27 research outputs found

    Towards a proof of the decidability of the momentary stagnation of the growth function of D0L systems

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    This is the published version of a work that was accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Theoretical Computer Science, 341, 1–3, (2005) DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2005.05.002This paper proves the decidability of several problems in the theory of HD 0L, D0L and PD 0L systems, some of which that have been proved before but are now proved in a different way. First, the paper tackles the decidability of the nilpotency of HD 0L systems and the infinitude of PD 0L languages. Then, we prove the decidability of the problem of momentary stagnation of the growth function of PD 0L systems. Finally, we suggest a way to solve the decidability of the momentary stagnation of the growth function of D0L systems, proving the decidability of the infinitude of HD 0L as a trivial consequence.This paper has been partially sponsored by the UPV/EHU project number 9/upv 00003.230-13707/2001. This paper has been partially sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT) project number TIC2002-01948

    Analysis of Spanish text-thesaurus as a complex network

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    [EN]Based on the theoretical tools of Complex Networks, this work provides a basic descriptive study of a synonyms dictionary, the Spanish Open Thesaurus represented as a graph. We study the main structural measures of the network compared with those of a random graph. Numerical results show that Open-Thesaurus is a graph whose topological properties approximate a scale-free network, but seems not to present the small-world property because of its sparse structure. We also found that the words of highest betweenness centrality are terms that suggest the vocabulary of psychoanalysis: placer (pleasure), ayudante (in the sense of assistant or worker), and regular (to regulate)

    Los verbos pseudocopulativos de cambio hacerse y volverse: un estudio construccional desde la perspectiva del español LE/L2

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    Los verbos de cambio se definen como predicados que expresan el paso de un estado a otro de la naturaleza de un ser u objeto. Esta se ve modificada por una acción cuyos matices de semánticos quedan codificados en el significado de la nueva estructura. Debido a su complejidad lingüística en español, estos verbos han recibido un tratamiento desigual, tanto en la tradición gramatical como en la aplicación de la teoría explicativa a la enseñanza del español como LE/L2. Esta investigación se centra en las construcciones de los verbos pseudocopulativos de cambio (VPC) hacerse y volverse y tiene como objetivo ofrecer un enfoque explicativo que proporciona los principios operativos necesarios para entender los mecanismos de codificación e interpretación que se llevan a cabo en los eventos de cambio en español con estos verbos. Con tal fin, en esta tesis se ha adoptado el modelo construccional de la Lingüística Cognitiva y, en concreto, se toman los aportes de la Gramática de Construcciones (Goldberg 1995, 2006; Gonzálvez-García 2012) como base epistemológica. Se han llevado a cabo dos estudios complementarios.En el primer estudio analiza críticamente el tratamiento que reciben los VPC en materiales de enseñanza del español LE/L2 para determinar el grado de adecuación a los principios pedagógicos de un enfoque cognitivo de los procesos de adquisición de una L2. Para ello, se ha construido un cuestionario de análisis sistemático de materiales fundamentado en principios pedagógicos solidos. Los resultados de este análisis desvelan la necesidad de un replanteamiento a nivel explicativo de los VPC, el cual se ha lleva a cabo en el segundo estudio.En el segundo estudio se ha realizado un análisis construccional de enunciados de hacerse y volverse procedentes del Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES XXI) con el fin de definir las características semánticas y sintácticas de las construcciones en las que aparecen los VPC hacerse y volverse. Como resultado de este estudio se ha determinado un significado para cada uno de los niveles de especificidad de las construcciones analizadas y se ha concluido con una propuesta donde se aborda la explicación de la Construcción de Cambio Pseudocopulativa en español mediante un sistema o familia de construcciones jerarquizadas que van de lo más general a lo más específico. Este sistema facilita la identificación del significado que subyace a cada construcción y las relaciones de dependencia que se establecen entre ellas.La principal ventaja de esta perspectiva explicativa es que se supera la idea de la subcategorización verbal o la interpretación sintáctica de los patrones composicionales del verbo. Ello permite entrever ciertos significados que pasarían inadvertidos en otro tipo de análisis menos profundos. De ese modo, la adecuación descriptiva gramatical que ofrece esta visión es mayor, lo cual es esencial tanto en el ámbito de investigación de adquisición de lenguas como en el plano didáctico en español LE/L2.<br /

    Community structure in real-world networks from a non-parametrical synchronization-based dynamical approach

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    This work analyzes the problem of community structure in real-world networks based on the synchronization of nonidentical coupled chaotic R\"{o}ssler oscillators each one characterized by a defined natural frequency, and coupled according to a predefined network topology. The interaction scheme contemplates an uniformly increasing coupling force to simulate a society in which the association between the agents grows in time. To enhance the stability of the correlated states that could emerge from the synchronization process, we propose a parameterless mechanism that adapts the characteristic frequencies of coupled oscillators according to a dynamic connectivity matrix deduced from correlated data. We show that the characteristic frequency vector that results from the adaptation mechanism reveals the underlying community structure present in the network.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2012

    Brain and immune system-derived extracellular vesicles mediate regulation of complement system, extracellular matrix remodeling, brain repair and antigen tolerance in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated central nervous system disease whose course is unpredictable. Finding biomarkers that help to better comprehend the disease’s pathogenesis is crucial for supporting clinical decision-making. Blood extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-bound particles secreted by all cell types that contain information on the disease’s pathological processes. Purpose: To identify the immune and nervous system-derived EV profile from blood that could have a specific role as biomarker in MS and assess its possible correlation with disease state. Results: Higher levels of T cell-derived EVs and smaller size of neuron-derived EVs were associated with clinical relapse. The smaller size of the oligodendrocyte-derived EVs was related with motor and cognitive impairment. The proteomic analysis identified mannose-binding lectin serine protease 1 and complement factor H from immune system cell-derived EVs as autoimmune disease-associated proteins. We observed hepatocyte growth factor-like protein in EVs from T cells and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2 from neurons as white matter injury-related proteins. In patients with MS, a specific protein profile was found in the EVs, higher levels of alpha-1-microglobulin and fibrinogen β chain, lower levels of C1S and gelsolin in the immune system-released vesicles, and Talin-1 overexpression in oligodendrocyte EVs. These specific MS-associated proteins, as well as myelin basic protein in oligodendrocyte EVs, correlated with disease activity in the patients with MS. Conclusion: Neural-derived and immune-derived EVs found in blood appear to be good specific biomarkers in MSfor reflecting the disease stateWe greatly appreciate the support of Morote Traducciones S.L. for their editing assistance. This work was sponsored by a grant from Miguel Servet (CP20/00024 to Laura Otero-Ortega), Miguel Servet (CPII20/00002 to María Guti´errez-Fernández), a predoctoral fellowship (FI18/00026 to Fernando Laso-García), a Río-Hortega grant (CM22/00065 to Gabriel Torres Iglesias and CM20/00047 to Elisa Alonso-Lopez) and byResearch Project (PI21/00918) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-funded by the European Union and by a grant CA1/RSUE/2021-00753 to Dolores Piniella funded by Ministerio de Universidades, Plan de Recuperacion, ´ Transformacion ´ y Resiliencia y la Universidad Autónoma de Madri

    Eliminación de peces introducidos como medida de restauración de lagos de alta montaña

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    E. Carrillo, J. Ninot, T. Buchaca and M. Ventura. Blanes, LIFE+ LIMNOPIRINEUS Technical OfficeEntre los objetivos del proyecto LIFE+ LimnoPirineus (2014-2019) figuraban la restauración ecológica de ocho lagos pirenaicos y la recuperación o mejora de las poblaciones de diversas especies de interés comunitario de estos lagos, mediante la erradicación o el control intensivo de peces introducidos de hasta cuatro especies. En la mayor parte de lagos el objetivo operativo ha sido la erradicación, mientras que tan solo en uno de ellos el objetivo pasaba simplemente por llevar a cabo un control intensivo hasta alcanzar al menos una reducción del 75 % de la población inicial. A finales de 2019, estos objetivos se han alcanzado completamente para cinco de los lagos de actuación, mientras que en los otros tres lagos están cerca de alcanzarse, cosa que sucederá probablemente antes de finales de 2020. Se han puesto a punto métodos de extracción de peces basados en la combinación de hasta tres técnicas de captura principales: redes, trampas y pesca eléctrica. Se demuestra que la erradicación de los peces es factible en muchos lagos de alta montaña con una inversión suficiente en medios materiales y humanos, y con una adecuada planificación de las operaciones. Cuando no es factible la erradicación, el control intensivo mediante un esfuerzo sostenible en el tiempo es también una alternativa que cabe considerar a medio plazo.Peer reviewe

    DUbbing language-therapy CINEma-based in aphasia post-stroke (DULCINEA): study protocol for a randomized crossover pilot trial

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    Communication is one of the most important predictors of social reintegration after stroke. Approximately 15–42% of stroke survivors experience post-stroke aphasia. Helping people recover from aphasia is one of the research priorities after a stroke. Our aim is to develop and validate a new therapy integrating dubbing techniques to improve functional communication. Methods: The research project is structured as three work packages (WP). WP1: development of the dubbed language cinema-based therapy: Two research assistants (a speech therapist and a dubbing actor) will select the clips, mute specific words/sentences in progressive speech difficulty, and guide patients to dub them across sessions. Words to be dubbed will be those considered to be functionally meaningful by a representative sample of aphasic patients and relatives through an online survey. WP2: a randomized, crossover, interventional pilot study with the inclusion of 54 patients with post-stroke non-fluent aphasia. Patients will be treated individually in 40-min sessions twice per week for 8 weeks. Primary outcomes will be significant pre/post differences in scores in the Communicative Activity Log (CAL) questionnaire and Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) administered by a psychologist blinded to the patients’ clinical characteristics. Secondary outcomes: General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-12, Stroke Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39), Western Aphasia Battery Revised (WAB-R), and the Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire (SADQ10). WP3: educational activities and dissemination of results. WP3 includes educational activities to improve public knowledge of aphasia and dissemination of the results, with the participation of the Spanish patients’ association Afasia Activa. Discussion: This pilot clinical trial will explore the efficacy of a new therapeutic tool based on dubbing techniques and computer technology to improve functional communication of patients suffering from post-stroke aphasia with the use of standardized test assessmentThis study is promoted by Blanca Fuentes and the Research Foundation of La Paz University Hospital, which hosts a research consortium joined by the Department of Neurology at La Paz University Hospital, the Department of Psychology at Comillas Pontifical University, and the patients’ association Afasia Activa. This project has received funding from “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code HR18-00026. Funder is not involved in any of the following processes: design of the trial, data collection, analysis, or interpretation of data nor than in writing the manuscrip

    Línea formativa de inteligencia artificial en la facultad de informática de la UPV-EHU

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    Con objeto de ampliar la capacitación de sus licenciados en el área de IA ésta facultad ofrece una línea de optatividad que reúne 37 créditos en 7 asignaturas fundamentales. Estas asignaturas se centran en torno a: Sistemas Basados en el Conocimiento, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Métodos Probabilísticos de la IA, Redes Neuronales e Inferencia Estadística

    Bronchoscopist's perception of the quality of the single-use bronchoscope (Ambu aScope4™) in selected bronchoscopies: a multicenter study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services

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    Background: The disposable bronchoscope is an excellent alternative to face the problem of SARS-CoV-2 and other cross infections, but the bronchoscopist’s perception of its quality has not been evaluated. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the Ambu-aScope4 disposable bronchoscope, we carried out a cross-sectional study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services. We use a standardized questionnaire completed by the bronchoscopists at the end of each bronchoscopy. The variables were described with absolute and relative frequencies, measures of cen‑ tral tendency and dispersion depending on their nature. The existence of learning curves was evaluated by CUSUM analysis. Results: The most frequent indications in 300 included bronchoscopies was bronchial aspiration in 69.3% and the median duration of these was 9.1 min. The route of entry was nasal in 47.2% and oral in 34.1%. The average score for ease of use, image, and aspiration quality was 80/100. All the planned techniques were performed in 94.9% and the bronchoscopist was satisfed in 96.6% of the bronchoscopies. They highlighted the portability and immediacy of the aScope4TM to start the procedure in 99.3%, the possibility of taking and storing images in 99.3%. The CUSUM analysis showed average scores>70/100 from the frst procedure and from the 9th procedure more than 80% of the scores exceeded the 80/100 score

    Bronchoscopist's perception of the quality of the single-use bronchoscope (Ambu aScope4™) in selected bronchoscopies : a multicenter study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services

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    Background: The disposable bronchoscope is an excellent alternative to face the problem of SARS-CoV-2 and other cross infections, but the bronchoscopist's perception of its quality has not been evaluated. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the Ambu-aScope4 disposable bronchoscope, we carried out a cross-sectional study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services. We use a standardized questionnaire completed by the bronchoscopists at the end of each bronchoscopy. The variables were described with absolute and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion depending on their nature. The existence of learning curves was evaluated by CUSUM analysis. Results: The most frequent indications in 300 included bronchoscopies was bronchial aspiration in 69.3% and the median duration of these was 9.1 min. The route of entry was nasal in 47.2% and oral in 34.1%. The average score for ease of use, image, and aspiration quality was 80/100. All the planned techniques were performed in 94.9% and the bronchoscopist was satisfied in 96.6% of the bronchoscopies. They highlighted the portability and immediacy of the aScope4TM to start the procedure in 99.3%, the possibility of taking and storing images in 99.3%. The CUSUM analysis showed average scores > 70/100 from the first procedure and from the 9th procedure more than 80% of the scores exceeded the 80/100 score. Conclusions: The aScope4™ scored well for ease of use, imaging, and aspiration. We found a learning curve with excellent scores from the 9th procedure. Bronchoscopists highlighted its portability, immediacy of use and the possibility of taking and storing images