120 research outputs found

    Oscillatory flow reactors (OFRs) for continuous manufacturing and crystallization

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    Continuous crystallization is an attractive approach for the delivery of consistent particles with specified critical quality attributes (CQAs), which are attracting increased interest for the manufacture of high value materials, including fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Oscillatory flow reactors (OFRs) offer a suitable platform to deliver consistent operating conditions under plug-flow operation while maintaining a controlled steady state. This review provides a brief overview of OFR technology before outlining the operating principles and summarizing applications, emphasizing the use for controlled continuous crystallization. While significant progress has been made to date, areas for further development are highlighted that will enhance the range of applications and ease of implementation of OFR technology. These depend on specific applications but include scale down, materials of construction suitable for chemical compatibility, encrustation mitigation, the enhancement of robust operation via automation, process analytical technology (PAT), and real-time feedback control

    Candida albicans Hypha Formation and Mannan Masking of β-Glucan Inhibit Macrophage Phagosome Maturation

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    Received 28 August 2014 Accepted 28 October 2014 Published 2 December 2014 This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Janet Willment, Aberdeen Fungal Group, University of Aberdeen, for kindly providing the soluble Dectin-1-Fc reporter. All microscopy was performed with the assistance of the University of Aberdeen Core Microscopy & Histology Facility, and we thank the IFCC for their assistance with flow cytometry. We thank the Wellcome Trust for funding (080088, 086827, 075470, 099215, 097377, and 101873). E.R.B. and A.J.P.B. are funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2009-AdG-249793), and J.L. is funded by a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellowship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Differential expression of microRNA-206 and its target genes in pre-eclampsia

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    Objectives: Pre-eclampsia is a multi-system disease that significantly contributes to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. In this study, we used a non-biased microarray approach to identify novel circulating miRNAs in maternal plasma that may be associated with pre-eclampsia. Methods: Plasma samples were obtained at 16 and 28 weeks of gestation from 18 women who later developed pre-eclampsia (cases) and 18 matched women with normotensive pregnancies (controls). We studied miRNA expression profiles in plasma and subsequently confirmed miRNA and target gene expression in placenta samples. Placental samples were obtained from an independent cohort of 19 women with pre-eclampsia matched with 19 women with normotensive pregnancies. Results: From the microarray, we identified 1 miRNA that was significantly differentially expressed between cases and controls at 16 weeks of gestation and 6 miRNAs that were significantly differentially expressed at 28 weeks. Following qPCR validation only one, miR-206, was found to be significantly increased in 28 week samples in women who later developed pre-eclampsia (1.4 fold change ± 0.2). The trend for increase in miR-206 expression was mirrored within placental tissue from women with pre-eclampsia. In parallel, IGF-1, a target gene of miR-206, was also found to be down-regulated (0.41 ± 0.04) in placental tissue from women with pre-eclampsia. miR-206 expression was also detectable in myometrium tissue and trophoblast cell lines. Conclusions: Our pilot study has identified miRNA-206 as a novel factor up-regulated in pre-eclampsia within the maternal circulation and in placental tissue

    Eulerian simulation of the fluid dynamics of helicopter brownout

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    A computational model is presented that can be used to simulate the development of the dust cloud that can be entrained into the air when a helicopter is operated close to the ground in desert or dusty conditions. The physics of this problem, and the associated pathological condition known as ‘brownout’ where the pilot loses situational awareness as a result of his vision being occluded by dust suspended in the flow around the helicopter, is acknowledged to be very complex. The approach advocated here involves an approximation to the full dynamics of the coupled particulate-air system. Away from the ground, the model assumes that the suspended particles remain in near equilibrium under the action of aerodynamic forces. Close to the ground, this model is replaced by an algebraic sublayer model for the saltation and entrainment process. The origin of the model in the statistical mechanics of a distribution of particles governed by aerodynamic forces allows the validity of the method to be evaluated in context by comparing the physical properties of the suspended particulates to the local properties of the flow field surrounding the helicopter. The model applies in the Eulerian frame of reference of most conventional Computational Fluid Dynamics codes and has been coupled with Brown’s Vorticity Transport Model. Verification of the predictions of the coupled model against experimental data for particulate entrainment and transport in the flow around a model rotor are encouraging. An application of the coupled model to analyzing the differences in the geometry and extent of the dust clouds that are produced by single main rotor and tandem-rotor configurations as they decelerate to land has shown that the location of the ground vortex and the size of any regions of recirculatory flow, should they exist, play a primary role in governing the extent of the dust cloud that is created by the helicopter

    The Microevolution and Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus Colonization during Atopic Eczema Disease Flare.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen and variable component of the human microbiota. A characteristic of atopic eczema (AE) is colonization by S. aureus, with exacerbations associated with an increased bacterial burden of the organism. Despite this, the origins and genetic diversity of S. aureus colonizing individual patients during AE disease flares is poorly understood. To examine the microevolution of S. aureus colonization, we deep sequenced S. aureus populations from nine children with moderate to severe AE and 18 non-atopic children asymptomatically carrying S. aureus nasally. Colonization by clonal S. aureus populations was observed in both AE patients and control participants, with all but one of the individuals carrying colonies belonging to a single sequence type. Phylogenetic analysis showed that disease flares were associated with the clonal expansion of the S. aureus population, occurring over a period of weeks to months. There was a significant difference in the genetic backgrounds of S. aureus colonizing AE cases versus controls (Fisher exact test, P = 0.03). Examination of intra-host genetic heterogeneity of the colonizing S. aureus populations identified evidence of within-host selection in the AE patients, with AE variants being potentially selectively advantageous for intracellular persistence and treatment resistance.CPH was supported by Wellcome Trust (grant number 104241/z/14/z). MTGH, KAP, and KO were supported by the Scottish Infection Research Network and Chief Scientist Office through the Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Institute consortium funding (CSO reference: SIRN10). Bioinformatics and computational biology analyses were supported by the University of St Andrews Bioinformatics Unit that is funded by a Wellcome Trust ISSF award (grant 097831/Z/11/Z). JP and MTGH were supported by Wellcome Trust grant 098051. AEM is supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/M014088/1. SJB is supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science (106865/Z/15/Z)

    Complement-Mediated Differential Immune Response of Human Macrophages to Sporothrix Species Through Interaction With Their Cell Wall Peptidorhamnomannans

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    Funding This work was supported by Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF)/CNPq, PRONEX grant ID: (FAP-DF, 0193.001.200/2016). VA is supported by the Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée (CEFIPRA) grant No. 5403-1 and ANR-DFG AfuINF grant. IG, VA, and CS were supported by the ANR-FUNHYDRO (ANR-16S-CE110020-01) grant. NG, GB and JW are supported by the Welcome Trust (102705, 097377, 101873, 215599 and 200208) and the Medical Research Council Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/2). Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge Dr. Lars Erwig, Dr. Jude Bain, and Dr. Kevin MacKenzie of University of Aberdeen for the scientific and technical support in the video microscopy experiments. LMLB was a research fellow of Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). We acknowledge Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Faperj) and Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini postdoctoral fellowship for the research fellowships given to GWPN and SSWW, respectively.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Reversing hypoxic cell chemoresistance in vitro using genetic and small molecule approaches targeting hypoxia inducible factor-1

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    ABSTRACT The resistance of hypoxic cells to conventional chemotherapy is well documented. Using both adenovirus-mediated gene delivery and small molecules targeting hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), we evaluated the impact of HIF-1 inhibition on the sensitivity of hypoxic tumor cells to etoposide. The genetic therapy exploited a truncated HIF-1␣ protein that acts as a dominant-negative HIF-1␣ (HIF-1␣-no-TAD). Its functionality was validated in six human tumor cell lines using HIF-1 reporter assays. An EGFP-fused protein demonstrated that the dominant-negative HIF-1␣ was nucleus-localized and constitutively expressed irrespective of oxygen tension. The small molecules studied were quinocarmycin monocitrate (KW2152), its analog 7-cyanoquinocarcinol (DX-52-1), and topotecan. DX-52-1 and topotecan have been previously established as HIF-1 inhibitors. HT1080 and HCT116 cells were treated with either AdHIF-1␣-no-TAD or nontoxic concentrations (0.1 M; ϽIC 10 ) of KW2152 and DX-52-1 and exposed to etoposide in air or anoxia (Ͻ0.01% oxygen). Topotecan inhibited HIF-1 activity only at cytotoxic concentrations and was not used in the combination study. Etoposide IC 50 values in anoxia were 3-fold higher than those in air for HT1080 (2.2 Ϯ 0.3 versus 0.7 Ϯ 0.2 M) and HCT116 (9 Ϯ 4 versus 3 Ϯ 2 M) cells. KW2152 and DX-52-1 significantly reduced the anoxic etoposide IC 50 in HT1080 cells, whereas only KW2152 yielded sensitization in HCT116 cells. In contrast, AdHIF-1␣-no-TAD (multiplicity of infection 50) ablated the anoxic resistance in both cell lines (IC 50 values: HT1080, 0.7 Ϯ 0.04 M; HCT116, 3 Ϯ 1 M). HIF-1␣-no-TAD expression inhibited HIF-1-mediated down-regulation of the proapoptotic protein Bid under anoxia. These data support the potential development of HIF-1 targeted approaches in combination with chemotherapy, where hypoxic cell resistance contributes to treatment failure

    Amelogenesis Imperfecta caused by N-Terminal Enamelin Point Mutations in Mice and Men is driven by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

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    ‘Amelogenesis imperfecta’ (AI) describes a group of inherited diseases of dental enamel that have major clinical impact. Here, we identify the aetiology driving AI in mice carrying a p.S55I mutation in enamelin; one of the most commonly mutated proteins underlying AI in humans. Our data indicate that the mutation inhibits the ameloblast secretory pathway leading to ER stress and an activated unfolded protein response (UPR). Initially, with the support of the UPR acting in pro-survival mode, Enam(p.S55I) heterozygous mice secreted structurally normal enamel. However, enamel secreted thereafter was structurally abnormal; presumably due to the UPR modulating ameloblast behaviour and function in an attempt to relieve ER stress. Homozygous mutant mice failed to produce enamel. We also identified a novel heterozygous ENAM(p.L31R) mutation causing AI in humans. We hypothesize that ER stress is the aetiological factor in this case of human AI as it shared the characteristic phenotype described above for the Enam(p.S55I) mouse. We previously demonstrated that AI in mice carrying the Amelx(p.Y64H) mutation is a proteinopathy. The current data indicate that AI in Enam(p.S55I) mice is also a proteinopathy, and based on comparative phenotypic analysis, we suggest that human AI resulting from the ENAM(p.L31R) mutation is another proteinopathic disease. Identifying a common aetiology for AI resulting from mutations in two different genes opens the way for developing pharmaceutical interventions designed to relieve ER stress or modulate the UPR during enamel development to ameliorate the clinical phenotype