103 research outputs found

    Monolayer arrangement of fatty hydroxystearic acids on graphite: Influence of hydroxyl groups

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    Previous studies have indicated that long-chain linear carboxylic acids form commensurate packed crystalline monolayers on graphite even at temperatures above their melting point. This study examines the effect on the monolayer formation and structure of adding one or more secondary hydroxyl, functional groups to the stearic acid skeleton (namely, 12-hydroxystearic and 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid). Moreover, a comparative study of the monolayer formation on recompressed and monocrystalline graphite has been performed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), respectively. The Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and XRD data were used to confirm the formation of solid monolayers and XRD data have provided a detailed structural analysis of the monolayers in good correspondence with obtained STM images. DSC and XRD have demonstrated that, in stearic acid and 12-hydroxystearic acid adsorbed onto graphite, the monolayer melted at a higher temperature than the bulk form of the carboxylic acid. However, no difference was observed between the melting point of the monolayer and the bulk form for 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid adsorbed onto graphite. STM results indicated that all acids on the surface have a rectangular p2 monolayer structure, whose lattice parameters were uniaxially commensurate on the a-axis. This structure does not correlate with the initial structure of the pure compounds after dissolving, but it is conditioned to favor a) hydrogen bond formation between the carboxylic groups and b) formation of hydrogen bonds between secondary hydroxyl groups, if spatially permissible. Therefore, the presence of hydroxyl functional groups affects the secondary structure and behavior of stearic acid in the monolayer.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ 2010-14874, CTQ 2011-2429


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    ResumenAnalizando el sector económico en el estado de Guanajuato se encuentra que los dos principales, son los sectores relacionados con las industrias manufactureras y el comercio, según datos del INEGI [1]; el comercio textil y de calzado es abundante en la zona sur y noreste del estado, esto debido a que en estas zonas manufacturan sus productos para ser comercializados, para lograr producir se necesita de mano de obra, así como de maquinaria para la realización de un producto. Antes de que un producto esté listo para comercializar pasa por varios procesos, tanto en la producción de calzado y de confección textil se detectó un proceso en común; el “ojillado” o más conocido como “remachado de ojillos”, este proceso es comúnmente realizado de manera manual, y en pocos casos con una máquina automática, por lo que se plantea realizar el diseño de una máquina remachadora por medio de herramientas de Diseño Asistido por Computadora (CAD), esto para tener un diseño más versátil, corrección de errores antes de maquinar y evitar desperdicios por maquinados erróneos.Palabras Claves: Diseño Asistido por Computadora (CAD), Modelo de Utilidad, Remachado.AbstractAnalizing the economic sector in the Guanajuato state it is found that the two main economic sectors, are the sectors related with maufacturing factories and the trade, according to the INEGI data [1]; textile trade and footwwear is abundant in the south and northeast zone of the Guanajuato state, in order to produce the material, labor and machinery are needed to produce a product. Before a producto is ready to market goes through several processes, in sectors both in the footwear producction and textile it was detected a common process; eyeletting or best known that riveting of eyelets, this process is commonly done manually, and in a few cases with a automated machine, so it is proposed to perform the desing of the riverter machine through of tools the Computer-Aided Desing (CAD), this to have a desing more versatile, correction of mistakes before of plot and avoid waste by erroneous machining.Keywords: Computer-Aided Desing, Riverter, Utility Model

    Autoaprendizaje experimental de contenidos científico-técnicos avanzados a partir de material didáctico elemental

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    Se describe la programación de actividades de autoaprendizaje experimental sobre contenidos cientí- fico-técnicos avanzados, a partir de un material didáctico elemental. Dichas actividades se han referido a la asignatura Química del Estado Sólido, correspondiente a la titulación Ingeniería de Materiales, de segundo ciclo, la cual se imparte por primera vez en la Universidad de Sevilla durante el curso 2005-06. La programación se ha aplicado por sus autores, miembros del Grupo de Investigación FQM 212 del PAI, de carácter multidisciplinar, en un contexto caracterizado por la diversidad de los estudios realizados previamente por los alumnos. Ello ha permitido llevar a cabo su evaluación y presentar los resultados obtenidos.The programmed activities for the experimental selflearnig of advanced scientific and technological contents are proposed. These activities fit into the subject Solid State Chemistry of the Materials Engineering (University of Seville) which has started the academic year 2005-06. The proposed activities have already been tested by the authors, which belong to the Andaluzian Research Group FQM 212, in a multidisciplinary group of students. This experimental trial has allowed the evaluation of the results

    Desarrollo Económico de la Comarca de Cartagena 2016

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    El presente informe tiene la finalidad de servir como una herramienta de diagnóstico de la situación económica del tejido empresarial de la Comarca de Cartagena, promoviendo medidas que contribuyen al desarrollo estratégico de la Comarca. A partir del estudio y análisis del contexto socioeconómico sectorial que han realizado los investigadores especialistas en cada uno de los sectores de actividad, así como del análisis por parte de los paneles de expertos consultados, se incluye a continuación un estudio por sectores de actividad de las actuaciones que deberían considerarse para establecer las líneas estratégicas de contenido económico en la Comarca de Cartagena en los próximos años. Las políticas que permitan desarrollar dichas actuaciones asegurarán la competitividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en general y el adecuado progreso económico de la Comarca en particular. Los principales pilares de competitividad sobre los que deberían asentarse las actuaciones estratégicas para la comarca se han clasificado por sectores de actividad atendiendo a las infraestructuras, el conocimiento (formación y cualificación), el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, la innovación, la financiación y la eficiencia de las Administraciones Públicas. El informe se estructura en una primera aproximación a la situación macroeconómica de la Comarca en su contexto Regional y Nacional desde el punto de vista de la oferta y la demanda, así como un detalle prospectivo de la economía para los próximos meses. A continuación se detalla el análisis sectorial dividido en los sectores: turismo, comercio, industria, agroalimentación y tecnológico. Adicionalmente, se incluye un análisis y diagnóstico económicofinanciero a nivel microeconómico de las pymes de la Comarca. Por último, se incluyen a modo de resumen las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas del estudi

    An Insertion Within SIRPß1 Shows a Dual Effect Over Alzheimer's Disease Cognitive Decline Altering the Microglial Response

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    Effectiveness of a strategy that uses educational games to implement clinical practice guidelines among Spanish residents of family and community medicine (e-EDUCAGUIA project):A clinical trial by clusters

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias FIS Grant Number PI11/0477 ISCIII.-REDISSEC Proyecto RD12/0001/0012 AND FEDER Funding.Background: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been developed with the aim of helping health professionals, patients, and caregivers make decisions about their health care, using the best available evidence. In many cases, incorporation of these recommendations into clinical practice also implies a need for changes in routine clinical practice. Using educational games as a strategy for implementing recommendations among health professionals has been demonstrated to be effective in some studies; however, evidence is still scarce. The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a teaching strategy for the implementation of CPGs using educational games (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) to improve knowledge and skills related to clinical decision-making by residents in family medicine. The primary objective will be evaluated at 1 and 6months after the intervention. The secondary objectives are to identify barriers and facilitators for the use of guidelines by residents of family medicine and to describe the educational strategies used by Spanish teaching units of family and community medicine to encourage implementation of CPGs. Methods/design: We propose a multicenter clinical trial with randomized allocation by clusters of family and community medicine teaching units in Spain. The sample size will be 394 residents (197 in each group), with the teaching units as the randomization unit and the residents comprising the analysis unit. For the intervention, both groups will receive an initial 1-h session on clinical practice guideline use and the usual dissemination strategy by e-mail. The intervention group (e-learning EDUCAGUIA) strategy will consist of educational games with hypothetical clinical scenarios in a virtual environment. The primary outcome will be the score obtained by the residents on evaluation questionnaires for each clinical practice guideline. Other included variables will be the sociodemographic and training variables of the residents and the teaching unit characteristics. The statistical analysis will consist of a descriptive analysis of variables and a baseline comparison of both groups. For the primary outcome analysis, an average score comparison of hypothetical scenario questionnaires between the EDUCAGUIA intervention group and the control group will be performed at 1 and 6months post-intervention, using 95% confidence intervals. A linear multilevel regression will be used to adjust the model. Discussion: The identification of effective teaching strategies will facilitate the incorporation of available knowledge into clinical practice that could eventually improve patient outcomes. The inclusion of information technologies as teaching tools permits greater learning autonomy and allows deeper instructor participation in the monitoring and supervision of residents. The long-term impact of this strategy is unknown; however, because it is aimed at professionals undergoing training and it addresses prevalent health problems, a small effect can be of great relevance. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02210442.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    una mirada desde las Ciencias de la Conducta

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    Este libro es el resultado de los trabajos presentados en el 1er Congreso Internacional "Convivencia y bienestar con sentido humanista para una cultura de paz"

    Effectiveness, safety/tolerability of OBV/PTV/r ± DSV in patients with HCV genotype 1 or 4 with/without HIV-1 co-infection, chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage IIIb-V and dialysis in Spanish clinical practice - Vie-KinD study

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    Limited data are available on the effectiveness and tolerability of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) therapies in the real world for HCV-infected patients with comorbidities. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of OBV/PTV/r ± DSV (3D/2D regimen) with or without ribavirin (RBV) in HCV or HCV/HIV co-infected patients with GT1/GT4 and CKD (IIIb-V stages), including those under hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in routine clinical practice in Spain in 2015.Non-interventional, retrospective, multicenter data collection study in 31 Spanish sites. Socio-demographic, clinical variables, study treatment characteristics, effectiveness and tolerability data were collected from medical records.Data from 135 patients with a mean age (SD) of 58.3 (11.4) years were analyzed: 92.6% GT1 (81.6% GT1b and 17.6% GT1a) and 7.4% GT4, 14 (10.4%) HIV/HCV co-infected, 19.0% with fibrosis F3 and 28.1% F4 by FibroScan®, 52.6% were previously treated with pegIFN and RBV. 11.1%, 14.8% and 74.1% of patients had CKD stage IIIb, IV and V respectively. 68.9% of patients were on hemodialysis; 8.9% on peritoneal dialysis and 38.5% had history of renal transplant. A total of 125 (96.2%) of 135 patients were treated with 3D, 10 (7.4%) with 2D and 30.4% received RBV. The overall intention-to-treat (ITT) sustained virologic response at week 12 (SVR12) was 92.6% (125/135) and the overall modified-ITT (mITT) SVR12 was 99.2% (125/126). The SVR12 rates (ITT) per sub-groups were: HCV mono-infected (91.7%), HCV/HIV co-infected (100%), GT1 (92.0%), GT4 (100%), CKD stage IIIb (86.7%), stage IV (95%) and stage V (93%). Among the 10 non-SVR there was only 1 virologic failure (0.7%); 4 patients had missing data due lost to follow up (3.0%) and 5 patients discontinued 3D/2D regimen (3.7%): 4 due to severe adverse events (including 3 deaths) and 1 patient´s decision.These results have shown that 3D/2D regimens are effective and tolerable in patients with advanced CKD including those in dialysis with GT 1 or 4 chronic HCV mono-infection and HIV/HCV coinfection in a real-life cohort. The overall SVR12 rates were 92.6% (ITT) and 99.2% (mITT) without clinically relevant changes in eGFR until 12 weeks post-treatment. These results are consistent with those reported in clinical trials

    Overview of recent TJ-II stellarator results

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    The main results obtained in the TJ-II stellarator in the last two years are reported. The most important topics investigated have been modelling and validation of impurity transport, validation of gyrokinetic simulations, turbulence characterisation, effect of magnetic configuration on transport, fuelling with pellet injection, fast particles and liquid metal plasma facing components. As regards impurity transport research, a number of working lines exploring several recently discovered effects have been developed: the effect of tangential drifts on stellarator neoclassical transport, the impurity flux driven by electric fields tangent to magnetic surfaces and attempts of experimental validation with Doppler reflectometry of the variation of the radial electric field on the flux surface. Concerning gyrokinetic simulations, two validation activities have been performed, the comparison with measurements of zonal flow relaxation in pellet-induced fast transients and the comparison with experimental poloidal variation of fluctuations amplitude. The impact of radial electric fields on turbulence spreading in the edge and scrape-off layer has been also experimentally characterized using a 2D Langmuir probe array. Another remarkable piece of work has been the investigation of the radial propagation of small temperature perturbations using transfer entropy. Research on the physics and modelling of plasma core fuelling with pellet and tracer-encapsulated solid-pellet injection has produced also relevant results. Neutral beam injection driven Alfvénic activity and its possible control by electron cyclotron current drive has been examined as well in TJ-II. Finally, recent results on alternative plasma facing components based on liquid metals are also presentedThis work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under Grant Agreement No. 633053. It has been partially funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Inovación y Universidades of Spain under projects ENE2013-48109-P, ENE2015-70142-P and FIS2017-88892-P. It has also received funds from the Spanish Government via mobility grant PRX17/00425. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by the Barcelona S.C. It has been supported as well by The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), Project P-507F