388 research outputs found

    Advances in Graphene Platforms for Drug Delivery in Cancer and Its Biocompatibility

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    In the past decade, studies on the biomedical applications of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have increased substantially, especially those related to cancer therapy. Experimental evidence has shown that GQD platforms do not merely serve for drug delivery but have multifunctional properties: their surface also allows several types of molecules to be joined and has photothermal properties that, when combined, make therapies more effective. Most studies have shown evidence of this specificity and therapeutic efficacy at the in vitro level. There is also evidence for potential use in the monitoring of cellular events given the high-quality bioimages that can be obtained with this type of nanomaterial. However, the application of this nanotechnology has stalled due to the lack of available biosafety and biocompatibility studies. This chapter addresses the advances in the use of GQD platforms for drug delivery and the biocompatibility studies reported so far


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      In order to establish the relationships between macroseismic and instrumental parameters, macroseismic feld of 28 historical earthquakes that produced great effects in the Colombian territory were studied. The integration of the parameters was made by using the methodology of Kaussel and Ramirez (1992), for great Chilean earthquakes; Kanamori and Anderson (1975) and Coppersmith and Well (1994) for world-wide earthquakes. Once determined the macroseismic and instrumental parameters it was come to establish the model of the source of each earthquake, with which the data base of these parameters was completed. For each earthquake parameters related to the local and normal macroseismic epicenter were complemented, depth of the local and normal center, horizontal extension of both centers, vertical extension of the normal center, model of the source, area of rupture. The obtained empirical relations from linear equations, even show behaviors very similar to the found ones by other authors for other regions of the world and to world-wide level. The results of this work allow establishing that certain mutual non compatibility exists between the area of rupture and the length of rupture determined by the macroseismic methods, with parameters found with instrumental data like seismic moment, Ms magnitude and Mw magnitude. Keywords: Empirical relations, earthquakes, macroseismic feld, magnitude, Colombia.Con el fin de establecer relaciones entre parámetros macrosísmicos e instrumentales, se estudió el campo macrosísmico de 28 sismos históricos que produjeron grandes efectos en el territorio colombiano. La integración de los parámetros se realizó a través de la metodología de Kaussel y Ramírez (1992), para grandes sismos chilenos; Kanamori y Anderson (1975) y Coppersmith y Well (1994) para sismos mundiales. Una vez determinados los parámetros macrosísmicos e instrumentales se procedió a establecer el modelo de la fuente de cada sismo, con lo cual se completó la base de datos de dichos parámetros. Para cada sismo se complementaron parámetros relacionados con el epicentro macrosísmico local y normal, profundidad del foco local y normal, extensión horizontal de ambos focos, extensión vertical del foco normal, modelo de la fuente, área de ruptura. Las relaciones empíricas obtenidas a partir de ecuaciones lineales, muestran comportamientos muy similares a los encontrados por otros autores para otras regiones del mundo e incluso a nivel mundial. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten establecer que existe cierta incompatibilidad entre el área de ruptura y la longitud de ruptura, determinadas por los métodos macrosísmicos, con aquellos parámetros encontrados con datos instrumentales como momento sísmico, magnitud Ms y magnitud Mw. Palabras Clave: Relaciones empíricas, terremotos, campo macrosísmico, magnitud, Colombia. &nbsp

    Linear and non-linear patterns of internationalisation and funding in academic spin-offs

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    Academic spin-offs (ASOs) are typically technologically driven, and their expansion into foreign markets has become a priority for the generation of revenue, thereby recuperating the initial R&D and patent costs over a shorter time frame. However, the literature of how these firms internationalise and what sources they can rely on to obtain the financial resources remains very limited. Two main objectives are proposed in this paper: first, the analysis of whether those relationships that ASOs maintain with various agents to provide financial resources for internationalisation differ between ASOs that have internationalised and those that have not; and second, the study into whether those ASOs that internationalise by following different internationalisation patterns present differences in their agents that provide them with financial resources. From a sample of 173 Spanish ASOs, results of cluster analysis and post-hoc tests indicate that internationalised ASOs rely on financial agents different to those of domestic ASOs. We firstly conclude, that the most representative internationalisation pattern in ASOs is Born Global (BG), through the True Born Global (TBG) and Sporadic Born Global (SBG) sub-patterns. Second, the internationalisation patterns are supported by different financial agents, although governmental institutions and Venture Capital (VC) firms constitute the most relevant agents


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      In order to establish the relationships between macroseismic and instrumental parameters, macroseismic feld of 28 historical earthquakes that produced great effects in the Colombian territory were studied. The integration of the parameters was made by using the methodology of Kaussel and Ramirez (1992), for great Chilean earthquakes; Kanamori and Anderson (1975) and Coppersmith and Well (1994) for world-wide earthquakes. Once determined the macroseismic and instrumental parameters it was come to establish the model of the source of each earthquake, with which the data base of these parameters was completed. For each earthquake parameters related to the local and normal macroseismic epicenter were complemented, depth of the local and normal center, horizontal extension of both centers, vertical extension of the normal center, model of the source, area of rupture. The obtained empirical relations from linear equations, even show behaviors very similar to the found ones by other authors for other regions of the world and to world-wide level. The results of this work allow establishing that certain mutual non compatibility exists between the area of rupture and the length of rupture determined by the macroseismic methods, with parameters found with instrumental data like seismic moment, Ms magnitude and Mw magnitude. Keywords: Empirical relations, earthquakes, macroseismic feld, magnitude, Colombia.Con el fin de establecer relaciones entre parámetros macrosísmicos e instrumentales, se estudió el campo macrosísmico de 28 sismos históricos que produjeron grandes efectos en el territorio colombiano. La integración de los parámetros se realizó a través de la metodología de Kaussel y Ramírez (1992), para grandes sismos chilenos; Kanamori y Anderson (1975) y Coppersmith y Well (1994) para sismos mundiales. Una vez determinados los parámetros macrosísmicos e instrumentales se procedió a establecer el modelo de la fuente de cada sismo, con lo cual se completó la base de datos de dichos parámetros. Para cada sismo se complementaron parámetros relacionados con el epicentro macrosísmico local y normal, profundidad del foco local y normal, extensión horizontal de ambos focos, extensión vertical del foco normal, modelo de la fuente, área de ruptura. Las relaciones empíricas obtenidas a partir de ecuaciones lineales, muestran comportamientos muy similares a los encontrados por otros autores para otras regiones del mundo e incluso a nivel mundial. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten establecer que existe cierta incompatibilidad entre el área de ruptura y la longitud de ruptura, determinadas por los métodos macrosísmicos, con aquellos parámetros encontrados con datos instrumentales como momento sísmico, magnitud Ms y magnitud Mw. Palabras Clave: Relaciones empíricas, terremotos, campo macrosísmico, magnitud, Colombia. &nbsp

    Frecuencia y altura de corte en Panicum maximum cv Gatton Panic

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    Introducción. La actividad ganadera, se desarrolla en pastoreo como principal recurso alimenticio. En el centro y norte de Argentina se están introduciendo pasturas con mayor producción de biomasa y capacidad de mantener la calidad forrajera más tiempo. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la producción de materia seca (kg MS.h-1), número de macollas y relación hoja:tallo (H:T) de Panicum maximum cv Gatton panic, a dos alturas, tres frecuencias de corte y dos tiempos de muestreo. Materiales y métodos. El ensayo se desarrolló entre abril de 2011 y mayo de 2012. Se evaluaron dos alturas (0,15 y 0,30 m) y tres frecuencias de corte (30, 45 y 90 d), en dos periodos (90 y 180 d), para lo cual se empleó un diseño completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial de 2 x 3 x 2. Resultados. Se encontró interacción entre las variables: altura (A) x frecuencia (F). La mayor producción de materia seca (MS) se observó con la menor altura y la mayor frecuencia de corte (0,15 m y 90 d), con 1877,2 kg MS.ha-1. Para el número de macollas la interacción A x F mostró diferencia (p<0,05) para la combinación de 0,30 m y 30 d, mientras que la relación hoja:tallo (H:T) estuvo afectada por la interacción A x F. La mejor relación H:T se obtuvo con la frecuencia intermedia y la mayor altura. Conclusión. El mayor rendimiento de MS se obtuvo con la frecuencia de corte más alta, en el menor tiempo y con la altura más baja. La mayor cantidad de macollas se obtuvo con la menor frecuencia, el menor tiempo y con la altura más alta; y la mejor relación H:T se obtuvo con la frecuencia intermedia y baja, el menor tiempo y la mayor de las alturas de corte

    Water management system

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    En este proyecto consideramos el uso racional de los recursos naturales, por lo que nuestra propuesta es contar con un sistema de gestión integral del agua que nos permita tener soluciones sostenibles como: (1) reducir el consumo de agua potable; (2) tratar y reutilizar las aguas grises para las cisternas de los inodoros; (3) el aprovechamiento de las aguas pluviales.In this project we considered the rational use of natural resources; therefore, our proposal is to have an integrated water management system that allows us to have sustainable solutions such us: (1) to reduce the consumption of drinking water; (2) to treat and to reuse the greywater for flushing the toilet; (3) rainwater exploitation.Primera edició

    Automatización y Puesta en Operación de un Reactor Biodiesel

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    La producción de biodiesel en reactores batch resulta efectiva, aunque es muy costosa, es por ello que en este trabajo se presenta la automatización y puesta en operación de un reactor tipo batch, empleado en la producción de biodiesel. Con esto, se busca mejorar la productividad de este proceso.Se realizó la instrumentación de la temperatura y nivel de líquido en el reactor. Para la automatización y monitoreo del proceso, se empleó una plataforma Arduino como sistema de adquisición y procesamiento de los datos, y como vínculo entre el proceso y una computadora. Además, se desarrolló una interfaz gráfica

    Cortistatin as a Novel Multimodal Therapy for the Treatment of Parkinson&rsquo;s Disease

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    Parkinson&rsquo;s disease (PD) is a complex disorder characterized by the impairment of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system. PD has duplicated its global burden in the last few years, becoming the leading neurological disability worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop innovative approaches that target multifactorial underlying causes to potentially prevent or limit disease progression. Accumulating evidence suggests that neuroinflammatory responses may play a pivotal role in the neurodegenerative processes that occur during the development of PD. Cortistatin is a neuropeptide that has shown potent anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects in preclinical models of autoimmune and neuroinflammatory disorders. The goal of this study was to explore the therapeutic potential of cortistatin in a well-established preclinical mouse model of PD induced by acute exposure to the neurotoxin 1-methil-4-phenyl1-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). We observed that treatment with cortistatin mitigated the MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and their connections to the striatum. Consequently, cortistatin administration improved the locomotor activity of animals intoxicated with MPTP. In addition, cortistatin diminished the presence and activation of glial cells in the affected brain regions of MPTP-treated mice, reduced the production of immune mediators, and promoted the expression of neurotrophic factors in the striatum. In an in vitro model of PD, treatment with cortistatin also demonstrated a reduction in the cell death of dopaminergic neurons that were exposed to the neurotoxin. Taken together, these findings suggest that cortistatin could emerge as a promising new therapeutic agent that combines anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties to regulate the progression of PD at multiple levels

    Validation of Cognitive Rehabilitation as a Balance Rehabilitation Strategy in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. This disease is characterized by motor symptoms, such as bradykinesia, tremor, and rigidity. Although balance impairment is characteristic of advanced stages, it can be present with less intensity since the beginning of the disease. Approximately 60% of PD patients fall once a year and 40% recurrently. On the other hand, cognitive symptoms affect up to 20% of patients with PD in early stages and can even precede the onset of motor symptoms. There are cognitive requirements for balance and can be challenged when attention is diverted or reduced, linking a worse balance and a higher probability of falls with a slower cognitive processing speed and attentional problems. Cognitive rehabilitation of attention and processing speed can lead to an improvement in postural stability in patients with Parkinson’s. Methods: We present a parallel and controlled randomized clinical trial (RCT) to assess the impact on balance of a protocol based on cognitive rehabilitation focused on sustained attention through the NeuronUP platform (Neuronup SI, La Rioja, Spain) in patients with PD. For 4 weeks, patients in the experimental group will receive cognitive therapy three days a week while the control group will not receive any therapy. The protocol has been registered at trials.gov NCT04730466. Conclusions: Cognitive therapy efficacy on balance improvement may open the possibility of new rehabilitation strategies for prevention of falls in PD, reducing morbidity, and saving costs to the health care system.post-print1014 K

    Evaluacion temprana del desarrollo infantil en una población de 2 a 4 años

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    El desarrollo infantil se conforma por diferentes áreas: motora, comunicación, cognoscitiva, adaptativa y personal social, mismas que pueden ser evaluadas desde los primeros meses de vida. Si alguna de las áreas presenta algún desfase puede tener un impacto negativo en el desarrollo posterior. Nuestra investigación de carácter descriptivo, consistió en una valoración temprana de desarrollo a 30 niños de un Centro de Aprendizaje Infantil ubicado en ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, México; utilizando como instrumento de recolección de datos el Inventario de Desarrollo de Battelle en su versión screening El objetivo fue detectar las áreas prioritarias de atención y posterior estimulación durante su estancia en la institución.  Como resultado, el área de comunicación mostró el mayor déficit.