12 research outputs found

    Severe glomerular disease in juvenile grey snapper Lutjanus griseus L. in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the myxozoan Sphaerospora motemarini n. sp.

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    AbstractIn the eastern Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida, grey snapper, Lutjanus griseus was found to be infected with the myxozoan parasite Sphaerospora motemarini n. sp., with high prevalence (83%) and intensity of infection occuring in age-0 fish, and with parasite levels decreasing with age (age-1 snapper 40%; age-2 snapper 0%). The morphological, molecular and phylogenetic characterisation of the myxozoan showed that it is a member of the typically marine, polysporoplasmid Sphaerospora spp. which form a subclade within the Sphaerospora sensu stricto clade of myxozoans, which is characterised by large expansion segments in their SSU rDNA sequences. Presporogonic stages of S. motemarini n. sp. were detected in the blood, using PCR. Pseudoplasmodia and spores were found to develop in the renal corpuscles of the host, causing their massive expansion. Macroscopic and histopathological changes were observed in age-0 fish and show that S. motemarini n. sp. causes severe glomerulonephritis in L. griseus leading to a compromised host condition, which makes it more susceptible to stress (catch-and-release, predators, water quality) and can result in mortalities. These results are discussed in relation to the exploitation of grey snapper populations by commercial and recreational fisheries and with the observed increased mortalities with temperature along the coast of Florida. In the future, we would like to determine prevalence and intensity of infection with S. motemarini n. sp. in juvenile L. griseus in different areas of the Gulf of Mexico in order to be able to estimate the temperature dependence of S. motemarini n. sp. proliferation and to be able to predict its distribution and severity during climatic changes in the Gulf

    Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larval rearing optimization: utilization of lactic acid bacteria for improving microbiome diversity and digestive enzyme activity

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) probiotics were evaluated for their impact on the microbiota and development of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae during their initial feeding stage (first 21 days). Pikeperch larvae were exposed to LAB probiotics in two ways: (1) via the live-feed only (Treatment 1, live-feed) or (2) via the live-feed and the larval culture water (Treatment 2, probiotic) in comparison to a control group without LAB supplementation. Total length (TL), myomere height (MH), and survival rate were significantly increased in the probiotic compared the Control group. The administration of probiotics significantly positively influenced the microbiome’s diversity. Specifically, the relative abundance of Cytophagales decreased and that of several other taxa increased in both probiotic treatments although differences between treatments became statistically insignificant by day 21. Furthermore, the different treatments had distinct and significant impacts on digestive enzyme development such as protease and lipase, with the most prominent differences occurring at seven days post-hatching (dph). Taken together, these results indicate that the use of LAB in both the live-feed and rearing water has a positive impact on the larvae microbiota and digestive enzyme development in turn positively impacting their development and viability under intensive rearing conditions

    Husbandry and larval rearing of common snook (Centropomus undecimalis)

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    Common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a relatively new species for aquaculture; considered as a recreational species and not commercial. The aim of this study was to develop common snook larval rearing techniques for stock enhancement. Common snook culture has two main bottlenecks, broodstock management and larval culture. High mortality during the first 6 days is the main limitation for successful larval survival. Broodstock management of common snook is still developing and the only source of common snook eggs is from wild broodstock. Securing a regular supply during the natural spawning was essential to reach the main objective. Finding the optimal spawning sites, as well as optimal spawning time was achieved. Results showed Terra Ceia, Longboat and Cayo Costa to be the best sites for wild broodstock collection. The onset of spawning was triggered by a rise in water temperature. During the 4 years of this study spawning started at the end of May and finished in September. Total capture results and egg quality results, such as fertilization, hatching rate and lipid analysis, indicated June and July as the peak months during the spawning season. Common snook follow a lunar spawning cycle. Results showed that one to three days after the new and full moon were the peak spawning periods and therefore the best days to capture wild stock. Common snook egg lipid composition fits the general marine fish fatty acid composition with saturated fatty acids predominating. On the other hand, the omega 3, omega 6 (n-3/n-6) ratio was lower than the typical marine fish and arachidonic acid values were significantly higher than other marine species. This egg fatty acid profile will be helpful in the future to compare it with captive spawned eggs for egg quality purposes. Description of the common snook embryonic and larval development for the first 14 days was carried out. This has strengthened knowledge for this species’ development, and should provide a helpful tool to identify common snook embryos and larvae in the wild. Novel improvements to existing common snook larval culture protocols were implemented. Larval lipid analysis throughout development, and high mortality around day 6 post hatching, suggested that common snook larvae were dying of starvation. Gross morphological development and ultra-structure findings in the digestive and eye system development during the first three days indicated that day 2 post hatching larvae were capable of capturing and digesting food. Additionally, larval nutritional improvements were made, increasing the larval survival. The most significant ones were: finding a smaller and more nutritional prey (SS type rotifers and copepods), finding an optimal stocking and feeding density and the importance that green water technique has on larval survival. Overall, larval success was improved from a zero percent survival during the first 14 days to a 2% survival rate.Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florid

    Husbandry and larval rearing of common snook (Centropomus undecimalis)

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    Common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a relatively new species for aquaculture; considered as a recreational species and not commercial. The aim of this study was to develop common snook larval rearing techniques for stock enhancement. Common snook culture has two main bottlenecks, broodstock management and larval culture. High mortality during the first 6 days is the main limitation for successful larval survival. Broodstock management of common snook is still developing and the only source of common snook eggs is from wild broodstock. Securing a regular supply during the natural spawning was essential to reach the main objective. Finding the optimal spawning sites, as well as optimal spawning time was achieved. Results showed Terra Ceia, Longboat and Cayo Costa to be the best sites for wild broodstock collection. The onset of spawning was triggered by a rise in water temperature. During the 4 years of this study spawning started at the end of May and finished in September. Total capture results and egg quality results, such as fertilization, hatching rate and lipid analysis, indicated June and July as the peak months during the spawning season. Common snook follow a lunar spawning cycle. Results showed that one to three days after the new and full moon were the peak spawning periods and therefore the best days to capture wild stock. Common snook egg lipid composition fits the general marine fish fatty acid composition with saturated fatty acids predominating. On the other hand, the omega 3, omega 6 (n-3/n-6) ratio was lower than the typical marine fish and arachidonic acid values were significantly higher than other marine species. This egg fatty acid profile will be helpful in the future to compare it with captive spawned eggs for egg quality purposes. Description of the common snook embryonic and larval development for the first 14 days was carried out. This has strengthened knowledge for this species’ development, and should provide a helpful tool to identify common snook embryos and larvae in the wild. Novel improvements to existing common snook larval culture protocols were implemented. Larval lipid analysis throughout development, and high mortality around day 6 post hatching, suggested that common snook larvae were dying of starvation. Gross morphological development and ultra-structure findings in the digestive and eye system development during the first three days indicated that day 2 post hatching larvae were capable of capturing and digesting food. Additionally, larval nutritional improvements were made, increasing the larval survival. The most significant ones were: finding a smaller and more nutritional prey (SS type rotifers and copepods), finding an optimal stocking and feeding density and the importance that green water technique has on larval survival. Overall, larval success was improved from a zero percent survival during the first 14 days to a 2% survival rate.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceMote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FloridaGBUnited Kingdo

    Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria During Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) Larval Rearing

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    This trial tested the use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae during their first feeding. The trial included the use of two probiotic treatments and one control (no probiotics). Pikeperch larvae were exposed to LAB as follows: (1) the live feed (Treatment 1, live feed) or (2) via the live feed and the larval rearing water (Treatment 2, probiotic). Significant differences were found between the treatments in terms of total length (TL), myomere height (MH), overall survival, and the tolerance to a high salinity challenge. Larvae exposed to LAB via both the live feed and the rearing water had a significantly higher overall survival rate (85%) than the other two treatments at 21 dph. When both treatments were subjected to high salinity rates (18 parts per thousand (ppt)), both treatments exposed to LAB demonstrated higher survival rates than the control treatment (28% and 40% survival rate at 180 min for the live feed and probiotic treatments, respectively, as compared with a 100% mortality rate at 150 min for the control). At the same time, larvae exposed to the probiotic treatment had a significantly higher TL as compared to the control after 12 and 21 days post hatch (dph) (probiotic 7.13 ± 0.21 and 11.71 ± 1.1 mm, control 5.86 and 10.79 mm at 12 and 21 dph, respectively). The results suggest that the use of LAB in both the live feed and the rearing water has a positive effect on pikeperch larval quality by strengthening their resilience to stress conditions, as well as improving the growth and survival rates

    Effects of first feeding regime on growth performance, survival rate and development of digestive system in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae

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    This study evaluated the effects of first feeding regime on growth performance, survival rate, and development of digestive organs (intestine, liver and pancreas) in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae. The fish larvae at 5 days post-hatch (DPH), were initially fed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) for 3 days and from 8 to 17 DPH were fed with rotifers/Artemia for different time periods as follows: (A) only rotifers; (B) 8-13 DPH rotifers/14-17 DPH Artemia; (C) 8-10 DPH rotifers/11-17 DPH Artemia; (D) only Artemia; (E) a combination of rotifers and Artemia. Growth performance, survival rate and histological features of intestine, liver and pancreas were assessed at 11, 14 and 17 DPH to examine the effects of feeding regime. The groups fed rotifers for initial 3 days followed by feeding on Artemia (group D) (53 +/- 5.43%) and combination of rotifers and Artemia (group E) (68 +/- 5.51%), respectively, for the following 9 days showed significantly (P lt .05) higher survival rates than the other groups (36-50%). The group fed merely on rotifers (groups A) exhibited significantly lower specific growth rate (SGR) than the other groups, and the highest SGR was found in the group fed with combination of rotifers and Artemia after 3 day rotifer feeding. Moreover, the highest total length (8.57 +/- 0.57 mm), myotome height (0.75 +/- 0.09 mm) and eye diameter (0.58 +/- 0.05 mm) were obtained by combined feeding of rotifers and Artemia after 3 day of initial rotifer feeding. Significant differences among groups were found in morphometric parameters in the anterior intestine and liver. The results of histological examination of the liver, intestine and pancreas did not show any obvious pathological changes in all groups. In conclusion, feeding with rotifers from 5 to 8 DPH and afterwards with Artemia could be suggested as an economical feeding regime for first feeding of pikeperch larvae as comparable survival and growth to co-feeding with rotifers and Artemia were achieved

    Impacto territorial y socioeconómico de la privatización y desregulación de empresas y actividades del transporte en Argentina

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    Esta ponencia tiene como objetivo presentar algunos avances realizados en el marco del proyecto “Impacto territorial y socioeconómico de la privatización y desregulación de empresas y actividades del transporte en Argentina”, que se desarrolla en el Programa de Transporte del Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Para ello se presentarán inicialmente los objetivos e hipótesis planteados, conforme a las reformulaciones teórico-conceptuales desarrolladas durante la primera etapa del proyecto. A continuación, y de acuerdo con la temática del Congreso, se realizará una breve caracterización de dos casos relacionados con el transporte urbano: los accesos viales a la ciudad de Buenos Aires y la red de los ferrocarriles y subterráneos del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Por medio del análisis de ambos casos pretendemos evaluar la corroboración o refutación de algunas de las hipótesis planteadas. En especial se centrará la atención en los siguientes aspectos: la modalidad del proceso (concesión o privatización, duración, pago de canon o subsidio, desarrollo de las negociaciones contractuales, existencia de órganos de control), los actores involucrados (identificación y participación en el proceso) y la configuración geográfica de los servicios afectados.

    The kinetics of cellular and humoral immune responses of common carp to presporogonic development of the myxozoan Sphaerospora molnari

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    BACKGROUND: Sphaerospora molnari is a myxozoan parasite causing skin and gill sphaerosporosis in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in central Europe. For most myxozoans, little is known about the early development and the expansion of the infection in the fish host, prior to spore formation. A major reason for this lack of information is the absence of laboratory model organisms, whose life-cycle stages are available throughout the year. RESULTS: We have established a laboratory infection model for early proliferative stages of myxozoans, based on separation and intraperitoneal injection of motile and dividing S. molnari stages isolated from the blood of carp. In the present study we characterize the kinetics of the presporogonic development of S. molnari, while analyzing cellular host responses, cytokine and systemic immunoglobulin expression, over a 63-day period. Our study shows activation of innate immune responses followed by B cell-mediated immune responses. We observed rapid parasite efflux from the peritoneal cavity (< 40 hours), an initial covert infection period with a moderate proinflammatory response for about 1-2 weeks, followed by a period of parasite multiplication in the blood which peaked at 28 days post-infection (dpi) and was associated with a massive lymphocyte response. Our data further revealed a switch to a massive anti-inflammatory response (up to 1456-fold expression of il-10), a strong increase in the expression of IgM transcripts and increased number of IgM+ B lymphocytes, which produce specific antibodies for the elimination of most of the parasites from the fish at 35 dpi. However, despite the presence of these antibodies, S. molnari invades the liver 42 dpi, where an increase in parasite cell number and indistinguishable outer cell membranes are indicative of effective exploitation and disguise mechanisms. From 49 dpi onwards, the acute infection changes to a chronic one, with low parasite numbers remaining in the fish. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first time myxozoan early development and immune modulation mechanisms have been analyzed along with innate and adaptive immune responses of its fish host, in a controlled laboratory system. Our study adds important information on host-parasite interaction and co-evolutionary adaptation of early metazoans (Cnidaria) with basic vertebrate (fish) immune systems and the evolution of host adaptation and parasite immune evasion strategies.</p