1,321 research outputs found

    The Introduction of Asian Martial Arts in Portugal

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    Resumen: El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores japoneses y los luchadores profesionales de lucha libre y grecorromana de la época, a los que habitualmente solían derrotar, contribuyeron a generar un potente imaginario de las artes de combate orientales como sistemas superiores de cultura física y defensa personal. No obstante, a pesar del éxito del jujutsu este no logró afianzarse sólidamente en Portugal, desapareciendo progresivamente de la escena pública desde principios de la segunda década del siglo XXAbstract: The present study analyzes the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century. Mainly, historical Portuguese newspapers were reviewed, both general and specific from sports field. Results show that the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal was principally conduced via the show business through exhibitions performed by Japanese experts. Significant technical and physical differences between the Japanese fighters and the professional Freestyle and Greco-roman fighters, who were usually defeated by the former, contributed to create a powerful imaginary of the eastern fighting arts as superior systems of physical culture and self-defence. However, in spite of jujutsu?s success, it did not come to be strongly established in Portugal, vanishing progressively off the public scene since the beginning of the 1910s

    Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal

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    El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores japoneses y los luchadores profesionales de lucha libre y grecorromana de la época, a los que habitualmente solían derrotar, contribuyeron a generar un potente imaginario de las artes de combate orientales como sistemas superiores de cultura física y defensa personal. No obstante, a pesar del éxito del jujutsu este no logró afianzarse sólidamente en Portugal, desapareciendo progresivamente de la escena pública desde principios de la segunda década del siglo XX.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The present study analyzes the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century. Mainly, historical Portuguese newspapers were reviewed, both general and specific from sports field. Results show that the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal was principally conduced via the show business through exhibitions performed by Japanese experts. Significant technical and physical differences between the Japanese fighters and the professional Freestyle and Greco-roman fighters, who were usually defeated by the former, contributed to create a powerful imaginary of the eastern fighting arts as superior systems of physical culture and self-defence. However, in spite of jujutsu¿s success, it did not come to be strongly established in Portugal, vanishing progressively off the public scene since the beginning of the 1910s.Artículo revisado por pare

    Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal

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    P. 9-17El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores japoneses y los luchadores profesionales de lucha libre y grecorromana de la época, a los que habitualmente solían derrotar, contribuyeron a generar un potente imaginario de las artes de combate orientales como sistemas superiores de cultura física y defensa personal. No obstante, a pesar del éxito del jujutsu este no logró afianzarse sólidamente en Portugal, desapareciendo progresivamente de la escena pública desde principios de la segunda década del siglo XXS

    Technical and environmental improvement of the bleaching sequence of dissolving pulp for fibre production

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    Reactivity of dissolving pulp is one of the main parameters to determine its availability to be transformed into viscose. It is related to the use of carbon disulphide (CS2). An industrial sequential totally chlorine free bleaching process is used as case study. It is carried out in two stages: (1) Alkaline extraction (EOP) and (2) peroxide bleaching (PO). In order to assess how to decrease the use of carbon disulphide, several experiments were performed at laboratory scale for the two stages mentioned before by modifying the operating conditions: NaOH and H2O2 dosages, time and temperature. Reactivity using a modified Fock’s method and pentosan content was analysed along with quality pulp parameters: α-cellulose, viscosity and lignin content (kappa number). Results showed that reactivity increases through the bleaching process and varies with the chemical dosage in both stages. Pulp obtained at the best conditions had the following characteristics: reactivity, 95.3%; α-cellulose 91.17%; intrinsic viscosity, 448 mL/g; kappa number, 1.81 and pentosan content 2.86%, and as a result, CS2 usage was reduced by 11.88%. At the best conditions obtained in this work, NaOH dosage in PO stage was reduced to zero and temperature was slightly lower, when compared with industrial operating conditions

    Every Fish Counts: Challenging Length–Weight Relationship Bias in Discards

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    Bycatch is a significant issue in global fisheries and understanding the length–weight relationships (LWR) of fish species can provide valuable insights for stock assessment and management efforts. In this study, we estimated the LWR of 74 fish species in trawl fleet discards from the Gulf of Cadiz, including 24 species for which LWR data had not been previously reported in this region. LWR was calculated from the formula W = aLb where parameter a is the intercept of the equation, related to body shape, and parameter b is the slope, which indicates the type of growth of the species. A total of 20,007 individuals from 40 families were measured and weighed. The most abundant species were Engraulis encrasicolus, Trachurus trachurus, Serranus hepatus, Sardina pilchardus, Capros aper, and Diplodus bellottii, and the Sparidae family was the most represented with ten species. The parameter b, which represents the type of growth, ranged from 2.1607 to 3.7040. A positive allometric growth trend was observed in 64% of the species. The inclusion of individuals with a low sample size proved useful, particularly for first reports in a new study area. However, caution should be taken when using these data, as the estimates of the length–weight relationship for these species may be less precise. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm the results and improve the accuracy of the estimates. Overall, our findings contribute to the understanding of the LWR of fish species in the Gulf of Cadiz, informing future research and management efforts in the region.This research has been carried out within the framework of the ECOFISH project: ecoinnovative strategies for sustainable fishing in the Gulf of Cadiz SPA. This initiative has been supported by the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, through the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) [grant number: 2019-016/PV/PLEAMAR18/PT; 2020-013/PV/PLEAMAR19/PT; 2020- 055/PV/PLEAMAR20/PT; 2021/PV/PLEAMAR20-21/PT; 2021-060/PV/PLEAMAR21/PT]

    Proyecto Yuri

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    El Proyecto Yuri es una actividad divulgativa y científica que surge de la colaboración entre el Departamento de Física y Química del IES Valle del Saja y la Delegación Territorial de AEMET en Cantabria, Textil Santanderina, Meteológica y la Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de Cantabria. La presente memoria recoge el Proyecto Yuri. Se trata de un documento comprensivo, que incluye todos los extremos de la experiencia: sus objetivos y principios, su planificación, su desarrollo, sus resultados y sus conclusiones. También todos aquellos cálculos y tareas que han sido necesarios para llevarla a cabo.De forma sintética, el proyecto utiliza la realización de un lanzamiento de un globo con equipos de grabación y medida de variables físicas a la estratosfera, como medio de consecución de diversos objetivos generales relacionados con la aplicación del método científico por parte de alumnos y de otros objetivos específicos, como la obtención de datos, gráficas y registros audiovisuales durante el lanzamiento. Cronológicamente, abarca desde el comienzo de los preparativos en la primavera de 2018, hasta la culminación del lanzamiento el 10 de agosto de ese año y aún después, durante la laboriosa extracción de datos y elaboración de documentos (textos, gráficos y audiovisuales), que registran cada extremo del proyecto

    Relating Spatial Quality of Public Transportation and the Most Visited Museums: Revisiting Sustainable Mobility of Waterfronts and Historic Centers in International Cruise Destinations

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    Museums are main tourist resources for independent cruise passengers in cultural cruise destinations. However, their influence on cruise destinations is scarcely analyzed. The aim of this paper was to focus on two questions: What distribution of museums facilitates a sustainable mobility of cruise tourists in balance with urban needs? And which factors affect the potential use of both means of sustainable travel—soft mobility and public transport—at cruise destinations? The network topological features of main museums were analyzed to compare similar features among tourism destinations. A topological study based on the model of the three urban fabrics was related to the objective quality of PT. This allowed for a greater walkability or potential use of PT to be estimated. The results allowed for a diverse sample of cultural tourism port cities with cruise activity to be classified in three centralized levels and two decentralized ones. Results indicated that centralized networks are more prone to cruise tourists, while decentralized networks are more related to main cultural destinations. Finally, the discussion section analysed recommendations and measures to improve sustainable mobility and the planning of new museums. The results of this paper will be of interest to cultural and transport managers at these types of destinations.This article showcases the results of the “Strategies to recover the public space and residential use over gentrification and touristification in Malaga” research (UMA 20.01), financed by Andalusian Govern for Development, Infrastructures and Spatial Organization. The open access fee is funded by Universidad de Malaga/CBUA

    Assessment of Relative Technical Efficiency of Small Mental Health Areas in Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain)

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    Mental disorders cause an enormous burden to society. Considering the current economic context, an efficient use of scarce inputs, with an appropriate outcome production, is crucial. This situation defines a classical Relative Technical Efficiency (RTE) problem. A well-known methodology to assess RTE is the Data Envelopment Analysis, although it presents some limitations. These may be overcome through a hybrid strategy that integrates Monte-Carlo simulation and artificial intelligence. This study aims to (1) design of a Decision Support System for the assessment of RTE of Small Mental Health Areas based on DEA; and (2) analyse 19 mental health areas of the Bizkaian Healthcare System (Spain) to classify them and to identify potential management improvements. The results have showed higher global RTE in the output-oriented orientation than in the input-oriented one. This suggests that a decision strategy based on improving the input management, within the ranges of the expert-driven model of community healthcare, could be appropriate. A future research line will focus our attention on the validation process through the analysis of micromanagement interventions and their potential impacts in the real system

    Aprendizaje-Servicio “silencioso” en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

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    [ES] La experiencia tiene por finalidad relacionar el aprendizaje sobre la evaluación formativa y sobre el modelo pedagógico de Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS), contenidos ambos que forman parte de la asignatura Fundamentos de la Didáctica de la Actividad Física del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de la Universidad de León, a través de un proyecto de aprendizaje auténtico. El proyecto de ApS se lleva a cabo en tres etapas y por su proceso se ha denominado “silencioso”. En la primera etapa, el alumnado elaboró instrumentos de evaluación para actividades de asignaturas cursadas anteriormente, que fueron presentados a los docentes participantes en el proyecto. Posteriormente, se explicó a los docentes cómo utilizarlos, a través de procesos de evaluación formativa. El profesorado mostró interés por las propuestas, reconociendo la importancia de dar voz al alumnado. La segunda etapa se encuentra en pleno desarrollo durante el curso 2022-2023, y pretende comprobar si las propuestas presentadas se han planteado total o parcialmente en las asignaturas, a través de procesos de evaluación formativa y compartida; así como obtener datos y analizar resultados de su implementación. La tercera etapa plantea establecer un estudio de los primeros años profesionales de los graduados implicados y del tipo de evaluación que utilizan en su práctica. Del desarrollo del proyecto se desprende la necesidad de generar procesos de aprendizaje auténticos que, además, involucren a todos los agentes implicados en la transformación de su propio contexto de aprendizaje y del de sus compañeros, a la vez que adquieren competencias en el ámbito personal y profesional