313 research outputs found

    Efecto del tratamiento sobre la reincidencia de delincuentes sexuales: un meta-análisis.

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    This meta-analysis has the aim of measuring the effect of treatment on sex offenders. After a systematic review of the recent literature, seventeen studies were selected, containing a total sample of 6,681 sex offenders. The rates of sexual recidivism (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violent ─including sexual─ (25.5% vs. 29.1%) and general ─any type of recidivism─ (46.53% vs. 52.41%) of treated offenders were less than those of the control groups. The effectiveness of the treatment was clear in reducing the rates of sexual (OR = .69; p < .05) and general (OR = .66; p < .05) recidivism of the subjects treated, but not the rates of violent recidivism. This results demonstrated the abilty of psychological treatments for reducing the risk of sexual and general recidivism of sex offenders. However, the interpretation of such results requires caution, given that an independent analysis of the studies of a good methodological quality did not show significant effects of treatment. The need for new and better comparison studies to assess treatment effect is clear, especially in Europe.Este meta-análisis tiene por objetivo medir el efecto del tratamiento en delincuentes sexuales. Tras una revision sistemática de la literature reciente, fueron seleccionados diecisiete estudios, contando con una muestra tota de 6,681 delincuentes sexuales. Las tasas de reincidencia sexual (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violenta ─incluyendo la sexual─ (25.5% vs. 29.1%) y general ─cualquier tipo de reincidencia─ (46.53% vs. 52.41%) de los delincuentes tratados fueron inferiores a las de los grupos control. Se evidenció la eficacia del tratamiento en la reducción de las tasas de reincidencia sexual (OR = .69; p < .05) y general (OR = .66; p < .05) de los sujetos tratados, pero no en las tasas de reincidencia violenta. Estos resultados confirman la capacidad de los tratamientos psicológicos para reducir el riesgo de reincidencia sexual y general de los delincuentes sexuales. No obstante, la interpretación de tales resultados requiere cautela, pues el análisis independiente de los estudios con buena calidad metodológica no mostró efectos significativos del tratamiento. La necesidad de nuevos y mejores estudios resulta evidente, especialmente en Europa

    Effect of treatment on sex offenders' recidivism: a meta-analysis

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    This meta-analysis has the aim of measuring the effect of treatment on sex offenders. After a systematic review of the recent literature, seventeen studies were selected, containing a total sample of 6,681 sex offenders. The rates of sexual recidivism (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violent ─including sexual─ (25.5% vs. 29.1%) and general ─any type of recidivism─ (46.53% vs. 52.41%) of treated offenders were less than those of the control groups. The effectiveness of the treatment was clear in reducing the rates of sexual (OR = .69; p < .05) and general (OR = .66; p < .05) recidivism of the subjects treated, but not the rates of violent recidivism. This results demonstrated the abilty of psychological treatments for reducing the risk of sexual and general recidivism of sex offenders. However, the interpretation of such results requires caution, given that an independent analysis of the studies of a good methodological quality did not show significant effects of treatment. The need for new and better comparison studies to assess treatment effect is clear, especially in Europe

    Detailed application of the Linear Acceleration Method for the response of an elasto-plastic SDOF system

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    The numeric computation procedure for the solution of the equation of motion of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system subjected to any type of ground acceleration is exhaustively presented. The followed numeric approach is the Linear Acceleration Method, i.e. Newmark’s Method with and . The approach allows considering any time of multilinear elasto-plastic behavior. It also allows computing the Complete Hysteretic Curve of the SDOF system

    Report TEP 190 1-2019

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    Report TEP 190 1-2019The numeric computation procedure for the solution of the equation of motion of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system subjected to any type of ground acceleration is exhaustively presented. The followed numeric approach is the Linear Acceleration Method, i.e. Newmark’s Method with γ=1/2 and β=1/6. The approach allows considering any time of multilinear elasto-plastic behavior. It also allows computing the Complete Hysteretic Curve of the SDOF system

    Otimização nos processos de atualização no alcance dos contratos de obra

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    Orientador : Cleverson Renan da CunhaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão EstratégicaInclui referênciasResumo : No desenvolvimento das obras de construção, alguns dos objetivos principais é chegar à conclusão dentro do previsto no programa e no orçamento estipulado pela equipe do projeto, fato que muitas vezes é demorado por diferentes fatores que vão acontecendo no decorrer da obra. O presente trabalho foca uma parte especifica das organizações que levan adiante projetos de engenharia, especificamente projetos EPCM. O foco é nas atividades de modificações nos contratos, quando a obra está em andamento, toda vez que é preciso fazer alguma redução ou ampliação no alcance deles. Este trabalho objetiva uma maior aproximaçao do trabalho conjunto entre os atores que estão diretamente relacionados nas atividades diárias de produção, de seguimento de avanço e de administração dos contratos. Dessa manera, procura antecipar as possíveis trocas necessárias no contrato para começar as gestões essenciais de modificações com maior antecedência e oportunidade. O resultado será uma disponibilidade pronta ao alcance do contrato adequado para a empresa contratante, e dessa manera ter disponibilizado o orçamento, quando conclui o trabalho e, assim proceder com a certificação dele, e obter o pagamento, sem maiores contratempos. Nos casos onde as alterações nos alcances do trabalho são lentas ou fora do tempo, o problema para a empresa contratante se reflete diretamente no seu fluxo de dinheiro e, por consequência, nas suas possibilidades de continuar o desenvolvimento do trabalho, no tempo preestabelecido. O resultado deste trabalho procura evitar esta última consequência

    Evaluación de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores en el municipio de Murcia

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    Uno de los aspectos de más interés en el proceso de investigación sobre las Personas Mayores es el que tiene que ver con la calidad de vida y con las condiciones generales en las que desarrollan su existencia. Dicho concepto emerge y se configura como un referente técnico aplicable a la planificación de las Políticas Sociales para Mayores, pero no podemos obviar que la noción de calidad de vida es subjetiva y dinámica, de tal forma que para cada individuo y en cada etapa de su vida la conceptualización puede ser distinta. En esta línea, se expone a continuación un estudio sobre "La Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida de las Personas Mayores en el Municipio de Murcia", integrado en una investigación de mayor amplitud desarrollada durante el bienio 2001-2003 denominada "Estudios Psicosociales y de Calidad de Vida sobre los Mayores en el Municipio de Murcia".One of the more interesting aspects in the old people investigation process is everything reffered to their life quality and the general conditions that surround them. This concept appears and is configurated like a technic refference applicable to the Social Politics for old people, but we can not clarify that the notion of life quality is dynamic and subjective, in the same way like for each person and the conceptualization in each stage of his life In this line a study about “The life quality of the old people in Murcia” is exposed, and it is integrated in a more developed investigation formed between 2001-2003 named “Psycosocials studies and the life quality about the old people in Murcia

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Online Sexual Addiction Questionnaire: An Exploratory Study Using a Sample of Convicted Sex Offenders

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    This study explored the psychometric properties of the Online Sexual Addiction Questionnaire (OSA-Q). In total, 100 sexual offenders completed the OSA-Q Spanish version, along with the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) for the assessment of related impairment. 34 individuals with social-desirability bias were extracted from the sample. A four-factor structure accounted for 77% of the variance and internal consistency was strong (α = .97). Additionally, correlations with related clinical scales were statistically significant. Overall, online sexual offenders showed higher scores on the OSA-Q than contact-exclusive offenders. According to our results, the OSA-Q shows promise as a screening in forensic samples

    Upper bound to the effective area of concrete in tension

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.The effective tension area of concrete is a well known parameter in structural concrete. It is involved in several phenomena that affect the design of structural concrete elements, such as cracking, shear deformation or flexural deformation. In this work, the authors put forward a necessary change in the definition of the effective tension area of concrete provided by some groups of Standards

    Manual de interventoría técnica, gestión social, medio ambiente, seguridad y salud ocupacional para el seguimiento y control en las etapas de diseño y construcción de edificaciones en bambú guadua, en Colombia.

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    Puesto que en los contratos de interventoría son comunes las falencias en las comunicaciones, que terminan afectando el desarrollo eficiente de los proyectos de construcción, es importante desarrollar estrategias que generen habilidades de como escuchar de manera activa y eficaz, siendo la estandarización de procesos o actividades que se puede lograr por medio de la divulgación de manuales una alternativa válida en los procesos de mejoramiento continuo que se requieren para mejorar los procesos de gestión de documentos dentro de empresas que se dedican a la construcción de estructuras en bambú guadua. El trabajo consiste en presentar los aspectos determinantes para que el resultado sea la elaboración de manual donde se consignen los lineamientos a seguir en las interventorías realizadas a construcciones en bambú guadua, dentro del territorio nacional en aspectos técnicos de gestión social, medio ambiente, seguridad y SALUD OCUPACIONAL

    Calibración de un sistema acústico pasivo para el seguimiento del descriptor 11 de la Directiva Europea de Estrategia Marina

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    La directiva de estrategia marina establece, mediante la decisión 2010/477/UE, que los estados miembros deben evaluar el buen estado ambiental de sus mares en base a once indicadores o descriptores, y que esa evaluación debe ser continua y operativa en 2020. El descriptor 11 evalúa que “La introducción de energía, incluido el ruido subacuático, se sitúa en niveles que no afectan de manera adversa al medio marino.“ El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente ha transpuesto la norma estableciendo que debe implementarse un programa de seguimiento de ruido submarino (Programa RS), que tiene como objetivo evaluar el estado ambiental del medio marino en las cinco demarcaciones marinas españolas en relación al Descriptor 11. El presente TFM tiene como objeto la calibración de un sistema pasivo de escucha (Samaruc, diseñado por el profesor Ramón Miralles en la UPV) que permite el registro de eventos acústicos submarinos y su almacenamiento por un procesador DSP. El sistema fue originalmente diseñado sin una calibración absoluta y debe calibrarse toda la cadena electroacústica, incluido el hidrófono y el sistema de adquisición y procesado, para responder a la demanda de los indicadores 11.1.1 y 11.1.2.The Marine Strategy requires, in the European Commission Decision 2010/477/UE, member states to evaluate the good environmental status of their seas base don eleven indicators or descriptors, and this evaluation should be continuous and operational in 2020. Descriptor 11 say that “Introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment.” The Ministry of Environment has transposed the norm requiring that submarine noise monitoring program (RS program) should be implemented in order to to evaluate the environmental status of the marine environment in the five Spanish marine demarcations in relation to Descriptor 11. This TFM pretends to calibrate a passive acoustic monitoring device (Samaruc, designed by Professor Ramón Miralles in the UPV) that allows to recording acoustic underwater events and their storage by a DSP processor. The system was originally designed without absolute calibration and its electroacoustic line and acquisition subsystem must be calibrated to respond the demands of indicators 11.1.1 and 11.1.2.Arques Carbonell, RE. (2017). Calibración de un sistema acústico pasivo para el seguimiento del descriptor 11 de la Directiva Europea de Estrategia Marina. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9000