17 research outputs found

    La motivaci?n como elemento fundamental en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la instituci?n educativa San Francisco

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    53 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto titulado la motivaci?n como elemento fundamental en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural La Tigrera, ha sido realizado con el objetivo de Identificar la relaci?n entre familia y escuela como agentes motivacionales en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel de transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural la tigrera, la idea es establecer posibles soluciones a esta problem?tica identificada, ya que la misma est? generando en los educandos diferentes dificultades en sus procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje, con ello se pretende lograr sacar las conclusiones de dichos comportamientos y realizar algunas recomendaciones que den pie para un mejoramiento en cuando a la integraci?n entre familia y escuela, permita el mejor desempe?o del estudiante en todos los aspectos de su labor estudiantil y la responsabilidad compartida entre familia y escuela, todo ello a trav?s de las encuestas y entrevistas informales realizadas a padres de familia y docentes de la instituci?n. De esta manera, se logr? identificar, causas, consecuencias, y caracter?sticas, las cuales permitieron favorecer la motivaci?n hacia el aprendizaje. El proyecto concluye con un an?lisis de resultados y diferentes recomendaciones que pretenden dar posibles alternativas de soluci?n a la problem?tica identificada, que permitan crear un ambiente favorable para la motivaci?n y el aprendizaje de los infantes, desde sus intereses y necesidades. Partiendo de la importancia de la motivaci?n en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje y del compromiso entre familia y escuela para generar procesos integrales en los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural La Tigrera. Palabras claves: aprendizaje, motivaci?n, ense?anza, l?dica, integraci?n, comunidad educativa.The project entitled Motivation as a fundamental element in the teaching and learning processes of children at the transition level of the Educational Institution San Francisco Cural La Tigrera Headquarters, has been carried out with the aim of Identifying the relationship between family and school as motivational agents in the teaching and learning processes of children in the transition level of the San Francisco Educational Institution Cural la tigrera Headquarters, the idea is to establish possible solutions to this identified problem, since it is generating in the different students difficulties in their teaching and learning processes, with the aim of achieving the conclusions of these behaviors and make some recommendations that lead to an improvement in when the integration between family and school, allows the best performance of the student in all aspects of their student work and responsibility with between family and school, all through informal surveys and interviews with parents and teachers of the institution. In this way, it was possible to identify, causes, consequences, and characteristics, which allowed to favor the motivation towards learning. The project concludes with an analysis of results and different recommendations that seek to provide possible solutions to the problem identified, to create a favorable environment for the motivation and learning of the infants, from their interests and needs. Starting from the importance of motivation in the teaching and learning processes and the commitment between family and school to generate integral processes in the children of transition level of the Educational Institution San Francisco Cural La Tigrera Headquarters. Keywords: learning, motivation, teaching, playfulness, integration, educational community

    Comparative phylogeography reveals consistently shallow genetic diversity in a mitochondrial marker in Antarctic bdelloid rotifers

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    Aim: The long history of isolation of the Antarctic continent, coupled with the harsh ecological conditions of freezing temperatures, could affect the patterns of genetic diversity in the organisms living there. We aim (a) to test whether such pattern can be seen in a mitochondrial marker of bdelloid rotifers, a group of microscopic aquatic and limno-terrestrial animals and (b) to speculate on the potential mechanisms driving the pattern. Location: Focus on Antarctica. Taxon: Rotifera Bdelloidea. Methods: We analysed different metrics of genetic diversity, also spatially explicit ones, including number of haplotypes, accumulation curves, genetic distances, time to the most recent common ancestor, number of independently evolving units from DNA taxonomy, strength of the correlation between geographical and genetic distances, population genetics neutrality and differentiation indices, potential historical processes, obtained from an extensive sample of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences obtained from bdelloid rotifers. We included 2242 individuals from 23 species in a comparison between Antarctic and non-Antarctic taxa, correcting for sample size directly in the analyses and then by confirming the results also using only a restricted dataset of nine well-sampled species. Results: Antarctic species had consistently lower genetic diversity and potential younger relative age than non-Antarctic species, even if they were similar in sample size, geographical extent, neutrality and differentiation indices, and correlation between genetic and geographical distances. Main conclusions: The extensive survey of genetic diversity in one mitochondrial marker in Antarctic bdelloids supports previous suggestions from other organism

    CCmo Impulsar La Innovaciin Intraemprendedora En Organizaciones Que Aprenden (How to Foster Intrapreneurship Innovation in Learning Organizations)

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    Lack of both bradykinin B1 and B2 receptors enhances nephropathy, neuropathy, and bone mineral loss in Akita diabetic mice

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    An insertion polymorphism of the angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene (ACE) is common in humans and the higher expressing allele is associated with an increased risk of diabetic complications. The ACE polymorphism does not significantly affect blood pressure or angiotensin II levels, suggesting that the kallikrein-kinin system partly mediates the effects of the polymorphism. We have therefore explored the influence of lack of both bradykinin receptors (B1R and B2R) on diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and osteopathy in male mice heterozygous for the Akita diabetogenic mutation in the insulin 2 gene (Ins2). We find that all of the detrimental phenotypes observed in Akita diabetes are enhanced by lack of both B1R and B2R, including urinary albumin excretion, glomerulosclerosis, glomerular basement membrane thickening, mitochondrial DNA deletions, reduction of nerve conduction velocities and of heat sensation, and bone mineral loss. Absence of the bradykinin receptors also enhances the diabetes-associated increases in plasma thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, mitochondrial DNA deletions, and renal expression of fibrogenic genes, including transforming growth factor beta1, connective tissue growth factor, and endothelin-1. Thus, lack of B1R and B2R exacerbates diabetic complications. The enhanced renal injury in diabetic mice caused by lack of B1R and B2R may be mediated by a combination of increases in oxidative stress, mitochondrial DNA damage and over expression of fibrogenic genes