1,038 research outputs found

    Ontology Mapping of PATO to YATO for the improvement of interoperability of quality description

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    To facilitate broad interoperability for phenotype information between different ontological frameworks, we developed a reference ontology, PATO2YATO_Quality, with the careful mapping of terms of PATO which is a quality ontology commonly used for biological phenotype annotation to the latest top-level ontology, YATO, which represents advanced modeling of quality-related concepts. As a result, YATO framework enabled to describe changes of phenotypic qualities along the courses of time in ontologically correct way and sophisticated classification and representation of interrelationships among quality-related concepts to provide fully integration of qualitative values and quantitative values obtained from phenotyping experiments and advanced representation of more detailed quality description. Thus, PATO2YATO_Quality will contribute to advanced integration of phenotypic qualities


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    Decomposition Process of Woody Debris and Fungal Community Structure

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    We examined the relationship between the community structure of wood-decaying fungi, detected by high-throughput sequencing, and the decomposition rate using 13 years of data from a forest dynamics plot. For molecular analysis and wood density measurements, drill dust samples were collected from logs and stumps of Fagus and Quercus in the plot. Regression using a negative exponential model between wood density and time since death revealed that the decomposition rate of Fagus was greater than that of Quercus. The residual between the expected value obtained from the regression curve and the observed wood density was used as a decomposition rate index. Principal component analysis showed that the fungal community compositions of both Fagus and Quercus changed with time since death. Principal component analysis axis scores were used as an index of fungal community composition. A structural equation model for each wood genus was used to assess the effect of fungal community structure traits on the decomposition rate and how the fungal community structure was determined by the traits of coarse woody debris. Results of the structural equation model suggested that the decomposition rate of Fagus was affected by two fungal community composition components: one that was affected by time since death and another that was not affected by the traits of coarse woody debris. In contrast, the decomposition rate of Quercus was not affected by coarse woody debris traits or fungal community structure. These findings suggest that, in the case of Fagus coarse woody debris, the fungal community structure is related to the decomposition process of its host substrate. Because fungal community structure is affected partly by the decay stage and wood density of its substrate, these factors influence each other. Further research on interactive effects is needed to improve our understanding of the relationship between fungal community structure and the woody debris decomposition process


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    金沢大学工学部研究課題/領域番号:02750381, 研究期間(年度):1990出典:研究課題「落石によるRC部材の衝撃破壊とエネルギー吸収」課題番号02750381(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-02750381/)を加工して作

    Characteristic Temperatures of Folding of a Small Peptide

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    We perform a generalized-ensemble simulation of a small peptide taking the interactions among all atoms into account. From this simulation we obtain thermodynamic quantities over a wide range of temperatures. In particular, we show that the folding of a small peptide is a multi-stage process associated with two characteristic temperatures, the collapse temperature T_{\theta} and the folding temperature T_f. Our results give supporting evidence for the energy landscape picture and funnel concept. These ideas were previously developed in the context of studies of simplified protein models, and here for the first time checked in an all-atom Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: Latex, 6 Figure

    Prolonged Fetal Bradycardia as the Presenting Clinical Sign in Congenital Syphilis Complicated by Necrotizing Funisitis: A Case Report

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    Syphilis remains a serious cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. In this paper, we describe a case of congenital syphilis that was fully supported by abnormal fetal heart rate patterns and placental histopathological evidence. A 24-year-old para 4 woman, who did not attend antenatal care, was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of abdominal discomfort at an estimated 31-week gestation. Fetal heart rate monitoring showed prolonged bradycardia. A neonate weighting 1,423 g with severe birth asphyxia was immediately delivered by cesarean section. Following delivery, the mother and the neonate were diagnosed with syphilis. Histopathological examination confirmed severe chorioamnionitis and necrotizing funisitis with numerous Treponema pallidum. Conclusions. Challenges in establishing the diagnosis of necrotizing funisitis are essential for optimal management of a fetus with a systemic inflammatory response in utero


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    金沢大学工学部コンクリート部材は土木構造物に広く用いられているが,その脆性的性質は最も代表的な短所の一つである.橋梁の床版,高欄への交通荷重の衝突を始めとして,電車の車止め壁への衝突,防波堤への船舶の衝突,山岳道路の各種防護構造物への落石,雪崩の衝突などによる災害,事故がかなりの頻度で発生している.このような構造物の設計法と現存のコンクリート構造物がどの程度の耐衝撃性を有しているかが求められていた.多くの土木構造物に用いられているコンクリート構造の限界状態の一つである飛来物による衝撃挙動を調べるために、最初に衝撃実験の計測方法とその再現性に関していろいろな検討を行った.その後複鉄筋補強コンクリートはりに対して静的ならびに衝撃破壊実験を行い、崩壊荷重、破壊モードやじん性について詳細に検討を行い衝撃荷重下の破壊に関して知見を得ている.同時に不連続体の解析に有効である個別要素法を連続体の破壊に適用し、これらの衝撃現象を数値解析的にも明らかにしている.また,落石覆工のようにクッション材(通常は砂)がスラブ上にある場合についても衝撃力を中心とする衝撃挙動を実験結果を用いて明らかにしている.また不連続体の解析に有効とされている個別要素をクッション材に連続体の解析にもっとも用いられることの多い有限要素を覆工屋根部に適用するDEM-FEM結合解析法を開発し、その解析手法を用いて各種の条件下で解析を行い、最終的に無次元化した衝撃時間と衝突体と覆工の質量を用いた設計衝撃力評価式を提案した.研究課題/領域番号:08650546, 研究期間(年度):1996出典:研究課題「落石などによるコンクリートスラブの衝撃破壊について」課題番号08650546(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-08650546/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学工学部ロックシェッドに最も多く使用されるコンクリート部材の限界状態を明らかにするための解析手法として個別要素法を拡張し、一般的なはりの衝撃応答、破壊について研究を進め、各種条件下での部材の破壊モード、発生衝撃力、破壊に必要とされるエネルギーなどについて明らかにしている。また、落石災害が起きる原因としては、設計において、落石条件を単に確定的に取り扱い、しかも主たる落石荷重がほぼ鉛直方向にしか作用しないと仮定し、現実に即したいろいろな荷重状態、限界状態の検討がなされていないことが考えられる。本研究では合理的な評価システムを開発するために、不確定性の大きい落石の衝撃力評価を実験により検討し、さらに実際に用いられている落石覆構造物のいろいろな限界状態については調査を行った。本研究では、この不確定性を有する荷重を評価するため、荷重係数設計法の適用を試みた。この設計法は、確率論的手法を用いて解析を行ない、それぞれの荷重に対して均等な安全性を得ようとするものである。しかし、落石問題では荷重の評価自体が十分確立されたものではなく、覆工の限界状態それ自体も明らかにされているわけではない。本研究では、落石覆工の構造のモデル化、荷重の取り扱い方法、限界状態の設定そして限界状態に対する超過確率などをいくつかの仮定の基で具体的に示し、許容応力度法による設計の目標値(ターゲット確率)を用いることにより、逆L型PC製落石覆工を対象として荷重係数設計法を適用した。そして、豪雪地帯における落石覆工の荷重係数を具体的に求めいくつかの知見を得ている。Rock-sheds are normally constructed by reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete or steel members. For most of them concrete materials are used. The behavior of concrete member up to complete failure has not been clear under dynamic load like rock falls.In this study, the distinct element method are developed to simulate the complex behavior of steel reinforced concrete member under the impact load. Several examples are shown under some kinds of loading conditions. The characteristics of loads, failure modes and energy dispersions are discussed.In the other hand, the simplification of rock shed for modeling, the method of the treatment of load by rock falls, the probability of failure of rock shed under the some assumptions concerning limit states. Consequently, the load factor design method are shown for the rock shed in heavy snow area.研究課題/領域番号:05555126, 研究期間(年度):1993 – 1994出典:研究課題「崩壊耐力に基づくロックシェッドの危険度評価システムの開発」課題番号05555126(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-05555126/055551261994kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作