93 research outputs found

    Äldres olika behov - bistĂ„ndshandlĂ€ggares berĂ€ttelser om Ă€ldres psykiska och sociala behov

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse how case-workers manage the mental and social needs within elderly care. Many elderly suffer from mental illness, depression och loneliness. The study was conducted by qualitative semistructured interviews with case-workers through a targeted selection process. The study showed that physical needs are easier to manage and carry out rather than the psychological and social needs because they are more difficult to see. A lack of cooperation with psychiatric professionals and loneliness among the elderly leads to hostility. A lack of resources and medical referrals that should be the basis for approved interventions as well a lack of information about psychological and social needs all lead to the clients mental and social needs falling by the wayside. The stigma that surrounds mental illness as well as how the mentally ill have been cared for in the past effects the elderly’s willingness to communicate if their mental needs are being met. When in doubt, a case-worker is likely to refer to his or her colleagues which means that decisions and interventions are effected by the existing group culture of the office. The municipality prefers to save money so they prioritize physical needs of the elderly. When in need of mental services, the elderly are usually intructed to visit their local health care center, although there are few elderly that receive care for their mental needs according to research. The only care that the municipality can offer for the social needs of the elderly is a walking companion, although this doesn’t fully fulfill the social needs of the client. The Social Services Act clearly states that the need for assistance should be adapted to the individual. Change is required both on a systemic and individual level. Improvements are needed between the collaboration between different professions in order for the client to be seen and not fallen by the wayside

    Digital nerve injuries: Epidemiology, results, costs, and impact on daily life.

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    Epidemiology, results of treatment, impact on activity of daily living (ADL), and costs for treatment of digital nerve injuries have not been considered consistently. Case notes of patients of 0-99 years of age living in Malmö municipality, Sweden, who presented with a digital nerve injury and were referred to the Department of Hand Surgery in 1995-2005 were analysed retrospectively. The incidence was 6.2/100 000 inhabitants and year. Most commonly men (75%; median age 29 years) were injured. Isolated nerve injuries and concomitant tendon injuries were equally common. The direct costs (hospital stay, operation, outpatient visits, visits to a nurse and/or a hand therapist) for a concomitant tendon injury was almost double compared with an isolated digital nerve injury (6136 EUR [range, 744-29 689 EUR] vs 2653 EUR [range, 468-6949 EUR]). More than 50% of the patients who worked were injured at work and 79% lost time from work (median 59 days [range 3-337]). Permanent nerve dysfunction for the individual patient with ADL problems and subjective complaints of fumbleness, cold sensitivity, and pain occur in the patients despite surgery. It is concluded that digital nerve injuries, often considered as a minor injury and that affect young people at productive age, cause costs, and disability. Focus should be directed against prevention of the injury and to improve nerve regeneration from different aspects

    A hypocaloric diet rich in high fiber rye foods causes greater reduction in body weight and body fat than a diet rich in refined wheat: A parallel randomized controlled trial in adults with overweight and obesity (the RyeWeight study)

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    Background and aim: A high intake of whole grain foods is inversely associated with body mass index (BMI) and body fat in observational studies, but mixed results have been found in interventional studies. Among whole grains, rye is the richest source of dietary fiber and meals containing high-fiber rye foods have shown increased satiety up to 8 h, compared to meals containing refined wheat products. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of consuming high fiber rye products, compared to refined wheat products, on body weight and body fat loss in the context of an energy restricted diet.Methods: After a 2-week run-in period, 242 males and females with overweight or obesity (BMI 27-35 kg/m(2)), aged 30-70 years, were randomized (1:1) to consume high fiber rye products or refined wheat products for 12 weeks, while adhering to a hypocaloric diet. At week 0, week 6 and week 12 body weight and body composition (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) was measured and fasting blood samples were collected. Subjective appetite was evaluated for 14 h at week 0, 6 and 12.Results: After 12 weeks the participants in the rye group had lost 1.08 kg body weight and 0.54% body fat more than the wheat group (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.36; 1.80, p < 0.01 and 0.05; 1.03, p 1/4 0.03, respectively). C-reactive protein was 28% lower in the rye vs wheat group after 12 weeks of intervention (CI: 7; 53, p < 0.01). There were no consistent group differences on subjective appetite or on other cardiometabolic risk markers.Conclusion: Consumption of high fiber rye products as part of a hypocaloric diet for 12 weeks caused a greater weight loss and body fat loss, as well as reduction in C-reactive protein, compared to refined wheat. The difference in weight loss could not be linked to differences in appetite response. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism

    Dimensioning a energy system for the new school in Jumkil : implementing geothermal heat pump, photovoltaic system and battery storage

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a modern and energy efficient system solution for a school in Jumkil, combining solar power, battery storage and geothermal heat pump system. By using models, simulations and available literature the study examines the dimensions of the included components for optimal coverage of the schools energy demand. The type of solar cells used is monochrystalline silicon solar cells and from an economical point of view, the installed effect should be 55 kWp. For such a solution the optimal battery capacity is 60 kWh and the battery technique used is vanadium redox flow battery. The vanadium redox flow battery technique is safe, have a long lifetime as well as a high depth of discharge. Implementing a smaller photovoltaic plant of 22 kWp reduces the need of battery capacity to 20 kWh. The battery is used for several applications, for example storage of the excess solar production and reducing the power peaks to eliminate expensive charge. An inverter heat pump of 79 kW is installed to cover the heat demand. The study also shows that a geothermal automatically controlled heat pump combined with floor heating is the best combination to reduce electricity costs annually. In interaction with the self-produced power and the vanadium redox flow battery the system allows the school to reduce their electricity consumption and thus the need of buying power from the grid decreases.Syftet med studien Ă€r att designa en modern och energieffektiv systemlösning för en skola i Jumkil dĂ€r systemlösningen bestĂ„r av en solcellsanlĂ€ggning, ett batterilager och en varvtalsstyrd vĂ€rmepump. Genom att anvĂ€nda modeller, simuleringar och tillgĂ€nglig litteratur undersöker studien vilka dimensioner de olika komponenterna bör ha för att tĂ€cka skolans vĂ€rme- och elbehov. Solcellerna som implementeras Ă€r av typen monokristallina kiselsolceller och frĂ„n ett ekonomiskt perspektiv bör den installerade effekten vara 55 kWp. För en sĂ„dan lösning Ă€r den optimala batterikapaciteten 60 kWh och Ă€r av typen flödesbatteri. Fördelarna med flödesbatterier Ă€r att de Ă€r sĂ€kra, har lĂ„ng livslĂ€ngd och stort urladdningsdjup. Om en mindre solcellsanlĂ€ggning med en installerad effekt pĂ„ 22 kWp installeras kan batterikapaciteten reduceras till 20 kWh. Batteriet anvĂ€nds bland annat för att lagra överskottet av producerad solel och för att kapa effekttoppar vilket minskar kostnaderna för inköpt el. Även en bergvĂ€rmepump med en effekt pĂ„ 79 kW installeras för att tĂ€cka vĂ€rmebehovet. Studien visar att kombinationen av bergvĂ€rmepumpen och golvvĂ€rme Ă€r det bĂ€sta sĂ€ttet att minska Ă„rliga elkostnader. Tillsammans med den egenproducerade elen och flödesbatteriet kan skolan minska sin elförbrukning och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt minska behovet av att köpa el frĂ„n nĂ€tet

    Skolmiljön som potentiellt kompensatoriskt mikrosystem för barn som upplevt vÄld mot mamma

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    This paper aims to examine how children who have experienced violence against their mother experience their school and if the school somehow can compensate for the vulnerable situation of the children’s home situation. The data is an already collected material there interviews with abused children are done. The results presented consist of the previous research in the area where the empirical material analyzed from the developing ecological theory and based on children's different abilities to master life and then give an voice to the collected research. The results showed that if the violence in the family does not affect the child's sleep or the parents do not prioritize enough for the child to get the sleep he/she needs and that the child is not serious difficulty concentrating, it seems that children can use school to learn and enjoy this learning. If school staff also would have more knowledge about this group of children, the children would be noticed earlier and offered support. For future studies, it would be useful to focus on children who have experienced violence against their mother and the absence of any outside compensation. Keywords: violence* children* school

    Green Roofs benefits and values : A study of benefits in and values of green roofs in Örebro

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    VĂ„ra stĂ€der fortsĂ€tter att exploateras och kravet pĂ„ ökade bostĂ€der gör att flera av vĂ„ra grönyteomrĂ„den byts ut mot hĂ„rda ytor. Dessa ytor bidrar direkt till klimatförĂ€ndringar och miljöproblem, sĂ„ som till exempel försĂ€mrad luftkvalitet, buller, ökat vattenstĂ„nd och ett varmare klimat. Miljöproblemen pĂ„verkar Ă€ven den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden och pĂ„verkar mĂ€nniskans vĂ€lbefinnande och pĂ„ lĂ€ngre sikt överlevnad. Rapporten innehĂ„ller en studie om hur grönstrukturen i Örebro kommun ser ut och Ă€ven vilket vĂ€rde och vilka byggnadstekniska, ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala egenskaper och effekter som finns av att anlĂ€gga fler gröna tak. För att ta reda pĂ„ detta gjordes en litteraturstudie för att se hur grönstrukturen planeras i Örebro kommun. Det gjordes Ă€ven en litteraturstudie för att ta reda pĂ„ vilka nyttor och vĂ€rde det finns med gröna tak ur ett ekonomiskt, ekologiskt och socialt perspektiv i Örebro kommun. För att tydligare kunna redovisa vĂ€rdet av gröna tak i jĂ€mförelse med konventionella tak utfördes en fallstudie med berĂ€kningar pĂ„ omrĂ„det Södra LadugĂ„rdsĂ€ngen dĂ€r tvĂ„ olika fall med olika stor andel gröna tak berĂ€knades och jĂ€mfördes. Studierna visar pĂ„ att Örebro kommun har en informativ och bred planering för grönstrukturen och att det samhĂ€llsekonomiska vĂ€rdet av gröna tak i Södra LadugĂ„rdsĂ€ngen Ă€r mycket högt. Slutsatsen av dessa studier Ă€r att det finns god potential för att anlĂ€gga gröna tak i Örebro kommun med mĂ„nga goda effekter som följd, dock Ă€r den ekonomiska investeringen det krĂ€ver ett viktigt hinder. Grönstrategin i Örebro uppmuntrar denna typ av lösningar men det finns rum för förbĂ€ttringar och kanske bör ett större tvĂ„ng eller incitament införas för att nĂ„ de mĂ„l kommunen vill.Our cities continue to be exploited and the demand for increased housing means that several of our green space areas are being replaced by hard surfaces. These surfaces directly contribute to climate change and environmental problems, such as reduced air quality, noise, increased water levels and a warmer climate. Environmental problems also affect biodiversity and affect human well-being and long-term survival. The report contains a study of what the green structure in Örebro municipality looks like and what value and what building technical, ecological, economic and social properties and effects there are of constructing more green roofs. To determine this a literature study was conducted to find out how the green structure is planned in Örebro municipality. A literature study was also conducted to find out what benefits and values there are with green roofs from an economic, ecological and social perspective in Örebro municipality. In order to be able to more clearly report the value of green roofs in comparison with conventional roofs, a case study was performed with calculations in the area of Södra LadugĂ„rdsĂ€ngen, where two different cases with different proportions of green roofs were calculated and compared. The studies show that Örebro municipality has an informative and broad planning for the green structure and that the socio-economic value of green roofs in Södra LadugĂ„rdsĂ€ngen is very high. The conclusion of these studies is that there is good potential for constructing green roofs in Örebro municipality with several benefits as a result, however, the financial investment it requires is an important obstacle. The green strategy in Örebro encourages this type of solution, but there is room for improvement and perhaps a greater coercion or incentive should be introduced to achieve the goals the municipality strives for

    Through social secretary's eyewear : A qualitative study of social services collaboration with various government agencies at a child protection investigation

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    The aim of this study is to understand the collaboration at a child investigation and the actions that may be encountered as a result of the investigation, based on the Social Secretaries experiences of collaboration with other agencies such as schools, police, health visitor and child psychiatry. In the study, eight social workers from different municipalities was interviewed at a total of six occasions. One of the occasions was a group interview with three social workers at the same time. Through the interviews, it appears that the collaboration has an important role in social work and the necessity is something that manifests itself in the social secretaries stories but also in the earlier research done in this area. The results show that social workers extensively want to interact but that the purpose of interaction varies depending on the nature of the matter. Social workers also explain that there may be differences depending on who or which interacts which also means that the child be ultimately affected in one way or another

    HÄllbarhet inom fiskesektorn - En analys av EU:s gemensamma fiskepolitik med fokus pÄ hÄllbarhet och hÄllbar utveckling

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    The aim of this study is to analyse sustainability and sustainable development in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The study examines how sustainability and sustainable development has been used and how this has been interpreted by the EU in CFP. The study also examines EU approach in CFP to the relationship between humans and nature. This is then analysed through an analytical framework based on the ‘ladder of sustainable development’ by Baker (1997) and the theories on the relationship between humans and nature and also the theory of the different dimensions of sustainable development. The theory proposes that the dimensions of sustainable development are all dependent of each other and if one is neglected, it affects the structure of it all. For my analysis, I will conduct a qualitative text on eight policy document from the CFP. The analysis shows that from CFPs start in 1976 until 2013 the policies have moved from a more anthropocentric approach towards a biocentric/ecocentric approach to sustainable development where humans and nature live in balance and not exploitation of the other. The analysis also shows that ecological sustainability has been the dominant dimension within the CFP. The economic sustainability has been apparent from the start as well but the social dimension has been less clear in the policy making. In the regulations from 2013 there is a clear use of all three dimensions of sustainable development and the main aim for CFP

    Vad kvinnor Àr mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I

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    AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women®s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care?”. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I. Responses were analyzed by deductive content analysis and the majority 98% of the women's responses was about commitment, empathy and respect from the midwives. The responses (n = 18) who did not fit in QPP-I were then analyzed inductive and focused on team work and sense of coherence. Conclusion: The instrument QPP-I can be developed with additional statement to measure what it intends to measure, women's perceptions of maternity care

    Emergency nurses’ care of accidental hypothermia : A systematic integrative literature review

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    Bakgrund: Patienter som riskerar att drabbas av/har drabbats av accidentell hypotermi förekommer i all akutsjukvĂ„rd. Accidentell hypotermi innebĂ€r oavsiktlig nedkylning till följd av skada eller sjukdom. Akutsjuksköterskor utgör en viktig funktion i att identifiera denna patientgrupp tidigt, sĂ„vĂ€l pre-, som intrahospitalt men Ă€ven för att pĂ„börja behandling. TillstĂ„ndet innebĂ€r obehandlat en hög risk för mortalitet. Det saknas tillrĂ€cklig kunskap som beskriver vĂ„rdĂ„tgĂ€rder och pĂ„verkande faktorer vid accidentell hypotermi. Genom en sĂ„dan sammanstĂ€llning kan akutsjuksköterskor fĂ„ stöd i vĂ„rdandet av denna patientgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanstĂ€lla faktorer och vĂ„rdĂ„tgĂ€rder i det akuta omhĂ€ndertagandet vid behandling eller förebyggande av accidentell hypotermi. Metod: En integrativ litteraturstudie genomfördes enligt Whittemore och Knafls femstegsprocess. Artiklar söktes fram i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl pĂ„ ett systematiskt sĂ€tt genomsök block utvecklade enligt PEO-struktur. Tolv artiklar svarade till studiens syfte och kvalitetsgranskades för att sedan anvĂ€ndas i resultatet. Dataanalysen genomfördes utifrĂ„n Braun och Clarkes tematiska analys. Resultat: TvĂ„ huvudteman identifierades; De vĂ„rdande Ă„tgĂ€rderna med subtema Passiv uppvĂ€rmning och Aktiv uppvĂ€rmning samt De pĂ„verkande faktorerna med subtema Behovet av kunskap, Omgivningens temperatur, Akutsjuksköterskans vĂ„rdande attityd samt Frysa och bli varm. Slutsats: Ur resultatet framkom att det fanns flertalet sĂ€tt att behandla och förebygga accidentell hypotermi samt att kombinationer av olika metoder förekom. Viktiga faktorer var kunskap och attityder hos akutsjuksköterskor för att fĂ„ en struktur idet akuta omhĂ€ndertagandet av accidentell hypotermi samt en ökad patientsĂ€kerhet. KĂ€nslan av att frysa Ă€r en obehaglig upplevelse för patienter dĂ€r vĂ€rme upplevs som tryggt och avslappnande.Background: Patients at risk of/suffering from accidental hypothermia due to injury or illness occur in all emergency settings. Emergency nurses have a key role in identifying these patients early, pre-, or intrahospital, and in initiating treatment. The condition carries a high risk of mortality if left untreated. There is currently a lack of knowledge regarding care measures and influencing factors for this condition. Such a review may assist emergency nurses in the management of these patients. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to compile factors and care measures in the acute management of treatment or prevention of accidental hypothermia. Method: An integrative literature review was conducted according to Whittmore and Knafls five step process. Articles were searched in the PubMed and Cinahl databases in a systematic manner using the PEO-structure. Twelve articles were quality reviewed for use in the results. Data analysis was performed following Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis. Result: Two main themes were identified; The caring measures with subthemes Passive warming and Active warming as well as The influencing factors with subthemes The need for knowledge, The temperature of the environment, The caring attitude of the emergency nurse and Freezing and getting warm. Conclusion: There were several ways to treat and prevent accidental hypothermia and combinations of different methods were used. Important factors were knowledge and attitude of emergency nurses to manage structure and to provide patient safe care. The feeling of freezing is unpleasant for patients where warmth is perceived as safe and relaxing
