1,161 research outputs found
Estereotipos de género y videojuegos : análisis de la imagen de la mujer transmitida en sus carátulas
La construcción de la imagen femenina en las nuevas tecnologías (Internet y videojuegos,
principalmente), constituye un área de interés esencial para los investigadores en género, puesto
que se observa un aumento importante de la discriminación sexual, que ha supuesto una
segunda brecha digital entre hombres y mujeres. En este sentido, se ha corroborado la
importancia de los videojuegos como herramienta socializadora y transmisora de valores, que en
ocasiones origina un reforzamiento del patriarcado a través de la difusión de imágenes sexistas y
estereotipadas. La presente comunicación muestra los resultados obtenidos tras la investigación
efectuada en el campo de los estereotipos de género y los videojuegos. Nuestro objetivo
principal era conocer, mediante la aplicación de un análisis de contenido, los modelos femeninos
que se transmiten actualmente en las carátulas de los videojuegos
Mesures preventives per evitar lesions cutànies en neonats portadors de CPAP
Màster en Infermeria d'Anestèsia, Reanimació i Tractament del Dolor, Universitat de Barcelona, Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, Curs: 2010-2011, Director: Joan Maria Estrada Masllorens. Tutora: Sandra Cabrera Jaim
Responsible research and innovation (RRI) as a driving force for change in corporate communication: New forms of governance and participatory structures
Nowadays, the emerging discipline of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has great acceptance among the scientific community in general. Nevertheless, its presence in social sciences has not reached the development obtained in other disciplines. Studies describing RRI application to areas such as business, and more specifically, corporate communication, are scarce. The objective of this study is to show the possible application of the principles of the emerging RRI discipline to business and corporate communication, as well as the main barriers and benefits that could arise. For this, we provide a documentary review of the existing literature and an analysis of fifteen semi-structured interviews with Spanish experts in RRI. Likewise, the article addresses the relationship between RRI and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). As a main conclusion, we observe that RRI has the potential to become the driving force for new forms of governance and communication, but requires changes in corporate philosophy and performance, as it is a bottom-up participatory movement, promoted by the objective of a sustainable society for future generations. In addition, this study represents a contribution to the current discussion regarding the application of the principles and processes of RRI beyond the academic field
Nivel de satisfacción que consiguen los clientes, en su experiencia culinaria, en el restaurante en estudio, Trujillo 2017
Es conocido y aceptados por todos, que la rentabilidad de los negocios se basa en la fidelización que la empresa pueda conseguir de sus clientes. La fidelización es un concepto de marketing que describe la lealtad del consumidor respecto de una marca y/o producto (bienes y/o servicios), de tal manera que el consumidor repite la compra. Los expertos coinciden que la razón que sustenta este comportamiento es la satisfacción que obtiene el cliente al consumir estos productos. Así pues, el conocer cómo es que se estructura la satisfacción del consumidor (por atributo y dimensión) y medir cuál es el índice de satisfacción del consumidor con sus productos, es una tarea estratégica para las empresas. En esta Tesis aplicamos el modelo propuesto por Jesús Varela, Remei Prat, Carmen Voces y Antonio Rial (2006). He tomado este modelo porque, en mi opinión, refleja mejor la condición del negocio de restaurante; ha sido validado en una investigación muy amplia: 2,407 clientes en 180 restaurantes; de las 4 dimensiones con que trabaja (producto, instalaciones, acceso y personal), la dimensión producto es la que tiene la más alta valoración para el consumidor; este enfoque resulta coincidente con el que manejan Susskind, A. M., & Chan, E. K. (2000), donde la comida, la decoración y el servicio son los elementos que explican la facturación promedio de un restaurante. Adicionalmente hay que resaltar que al trabajar con 4 dimensiones y 15 atributos, donde solo considera las percepciones, resulta breve y de fácil aplicación. Estas características permitirían que los propietarios y gerentes de restaurantes lo incluyan como una herramienta de gestión y auditoria.
Las encuestas aplicadas indican que, el índice de satisfacción de los clientes que han frecuentado el restaurante en estudio, ha sido de 4.12, en una escala de Likert de 1 a 5, que equivale a 82.4%, calificado como Totalmente Satisfecho
Effects of whole-body vibration training in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. MS is characterised by nerve demyelination that can alter nerve transmission and lead to such symptoms as fatigue, muscle weakness, and impaired motor function. There are 47 000 people with MS in Spain. Vibration training can be an effective and complementary alternative to traditional exercise to treat patients with MS. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of vibration training programmes in patients with MS.
We searched 5 electronic databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, SciELO, Lilacs, IBECS, and ISI Web of Knowledge) in August 2015. By using a set of keywords, we found studies linking vibration training and MS and included randomised controlled trials that applied vibration training to patients with MS. Our search yielded 71 studies. Only 9 of them were included after removing duplicate studies and those which were not relevant according to our selection criteria. These studies obtained different outcomes.
Some studies found improvements in muscle strength, functional capacity, coordination, resistance, balance, and some areas of MSSS-88. However, we identified limitations in some of these studies and there are still few publications on vibration training and multiple sclerosis to ensure training effectiveness.Actividad Física y Deport
The TrkB agonist 7,8-dihydroxyflavone changes the structural dynamics of neocortical pyramidal neurons and improves object recognition in mice
This is a pre-print of an article published in Brain Structure and Function. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-018-1637-x.BDNF and its receptor TrkB have important roles in neurodevelopment, neural plasticity, learning, and memory. Alterations in TrkB expression have been described in different CNS disorders. Therefore, drugs interacting with TrkB, specially agonists, are promising therapeutic tools. Among them, the recently described 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (DHF), an orally bioactive compound, has been successfully tested in animal models of these diseases. Recent studies have shown the influence of this drug on the structure of pyramidal neurons, specifically on dendritic spine density. However, there is no information yet on how DHF may alter the structural dynamics of these neurons (i.e., real-time study of the addition/elimination of dendritic spines and axonal boutons). To gain knowledge on these effects of DHF, we have performed a real-time analysis of spine and axonal dynamics in pyramidal neurons of barrel cortex, using cranial windows and 2-photon microscopy during a chronic oral treatment with this drug. After confirming TrkB expression in these neurons, we found that DHF increased the gain rates of spines and axonal boutons, as well as improved object recognition memory. These results help to understand how the activation of the BDNF-TrkB system can improve basic behavioral tasks through changes in the structural dynamics of pyramidal neurons. Moreover, they highlight DHF as a promising therapeutic vector for certain brain disorders in which this system is altered
Enhancing local action planning through quantitative flood risk analysis: a case study in Spain
[EN] This article presents a method to incorporate and promote quantitative risk analysis to support local action planning against flooding. The proposed approach aims to provide a framework for local flood risk analysis, combining hazard mapping with vulnerability data to quantify risk in terms of expected annual affected population, potential injuries, number of fatalities, and economic damages. Flood risk is estimated combining GIS data of loads, system response, and consequences and using event tree modelling for risk calculation. The study area is the city of Oliva, located on the eastern coast of Spain. Results from risk modelling have been used to inform local action planning and to assess the benefits of structural and non-structural risk reduction measures. Results show the potential impact on risk reduction of flood defences and improved warning communication schemes through local action planning: societal flood risk (in terms of annual expected affected population) would be reduced up to 51% by combining both structural and nonstructural measures. In addition, the effect of seasonal population variability is analysed (annual expected affected population ranges from 82 to 107 %, compared with the current situation, depending on occupancy rates in hotels and campsites). Results highlight the need for robust and standardized methods for urban flood risk analysis replicability at regional and national scale.This research was conducted within the framework of the INICIA project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIA2013-48157-C2-1-R). The article processing charges for this open-access publication will be covered by the INICIA project. We would like to thank the city of Oliva for their willingness to share data, knowledge, and experience with the authors and for initiating this risk-informed journey.Castillo-Rodríguez, J.; Escuder Bueno, I.; Perales Momparler, S.; Porta-Sancho, J. (2016). Enhancing local action planning through quantitative flood risk analysis: a case study in Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 16(7):1699-1718. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-16-1699-2016S16991718167Barredo, J. I.: Normalised flood losses in Europe: 1970–2006, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 97–104, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-9-97-2009, 2009.Castillo-Rodriguez, J. T., Escuder-Bueno, I., Altarejos-García, L., and Serrano-Lombillo, A.: The value of integrating information from multiple hazards for flood risk analysis and management, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. 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Accounting for climate change uncertainty in long-term dam risk management
[EN] This paper presents a practical approach to adaptive management of dam risk based on robust decision-making strategies coupled with estimation of climate scenario probabilities. The proposed methodology, called multi-prior weighted scenarios ranking, consists of a series of steps from risk estimation for current and future situations through definition of the consensus sequence of risk reduction measures to be implemented. This represents a supporting tool for dam owners and safety practitioners in making decisions for managing dams or prioritizing long-term investments using a cost-benefit approach. This methodology is applied to the case study of a Spanish dam under the effects of climate change. Several risk reduction measures are proposed and their impacts are analyzed. The application of the methodology allows for identifying the optimal sequence of implementation measures that overcomes uncertainty from the diversity of available climate scenarios by prioritizing measures that reduce future accumulated risks at lower costs. This work proves that such a methodology helps address uncertainty that arises from multiple climate scenarios while adopting a cost-benefit approach that optimizes economic resources in dam risk management.Fluixá-Sanmartín, J.; Escuder Bueno, I.; Morales-Torres, A.; Castillo-Rodríguez, J. (2021). Accounting for climate change uncertainty in long-term dam risk management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 147(4):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001355S1131474Amodio, S., D’Ambrosio, A., & Siciliano, R. (2016). Accurate algorithms for identifying the median ranking when dealing with weak and partial rankings under the Kemeny axiomatic approach. 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State-Anxiety and Academic Burnout Regarding University Access Selective Examinations in Spain During and After the COVID-19 Lockdown
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.Coping with assessment tests are known to generate anxiety frequently in the students who face them. In academic circumstances with the continued presence of emotional disturbance, high demand, and stress, emotional and physical fatigue, typical of burnout syndrome, and can be detected. Anxiety and burnout are related to each other and even more closely in high-stakes tests. One of these tests is the examination imposed in Spain for access to the university. The objective of this work is to analyze the presence of anxiety and burnout and the relationship between them in students who face these tests, both during the confinement situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and during the pandemic after the lockdown. For this purpose, we used a sample of 1,021 students with a mean age of 17.89 (SD = 1.22, range 17–27). Of these, 866 (84.8%) were students who were taking the test, while the rest were university students who had passed it recently. Our results show high levels of anxiety and burnout in students who face the evaluation test during the COVID-19 pandemic, sustained over time and especially in comparison with students who had already taken the exam. The association between higher levels of anxiety and higher levels of burnout in the students who take these exams was also verified. These results link the relationship between these two variables more solidly and suggest the need to include address anxiety to reduce burnout levels in these students. The results are discussed with regard to prior evidence and their applications
Homomorphic Filtering for Improving Time Synchronization in Wireless Networks
Wireless sensor networks are used to sample the environment in a distributed way.
Therefore, it is mandatory for all of the measurements to be tightly synchronized in order to guarantee
that every sensor is sampling the environment at the exact same instant of time. The synchronization
drift gets bigger in environments suffering from temperature variations. Thus, this work is focused
on improving time synchronization under deployments with temperature variations. The working
hypothesis demonstrated in this work is that the clock skew of two nodes (the ratio of the real
frequencies of the oscillators) is composed of a multiplicative combination of two main components:
the clock skew due to the variations between the cut of the crystal of each oscillator and the clock
skew due to the different temperatures affecting the nodes. By applying a nonlinear filtering,
the homomorphic filtering, both components are separated in an effective way. A correction factor
based on temperature, which can be applied to any synchronization protocol, is proposed. For testing
it, an improvement of the FTSP synchronization protocol has been developed and physically
tested under temperature variation scenarios using TelosB motes flashed with the IEEE 802.15.4
implementation supplied by TinyOS
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