to the destruction of wild ecotopes, resulting in the search for the vector for other sources of human and animal food, allowing an increase in the number of cases of the disease. It’s concluded that canine visceral leishmaniasis is distributed in a large part of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The underreporting and/or deficiency in the disclosure of data by some municipalities represents a challenge in complying with the actions of the Visceral Leishmaniasis Surveillance and Control Program, and attention should be paid to the monitoring and inspection of the execution actions of municipal managers, as well as how to train professionals who are part of the service. Keywords: georeferencing, public health, zoonoses, leishmaniasis, epidemiology.

    Conductive Amazon açaí/polyaniline composite fiber: fabrication and properties

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    Abstract This paper investigates the properties of the polyaniline (PANI) on açaí vegetable fiber (AVF), hereafter referred to as PANI-COATED:AVF. Scanning electron and atomic force microscopy showed that the incorporation of PANI produced a linear surface, while optical microscopy images showed that the semiconductor layer was flawed. The complex impedance measurements performed at room temperature indicated that the electrical properties of PANI were fully transferred to the PANI-COATED:AVF and that the Cole-Cole approach dominated over a frequency range from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed a thermal stability range of 0° to 300°C. Finally, the combination of PANI with AVF was a successful due to the ease of processing and obtaining semiconductor filaments with wide ranges of thermal and electrical stability. This article is a complement to another recently published [doi.org/10.1002/pc.27068]

    Fatores associados ao desempenho de serviços da atenção primária à saúde

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    Objective: To assess the performance of Family Health teams (equipes de Saúde da Família – eSF) and Primary Care teams (equipes de Atenção Básica – eAB) in relation to the presence and extension of attributes of Primary Health Care (PHC) from users’ point of view. Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study conducted in a municipality in the Midwest region of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, between January and June 2016 with a representative sample of 384 users assisted by eSF and eSF. Data were obtained through the application of the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool-Brazil) – adult users. First, the score for each attribute/component and the essential and general scores were calculated. Multivariate analysis modeling was used to identify variables associated with satisfactory assessment (score ≥ 6.6) of PHC. Results: The results indicate that most attributes/components of PHC are not properly implemented in the scenario analyzed. The multivariate analysis also showed that the assessments made by users of eSF (Odds Ratio: 2.09) and people with up to eight years of study (Odds Ratio: 1.94) were associated with a satisfactory assessment of PHC. Conclusion: According to the users’ point of view, eSF have a greater potential for the presence and extension of attributes/components of PHC, thus reinforcing the important role of this strategy as the main organizational arrangement of PHC in the national scenario.Objetivo: Evaluar el rendimiento de los equipos de Salud de la Familia (eSF) y los equipos de la Atención Básica (eAB) sobre la presencia y extensión de los atributos de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) a través de la percepción de los usuarios. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional transversal realizado en un municipio de la región centro-oeste de Minas Gerais (MG), Brasil, entre enero y junio de 2016 con una muestra representativa de 384 usuarios asistidos por el eSF y el eAB. Se han obtenido los datos a través de la aplicación del instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool-Brasil) - usuarios adultos. A principio, se ha calculado la puntuación de cada atributo/componente y las puntuaciones esencial y general. Se utilizó el análisis multivariado para identificar las variables asociadas con la evaluación satisfactoria (puntuación ≥ 6,6) de la APS. Resultados: Los resultados señalan que la mayoría de los atributos/componentes de la APS no se ha implantado correctamente en el escenario en cuestión. Se ha identificado, aún, en el análisis multivariado, que la evaluación de los usuarios de la eSF (Odds Ratio: 2,09) y de las personas con hasta ocho años de escolaridad (Odds Ratio: 1,94) se asocia con la evaluación satisfactoria de la APS. Conclusión: En la percepción de los usuarios, el eSF tiene mayor potencial para la presencia y extensión de los atributos/componentes de la APS, reforzando, de esa manera, el papel de destaque de esa estrategia como el principal ajuste organizacional de la APS para el escenario nacional.Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho de equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF) e equipes de Atenção Básica (eAB) sobre a presença e extensão de atributos da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) através da visão dos usuários. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado em um município da região centro-oeste de Minas Gerais (MG) entre janeiro e junho de 2016 com amostra representativa de 384 usuários assistidos por eSF e eAB. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da aplicação do instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool-Brasil) - usuários adultos. Inicialmente, calculou-se o escore de cada atributo/componente e os escores essencial e geral. Utilizou-se a modelagem de análise multivariada para identificar variáveis associadas à avaliação satisfatória (escore ≥ 6,6) da APS. Resultados: Os resultados apontam que a maioria dos atributos/componentes da APS não está devidamente implantado no cenário em questão. Identificou-se, ainda, na análise multivariada, que a avaliação de usuários da eSF (Odds Ratio: 2,09) e de pessoas com até oito anos de estudo (Odds Ratio: 1,94) está associada à avaliação satisfatória da APS. Conclusão: Na visão dos usuários, a eSF tem maior potencial para a presença e extensão dos atributos/componentes da APS, reforçando, assim, o papel de destaque dessa estratégia como principal arranjo organizacional de APS no cenário nacional

    Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeastern Brazil - Spatial analysis

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    Background: Human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) is a potentially fatal disease with a worldwide distribution, being endemic in 12 countries in the Americas. The main reservoir in the urban environment is the dog, whose cases precede the disease in humans. For the control of HVL, the Ministry of Health of Brazil recommends efficiency in the notification of human cases, control of sandflies, elimination of reservoirs and health education, in addition to the interruption in the transmission of the disease by the intensification of surveillance and control of priority areas based on identification by spatial analysis. The objective of the study was to investigate the spatial distribution of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, determining areas of risk by identifying spatial clusters, with a view to monitoring and implementing preventive actions.Materials, Methods & Results: Secondary data from sample and/or routine serological surveys for serological diagnosis of LVC in the period from 2011 to 2018 were used. The inclusion of animals in the routine diagnosis per municipality resulted from demands of veterinarians, veterinary clinics, dog tutors, zoonoses control centers and environmental surveillance. The spatial statistical analysis was performed with SatScan software version 9.6 for the detection of spatial clusters, based on using the statistical scan method. Of the total of 231,123 dogs tested in the period, 24,642 (10.6%) were seroreactive for CVL. During the study, the municipalities with the highest number of cases were Natal and Mossoró, with 9,671 and 4,514 cases, respectively. During the years 2011 to 2018, 38 significant clusters (P < 0.05) were identified that included one or more municipalities.Discussion: The state of Rio Grande do Norte has an urban environment susceptible to the occurrence of CVL, with climate and topography that favor the proliferation of the vector and housing in precarious socio-sanitary conditions. The high number of CVL cases in Natal can be explained by the fact that the city is considered endemic for CVL, characterized as an area of intense transmission of the disease, according to the Ministry of Health. In addition, public infrastructure insome locations is deficient and living conditions are unfavorable, so that there is a need to invest in effective protection measures for vector control, as well as a focus on health education, whose HVL control measures in the municipality need to be readjusted. The high rate of cases and the constant presence of clusters in the municipality of Açu can be explained by the increasing degradation of the Caatinga biome, evidenced by the removal of firewood for use in the ceramist pole, whose activity is concentrated on a large scale in the use of raw material and energy, through the production of charcoal, for agricultural and livestock fronts, putting species of fauna and flora at risk. It is also noteworthy that this fact contributes to the destruction of wild ecotopes, resulting in the search for the vector for other sources of human and animal food, allowing an increase in the number of cases of the disease. It’s concluded that canine visceral leishmaniasis is distributed in a large part of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The underreporting and/or deficiency in the disclosure of data by some municipalities represents a challenge in complying with the actions of the Visceral Leishmaniasis Surveillance and Control Program, and attention should be paid to the monitoring and inspection of the execution actions of municipal managers, as well as how to train professionals who are part of the service. Keywords: georeferencing, public health, zoonoses, leishmaniasis, epidemiology.

    West Nile Virus in the State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil

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    In June 2019, a horse with neurological disorder was diagnosed with West Nile virus (WNV) in Boa Viagem, a municipality in the state of Ceará, northeast Brazil. A multi-institutional task force coordinated by the Brazilian Ministry of Health was deployed to the area for case investigation. A total of 513 biological samples from 78 humans, 157 domestic animals and 278 free-ranging wild birds, as well as 853 adult mosquitoes of 22 species were tested for WNV by highly specific serological and/or molecular tests. No active circulation of WNV was detected in vertebrates or mosquitoes by molecular methods. Previous exposure to WNV was confirmed by seroconversion in domestic birds and by the detection of specific neutralizing antibodies in 44% (11/25) of equids, 20.9% (14/67) of domestic birds, 4.7% (13/278) of free-ranging wild birds, 2.6% (2/78) of humans, and 1.5% (1/65) of small ruminants. Results indicate that not only equines but also humans and different species of domestic animals and wild birds were locally exposed to WNV. The detection of neutralizing antibodies for WNV in free-ranging individuals of abundant passerine species suggests that birds commonly found in the region may have been involved as amplifying hosts in local transmission cycles of WNV

    Seminário de Dissertação (2024)

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    Página da disciplina de Seminário de Dissertação (MPPP, UFPE, 2022) Lista de participantes == https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrULe1y04yPxHUBaF50jhaM1OY8QYJ3zva4N4yvm198/edit#gid=