47 research outputs found

    Sobre o Entrincheiramento na Carreira: A Influência da Liderança Destrutiva e do Comprometimento Organizacional

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Políticas de Desenvolvimento de Recursos HumanosO entrincheiramento na carreira é a permanência prolongada no mesmo percurso profissional e a continuidade na mesma carreira é muitas vezes expectável ou previsível, porém será somente benéfica se o indivíduo estiver satisfeito. Atualmente a literatura refere a crescente independência da carreira e a sua desvinculação da organização, o que incentiva a gestão individual da carreira e a mudança mais frequente. Considerando esta tendência identificamos perfis de carreira com o intuito de reconhecer o que determina o entrincheiramento ou o não entrincheiramento na carreira e as suas implicações práticas. Para além das mudanças no contexto externo, a organização e a relação próxima entre o trabalhador e o líder interferem muito provavelmente no prosseguimento da carreira. Testamos, por isso, o efeito preditor negativo da liderança destrutiva e positivo do comprometimento organizacional no entrincheiramento, e verificamos os efeitos mediadores da satisfação e do comprometimento com a carreira. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, optou-se pelos métodos quantitativos com recurso a modelos de equações estruturais e à análise de clusters. Os perfis de entrincheiramento obtidos indiciaram que as carreiras estão mais autónomas e adaptáveis. Esta orientação parece ser fortalecida pela ausência de influência do líder tirânico no entrincheiramento e por o comprometimento com a carreira não explicar o efeito do comprometimento organizacional na intenção de saída. A continuidade na carreira por insatisfação, o descomprometimento com a organização e com a carreira devem ser preocupações centrais para a gestão de recursos humanos. A mudança demasiado frequente dificulta a gestão de recursos nas organizações e provoca instabilidade nas equipas. Sendo necessária a definição de politicas e de novos modelos de trabalho que limitem o mau entrincheiramento e as consequências negativas da quebra da ligação entre o indivíduo e a organização. Nesta tese serão ainda discutidos os resultados, apresentadas as conclusões e contribuições, e sugeridas investigações futuras.Career entrenchment is the extended permanence in the same professional path and continuity in the same career is sometimes predictable and expected. Although the literature refers the growing independence of career and their detachment from the organization, promoting a more frequent career change and making the individual responsible for career management. Considering this trend and the increasingly frequent professional change, we intended to identify what determines career entrenchment and its implications. In addition to social influences and the external context, the organization and the employee's close relationship with the leader supposedly interfere in career continuity. Therefore, we tested the predictive negative effect of destructive leadership as well as the positive one of organizational commitment in career entrenchment, and we identified the mediating effects of career satisfaction and career commitment. In order to accurately characterize career entrenchment and understand what it means to be or not entrenched; career profiles were generated. To achieve the proposed objectives, quantitative methods were chosen using structural equation models and cluster analysis. Career profiles indicated that careers are more autonomous, and this orientation seems to be strengthened by the absence of influence of the tyrannical leader in career entrenchment. Moreover, career commitment does not explain the influence of organizational commitment in turnover intention. Continuity in the same career due to dissatisfaction, the lack of commitment with organization and with the career must be central concerns for the human resources management. Constant change causes instability in teams and makes it difficult to manage resources in the organizations. It is necessary to define procedures that limit bad career entrenchment and the negative consequences of breaking the connection between the individual and the organization. In this thesis, the results will also be discussed, conclusions and contributions will be presented, and future studies will be suggested.N/

    O desenvolvimento de competências enquanto determinante negativo do entrincheiramento na carreira:o efeito mediador da autonomia e da insegurança

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Politicas de Desenvolvimento dos Recursos HumanosO Entrincheiramento na Carreira é um processo de estagnação da vida profissional, assente em três fatores que impedem a mudança: Investimentos na Carreira, Custos Emocionais e Falta de Alternativas. Permanecer insatisfeito na mesma profissão/carreira acarreta custos para as pessoas, organizações e países, traduzindo-se em fraca motivação e baixa produtividade. O objetivo proposto foi avaliar se as Competências de Carreira teriam um efeito preditor na saída do Entrincheiramento, considerando os efeitos de mediação da Autonomia e da Insegurança. A investigação é quantitativa e foi utilizada uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 265 sujeitos. Os resultados sugeriram, que o Entrincheiramento na Carreira se deva essencialmente à perceção de Falta de Alternativas, as Competências de Carreira mais importantes para lidar com a mudança, são a Saber-porquê as questões de identidade pessoal e os motivos subjacentes que fundamentam as decisões relacionadas com a carreira e a competência Saber-com-quem as capacidades relacionais e a rede de contactos. O modelo final propôs a mediação da Autonomia na relação de influência entre a competência Saber-com-quem e a Falta de Alternativas, a mediação da Insegurança não foi proposta. No final, foram discutidos os resultados e as implicações para a definição de políticas de Gestão de Recursos HumanosCareer Entrenchment is a process of stagnation in professional life, based on three factors hindering the change: Career Investments, Emotional Costs and Limitedness of Career Alternatives. Staying unsatisfied in the some career reveals costs for people, organizations and countries, resulting in poor motivation and low productivity. The aim of the study was to evaluate if Career Competencies have a predictive effect on the Entrenchment Career considering the mediating effects of Autonomy and Insecurity. Research is quantitative and a convenience sample of 265 participants was used. The results suggested that the Career Entrenchment is given essentially by the perception of Limitedness of Career Alternatives and the most important Career Competencies to deal with change, are Knowing-why personal identity issues and the underlying grounds for the decisions related to career and the competence Knowing-whom, relational skills and networks of contacts. The final model, proposed the mediation of Autonomy in the relation of influence between variables Knowing-whom and Limitedness of Career Alternatives, the mediation of Insecurity was not proposed in the model. In the end, the results and implications were discussed for the design of Human Resource Management policies

    Management accounting practices in the hospitality industry: A systematic review and critical approach

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    The hospitality industry has been making a remarkable contribution to the growth of several countries’ economies. From a business perspective, the best management accounting (MA) techniques and practices are fundamental to the success of companies. However, studies in this specific area in the hotel industry are scattered in the scientific literature in different types of documents and different languages, and with an irregular distribution throughout the years (2000–2020). To fill this gap, a thorough analysis of the global performance of management accounting practices in hospitality is crucial. This study accessed theWeb of Science database in three different languages and systematized the articles to be included in this research through the PRISMA guidelines, which allowed an empirical basis for the critical approach to this topic. The greatest relevance of the study is the fact that it presents a systematic review of the literature on hotel management accounting practices, for which these results were enriched with a critical approach. The innovative character of the study focuses on evidence of the increasing implementation of some hotel management accounting practices over the years, such as some operating ratios and the USALI. In practical terms, The results of this study explain the overall performance of management accounting practices in the lodging industry and which ones are most widely used. The importance of the practices to support the decision-making of hoteliers and the challenges that they need to face in their implementation are also shown.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Management accounting practices in the hospitality industry: The Portuguese background

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    Background: Despite the increase in tourism revenues, management in the hospitality industry faces constant challenges for profit maximization. In this way, the aim of this study is to analyze management accounting (MA) research applied to the Portuguese hospitality industry, identifying all the practices mentioned by authors studying the same theme in the rest of the world. Methods: fifty-two studies were obtained and used between 2010 and 2021 for data assessment through bibliometric review, which involved both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. To achieve the objectives, studies were selected according to the MA practices identified by several authors for the global hospitality industry. Results: the results highlight the importance of increasing research on MA practices in the hospitality industry to empower management and smooth out the differences between their use. Currently, the emphasis is on hotel ratios and indicators, budgeting, and benchmarking. Conclusions: The adoption of MA practices is decisive for the success of hotel companies. This study evidenced the increasing use of some hotel MA practices over the years and made it possible to assess the development of these practices in Portugal, since to date no other author has produced a bibliometric review on this topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uses and functions of the territorial brand over time: Interdisciplinary cultural-historical mapping

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    Several approaches to the concept of the territorial brand have been given over time, which has generated different contextualizations to and applications of the concept. In order to homogenize and clarify the concept, the present paper aims to present the state-of-the-art of this theme through an interdisciplinary mapping of the uses and functions of the territorial brand. To this end, the study adopts a qualitative analysis approach, integrating content analysis with the historical method encompassing an interdisciplinary cultural-historical mapping. The results point to a clear and fertile body of theory, which, in turn, suggests a fertile path for future studies. The findings reveal more than 15 centuries across four dimensions of analysis: characteristics, uses, functions and discourses of the territorial brand. Different trends and future research agendas for this area are also discussed. The practical value focuses on the application of the four dimensions of analysis as a tool for territorial management and planning for territorial managers and decision-makers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La imagen Top of Mind de un Destino Turístico durante un Mega-evento. El Caso de Viana do Castelo y el Festival Vodafone Paredes de Coura

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la imagen top of mind del destino (ciudad) Viana do Castelo durante el Festival Vodafone Paredes de Coura, así como la imagen del propio festival. A través de un cuestionario (n=395) de preguntas abiertas a los festivaleros se recogen las palabras evocadas sobre 11 criterios y se perfila la percepción de la imagen del destino por parte de este colectivo. Las respuestas de la evocación espontánea de los recuerdos adquiridos reflejan que el Festival Vodafone Paredes de Coura es el festival top of mind del país, seguido del festital NOS Alive y el Festival Super Bock Super Rock, caracterizándolo con atributos como “música”, “naturaleza” y “río”

    Attitudes towards Immigration among Students in the First Year of a Nursing Degree at Universities in Coimbra, Toledo and Melilla

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    Increased migration has led to increased prejudice towards immigrant populations. This study aims to analyse attitudes towards immigration among student nurses in three universities, two in Spain and one in Portugal. Methodology: A descriptive, transversal, prospective study was carried out among student nurses (n = 624), using the Attitude towards Immigration in Nursing scale. Results: Nursing students showed some positive attitudes towards immigration, such as that immigrants should have the right to maintain their customs or that immigrants should have free access to healthcare and education, in contrast to some negative attitudes, such as that crime rates have increased due to immigration or that immigrants receive more social welfare assistance than natives. Significant di erences in attitudes were revealed between students from the three universities. Discussion: Training in transcultural nursing is necessary for all nursing students in order to reduce negative attitudes towards the immigrant population and increase the awareness and sensitivity of future healthcare sta in caring for patients of all backgrounds

    Features of nautical tourism in Portugal-Projected destination image with a sustainability marketing approach

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    Nautical tourism stands out for its potential to achieve social-economic development in coastal and island destinations and as a lever for sustainable tourism. However, the lack of a clear definition of nautical tourism at the international level makes it difficult to characterize it, and the case of Portugal is no exception. In fact, despite the enormous potential of Portuguese nautical tourism, there is a lack of studies that characterize this type of tourism in the Portuguese tourism destination. This paper intends to make a first attempt to fill this gap by assessing the projected destination image of Portuguese nautical tourism with a sustainable marketing approach. In the design of the research, the content analysis methodology was applied. The data were collected from the official websites of the Portuguese legislation and the Portuguese nautical tourism players and analyzed through a theoretical model of sustainable marketing deriving from the literature review. The results provide the sustainable projected destination image of Portuguese nautical tourism and identify the main trends in the legislative framework, tourism activities, networks of players, and support infrastructures for Portuguese nautical tourism. The findings provide practical and useful insights for Portuguese nautical tourism stakeholders aiming to improve a sustainable projected destination image, as well as for researchers identifying research gaps in the nautical tourism topics. This study also provides a new methodological contribution, proposing a theoretical model of the projected destination image of nautical tourism with an approach to sustainable marketing, which can be applied to other nautical tourism destinations.This research is financed by national funds through FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of Project WaterRIVER.tour, TECHN&ART-IPT (UIDB/05488/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Music festivals as promoters of tourism destination image. The case of the Vodafone Paredes de Coura Festival

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    Turismo y eventos no son un fenómeno reciente, lo que es novedoso es la importancia y la influencia de los eventos en la imagen del destino. Los eventos estimulan el desarrollo de los destinos, son instrumentos de construcción de imagen de un territorio, aumentan la visibilidad turística y complementan la promoción turística. En la oferta de eventos de tipo turístico, destacan los festivales de música y entre ellos el Festival Vodafone de Paredes de Coura (con más de 100.000 asistentes), que se celebra en la villa de Paredes de Coura en el destino turístico Porto y Norte (Portugal). La presente comunicación tiene como objetivo principal verificar si la imagen del festival afecta positivamente a la imagen del destino turístico. Para ello, se ha diseñado una encuesta y se ha recogido de modo aleatorio a 395 asistentes al festival, en la que se valoran un total de 24 ítems sobre la imagen del festival y del destino y se analiza el perfil del festivalero.Tourism and events are not a recent phenomenon. What is new and important is the influence that events have on a destination’s image. Events stimulate the development of destinations, they are image-building instruments of a territory, they increase the visibility of destinations and they complement tourism promotion. In the portfolio of events as tourist products, we can highlight music festivals, including the Vodafone Festival of Paredes de Coura (with more than 100,000 attendees), which takes place in the town of Paredes de Coura in the tourist destination of Porto-North (Portugal). The main objective of this article is to determine whether the image of the festival positively affects the image of the tourist destination. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been randomly administered among 395 individuals attending the festival, in which a total of 24 items of the festival and destination image are evaluated. The profile of the festival is also analyzed

    The Development of the Hospitality Sector Facing the Digital Challenge

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    [Abstract] The widespread use of the Internet has changed consumer buying behavior, especially among tourists, considering the intangibility of the tourist product. Although globally the modern tourist is a consumer of the new online market, there is a lack of studies addressing the level of development of the hotel business in relation to online bookings by residents of tourist destinations. Furthermore, this article analyzes the factors that impact the use of e-commerce by these residents in the acquisition of tourist accommodation services. A conceptual model was adopted, using the constructs “social influence” and “price” of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2), also including “trust” and “perceived risk”. An electronic questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 195 residents of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, Fisher’s exact test, and multiple linear regression. The results show that price and social influence are the most significant constructs associated with booking a hotel online, while trust does not influence the use of the Internet. As practical implications, the findings of this study provide important information for hotel managers, as they allow a better understanding of the profile of respondents who book online, as well as which factors influence online behaviors, contributing to increasing the knowledge of digital platforms in the consumer market and, consequently, the development of the hospitality sector