312 research outputs found

    Relacja córka – ojciec. Badania biograficzne w perspektywie feministycznej

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    This article aims to contribute to the debate about the reflection on biographical experiences, in particular, the relationship between daughter and father. It presents my research project devoted to young adult women, students, and their perceptions of their relationships with fathers. It also contains an analysis of autobiographical essays of female students (the research participants). The main idea of this research is to appreciate the women’s points of view and to underline the role of reflexivity in the constitution of self-knowledge. Also, I try to discuss my process of becoming a reflective feminist researcher.Niniejszy artykuł jest skromnym przyczynkiem do debaty na temat refleksji nad doświadczeniami biograficznymi, w szczególności dotyczącymi relacji między córką a ojcem. W artykule omawiam przeprowadzony projekt badawczy poświęcony młodym kobietom, studentkom oraz ich postrzeganiu relacji córki z ojcem. Analizie poddaję autobiograficzne eseje kobiet studentek, uczestniczek projektu. Główną ideą tych badań jest dowartościowanie punktów widzenia samych kobiet oraz podkreślenie roli refleksyjności w procesie rozwijania samoświadomości. W tekście próbuję również przyjrzeć się własnemu procesowi stawania się refleksyjną badaczką feministyczną

    Cram\'er transform and t-entropy

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    t-entropy is the convex conjugate of the logarithm of the spectral radius of a weighted composition operator (WCO). Let XX be a nonnegative random variable. We show how the Cram\'er transform with respect to the spectral radius of WCO is expressed by the t-entropy and the Cram\'er transform of the given random variable X.Comment: 12 pages; Positivity(2013

    Motivation Among Client-service Employees in Poland and in Sweden : a phenomenological research

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    "Social workers" play an important role in people's everyday. There is a significant influence of motivation on how the employee perceives his or her job and hence on the quality of work. The aim of the research was to investigate and compare live experiences of Polish and Swedish administration employees, nurses and doctors. Several aspects of motivation like "goal setting", "sense of competence" and "feeling of freedom" were also considered. A phenomenological approach (Meaning Constitution Analysis) was applied. Nurses, doctors and administration employees from Polish and Swedish middle-sized towns and were asked to answer an open-ended question about their work and relations with their clients. The MCA-Minerva Software was used for the text analysis. The results seem to indicate that Polish doctors speak more often about people in general and Swedish doctors are more often focused on a specific client. Polish doctors express themselves more often with negative affect. Polish administration employees seem to be concerned about the future, speaking much more than Swedish administration employees in negative-prospective mode. Polish nurses speak more about nurses and clients while Swedish nurses use more often constructs like I, we and people

    Kreatywność pierwszoklasistów i postrzeganie przez dzieci ich codziennych relacji z rodzicami

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    The paper touches upon the issue of creative skills of first grade students of primary school and the selected family-based preconditions for creativity. The purpose of the empirical research was to establish a connection between the creative skills of 7-year-old children and their perception of the parents’ involvement in their lives, as well as the extent of the autonomy granted to the children by the parents. The assumptions for quantitative research, performed in nine primary schools in the Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie Provinces, were presented (N = 139). The results of the research analysis presented in this paper demonstrate a connection between the creative skills of 7-year-old children on the one hand, and a subjective evaluation of the parents’ involvement in the child’s life and the autonomy enjoyed by the latter in their everyday functioning at home and school.W artykule przedstawiono założenia badań ilościowych zrealizowanych w dziewięciu szkołach podstawowych na terenie województw podlaskiego i warmińsko-mazurskiego (N = 139). Ponadto zaprezentowano wyniki analizy badań ukazujące związek pomiędzy uzdolnieniami twórczymi dzieci 7-letnich a subiektywną oceną stopnia zaangażowania rodziców w życie dziecka oraz udzielania autonomii w codziennym funkcjonowaniu w domu i szkole

    Martyna Wojciechowska: dziennikarz - kobieta - podróżnik : zawód i pasja

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    The article, inscribing in the volume subject‑matter, deals with the issue of the journalist identity of Martyna Wojciechowska. The studies showed that it was the second element of the statement a journalist‑traveller having a more profound justification in the specificity of the area of professional interests that was really decisive when it comes to the personality features in this case. Although personal successes and numerous contacts with others justify referring the “I satisfied” to the journalist, her personality cannot be permanently linked with the state of postmodern condition described in the scientific literature signaled by a deconstruction of I, being to a large extent the result of the influence of the technology of social satisfaction

    Reportaż - współistnienie kodów: werbalnego i ikonicznego (na materiale tekstów w "National Geographic Polska")

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    Documentaries appear in each issue of National Geographic Polska. They have their own fixed column and have been grouped after a series of interviews for many years. Each magazine contains a couple of documentaries, whereas the first of them, or more specifically, the picture of its title page (most often fragmented) appear on the cover each month. The position on the cover differentiates the documentary from other types of National Geographic Polska magazines. The article is devoted to the correlation of an iconic and verbal message. The observation, as a form of a reconnaissance covers the coexistence of these codes in the frame position of a documentary text

    Obszary badań naukowych historii języka polskiego w Instytucie Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

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    W ostatnich kilkunastu latach wykrystalizowały się pewne obszary badań językoznawczych prowadzonych w Instytucie Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, które bezsprzecznie pozwalają identyfikować ośrodek katowicki w świecie współczesnej lingwistyki. Ten obszar najnowszych tendencji badawczych wyznacza w głównej mierze problematyka gatunków mowy – w upowszechnieniu której nie-małą rolę odegrał i odgrywa Zakład Historii Języka Polskiego[...