68 research outputs found

    Remeis celestials

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    No hi ha dubte que la humanitat, en totes les diverses i variades cultures que la componen, des de les més antigues a les més actuals, ha vinculat la malaltia amb els poders sobrenaturals. Aquesta antiquíssima i rica relació entre malaltia i poder celestial ha estat emprada, sovint, per farmacèutics que han “batejat” els seus remeis, i fins les seves oficines, amb el nom d’algun sant o advocació mariana, tant amb finalitats estrictament comercials com per alguna devoció concreta. I no cal dir, també, com algunes ordres religioses han posat el producte dels seus treballs conventuals sota el patrocini dels seus fundadors per reforçar-ne la qualitat remeiera. Tot això fa que en les nostres col·leccions de medicaments antics s’hi trobin elements amb aquestes característiques que, per a la vitrina de “el medicament del mes” hem qualificat de “Remeis Celestials”. Entre ells hi ha tota mena de diferents formes i presentacions farmacèutiques, i en les seves etiquetes, prospectes o a la publicitat, s’hi troba tota mena d’imatges o representacions pietoses a l’estil de l’època

    Person-environment fit and retention of racially minoritized college students: Recommendations for faculty, support staff, and administrators

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    Although colleges in the United States have become increasingly racially and ethnically diverse, degree attainment remains disproportionately low among students from underrepresented and minoritized racial backgrounds. In this paper, we discuss the interactive influence of both person and environment factors in shaping academic persistence and argue that college administrators, faculty, and student support staff can intervene and take specific steps to improve the academic experience of racially minoritized college students. To this end, we offer specific evidence-based recommendations for campus leaders and stakeholders on how to adapt their campus community to facilitate the requisite person-environment fit to maximize academic persistence

    Patients' and physicians' preferences for type 2 diabetes mellitus treatments in Spain and Portugal: a discrete choice experiment

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    Objective To assess Spanish and Portuguese patients’ and physicians’ preferences regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatments and the monthly willingness to pay (WTP) to gain benefits or avoid side effects. Methods An observational, multicenter, exploratory study focused on routine clinical practice in Spain and Portugal. Physicians were recruited from multiple hospitals and outpatient clinics, while patients were recruited from eleven centers operating in the public health care system in different autonomous communities in Spain and Portugal. Preferences were measured via a discrete choice experiment by rating multiple T2DM medication attributes. Data were analyzed using the conditional logit model. Results Three-hundred and thirty (n=330) patients (49.7% female; mean age 62.4 [SD: 10.3] years, mean T2DM duration 13.9 [8.2] years, mean body mass index 32.5 [6.8] kg/m2, 41.8% received oral + injected medication, 40.3% received oral, and 17.6% injected treatments) and 221 physicians from Spain and Portugal (62% female; mean age 41.9 [SD: 10.5] years, 33.5% endocrinologists, 66.5% primary-care doctors) participated. Patients valued avoiding a gain in bodyweight of 3 kg/6 months (WTP: €68.14 [95% confidence interval: 54.55–85.08]) the most, followed by avoiding one hypoglycemic event/month (WTP: €54.80 [23.29–82.26]). Physicians valued avoiding one hypoglycemia/week (WTP: €287.18 [95% confidence interval: 160.31–1,387.21]) the most, followed by avoiding a 3 kg/6 months gain in bodyweight and decreasing cardiovascular risk (WTP: €166.87 [88.63–843.09] and €154.30 [98.13–434.19], respectively). Physicians and patients were willing to pay €125.92 (73.30–622.75) and €24.28 (18.41–30.31), respectively, to avoid a 1% increase in glycated hemoglobin, and €143.30 (73.39–543.62) and €42.74 (23.89–61.77) to avoid nausea. Conclusion Both patients and physicians in Spain and Portugal are willing to pay for the health benefits associated with improved diabetes treatment, the most important being to avoid hypoglycemia and gaining weight. Decreased cardiovascular risk and weight reduction became the third most valued attributes for physicians and patients, respectively

    Gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: The United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China

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    The current study investigates gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Directly assessed individual behavioral regulation (Head–Toes–Knees–Shoulders, HTKS), teacher-rated classroom behavioral regulation (Child Behavior Rating Scale, CBRS) and a battery of school readiness assessments (mathematics, vocabulary, and early literacy) were used with 814 young children (ages 3–6 years). Results showed that girls in the United States had significantly higher individual behavioral regulation than boys, but there were no significant gender differences in any Asian societies. In contrast, teachers in Taiwan, South Korea, as well as the United States rated girls as significantly higher than boys on classroom behavioral regulation. In addition, for both genders, individual and classroom behavioral regulation were related to many aspects of school readiness in all societies for girls and boys. Universal and culturally specific findings and their implications are discussed

    Reciprocal Relations Between Emotional Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Ego-Resiliency Across Time

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    The present study examined the longitudinal relations of adolescents' self-reported ego-resiliency to their emotional self-efficacy beliefs in expressing positive emotions and in managing negative emotions as they moved into early adulthood. Participants were 239 females and 211 males with a mean age of 17 years (SD = .80) at T1, 19 years (SD = .80) at T2, 21 years (SD = .82) at T3, and 25 years (SD = .80) at T4. A four-wave cross-lagged regression model and mediational analyses were used. In a panel structural equation model controlling for the stability of the constructs, reciprocal relationships across time were found between ego-resiliency and emotional self-efficacy beliefs related to the expression of positive emotions and to the management of negative emotions. Moreover, the relation between ego-resiliency assessed at T1 and T3, and ego-resiliency assessed at T2 and T4, was mediated through emotional self-efficacy beliefs (at T2 and T3, respectively), and vice versa. The posited conceptual model accounted for a significant portion of variance in ego-resiliency and has implications for understanding the development of ego-resiliency

    Editorial Statement About JCCAP’s 2023 Special Issue on Informant Discrepancies in Youth Mental Health Assessments: Observations, Guidelines, and Future Directions Grounded in 60 Years of Research

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    Issue 1 of the 2011 Volume of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) included a Special Section about the use of multi-informant approaches to measure child and adolescent (i.e., hereafter referred to collectively as “youth”) mental health (De Los Reyes, 2011). Researchers collect reports from multiple informants or sources (e.g., parent and peer, youth and teacher) to estimate a given youth’s mental health. The 2011 JCCAP Special Section focused on the most common outcome of these approaches, namely the significant discrepancies that arise when comparing estimates from any two informant’s reports (i.e., informant discrepancies). These discrepancies appear in assessments conducted across the lifespan (Achenbach, 2020). That said, JCCAP dedicated space to understanding informant discrepancies, because they have been a focus of scholarship in youth mental health for over 60 years (e.g., Achenbach et al., 1987; De Los Reyes & Kazdin, 2005; Glennon & Weisz, 1978; Kazdin et al., 1983; Kraemer et al., 2003; Lapouse & Monk, 1958; Quay et al., 1966; Richters, 1992; Rutter et al., 1970; van der Ende et al., 2012). Thus, we have a thorough understanding of the areas of research for which they reliably appear when clinically assessing youth. For instance, intervention researchers observe informant discrepancies in estimates of intervention effects within randomized controlled trials (e.g., Casey & Berman, 1985; Weisz et al., 2017). Service providers observe informant discrepancies when working with individual clients, most notably when making decisions about treatment planning (e.g., Hawley & Weisz, 2003; Hoffman & Chu, 2015). Scholars in developmental psychopathology observe these discrepancies when seeking to understand risk and protective factors linked to youth mental health concerns (e.g., Hawker & Boulton, 2000; Hou et al., 2020; Ivanova et al., 2022). Thus, the 2011 JCCAP Special Section posed a question: Might these informant discrepancies contain data relevant to understanding youth mental health? Suppose none of the work in youth mental health is immune from these discrepancies. In that case, the answer to this question strikes at the core of what we produce―from the interventions we develop and implement, to the developmental psychopathology research that informs intervention development

    ¿Qué es la cultura? Sistemas de gente, lugares, y prácticas

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    La cultura es un concepto difuso sin límites fijos, teniendo un significado diferente de acuerdo a cada situación. Para enfrentar este problema, propongo un modelo-p para entender la cultura como un sistema de gente, lugares, y prácticas, con un propósito como afianzar, justificar, o resistir el poder. La gente hace referencia a dinámicas poblacionales, relaciones sociales, y cultura en grupos. Los lugares hacen referencia a dinámicas ecológicas, influencias institucionales, y cultura en contextos. Las prácticas hacen referencia a las dinámicas participativas, implicación comunitaria, y cultura en acción. El poder hace referencia a forzar a otros a obedecer (poder-sobre la gente), controlar el acceso a espacios (poder-en lugares), y actuar como es deseado (poder-para practicar). Uso el ejemplo del racismo para ilustrar el modelo-p y proponer aplicaciones en teoría, investigación, e intervención en ciencias aplicadas del desarrollo humano

    Meta-Research on Culture and Diversity

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    Meta-research in culture and diversity is: 1) the study of models, assumptions, and biases in research on culture, ethnicity, and race, and 2) the use of large data sets and meta-analyses to test these models, assumptions, and biases

    Mercat primari de l’art contemporani a Catalunya

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    [cat] Mercat primari de l'art contemporani a Catalunya és un treball d'investigació sobre les galeries d'art i els intermediaris que centra el seu estudi empíric a Catalunya. En la dissertació s'efectua una revisió històrica del mercat de l'art i l'origen de les estructures comercials que han marcat el naixement de les galeries com a mediadors en el sistema de l'art. Mitjançant l'exploració dels intermediaris a través d'entrevistes s'explica quines són les estratègies de funcionament del mercat, quin és el paper que tenen les galeries, i com s'estableixen les relacions entre artistes, galeries i col•leccionistes. Més específicament, l'estudi centra l'atenció sobre la funció de la confiança en el mercat de l'art com a mecanisme de reducció de riscos i costos de transacció

    Las Cantonadas : monòlech escrit en prosa

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