Hållbarhet inom fiskesektorn - En analys av EU:s gemensamma fiskepolitik med fokus på hållbarhet och hållbar utveckling


The aim of this study is to analyse sustainability and sustainable development in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The study examines how sustainability and sustainable development has been used and how this has been interpreted by the EU in CFP. The study also examines EU approach in CFP to the relationship between humans and nature. This is then analysed through an analytical framework based on the ‘ladder of sustainable development’ by Baker (1997) and the theories on the relationship between humans and nature and also the theory of the different dimensions of sustainable development. The theory proposes that the dimensions of sustainable development are all dependent of each other and if one is neglected, it affects the structure of it all. For my analysis, I will conduct a qualitative text on eight policy document from the CFP. The analysis shows that from CFPs start in 1976 until 2013 the policies have moved from a more anthropocentric approach towards a biocentric/ecocentric approach to sustainable development where humans and nature live in balance and not exploitation of the other. The analysis also shows that ecological sustainability has been the dominant dimension within the CFP. The economic sustainability has been apparent from the start as well but the social dimension has been less clear in the policy making. In the regulations from 2013 there is a clear use of all three dimensions of sustainable development and the main aim for CFP

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