508 research outputs found

    Análisis numérico de la barra estabilizadora trasera del vehículo VW Jetta Hybrid 2016

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    "El enfoque de este estudio fue con el objetivo principal de analizar la barra de estabilidad trasera del Vehículo VW Jetta Hybrid modelo 2016, con un análisis numérico y analítico en condiciones estáticas y dinámicas. El realizar el análisis de dicha barra es de gran importancia, ya que gracias a esto es posible realizar una propuesta de mejora con materiales compuestos como material alternativo en el material empleado actualmente en la barra estabilizadora, todo esto en función de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis. Se realizó una validación de resultados de una investigación científica tanto numérica como analítica para usarlo como base para los análisis desarrollados en la barra de estabilidad de Vehículo VW Jetta Hybrid modelo 2016. En base a lo anterior, se creó el modelo con ayuda de la tomografía computarizada industrial y el método de ingeniería inversa, escaneando la pieza real de la barra de estabilidad. Posteriormente, se efectuó recopilación de parámetros y desarrolló del análisis estático y dinámico con el material usado actualmente de forma analítica y numérica.

    Ileal apparent and standardized amino acid digestibility of soybean and colza meal in diets for finishing pigs

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    Agri-food chains generate by-products such as soybean and colza meal for animal feed. Their nutritional value is variable and should be analysed for better quality control before their inclusion in balanced diets. The objective was to determine the content and ileal apparent and standardized digestibility of protein and amino acids (AA) of soybean (PS) and colza meal (PC) as a source of protein in diets for finishing pigs. The experimental units were arranged in a 3×3 Latin square design repeated. The treatments (T) were T1: PS+corn starch, T2: PC+corn starch, and T3: corn starch (Control), which were randomly assigned to six pigs cannulated in distal ileum (PV 75±1.2 kg). The variables were contents and apparent ileal and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean and colza meal. To determine digestibility, chromic oxide was added to the diets. The protein and fat contents were higher in the soybean meal. Ash, crude fibre, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, phosphorus and calcium contents were higher in the colza meal. Essential amino acid content was higher in soybean meal, but methionine was higher in colza meal. Apparent ileal digestibility (DIA) of total amino acids was similar (p > 0.05) among protein ingredients; but for lysine and threonine it was higher (p ≤ 0.05) in soybean meal, except methionine. Methionine DIA was 89.78 %, 3.88 % higher (p ≤ 0.05) in colza meal. Standardized ileal digestibility (DIE) of total amino acids was similar (p > 0.05) among ingredients, but lysine and threonine were higher (p ≤ 0.05) in soybean meal. DIE was different (p ≤ 0.05) among ingredients for all amino acids except methionine. Ileal and standardized digestibility of all amino acids were higher in soybean meal, except methionine, which was higher in colza meal. The DIA of total amino acids was similar in both protein ingredients, except lysine and threonine in soybean meal and methionine in colza meal

    Deslizamientos submarinos y tsunamis en el Mar de Alborán. Un ejemplo de modelización numérica

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    Texto científico de carácter divulgativo.Texto científico de carácter divulgativo en el que se presenta un trabajo de modelado matemático y simulación numérica de un hipotético tsunami producido en el Mar de Alborán por un deslizamiento masivo de materiales en el flanco sur de la Dorsal de Alborán.Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Universidad de Málaga

    The restoration of San Pedro cliff at La Alhambra. Calculation aspects

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    RESUMEN. La muralla-palacio de La Alhambra, que es Patrimonio de la Humanidad, se ve amenazada por el avance del Tajo de San Pedro (Figura1), un diedro de 65,5 m de altura, que corta la colina de La Alhambra y que se ha situado a sólo 23,8 m de ella. Existe en la zona un régimen tectónico de extensión que afloja el terreno y activa la caída de lajas. Otra causa importante del deterioro del Tajo es la erosión. El coeficiente de seguridad al deslizamiento del Tajo sometido al terremoto de periodo de retorno de 1.000 años es de 0,73. La solución propuesta para su preservación es una malla de alambre postesada de alto límite elástico y revegetación autóctona. La presión que puede llegar a aplicar la malla en servicio eleva el coeficiente de seguridad con sismo a un valor próximo a uno. Mediante una simulación en ordenador se ha analizado el impacto ambiental.ABSTRACT. San Pedro cliff (Figure 1) is a dihedral 65.5 m high, which has progressed to place itself at 23.8 m from the Alhambra wall-palace that is a heritage of the Humankind. Active normal faults surrounding the cliff have created an extension tectonic regime that loosens the ground and activates the slab falls. One of the faces of the dihedral is a major fault. The cliff’s factor of safety subject to the 1000 years return period earthquake is 0.73. The preservation solution proposed is a posttensioned high elastic limit wire mesh and autochthonous vegetation. With this reinforcement, the factor of safety under that earthquake raises to a value around one. A computer simulation has permitted to analyse the environmental impact

    Economic evaluation of health services costs during pandemic influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 infection in pregnant and non-pregnant women in Spain (2009)

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    Background: The healthcare and socio-economic burden resulting from influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in Spain was considerable. Our aim was to estimate and compare the management (resource utilization) and economic healthcare impact in an at-risk group of unvaccinated pregnant women with an unvaccinated group of non-pregnant woman of childbearing age (15-44 yr old). Methods: We addressed this question with a longitudinal, observational, multicentre study. Inputs were the require-ments in managing both groups of women. Outcome measures were healthcare costs. Direct healthcare (including medical utilisation, prescriptions of antivirals, medication, diagnostic tests, and hospitalisation) costs and indirect (productivity loss) costs were considered. Unit of cost was attributed to the frequency of health service resources utili-sation. The mean cost per patient was calculated in this group of women. Results: We found that the influenza clinical pattern was worse in non-pregnant women as they had a high medical risk of 20.4% versus 6.1% of pregnant women. Non-pregnant required more antipyretics and antibiotics, and needed more health service resource utilisation (338 medical visits in non-pregnant women vs. 42 in pregnant women). The total cost of non-pregnant women was higher ( 4,689.4/non-pregnant and 2,945.07/pregnant). Conclusions: Cost per (H1N1) pdm09 was lower for pregnant women, probably due to more preventive measures adopted for their protection in Spain. The highest costs were incurred by hospitalisations/day and work absenteeism for non-pregnant than for pregnant women. These data will allow better future pandemic influenza planning

    The Transcription Factor ArcA Modulates Salmonella’s Metabolism in Response to Neutrophil Hypochlorous Acid-Mediated Stress

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    Indexación: ScopusSalmonella Typhimurium, a bacterial pathogen with high metabolic plasticity, can adapt to different environmental conditions; these traits enhance its virulence by enabling bacterial survival. Neutrophils play important roles in the innate immune response, including the production of microbicidal reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, the myeloperoxidase in neutrophils catalyzes the formation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a highly toxic molecule that reacts with essential biomolecules, causing oxidative damage including lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation. The bacterial response regulator ArcA regulates adaptive responses to oxygen levels and influences the survival of Salmonella inside phagocytic cells. Here, we demonstrate by whole transcriptomic analyses that ArcA regulates genes related to various metabolic pathways, enabling bacterial survival during HOCl-stress in vitro. Also, inside neutrophils, ArcA controls the transcription of several metabolic pathways by downregulating the expression of genes related to fatty acid degradation, lysine degradation, and arginine, proline, pyruvate, and propanoate metabolism. ArcA also upregulates genes encoding components of the oxidative pathway. These results underscore the importance of ArcA in ATP generation inside the neutrophil phagosome and its participation in bacterial metabolic adaptations during HOCl stress. © Copyright © 2019 Pardo-Esté, Castro-Severyn, Krüger, Cabezas, Briones, Aguirre, Morales, Baquedano, Sulbaran, Hidalgo, Meneses, Poblete-Castro, Castro-Nallar, Valvano and Saavedra.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2019.02754/ful

    Biological and proteolytic variation in the venom of Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus from Mexico

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    Rattlesnake venoms may be classified according to the presence/absence and relative abundance of the neurotoxic phospholipases A2s (PLA2s), such as Mojave toxin, and snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs). In Mexico, studies to determine venom variation in Mojave Rattlesnakes (Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus) are limited and little is known about the biological and proteolytic activities in this species. Tissue (34) and venom (29) samples were obtained from C. s. scutulatus from different locations within their distribution in Mexico. Mojave toxin detection was carried out at the genomic (by PCR) and protein (by ELISA) levels for all tissue and venom samples. Biological activity was tested on representative venoms by measuring LD50 and hemorrhagic activity. To determine the approximate amount of SVMPs, 15 venoms were separated by RP-HPLC and variation in protein profile and proteolytic activity was evaluated by SDS-PAGE (n = 28) and Hide Powder Azure proteolytic analysis (n = 27). Three types of venom were identified in Mexico which is comparable to the intraspecific venom diversity observed in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, USA: Venom Type A ( Type II), with Mojave toxin, highly toxic, lacking hemorrhagic activity, and with scarce proteolytic activity; Type B ( Type I), without Mojave toxin, less toxic than Type A, highly hemorrhagic and proteolytic; and Type A + B, containing Mojave toxin, as toxic as venom Type A, variable in hemorrhagic activity and with intermediate proteolytic activity. We also detected a positive correlation between SVMP abundance and hemorrhagic and proteolytic activities. Although more sampling is necessary, our results suggest that venoms containing Mojave toxin and venom lacking this toxin are distributed in the northwest and southeast portions of the distribution in Mexico, respectively, while an intergradation in the middle of both zones is presentConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia/[221343]/CONACYT/MéxicoUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Microbiologí

    Adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib for patients with resected BRAF-mutated melanoma: DESCRIBE-AD real-world retrospective observational study

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    BRAF and MEK inhibitor, dabrafenib plus trametinib, adjuvant therapy is effective for high-risk resected melanoma patients with BRAF-V600 mutations. However, real-world evidence is limited. We aimed to determine the feasibility of this therapy in routine clinical practice. DESCRIBE-AD, a retrospective observational study, collected real-world data from 25 hospitals in Spain. Histologically confirmed and resected BRAF-mutated melanoma patients aged & GE;18 years who were previously treated with dabrafenib plus trametinib adjuvant therapy, were included. The primary objectives were treatment discontinuation rate and time to discontinuation. The secondary objectives included safety and efficacy. From October 2020 to March 2021, 65 patients were included. Dabrafenib and trametinib discontinuation rate due to treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) of any grade was 9%. Other reasons for discontinuation included patients' decisions (6%), physician decisions (6%), unrelated adverse events (3%), disease progression (5%), and others (5%). The median time to treatment discontinuation was 9 months [95% confidence interval (CI), 5-11]. G3-4 TRAEs occurred in 21.5% of patients, the most common being pyrexia (3%), asthenia (3%), and diarrhoea (3%). Unscheduled hospitalisations and clinical tests occurred in 6 and 22% of patients, respectively. After 20-month median follow-up (95% CI, 18-22), 9% of patients had exitus due to disease progression, with a 12-month relapse-free survival and overall survival rates of 95.3% and 100%, respectively. Dabrafenib and trametinib adjuvant therapy proved effective for melanoma patients in a real-world setting, with a manageable toxicity profile. Toxicity frequencies were low leading to low incidence of unscheduled medical visits, tests, and treatment discontinuations