247 research outputs found

    Sobre la validez de Pachychila freyi Koch, 1944, P. denticollis Grimm, 1987 y las sinonimias del género introducidas por Viñolas & Cartagena (2005) en su Fauna de Tenebriónidos (Argania Editio) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Pimeliinae)

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    Pachychila freyi Koch, 1944, misidentified as Pachychila incrassata Rosenhauer, 1856 by Viñolas & Cartagena (2005), and P. denticollis Grimm, 1987 are two valid species from Almería, Spain, arbitrarily treated as junior synonyms respectively of Pachychila glabella (Herbst, 1799) and of P. germari Solier, 1835. They differ clearly from Pachychila glabella and P. germari and from all other described species of this genus, by several morphological external and internal characters, ignored by the authors, who failed to study types. Moreover, the insect treated as “Pachychila germari Solier” by Viñolas & Cartagena (2005), exhibits significant genitalia differences compared to Pachychila germari from North Africa, and in reality belongs to Pachychila bifida Rosenhauer, 1856, another valid species of the Iberian fauna.Pachychila freyi Koch, 1944 –confundida con Pachychila incrassata Rosenhauer, 1856–, y P. denticollis Grimm, 1987, son dos especies válidas de Almería, España, arbitrariamente puestas en sinonimia de Pachychila glabella (Herbst, 1799) y de P. germari Solier, 1835, respectivamente, por Viñolas & Cartagena (2005). Ambas son claramente diferentes de estas especies, y de todas las Pachychilas conocidas y descritas, por un gran número de caracteres morfológicos, ignorados por estos autores, que no han examinado los tipos. Además, “Pachychila germari Solier” (Viñolas & Cartagena, 2005), presenta considerables diferencias en su genitalia con Pachychila germari del norte de África, y en realidad se trata de Pachychila bifida Rosenhauer, 1856, otra especie válida de la fauna ibérica

    Reliability and validity of the Colombian version of the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory

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    Sociosexuality refers to an individual’s disposition to have casual sex without establishing affective bonds and has been widely studied worldwide using the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R; Penke & Asendorpf, 2008). Despite its many validations in different cultural contexts, no psychometric analyses of this instrument have been conducted in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. To address this gap in the literature, we examined the psychometric properties of the SOI-R in Colombia. In a cross-sectional study with a large sample of participants (N = 812; 64% women), we conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to identify different factor structures and determine which had the best fit for our sample and examined the reliability of the scale. Results showed that a three-factor structure, with sociosexual behaviors, attitudes, and desire as first-order factors, and global sociosexuality as a second-order factor, had the best fit indexes. Each factor presented good reliability indexes. Replicating already established gender differences, we also found that men scored higher on each factor when compared to women. These findings show that the SOI-R is a reliable and valid instrument to assess sociosexuality in countries where sociosexuality research is underrepresented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comentarios sobre Cnemeplatiini Jacquelin du Val, 1861 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) de la península Ibérica e islas Canarias

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    The taxonomy and geographic distribution of the Iberian and Canary Islands representatives of the tribe Cnemeplatiini, is established, after study of available types. Several errors in recent papers are corrected. Cnemeplatia laticeps (Wollaston, 1857) described from Madeira, is cited as new record for the isla of La Palma, Canary Islands. Cnemeplatia atropos Costa 1847 is a valid species. Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 stat. rest. and C. mouchampsi Español 1948 stat. nov. are considered as valid species and not geographical subspecies of Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847, based on morphology. The name Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 has priority over C. atropos africana Kaszab, 1938 syn. nov. Figures of discriminatory characters to identify all European and Northwestern African described species are given.La composición taxonómica y distribución geográfica de los representantes de la tribu Cnemeplatiini en la Península Ibérica y Canarias, se establece tras el estudio de los tipos disponibles. Se corrigen varios errores de trabajos recientes. Cnemeplatia laticeps (Wollaston, 1857) descrita de Madeira, se cita como nuevo para la isla de La Palma, Islas Canarias. Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847 es tratado como una especie válida. Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 stat. rest. y C. mouchampsi Español 1948 stat. nov. son consideradas como especies válidas, no como subespecies geográficas de Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847, en base a su morfología. El nombre Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 tiene prioridad sobre C. atropos africana Kaszab, 1938 syn. nov. Se presentan figuras de los caracteres morfológicos discriminatorios para identificar las diferentes especies descritas de Europa y NO de África

    Ecosystem services show variable responses to future climate conditions in the Colombian páramos

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    Background: The páramos, the high-elevation ecosystems of the northern Andes, are well-known for their high species richness and provide a variety of ecosystem services to local subsistence-based communities and regional urbanizations. Climate change is expected to negatively affect the provision of these services, but the level of this impact is still unclear. Here we assess future climate change impact on the ecosystem services provided by the critically important páramos of the department of Boyacá in Colombia, of which over 25% of its territory is páramo. Methods: We first performed an extensive literature review to identify useful species of Boyacá, and selected 103 key plant species that, based on their uses, support the provision of ecosystem services in the páramos. We collated occurrence information for each key species and using a Mahalanobis distance approach we applied climate niche modelling for current and future conditions. Results: We show an overall tendency of reduction in area for all ecosystem services under future climate conditions (mostly a loss of 10% but reaching up to a loss of 40%), but we observe also increases, and responses differ in intensity loss. Services such as Food for animals, Material and Medicinal, show a high range of changes that includes both positive and negative outcomes, while for Food for humans the responses are mostly substantially negative. Responses are less extreme than those projected for individual species but are often complex because a given ecosystem service is provided by several species. As the level of functional or ecological redundancy between species is not yet known, there is an urgency to expand our knowledge on páramos ecosystem services for more species. Our results are crucial for decision-makers, social and conservation organizations to support sustainable strategies to monitor and mitigate the potential consequences of climate change for human livelihoods in mountainous settings.publishedVersio

    Fístula traqueo-esofágica en un perro como complicación de un cuerpo extraño esofágico y su resolución

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    En este artículo se describe un caso clínico de una fístula traqueo-esofágica en un perro mestizo de 3 años, como complicación de la extracción de un cuerpo extraño alojado en el esófago, así como su posterior resolución. El animal se presentó en nuestra consulta con una historia de regrugitación desde hacía una semana. En el estudio radiológico simple de la región cervical se pudo observar la presencia de una estructura irregular, de opacidad tejido ósea, compatible con un cuerpo extraño esofágico. La extracción se realizó mediante endoscopia, y tras ella se produjo, como consecuencia de la existencia de una fístula traqueo-esofágica, un enfisema subcutáneo en el área ventral del cuello. El tratamiento de esta complicación consistió en suturar la perforación traqueal y, debido a las amplias zonas de esófago desvitalizado, se optó por realizar una esofagectomía parcial, con miotomía del esófago y con refuerzo del área de anastomosis con un pedículo muscular del músculo esternotiroideo. Se practicó una gastrotomía de alimentación durante 10 días para proporcionar al animal soporte nutricional, y tras este periodo de timepo se realizó un esofagograma observándose una trayectoria normal del contraste. El animal evoluciono favorablemente aunque tiene que tomar una dieta blanda, y tras un años no se ha evidenciado ninguna complicación.

    The periodic Anderson model from the atomic limit and FeSi

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    The exact Green's functions of the periodic Anderson model for UU\to \infty are formally expressed within the cumulant expansion in terms of an effective cumulant. Here we resort to a calculation in which this quantity is approximated by the value it takes for the exactly soluble atomic limit of the same model. In the Kondo region a spectral density is obtained that shows near the Fermi surface a structure with the properties of the Kondo peak. Approximate expressions are obtained for the static conductivity % \sigma (T) and magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi (T) of the PAM, and they are employed to fit the experimental values of FeSi, a compound that behaves like a Kondo insulator with both quantities vanishing rapidly for T0T\to 0. Assuming that the system is in the intermediate valence region, it was possible to find good agreement between theory and experiment for these two properties by employing the same set of parameters. It is shown that in the present model the hybridization is responsible for the relaxation mechanism of the conduction electrons.Comment: 26 pages and 8 figure

    Genetic Uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid (Carica papaya L.) during Micropropagation

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    Objective. To analyze the genetic uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid vitroplants, obtained via direct organogenesis. Design/methodology/approach. The MSXJ papaya hybrid presents quality characteristics for national and export markets. The in vitro plant tissue culture represents a tool for its multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can decrease its genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of this hybrid vitroplants, 10 ISSR primers were used in micropropagated vitroplants during nine subcultures. DNA extraction was carried out with the CTAB method. The data analysis was performed with the PopGene v 1.3.1 program. Results. Eighty five loci of 200 to 2000 bp were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed that separated subculture one, subcultures two through eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity up to subculture eight. Limitations/implications. Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however it is necessary to have healthy and genetically uniform plants that guarantee their quality. In vitro propagation allows to produce healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study their genetic uniformity during their micropropagation. Findings/conclusions. The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid allowed to regenerate vigorous plants in 30 days. Molecular profiles indicated that up to subculture eight plantlets were genetically uniform, so it is recommended not to carry out more than eight subcultures during micropropagation.Objective: To analyze the genetic uniformity of MSXJ hybrid papaya in vitro plants, obtained by direct organogenesis.Design/Methodology/Approach: The MSXJ papaya hybrid demonstrates quality characteristics for the national and exports market. In vitro culture of plant tissues represents a useful tool for their multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can diminish their genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of in vitro plants of this hybrid, ten ISSR primers were used for in vitro plants micropropagated during nine subcultures. DNA was extracted using the CTAB method. Data were analyzed using the program PopGene v 1.3.1.Results: Eighty-five loci of 200 to up to 2000 pb were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed which separate subculture one, subcultures two to eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity as far as subculture eight.Study Limitations/Implications: Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however, these plants need to be healthy and genetically uniform to guarantee commercial success. In vitro propagation allows obtaining healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study genetic uniformity during their micropropagation.Findings/Conclusions: The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid permitted the regeneration of vigorous plants in 30 d. Molecular profiles indicate that as far as subculture eight, there is genetic uniformity. As such, no more thaneight subcultures are recommended during micropropagation

    Contourites and bottom current reworked sands:Bed facies model and implications

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    Sex Identification of in vitro Plants of Carica papaya L. MSXJ Hybrid through Molecular Markers

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    Objective: To identify the sex in vitro plants of the MSXJ hybrid papaya (Carica papaya L.) obtained via somatic organogenesis, using molecular markers SCAR type. Design/methodology/approach: Plants of the MSXJ hybrid papaya with eight months of age and during the fruiting stage were collected at the municipality of Cotaxtla, Veracruz. They were superficially disinfected, with plenty of running water, detergent for 30 minutes, 70% alcohol was added for one minute, 30% commercial chlorine for another 30 minutes and rinsed with sterile distilled water. Subsequently the meristems were grown under a MS medium, and after 30 days a subculture was performed. The extraction of DNA was performed using the Doyle and Doyle method. The PCR was done by the Deputy et al. method, and initiators T1, T12 and W11 were used. Results: Initiator T1 was positive control. Initiators T12 and W11 allowed the amplification of fragments identifying hermaphrodite, female and male plants, while the T12 and W11 initiators were specific to hermaphrodite plants. Study limitations/implications: Papaya producers know the genus of plants three months after planting. Sexuality in papaya plants cannot be differentiated until the flowering step. Findings/conclusions: the implementation of molecular markers could facilitate large-scale plant selection, reducing costs, maintenance time and the elimination of plants with unwanted sex.Objective: To identify the sex of in vitro plants of papaya (Carica papaya L.) MSXJhybrid obtained via somatic organogenesis, through SCAR type molecular markers. Design/Methodology/Approach: Eight-month old MSXJ papaya hybrid plants in thefructification stage were collected in Cotaxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. They weresuperficially disinfected with abundant running water, detergent during 30 min, andthen alcohol at 70% was added for one minute, commercial chlorine at 30% for 30min, and they were rinsed with sterile distilled water; then the meristems werecultivated in MS medium and after 30 d a subculture was made. The DNA extractionwas made with the CTAB method, and the DNA PCR was done with the Deputy et al.(2002) method, and the primers T1, T12 and W11 were used.Results: The T1 primer was the positive control and the T12 and W11 primersallowed the amplification of fragments that identify hermaphrodite, feminine and maleplants, while the T12 and W11 primers were specific for hermaphrodite plants.Study Limitations/Implications: It is required to standardize the method for it to beinexpensive.Findings/Conclusions: The sexuality of papaya plants can be differentiated until thestage of flowering, which is why the implementation of molecular markers wouldfacilitate plant selection if it is implemented at a large scale. Costs, maintenance timeand elimination of plants of unwanted sex are reduced this way

    Psicoterapia y problemas actuales. Debates y alternativas

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    Ante la proliferación de fenómenos psicosociales, como el suicidio, la violencia sexual, los trastornos del comportamiento alimenticio y las crisis de identidad, emerge esta obra, como una respuesta reflexiva que aborda desde una pluralidad de perspectivas el quehacer psicoterapéutico, para favorecer una comprensión amplia de estas situaciones problema y ofrecer, desde la experiencia de sus autores, alternativas de entendimiento y de desarrollo de tratamientos para la atención de quienes las viven. El objetivo es compartir una comprensión innovadora de la práctica del psicoterapeuta, desde una mirada caracterizada por el diálogo interdisciplinario. Ello a partir de la recuperación de las estrategias implementadas frente a distintas coyunturas, así como a través de la reflexión personal en torno a la formación y el ejercicio profesional del psicoterapeuta, que pueden favorecer la retroalimentación y la generación de formas de intervención más adecuadas a la realidad de algunos dilemas contemporáneos y de los entornos en que estos se desenvuelven. Un libro recomendable para estudiantes, docentes y profesionales en el campo de la psicoterapia y la salud psicosocial.ITESO. A.C