902 research outputs found

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    Alteraciones del lenguaje pragmático en niños con antecedentes familiares de primer y segundo grado de psicosis

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    La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad que afecta al 0’3-0’7% de la población general. y su etiopatogenia es multifactorial. Investigaciones recientes se han centrado en la identificación de sujetos de alto riesgo con la intención de realizar estrategias de prevención, mediante la creación de conceptos como el de alto riesgo familiar (Familiar High Risk). Los endofenotipos han cobrado importancia en este contexto al ser similares a factores de riesgo heredables. Un ejemplo de esto son las alteraciones en el lenguaje pragmático, que podrían asociarse con vulnerabilidad para padecer esquizofrenia en el futuro. En este estudio aplicamos sobre una muestra de niños con antecedentes familiares de psicosis la escala CCC (Children’s Communication Checklist) que explora el lenguaje pragmático, la relación social y el rango de intereses. El objetivo de este estudio es aumentar los conocimientos disponibles sobre la posible asociación entre niños con antecedentes familiares de psicosis y dichas alteraciones del lenguaje.Grado en Medicin

    Efectividad de una intervención precoz en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hiponatremia para la prevención de caídas en pacientes hospitalizados mayores de 65 años

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 3-07-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 03-01-201

    Creatividad, atención y rendimiento académico en alumnado de conservatorio profesional

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre creatividad, atención y su repercusión en los resultados académicos en las enseñanzas profesionales de música. Para ello, se ha seleccionado una muestra de 84 alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años (M = 14.79; DT = 2.29) que cursan Enseñanzas Profesionales en un Conservatorio de Música público y reglado. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de medida el Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) y el Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Se hallaron correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre (a) atención y creatividad y (b) atención y resultados académicos musicales. En cambio, se hallaron correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre creatividad y rendimiento académico musical. Tras los resultados se pueden establecer programas preventivos o potenciadores de la creatividad y la atención, con el fin de fomentar que la totalidad del alumnado de conservatorio alcance su máximo potencial y un alto rendimiento, ya que éstos son el reflejo de un aprendizaje más eficaz.The current project aim was to analyze the relationship between creativity and attention and its impact on academic performance in professional music studies. For that purpose a sample of 84 students has been selected between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.79; SD = 2.29) from a public Conservatory of Music. The measuring instruments were Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) and Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between (a) attention and creativity and (b) attention and musical academic performance. In contrast, negative and statistically significant correlations were found between creativity and musical academic achievement. After the results, preventive programs or programs to boost creativity and attention can be established in order to encourage all conservatory students to accomplish their full potential and high academic performance, as they are a reflection of an effective learning

    "Reference values" of trace elements in the hair of a sample group of Spanish children (aged 6-9 years) are urban topsoils a source of contamination?

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    Human hair is used as a biomonitor to evaluate the environmental exposure to contaminants in the individual. However, the use of human hair is controversial, mainly because reference levels for pollutants in hair have not yet been set. In the case of Spain, few biomonitoring studies have involved infants and children. A biomonitoring study was conducted to investigate the possible normal values of trace elements of toxicological concern in children aged 6–9 years from the city of Alcalá de Henares, Community of Madrid (Spain), following the methodology and strict inclusion criteria previously developed by our group. Levels of Al, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ti, Tl, V and Zn were monitored in scalp–hair from 117 healthy children (47 boys and 70 girls) between April and May of 2001. The levels of trace elements here described could be considered as possible 'reference values” for children aged 6–9 years resident in the Community of Madrid. These values might also be selected as a preliminary screening tool to evaluate if a Spanish child has been exposed to any of the contaminants studied here. This study also investigated whether local urban topsoils were a source of metals for this population

    Effectiveness of ultrasound screening in right upper quadrant pain: A comparative study in a basic emergency service

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    Background and Aims: The use of ultrasound screening is primarily facilitated by point‐of‐care ultrasound (POCUS) and its integration into healthcare systems is a result of the versatility of this imaging technique. This study intends to compare the accuracy and pertinence of sonographic findings obtained by a sonographer in a Basic Emergency Service (BES) with that of radiologists at referral hospital (RH) in Portugal. Methods: Twenty patients with right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain and suspected cholecystitis or biliary pathology underwent sonography screening using POCUS in the BES. They were then forwarded to the RH where a radiologist performed a conventional ultrasound exam on the same patients. The results of both exams were compared to determine if the findings obtained in the BES were confirmed by the radiologist in the RH. Results: In our sample, 60% of cases were related to biliary pathology, 20% were liver‐related, 10% had hepatopancreatic biliary etiology, and 10% had unknown etiology. A strong association between the sonographic findings in the BES and the RH was found in the variables “Sonographic Murphy sign” (V = 0.859; p = 0.001), “Cholelithiasis/Gallbladder sludge” (V = 0.840; p = 0.001), and “Intrahepatic biliary tract dilatation” (V = 0.717; p = 0.006). Adequate measures of agreement between the findings of the radiographer and radiologist were obtained for the “Sonographic Murphy sign” (k = 0.664; p = 0.001) and the presence of “Cholelithiasis/Gallbladder sludge” (k = 0.712; p = 0.000). Conclusion: Major biliary abnormalities were detected in patients with RUQ pain in BES using sonography. The correlation between the sonographic findings obtained by the sonographers at BES and those obtained by radiologists at the RH in Portugal was strong, showing that POCUS screening could be extended to other similar settings; however, more studies are needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the regulation of active tourism in Spain

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    En este trabajo se analiza el tratamiento del turismo activo por Comunidades Autónomas españolas, con especial referencia a las Islas Canarias. En primer lugar, se procede a delimitar el concepto de turismo activo. Posteriormente, se realiza un breve estudio del tratamiento del turismo en la Unión Europa. Y, en tercer lugar, se realiza un análisis comparado territorial por Comunidades Autónomas españolas a través de los Decretos autonómicos que han ido apareciendo desde el año 2005 hasta la actualidad. Para la realización del análisis comparado, se estudia el tratamiento diferenciado del turismo activo en las comunidades autónomas españolas comparando tanto las actividades que lo integran, como los medios materiales necesarios para su realización, así como los derechos y obligaciones requeridos para su práctica, y, de manera especial, la regulación de las empresas de turismo activo a través de las diferentes titulaciones y cualificaciones que se requieren para la profesionalización del sector. Finalizamos el trabajo haciendo referencia a la regulación del turismo activo en las Islas Canarias.&nbsp

    Preparation of Nanoemulgels Containing Lemon Essential Oil and Pectin: Physical Stability and Rheological Properties

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    t: Nanoemulgels are novel formulations of great interest for their use as dual-release systems and as fat substitutes in foods. Lemon essential oil, with a large number of benefits due to its antimicrobial, antifungal, and medicinal properties, and low methoxyl pectin, a natural polysaccharide capable of gelling by adding divalent ions such as calcium, are very appropriate ingredients to produce nanoemulgels with potential applications in industries such as cosmetics, agrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, or food. In this work, lemon-essential-oil-in-water nanoemulgels containing low methoxyl pectin derived from citrus peels were prepared following a three-step process that involves the preparation of a nanoemulsion, a pectin gel, and the mixture of both. In the first stage, the stirring time and the rotational rate employed during the mixing step were assessed. Once the preparation protocol was established, the pectin gel/nanoemulsion mass ratio was investigated. Different techniques were combined to evaluate the influence of the processing and the composition variables on the particle size distribution, mean diameters, flow curves, and physical stability of different emulgels obtained. It was found that the processing variables studied, stirring time, and rotational rate, do not influence the mean particle size of the emulgel, with values matching those of the starting nanoemulsion. However, 3 min and 200 rpm were selected for exhibiting the lowest TSI values. Regarding the composition, a higher content of pectin gel caused a higher viscosity, and therefore a higher physical stability, with the 75P/25E emulgel being the most stable. Aggregation of gel particles, because the pectin gel was really a sheared gel, was the main responsible contributor to the results obtained. This work highlights the importance of the preparation and formulation variables to develop stable, innovative formulations based on nanoemulgels.FEDER/Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía FEDER 2014-2020 - US-138076

    Strategies for remediating polluted soils

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    Editors: F. A. López, F. Puertas, F. J. Alguacil and A. Guerrero.-- 4 pages, 1 figure.For several years, a group of researchers from several institutions has been evaluating strategies for remediating soils polluted with heavy metals and inorganic compounds (such as salts that separate into their anions and metals). Both these substances may be taken up as mineral nutrients of the plants growing in these soils.This study was funded by the Programa IADES of the Comunidad de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    La contabilidad financiera en la diplomatura en turismo en España: situación actual y recomendaciones para la adaptación de los planes al EEES

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    Los estudios de turismo se incorporaron a la Universidad en 1996, con la aprobación de las Directrices Generales de la Diplomatura en Turismo. Al incluirse en las mismas a la Contabilidad como materia troncal, nos planteamos mostrar en este trabajo empírico la situación real de la Contabilidad Financiera en los distintos Planes de Estudio en vigor y de cara a las reformas futuras. Para ello, hemos analizado su presencia efectiva entre las distintas materias troncales - , obligatorias y optativas- que se imparten en función del objetivo de formación de gestores de empresas turísticas, expresado en las Directrices Generales Propias elaboradas para esta titulación. Como conclusión general del estudio destacamos la imposibilidad de conseguir el objetivo enunciado relativo a la formación de gestores, al menos en lo que a la Contabilidad se refiere, dado su escaso peso en los Planes de Estudio. Entendemos que esta cuestión debería ser tenida para la adaptación de los planes al nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior