1,598 research outputs found

    Bayesian non-linear matching of pairwise microarray gene expressions

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    In this paper, we present a Bayesian non-linear model to analyze matching pairs of microarray expression data. This model generalizes, in terms of neural networks, standard linear matching models. As a practical application, we analyze data of patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and we find out the best neural net model that relates the expression levels of two types of cytogenetically different samples from them

    Spatial matching of M configurations of points with a bioinformatics application

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    In this paper, we present a model to deal with the problem of matching M objects or configurations of points. This is a generalization of the model proposed by Green and Mardia (2006). We consider, as a direct and simple application, the case of three configurations with labelled and with unlabelled points. In both cases, we consider data from a microarray experiment of gorilla, bonobo and human cultured fibroblasts published by Karaman et al. (2003). We find out the matchings and the best affine transformation between the projections of genes in a two dimensional space, obtained by a Multidimensional Scaling technique

    Spatial matching of M configurations of points with a bioinformatics application

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    In this paper, we present a model to deal with the problem of matching M objects or configurations of points. This is a generalization of the model proposed by Green and Mardia (2006). We consider, as a direct and simple application, the case of three configurations with labelled and with unlabelled points. In both cases, we consider data from a microarray experiment of gorilla, bonobo and human cultured fibroblasts published by Karaman et al. (2003). We find out the matchings and the best affine transformation between the projections of genes in a two dimensional space, obtained by a Multidimensional Scaling technique.

    Supporting people with Autism Spectrum Disorders in leisure time: impact of an University Volunteer Program, and related factors

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    La participación social tiene efectos positivos en salud mental y física, y puede tomarse como un indicador de calidad de vida. Sin embargo, la participación de personas con discapacidad en su comunidad es aún escasa, especialmente para las personas con autismo. En este trabajo evaluamos el grado de satisfacción con un programa de voluntariado universitario dirigido a personas con autismo para apoyar actividades de ocio y tiempo libre (APUNTATE). Un total de 159 familias de usuarios y 230 voluntarios cumplimentaron un cuestionario de satisfacción que identificó las áreas en las que el programa tenía más impacto. Los resultados mostraron una alta satisfacción general tanto en usuarios como en voluntarios, aunque algunas características personales de los usuarios generaron leves diferencias. Los aspectos más valorados fueron la organización del programa, la formación y tutorización continua que se ofrecía a los voluntarios. Otra característica del programa, ampliamente valorada, fue la capacidad de éste de adaptar los apoyos a las necesidades individuales de usuarios y voluntarios. Este trabajo pone de manifiesto que la universidad pública puede implementar con éxito programas de apoyos para promover la participación social. Estos programas pueden favorecen el desarrollo personal, favorecer el cambio de actitudes hacia las personas con discapacidad y mejorar las perspectivas de empleo de los estudiantes

    La protección de los informantes – whistleblowers – y las garantías de los investigados. Análisis de la propuesta de directiva de la Unión Europea y en españa de la proposición de ley integral de lucha contra la corrupción y protección de los denunciantes

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    La Comisión Europea ha lanzado una propuesta de Directiva sobre la protección de las personas que informan sobre violaciones del derecho de la Unión. El Parlamento español también está debatiendo sobre una nueva propuesta legislativa que busca una regulación integral para combatir la corrupción y proteger a los denunciantes. La propuesta de la UE destaca la idea de que el juicio justo debe ser la piedra angular que debe presidir la regulación de esta materia. Por el contrario, la propuesta que se debate en el Parlamento español puede poner en peligro las garantías de las personas investigadas, especialmente mediante la creación de un órgano administrativo que puede investigar los casos de corrupción sin enviarlos a las autoridades correspondientes (fiscal o juez de instrucción) desde el primer momento. En relación con las medidas de investigación, la autoridad administrativa puede mantener entrevistas con los afectados sin estar reguladas las garantías que se respetarán durante estas declaraciones. Se contempla en la propuesta que se pueden realizar registros o que se pueden incautar documentos sin especificar cómo deben llevarse a cabo estas medidas. Las medidas de protección incluidas en la propuesta legislativa española tampoco parecen adecuadas. Son medidas de protección que no están sujetas a una decisión o control judicial y su duración puede extenderse incluso después de que se archive el proceso penal. Por otra parte, las medidas de protección solo pueden aplicarse a los funcionarios públicos, aunque con frecuencia los denunciantes son profesionales independientes que tratan con la Administración Pública en la que se produce el hecho delictivo constitutivo de un delito de corrupción. No obstante, todas estas objeciones a la iniciativa española no pueden hacernos olvidar la necesidad de contar en nuestro país con una legislación adecuada para combatir la corrupción de manera más eficaz y, sobre todo, para proteger a los denunciantes más adecuadamente, sin que todo ello suponga merma alguna en las garantías y derechos de las personas investigadas.European Commision has launched a proposal for a Directive on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law. The Spanish Parliament is also debating on the proposal of a new piece of legislation which searches a comprehensive regulation to combat corruption and to protect whistle-blowers. The EU proposal highlights the idea of fair trial as the corner stone of any approach to this issue. On the contrary, the proposal under debate at the Spanish Parliament may jeopardize the safeguards of the persons under investigation, namely by setting-up an administrative board who is allowed to investigate corruption cases without sending them to the proper authorities (Public Prosecutor or Investigative Judge) from the very first moment. In relation to the investigation measures, the administrative authority may maintain interviews with those affected without being regulated the guarantees that will be respected during these statements. It is contemplated in the proposal that searches can be made or documents can be seized without specifying how these measures should be carried out. The protection measures included in the legislative proposal do not seem adequate either. These are measures that are not subject to judicial decision or control and its duration can be extended even after the criminal proceeding is dismissed. The protection measures can only be applied to civil servants, although frequently the whistle-blowers are independent professionals who deals with Public Administration. However, these objections to the Spanish proposal can not make us forget the need to have adequate legislation in our Country to combat corruption more effectively and, above all, to protect whistle-blowers properly, but always having in mind that procedural safeguards and fundamental rights of the persons under investigation should be preserved

    Quality of Life and Physical Well-Being in People with ASDs

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    Nuevas citas para tres híbridos de "Asplenium" ("Aspleniaceae", Pteridophyta) en la Península Ibérica

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    Nuevas citas para tres híbridos de Asplenium (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) en la Península Ibérica. Se dan a conocer nuevas localidades en la Península Ibérica para los siguientes híbridos de Asplenium: Asplenium x protomajoricum nothosubsp. protomajoricum (= A. fontanum subsp. fontanum x A.petrarchae subsp. bivalens), A. x recoderi nothosubsp. recoderi (= A. fontanum subsp. fontanum x A. ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria) y A. x sleepiae nothosubsp. sleepiae (= A. obovatum subsp. lanceolatum x A. foreziense). Se aportan los datos del análisis citológico y se describen los principales caracteres morfológicos de las frondes

    The patronage in the financing of social and sustainable projects

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    [Abstract]: Traditionally, many companies have contributed, altruistically, to the generation of crowdfunding platforms as a space of knowledge and innovation where entrepreneurs develop their projects independently or in collaboration. The companies considered this platform as an investment whose rate of return was transformed into a profitable improvement of its brand image. However, these platforms have evolved, in recent times, to generate real ecosystems of technological innovation, oriented to the propulsion of business projects of marked social trend, seeking to promote alternatives for social inclusion and green projects aimed at improving sustainability and the environment. These projects not only help improve both parameters, but also manage to generate beneficial externalities for the social economy and even for the sponsoring company itself

    Exploring the Interplay between CAD and FreeFem++ as an Energy Decision-Making Tool for Architectural Design

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    The energy modelling software tools commonly used for architectural purposes do not allow a straightforward real-time implementation within the architectural design programs. In addition, the surrounding exterior spaces of the building, including the inner courtyards, hardly present a specific treatment distinguishing these spaces from the general external temperature in the thermal simulations. This is a clear disadvantage when it comes to streamlining the design process in relation to the whole-building energy optimization. In this context, the present study aims to demonstrate the advantages of the FreeFem++ open source program for performing simulations in architectural environments. These simulations include microclimate tests that describe the interactions between a building architecture and its local exterior. The great potential of this mathematical tool can be realized through its complete system integration within CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software such as SketchUp or AutoCAD. In order to establish the suitability of FreeFem++ for the performance of simulations, the most widely employed energy simulation tools able to consider a proposed architectural geometry in a specific environment are compared. On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that FreeFem++ is the only program displaying the best features for the thermal performance simulation of these specific outdoor spaces, excluding the currently unavailable easy interaction with architectural drawing programs. The main contribution of this research is, in fact, the enhancement of FreeFem++ usability by proposing a simple intuitive method for the creation of building geometries and their respective meshing (pre-processing). FreeFem++ is also considered a tool for data analysis (post-processing) able to help engineers and architects with building energy-efficiency-related tasks