51 research outputs found

    A stoichiometric reaction scheme for Saccharothrix algeriensis growth and thiolutin production

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    A new bacterial species, Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, was isolated in 1992 in the Sahara desert. This filamentous bacterium is able to produce dithiolopyrrolones, molecules presenting antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer properties. In this study, a “reaction engineering” approach was adopted to gain more knowledge on the growth of Sa. algeriensis and its dithiolopyrrolone production on a semi-synthetic liquid medium. The objective is to establish a reaction scheme of the bacterium metabolism from extracellular experimental information, relatively easy to obtain. The approach enabled us to show that Sa. algeriensis could grow using several substrates that were sequentially consumed and that substrate limitation may induce a secondary metabolism in antibiotic production. From these qualitative data, a general reaction scheme was extracted consisting of four reactions: growth via amino acids, glucose consumption for maintenance, growth using glucose, and thiolutin production. The stoichiometric coefficients and the reaction extends were identified using a factorial analysis based on the bilinear structure of the component mass balances in a batch reactor. The analysis of the reaction stoichiometry enabled us to draw some conclusions concerning the substrate consumption pathway

    Influence of barley malting operating parameters on T-2 and HT-2 toxinogenesis of Fusarium langsethiae, a worrying contaminant of malting barley in Europe.

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    The fungus Fusarium langsethiae, exclusively described in Europe at present, seems to have taken the place of other Fusarium species in barley fields over the last 5 years. It has proved to be a highly toxic type-A trichothecene producer (T-2 and HT-2 toxins). The aim of this work was to study the ecotoxinogenesis of this fungus the better to identify and manage the health risk it may pose during the beer manufacturing process. The influence of temperature and water activity on its growth rate and production of toxins are particularly assessed from a macroscopic point of view. Different cultures were grown on sterilized rehydrated barley with a water activity between 0.630 and 0.997 and a temperature ranging from 5 to 35°C. Biomass specific to F. langsethiae and T-2 and HT-2 toxins were quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, respectively. It appears that the optimal temperature and water activity for F. langsethiae toxinogenesis are 28°C and 0.997. This fungus was able to produce 2.22 g kg−1 of these toxins in 16 days on barley in optimal production conditions. The malting process seems to be a critical step because, in its temperature range, specific production was six times higher than under optimal temperatures for fungus growth. In the short-term, this work will help redefine the process conditions for malting. In the medium-term, the results will contribute to the development of a molecular tool to diagnose the presence of this contaminant and the detection of the toxins in barley, from fields to the end product

    Modélisation et optimisation de la production de thiolutine chez Saccharothrix algeriensis

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    La production de nouvelles molécules bioactives est actuellement une préoccupation importante au plan mondial du fait de la prolifération de microorganismes pathogÚnes ayant développé une résistance aux molécules actuelles. Dans ce contexte, une bactérie isolée du sol saharien, Saccharothrix algeriensis, fait l'objet de cette étude. Elle a la capacité de produire des molécules aux potentialités bio-actives remarquables : les dithiolopyrrolones. L'objectif du travail se concentre sur les aspects macroscopiques de l'analyse du comportement du microorganisme en milieu liquide en vue du développement d'un procédé de bioproduction. Une premiÚre étape a consisté en la recherche d'un milieu de culture chimiquement maßtrisé. Afin de s'affranchir de l'utilisation d'extrait de levure, substrat difficilement maßtrisable, l'influence de la teneur en différentes bases azotées, acides aminés et oligoéléments sur la croissance a été étudiée. L'uracile et la thymine, les acides aminés non polaires ainsi que les oligoéléments favorisent la croissance de Saccharothrix algeriensis. Le milieu synthétique donnant les meilleurs résultats en terme de croissance et de production d'antibiotique a été testé en fermenteur "batch" de 2 L équipé d'un analyseur gaz autorisant une étude cinétique plus fine et un environnement physico-chimique maßtrisé. L'analyse qualitative des fermentations a montré que sur milieu contenant plusieurs substrats, la bactérie consomme les nutriments séquentiellement. Sa croissance apparaßt diauxique. La synthÚse des dithiolopyrrolones semble découplée de la croissance de la souche. Cette analyse qualitative a permis d'établir un schéma réactionnel décrivant la croissance de Saccharothrix algeriensis en milieu semi-synthétique. L'analyse factorielle des données cinétiques a permis de décrire raisonnablement le comportement du microorganisme en 4 réactions. ABSTRACT : Nowadays, production of new bioactive molecules is an important concern around the world. Due to development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, investigations are performed to discover rare bacteria, which can produce such bioactive molecules. In view of this, Saccharothrix algeriensis, a bacterium isolated from Sahara desert, is here studied. It produces molecules with noteworthy bioactive potentialities: the dithiolopyrrolones. The objective of this study focuses on the macroscopic aspects of the micro-organism behaviour in liquid medium, in order to develop a bio-production process. A first step has consisted in the research of a chemically defined medium. So as to avoid used of yeast extract, which is a difficult substrate to control, the effect of nucleobases, amino acids, and oligoelements on its growth has been investigated. Uracil and thymine, non polar amino acids and oligoelements had a positive impact on Saccharothrix algeriensis growth. The synthetic medium, which allows the best bacterial growth and antibiotic production, has been tested in 2 L batch fermentor. It is connected to a gas analyser, which allows an accurate kinetic study and provides a controlled physicochemical environment to the micro-organism. Qualitative analysis of the cultures has shown that, on a medium which contains several substrates, the bacterium sequentially consumes the nutrients. Bacterial growth seems to be diauxic. Dithiolopyrrolone synthesis seems to be uncoupled with the growth of the stain. This quantitative analysis has allowed to establish a reaction scheme, which describes Saccharothrix algeriensis growth on semi-synthetic medium. Factor analysis of kinetic data had reasonably lead to a description of Saccharothrix algeriensis behaviour in 4 reaction

    Mutation of exposed hydrophobic amino acids to arginine to increase protein stability

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    BACKGROUND: One strategy to increase the stability of proteins is to reduce the area of water-accessible hydrophobic surface. RESULTS: In order to test it, we replaced 14 solvent-exposed hydrophobic residues of acetylcholinesterase by arginine. The stabilities of the resulting proteins were tested using denaturation by high temperature, organic solvents, urea and by proteolytic digestion. CONCLUSION: Altough the mutational effects were rather small, this strategy proved to be successful since half of the mutants showed an increased stability. This stability may originate from the suppression of unfavorable interactions of nonpolar residues with water or from addition of new hydrogen bonds with the solvent. Other mechanisms may also contribute to the increased stability observed with some mutants. For example, introduction of a charge at the surface of the protein may provide a new coulombic interaction on the protein surface

    Ground-Based Optical Measurements at European Flux Sites: A Review of Methods, Instruments and Current Controversies

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    This paper reviews the currently available optical sensors, their limitations and opportunities for deployment at Eddy Covariance (EC) sites in Europe. This review is based on the results obtained from an online survey designed and disseminated by the Co-cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ESO903—“Spectral Sampling Tools for Vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux Measurements in Europe” that provided a complete view on spectral sampling activities carried out within the different research teams in European countries. The results have highlighted that a wide variety of optical sensors are in use at flux sites across Europe, and responses further demonstrated that users were not always fully aware of the key issues underpinning repeatability and the reproducibility of their spectral measurements. The key findings of this survey point towards the need for greater awareness of the need for standardisation and development of a common protocol of optical sampling at the European EC sites

    Zum Zusammenhang von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Bildung, Beruf und Karriere : ein Ausblick

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    Ziel der folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen im abschliessenden Teil dieses Sammelbands zur Entwicklung und Genese von geschlechtsspezifischen Bildungsungleichheiten ist es, den Blick zu öffnen in Richtung Berufsleben. Wie sind die verbesserten Bildungsmöglichkeiten von Frauen zu interpretieren? Ist es in den letzten Jahrzehnten gelungen, eines der grundlegendsten gesellschaftlichen UngleichheitsverhĂ€ltnisse zu beseitigen? Oder beginnt sich dieses sogar zu verkehren in eine gesellschaftliche Benachteiligung der MĂ€nner? Wir gehen bei unseren Überlegungen von der These aus, dass ein Abbau von Benachteiligungen der Frauen im Bildungssystem fĂŒr sich genommen noch wenig aussagekrĂ€ftig ist, wenn wir uns mit der klassischen soziologischen Frage der Persistenz bzw. des Wandels von gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten befassen wollen. Erst wenn die ganze VerknĂŒpfung von Bildung und gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit in den Blick genommen wird und sich dabei zeigt, dass Frauen ihre Bildungsgewinne auch in entsprechende Chancen im BeschĂ€ftigungssystem umsetzen können, sind ihre verbesserten Bildungschancen ein Gewinn fĂŒr die Individuen und ein Fortschritt fĂŒr die Gesellschaft – und erst dann könnten mögliche Bildungsvorteile von Frauen, wie sie in den vorliegenden AufsĂ€tzen z.T. diagnostiziert werden, gar als neue gesellschaftliche Benachteiligungen von MĂ€nnern skandalisiert werden

    The transcriptional activity of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha is inhibited via phosphorylation by ERK1/2

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    Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4alpha) nuclear receptor is a master regulator of hepatocyte development, nutrient transport and metabolism. HNF4alpha is regulated both at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels by different mechanisms. Several kinases (PKA, PKC, AMPK) were shown to phosphorylate and decrease the activity of HNF4alpha. Activation of the ERK1/2 signalling pathway, inducing proliferation and survival, inhibits the expression of HNF4alpha. However, based on our previous results we hypothesized that HNF4alpha is also regulated at the post-transcriptional level by ERK1/2. Here we show that ERK1/2 is capable of directly phosphorylating HNF4alpha in vitro at several phosphorylation sites including residues previously shown to be targeted by other kinases, as well. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of HNF4alpha leads to a reduced trans-activational capacity of the nuclear receptor in luciferase reporter gene assay. We confirm the functional relevance of these findings by demonstrating with ChIP-qPCR experiments that 30-minute activation of ERK1/2 leads to reduced chromatin binding of HNF4alpha. Accordingly, we have observed decreasing but not disappearing binding of HNF4alpha to the target genes. In addition, 24-hour activation of the pathway further decreased HNF4alpha chromatin binding to specific loci in ChIP-qPCR experiments, which confirms the previous reports on the decreased expression of the HNF4a gene due to ERK1/2 activation. Our data suggest that the ERK1/2 pathway plays an important role in the regulation of HNF4alpha-dependent hepatic gene expression

    Naturally Occurring Genetic Variants in Human Chromogranin A (CHGA) Associated with Hypertension as well as Hypertensive Renal Disease

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    Chromogranin A (CHGA) plays a fundamental role in the biogenesis of catecholamine secretory granules. Changes in storage and release of CHGA in clinical and experimental hypertension prompted us to study whether genetic variation at the CHGA locus might contribute to alterations in autonomic function, and hence hypertension and its target organ consequences such as hypertensive renal disease (nephrosclerosis). Systematic polymorphism discovery across the human CHGA locus revealed both common and unusual variants in both the open reading frame and such regulatory regions as the proximal promoter and 3â€Č-UTR. In chromaffin cell-transfected CHGA 3â€Č-UTR and promoter/luciferase reporter plasmids, the functional consequences of the regulatory/non-coding allelic variants were documented. Variants in both the proximal promoter and the 3â€Č-UTR displayed statistical associations with hypertension. Genetic variation in the proximal CHGA promoter predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy twins. However, for hypertensive renal damage, both end-stage renal disease and rate of progression of earlier disease were best predicted by variants in the 3â€Č-UTR. Finally, mechanistic studies were undertaken initiated by the clue that CHGA promoter variation predicted circulating endothelin-1. In cultured endothelial cells, CHGA triggered co-release of not only the vasoconstrictor and pro-fibrotic endothelin-1, but also the pro-coagulant von Willebrand Factor and the pro-angiogenic angiopoietin-2. These findings, coupled with stimulation of endothelin-1 release from glomerular capillary endothelial cells by CHGA, suggest a plausible mechanism whereby genetic variation at the CHGA locus eventuates in alterations in human renal function. These results document the consequences of genetic variation at the CHGA locus for cardiorenal disease and suggest mechanisms whereby such variation achieves functional effects
