67 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the effects of changes in regulatory policies on consumers perception: the case of designations of origin in the wine common market organisation

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    The paper analyses how different aspects connected with regulations can influence the consumers’ quality perception and the value that consumers attribute to the wine sector products. In particular, aspects concerning labelling and presentation of designations of origin, which, in turn, mirror different regulations of production methods, are considered. Consumers’ preference can allow enterprises to complying with more restrictive rules and sustain higher costs for differentiate their products and achieve higher quality. When choosing a product, consumers do not evaluate each single quality factor but the product as a whole, therefore the analysis has to be done with a methodology considering both the combination of all characteristics of the product, and the contribution of every factor to the creation of value for consumers. For this reason the value that consumers attribute to different characteristics is evaluated through an experimental economic analysis applying the method of the Conjoint analysis.Conjoint analysis, designations of origin, wine sector regulation, consumer perception, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q 13, Q 18,

    Why meditate? A survey on a cample of Italian practioners

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    openIl mio lavoro tratta della meditazione e in particolare delle motivazioni che spingono le persone ad approcciare queste pratiche. Nel primo capitolo ho riportato i contesti di origine della pratiche meditative, concentrandomi su alcune tradizioni orientali. Ho cercato di mostrare come la meditazione sia una pratica da sempre portata avanti dagli esseri umani, originariamente sviluppata in contesti spirituali o religiosi, che si è poi diffusa ampiamente ai giorni nostri, slegandosi anche dalla sua matrice spirituale e venendo apprezzata come potente strumento per raggiungere uno stato di maggior benessere. Nel secondo capitolo mi sono concentrata sul rapporto tra meditazione e psicologia. Queste discipline hanno da sempre dialogato, infatti il pensiero sviluppato da alcuni psicologi, psicoanalisti e in alcune correnti di psicoterapia mostra una visione della natura umana molto simile a quella di alcune discipline e filosofie orientali. La meditazione è stata incorporata in alcuni approcci terapeutici, e si è poi ampiamente diffusa attraverso alcuni protocolli clinici standardizzati (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), e anche la ricerca scientifica si è sempre più interessata all'argomento, fornendo numerose evidenze riguardo l'efficacia di questi interventi. Da un lato la diffusione della meditazione in ambito clinico ha messo a disposizione di tantissime persone strumenti utili ed efficaci per migliorare la propria condizione personale e raggiungere un stato di maggior benessere, dall'altro l'indagine scientifica rischia di inquadrare la meditazione in una visione troppo rigida ricercando metodologie rigorose, utili a valutarne l'efficacia in casi specifici, ma rischiando si perdere la grande ricchezza degli insegnamenti di cui le pratiche meditative fanno parte. Infine nell'ultimo capitolo della mia tesi ho riportato la ricerca svolta su un campione di meditanti italiani. Il mio lavoro si propone come un contributo per portare l'attenzione alla qualità dell'esperienza delle persone che meditano. In particolare ho indagato le motivazioni per cui le persone iniziano a meditare e le motivazioni per cui continuano nel tempo le pratiche. Il mio interesse era quello di vedere cosa spinge le persone ad avvicinarsi a queste pratiche, se i temi riportati siano vicini o lontani alle visioni spirituali delle filosofie antiche e se nel tempo, attraverso la pratica, le motivazioni cambiassero. Ho confrontato i miei risultati con quelli di altri studi simili, notando generalmente come il tema della spiritualità sia poco presente e principalmente le persone siano motivate da aspetti legati a migliorare il proprio benessere psichico, fisico ed emotivo

    Life cycle inventory data for the Italian agri-food sector: background, sources and methodological aspects

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    Purpose: For the development of any life cycle assessment study, the practitioner frequently integrates primary data collected on-field, with background data taken from various life cycle inventory databases which are part of most commercial LCA software packages. However, such data is often not generally applicable to all product systems since, especially concerning the agri-food sector, available datasets may not be fully representative of the site specificity of the food product under examination. In this context, the present work investigates the background, sources and methodological aspects that characterise the most known commercial databases containing agri-food data, with a focus on four agri-food supply chains (olive oil, wine, wheat products and citrus fruit), which represent an important asset for the Italian food sector. Methods: Specifically, the paper entails a review of currently available LCI databases and their datasets with a twofold scope: firstly, to understand how agri-food data is modelled in these databases for a coherent and consistent representation of regional scenarios and to verify whether they are also suitable for the Italian context and, secondly, to identify and analyse useful and relevant methodological approaches implemented in the existing LCI databases when regional data are modelled. Results: Based on the aforementioned review, it is possible to highlight some problems which may arise when developing an LCI pertaining to the four Italian agri-food supply chains, namely: 1. The need for specific inventory datasets to tackle the specificities of agri-food product systems. 2. The lack of datasets, within the existing DBs, related to the Italian context and to the abovementioned supply chains. In fact, at present, in the currently available LCI DBs, there are very few (or in some cases none) datasets related to Italian wine, olive oil, wheat-based products and citrus fruit. The few available datasets often contain some data related to the Italian context but also approximate data with that of product systems representing other countries. Furthermore, the present study allowed to identify and discuss the main aspects to be used as starting elements for modelling regional data to be included in a future Italian LCI database of the abovementioned four supply chains. Conclusions: The results of the present study represent a starting point for the collection of data and its organisation, in order to develop an Italian LCI agri-food database with datasets which are representative of the regional specificities of four agri-food supply chains which play an important role in the Italian economy

    Life cycle inventory data for the Italian agri-food sector: background, sources and methodological aspects

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    AbstractPurposeFor the development of any life cycle assessment study, the practitioner frequently integrates primary data collected on-field, with background data taken from various life cycle inventory databases which are part of most commercial LCA software packages. However, such data is often not generally applicable to all product systems since, especially concerning the agri-food sector, available datasets may not be fully representative of the site specificity of the food product under examination. In this context, the present work investigates the background, sources and methodological aspects that characterise the most known commercial databases containing agri-food data, with a focus on four agri-food supply chains (olive oil, wine, wheat products and citrus fruit), which represent an important asset for the Italian food sector.MethodsSpecifically, the paper entails a review of currently available LCI databases and their datasets with a twofold scope: firstly, to understand how agri-food data is modelled in these databases for a coherent and consistent representation of regional scenarios and to verify whether they are also suitable for the Italian context and, secondly, to identify and analyse useful and relevant methodological approaches implemented in the existing LCI databases when regional data are modelled.ResultsBased on the aforementioned review, it is possible to highlight some problems which may arise when developing an LCI pertaining to the four Italian agri-food supply chains, namely:1. The need for specific inventory datasets to tackle the specificities of agri-food product systems.2. The lack of datasets, within the existing DBs, related to the Italian context and to the abovementioned supply chains. In fact, at present, in the currently available LCI DBs, there are very few (or in some cases none) datasets related to Italian wine, olive oil, wheat-based products and citrus fruit. The few available datasets often contain some data related to the Italian context but also approximate data with that of product systems representing other countries.Furthermore, the present study allowed to identify and discuss the main aspects to be used as starting elements for modelling regional data to be included in a future Italian LCI database of the abovementioned four supply chains.ConclusionsThe results of the present study represent a starting point for the collection of data and its organisation, in order to develop an Italian LCI agri-food database with datasets which are representative of the regional specificities of four agri-food supply chains which play an important role in the Italian economy

    Doctoral Studies as part of an Innovative Training Network (ITN): Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: The Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) is a doctoral training programme jointly implemented by academic institutions and industries from countries across Europe and beyond. To our knowledge no study has examined the experience of students participating in MSCA-ITNs. This study aims to evaluate and report MSCA-ITN Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences. Methods: The Innovative Training Network - Evaluation Questionnaire (ITN-EQ) was developed to assess supervision, training, collaborations and experiences of ESRs and forwarded to two tinnitus-related ITNs and seven ITNs of other disciplines. Results: Key advantages identified included better career prospects, multidisciplinary research opportunities/collaborations, international exposure, personal/professional development, plus generous salaries and research budgets. However, lack of a common EU framework resulted in the experience being largely dependent on the host institution, country and supervisor. Moreover, managing the dual requirements of ITNs and host institutions while completing a three-year PhD seemed challenging for most ESRs. ESR involvement in workshop and training school planning was desirable. More than 80% of ESRs rated the overall ITN experience favourably and 98.3% would recommend the same to prospective PhD students. Conclusions: This report could provide valuable insights in planning and management of future ITNs and could assist prospective students in their decision of joining an ITN for their PhD

    Doctoral Studies as part of an Innovative Training Network (ITN):Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: The Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) is a doctoral training programme jointly implemented by academic institutions and industries from countries across Europe and beyond. To our knowledge no study has examined the experience of students participating in MSCA-ITNs. This study aims to evaluate and report MSCA-ITN Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences. Methods: The Innovative Training Network - Evaluation Questionnaire (ITN-EQ) was developed to assess supervision, training, collaborations and experiences of ESRs and forwarded to two tinnitus-related ITNs and seven ITNs of other disciplines. Results: Key advantages identified included better career prospects, multidisciplinary research opportunities/collaborations, international exposure, personal/professional development, plus generous salaries and research budgets. However, lack of a common EU framework resulted in the experience being largely dependent on the host institution, country and supervisor. Moreover, managing the dual requirements of ITNs and host institutions while completing a three-year PhD seemed challenging for most ESRs. ESR involvement in workshop and training school planning was desirable. More than 80% of ESRs rated the overall ITN experience favourably and 98.3% would recommend the same to prospective PhD students. Conclusions: This report could provide valuable insights in planning and management of future ITNs and could assist prospective students in their decision of joining an ITN for their PhD

    Corrigendum:Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions From the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers (Front. Aging Neurosci., (2021), 13, (647285), 10.3389/fnagi.2021.647285)

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    In the original article, there was an error. For the sentence “NMDA receptor antagonists (AM-101) have been discontinued in phase III for not meeting endpoints (van de Heyning et al., 2014)” there was a typographical error (phase III should have been phase II). In addition, it was brought to our attention that clinical trials for AM-101 are ongoing. A correction has been made to section 6. Treatment Development, Subsection 6.4. Pharmacology-Based Interventions, paragraph 1. The corrected paragraph is below. A wide variety of therapeutic drugs have been used to relieve tinnitus (Elgoyhen and Langguth, 2010). For acute tinnitus, a dose-dependent reduction in tinnitus intensity was observed with intravenous lidocaine (Trellakis et al., 2006). However, its use is controversial due to its short-lasting response, its potentially life threatening arrhythmogenic side effects, and the low bioavailability of its oral form (Israel et al., 1982; Trellakis et al., 2007; Gil-Gouveia and Goadsby, 2009). A potential goal of pharmacologic tinnitus research could be to identify the mechanism by which lidocaine interferes with tinnitus and mimic this effect using a drug with better tolerance that can be orally administered. For chronic tinnitus, the off-label use of medicines like betahistine (Hall et al., 2018d), anticonvulsants (Hoekstra et al., 2011), and glutamate receptor antagonists have shown little or no effect in clinical trials. Prescription of antidepressants and benzodiazepines is limited to tinnitusassociated comorbidities such as depression, insomnia and anxiety (Langguth et al., 2019). Moreover, three clinical research programs, in the last few years, were discontinued in phase II and III. AMPA antagonist selurampanel (BGG492) has not resulted in a new compound (Cederroth et al., 2018). NMDA receptor antagonists (AM-101) did not meet the primary endpoint of improving minimum masking level in acute tinnitus in a phase II clinical trial but showed improvement for tinnitus loudness, annoyance, sleep difficulties, and tinnitus impact in patients with tinnitus after noise trauma or otitis media (van de Heyning et al., 2014). Many other treatments decreasing tinnitus percept or targeting central auditory processing pathways are at a preclinical phase (Schilder et al., 2019). The modulator of voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv3.1) (AUT00063) was not effective in alleviating tinnitus symptoms (Hall et al., 2019b). The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated

    Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions from the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers

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    Tinnitus can be a burdensome condition on both individual and societal levels. Many aspects of this condition remain elusive, including its underlying mechanisms, ultimately hindering the development of a cure. Interdisciplinary approaches are required to overcome long-established research challenges. This review summarizes current knowledge in various tinnitus-relevant research fields including tinnitus generating mechanisms, heterogeneity, epidemiology, assessment, and treatment development, in an effort to highlight the main challenges and provide suggestions for future research to overcome them. Four common themes across different areas were identified as future research direction: (1) Further establishment of multicenter and multidisciplinary collaborations; (2) Systematic reviews and syntheses of existing knowledge; (3) Standardization of research methods including tinnitus assessment, data acquisition, and data analysis protocols; (4) The design of studies with large sample sizes and the creation of large tinnitus-specific databases that would allow in-depth exploration of tinnitus heterogeneity

    Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions from the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers

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    Tinnitus can be a burdensome condition on both individual and societal levels. Many aspects of this condition remain elusive, including its underlying mechanisms, ultimately hindering the development of a cure. Interdisciplinary approaches are required to overcome long-established research challenges. This review summarizes current knowledge in various tinnitus-relevant research fields including tinnitus generating mechanisms, heterogeneity, epidemiology, assessment, and treatment development, in an effort to highlight the main challenges and provide suggestions for future research to overcome them. Four common themes across different areas were identified as future research direction: (1) Further establishment of multicenter and multidisciplinary collaborations; (2) Systematic reviews and syntheses of existing knowledge; (3) Standardization of research methods including tinnitus assessment, data acquisition, and data analysis protocols; (4) The design of studies with large sample sizes and the creation of large tinnitus-specific databases that would allow in-depth exploration of tinnitus heterogeneity

    Exploring the patterns of food waste generation by tourists in a popular destination

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    Tourist food consumption is an important driver of food waste generation within the hotel/restaurant/café (HORECA) sector of popular destinations. Little is however known about the exact magnitude of food wastage by tourists alongside the determinants of their wasteful behaviour. This study has striven to contribute to knowledge with an exploratory survey in Lhasa, a popular destination in China, which set to establish the size of food wastage by tourists and explain the role of various socio-demographic and food consumption-related factors in its occurrence by statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, respectively. The study found that tourists generated circa 15% of the total food waste in the HORECA sector, while the taste preferences and portion size were two major causes. The level of tourist education and personal satisfaction with meals exerted a significant negative impact on food waste generation. To reduce food wastage, policy-makers and HORECA professionals should educate tourists about the detrimental effect of wasted food and increase their satisfaction with meals. The research findings provided insights into achieving sustainability objectives in national and international tourism sectors
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