155 research outputs found

    Satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Nuevo Chimbote, 2021

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    El reciente estudio de investigación fue a conocer las características en la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Nuevo Chimbote, 2021. El estudio será, de tipo básico, con diseño descriptivo, no experimental. El objetivo en esta investigación será obtener la muestra, el total de trabajadores. La población fue compuesta a 265 trabajadores. Se utilizó la técnica a través de la encuesta realizada y del cuestionario como instrumento, exactamente estructurado; el mismo, que se recurrió hacía su validación, a los juicios de expertos y para su confiabilidad se empleó el alfa de Cronbach, de esa manera será comprobada por el especialista por su fundamento. Obtener el resultado de la encuesta y se analiza cuantos trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Nuevo Chimbote tienen satisfacción laboral, los datos se procesaran con el programa estadístico SPSS, se realizó el análisis descriptivo, empleando gráficos y tablas estadísticos. Con el fin de llegar a una conclusión y mejorar la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad distrital Nuevo Chimbote, 2022. En el resultado obtenido muestra que, en la mayoría de trabajadores no están en todo satisfechos en sus condiciones brindadas por la institución.Tesi

    Lo screening della disfunzione ventricolare sinistra sistolica asintomatica in un campione di popolazione ad alto rischio cardiovascolare in Lombardia: lo studio DAVID-Berg

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    Background. Prevalence of asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ALVSD) increases with age and cardiovascular (CV) risk exposure. Early diagnosis and treatment allow reducing heart failure and fatal and non-fatal event rates. Data on ALVSD prevalence in Italy are still scarce and ALVSD remains commonly under-diagnosed in primary care, where diagnostic facilities are limited. Among subjects at high CV risk in primary care, we assessed the prevalence of ALVSD and the relative predictive value of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and the Framingham Heart Failure Risk Score (FHFRS). Conclusions. In subjects at high CV risk in primary care, prevalence of ALVSD is 5.3%; for diagnosis NT-proBNP adds predictive value to the FHFRS and is equivalent to the combination of FHFRS and ECG. Because of its practical advantages, NT-proBNP might be routinely used for ALVSD screening in primary care

    Long‐term outcomes of phenoclusters in preclinical heart failure with preserved and mildly reduced ejection fraction

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    Aims The identification of subjects at higher risk for incident heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (EF) suitable for more intensive preventive programmes remains challenging. We applied phenomapping to the DAVID-Berg population, comprising subjects with preclinical HF, aiming to refine HF risk stratification. Methods The DAVID-Berg study prospectively enrolled 596 asymptomatic outpatients with EF > 40% with hypertension, diabetes mellitus or known cardiovascular disease. In this cohort, we performed an unsupervised cluster analysis on 591 patients, including clinical, laboratory, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters. We tested the association between each cluster and a composite outcome of HF/death. Results The median age was 70 years, 55.5% were males and the median EF was 61.0%. Phenomapping provided three different clusters. Subjects in Cluster 3 were the oldest and had the highest prevalence of atrial fibrillation, the lowest estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), the highest N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and the largest left atrium. During a median follow-up of 5.7 years, 13.4% of subjects experienced HF/death events (N = 79). Compared with Clusters 1 and 2, Cluster 3 had the worst prognosis (log-rank test: Cluster 3 vs. 1 P < 0.001; Cluster 3 vs. 2 P = 0.008). Cluster 3 was associated with a risk of HF/death 2.5 times higher than Cluster 1 [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 2.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.24-4.90]. Conclusions Based on phenomapping, older patients with lower kidney function and worse diastolic function might represent a subset of preclinical HF with EF > 40% who deserve more efforts to prevent clinical HF

    Acqua e terra nei paesaggi monastici. Gestione, cura e costruzione del suolo

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    I testi compresi nel volume trattano del tema dell’acqua e della terra, elementi essenziali alla vita dell’umanità, simboli ancestrali di molte culture e al centro della Creazione nel racconto biblico. Nelle scritture e nei testi esegetici l’acqua è assimilata alla forza vivificante della Parola, e come tale diviene protagonista nell’iconografia cristiana attraverso i secoli, a partire dal medioevo. Si indagano le funzioni svolte dai monaci benedettini nell’organizzazione del territorio attraverso opere di bonifica, la realizzazione di sistemi idrici, un miglioramento nella conservazione dei frutti delle culture agricole nelle architetture di produzione. Altri saggi esplorano importanti aspetti della questione ambientale, al di fuori del mondo monastico, dall’età medievale fino ai nostri giorni, aprendosi al confronto con tradizioni diverse, ad esempio l’uso dei terrazzamenti in Cina o il richiamo a problemi pressanti quali quelli del rischio idrogeologico ad Algeri o in Italia, che può compromettere quell’armonia composta frutto di equilibrate scelte consapevoli, oggi sempre più minacciata da una crescita disordinata e aggressiva

    Plasma miR-151-3p as a Candidate Diagnostic Biomarker for Head and Neck Cancer: A Cross-sectional Study within the INHANCE Consortium

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    Background: Identification of screening tests for the detection of head and neck cancer (HNC) at an early stage is an important strategy to improving prognosis. Our objective was to identify plasma circulating miRNAs for the diagnosis of HNC (oral and laryngeal subsites), within a multicenter International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. Methods: A high-throughput screening phase with 754 miRNAs was performed in plasma samples of 88 cases and 88 controls, followed by a validation phase of the differentially expressed miRNAs, identified in the screening, in samples of 396 cases and 396 controls. Comparison of the fold changes (FC) was carried out using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the Dunn multiple comparison test. Results: We identified miR-151-3p (FC = 1.73, P = 0.007) as differentially expressed miRNAs in the screening and validation phase. The miR-151-3p was the only overexpressed miRNA in validation sample of patients with HNC with early stage at diagnosis (FC = 1.81, P = 0.008) and it was confirmed upregulated both in smoker early-stage cases (FC = 3.52, P = 0.024) and in nonsmoker early-stage cases (FC = 1.60, P = 0.025) compared with controls. Conclusions: We identified miR-151-3p as an early marker of HNC. This miRNA was the only upregulated in patients at early stages of the disease, independently of the smoking status. Impact: The prognosis for HNC is still poor. The discovery of a new diagnostic biomarker could lead to an earlier tumor discovery and therefore to an improvement in patient prognosis

    Inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti in 25 citt? italiane: risultati del progetto EpiAir2 Air pollution and urgent hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities: results from the EpiAir2 project

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities that took part in the EpiAir (Epidemiological surveillance of air pollution effects among Italian cities) project. DESIGN: study of time series with case-crossover methodology, with adjustment for meteorological and time-dependent variables. The association air pollution hospitalisation was analyzed in each of the 25 cities involved in the study; the overall estimates of effect were obtained subsequently by means of a meta-analysis. The pollutants considered were PM10, PM2.5 (in 13 cities only), NO2 and ozone (O3); this last pollutant restricted to the summer season (April-September). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: the study has analyzed 2,246,448 urgent hospital admissions for non-accidental diseases in 25 Italian cities during the period 2006- 2010; 10 out of 25 cities took part also in the first phase of the project (2001-2005). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: urgent hospital admissions for cardiac, cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases, for all age groups, were considered. The respiratory hospital admissions were analysed also for the 0-14-year subgroup. Percentage increases risk of hospitalization associated with increments of 10 μg/m3 and interquartile range (IQR) of the concentration of each pollutant were calculated. RESULTS: reported results were related to an increment of 10 μg/m3 of air pollutant. The percent increase for PM10 for cardiac causes was 0.34% at lag 0 (95%CI 0.04-0.63), for respiratory causes 0.75%at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.25-1.25). For PM2.5, the percent increase for respiratory causes was 1.23% at lag 0- 5 (95%CI 0.58-1.88). For NO2, the percent increase for cardiac causes was 0.57%at lag 0 (95%CI 0.13-1.02); 1.29% at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.52-2.06) for respiratory causes. Ozone (O3) did not turned out to be positively associated neither with cardiac nor with respiratory causes as noted in the previous period (2001-2005). CONCLUSION: the results of the study confirm an association between PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 on hospital admissions among 25 Italian cities. No positive associations for ozone was noted in this period.OBIETTIVO: valutare la relazione tra inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri nelle citt? italiane partecipanti alla seconda fase del progetto EpiAir (Sorveglianza epidemiologica dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico: valutazione dei rischi e degli impatti nelle citt? italiane). DISEGNO: studio di serie temporali con metodologia case-crossover, con aggiustamento per i fattori temporali e meteorologici rilevanti. L\u27associazione inquinamento atmosferico- ospedalizzazioni ? stata analizzata in ciascuna delle 25 citt? in studio, le stime complessive di effetto sono state ottenute successivamente mediante una metanalisi. Gli inquinanti considerati sono stati il particolato (PM10), il biossido di azoto (NO2) e l\u27ozono (O3), quest\u27ultimo limitatamente al semestre estivo (da aprile a settembre). In 13 citt? in cui i dati erano disponibili ? stata analizzata anche la frazione fine del particolato (PM2.5). SETTING E PARTECIPANTI: lo studio ha esaminato 2.246.448 ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per cause naturali di pazienti residenti e ricoverati, nel periodo 2006-2010, in 25 citt? italiane, di cui 10 gi? partecipanti alla prima fase del progetto EpiAir (2001-2005). PRINCIPALIMISURE DI OUTCOME: sono stati considerati i ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per malattie cardiache, cerebrovascolari e respiratorie per tutte le fasce di et?. I ricoveri per cause respiratorie sono stati analizzati separatamente anche per la fascia di et? 0-14 anni. L\u27esposizione ? stata valutata per incremento sia di 10 μg/m3 sia pari all\u27intervallo interquartile (IQR) della concentrazione di ciascun inquinante. RISULTATI: considerando un incremento di 10 μg/m3 per inquinante, per il PM10 ? stato osservato un incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie cardiache dello 0,34%a lag 0 (IC95% 0,04-0,63), e per patologie respiratorie dello 0,75% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,25-1,25). Per il PM2.5 l\u27incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie respiratorie ? risultato dell\u271,23%a lag 0-5 (IC95%0,58-1,88). Per l\u27NO2 la stima di effetto per patologie cardiache ? risultata dello 0,57% a lag 0 (IC95% 0,13-1,02), e per patologie respiratorie dell\u271,29% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,52-2,06). L\u27ozono non ? risultato positivamente associato n? alle patologie cardiache n? a quelle respiratorie (a differenza del periodo 2001-2005). CONCLUSIONE: i risultati dello studio confermano l\u27effetto a breve termine dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico da PM10, PM2.5 e NO2 sulla morbosit?, in particolare respiratoria, nelle citt? italiane. Non sono state rilevate associazioni positive per l\u27O3

    Imaging features and ultraearly hematoma growth in intracerebral hemorrhage associated with COVID-19

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    Purpose: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is an uncommon but deadly event in patients with COVID-19 and its imaging features remain poorly characterized. We aimed to describe the clinical and imaging features of COVID-19-associated ICH. Methods: Multicenter, retrospective, case-control analysis comparing ICH in COVID-19 patients (COV19\u2009+) versus controls without COVID-19 (COV19\u2009-). Clinical presentation, laboratory markers, and severity of COVID-19 disease were recorded. Non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) markers (intrahematoma hypodensity, heterogeneous density, blend sign, irregular shape fluid level), ICH location, and hematoma volume (ABC/2 method) were analyzed. The outcome of interest was ultraearly hematoma growth (uHG) (defined as NCCT baseline ICH volume/onset-to-imaging time), whose predictors were explored with multivariable linear regression. Results: A total of 33 COV19\u2009+\u2009patients and 321 COV19\u2009-\u2009controls with ICH were included. Demographic characteristics and vascular risk factors were similar in the two groups. Multifocal ICH and NCCT markers were significantly more common in the COV19\u2009+\u2009population. uHG was significantly higher among COV19\u2009+\u2009patients (median 6.2 mL/h vs 3.1 mL/h, p\u2009=\u20090.027), and this finding remained significant after adjustment for confounding factors (systolic blood pressure, antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy), in linear regression (B(SE)\u2009=\u20090.31 (0.11), p\u2009=\u20090.005). This association remained consistent also after the exclusion of patients under anticoagulant treatment (B(SE)\u2009=\u20090.29 (0.13), p\u2009=\u20090.026). Conclusions: ICH in COV19\u2009+\u2009patients has distinct NCCT imaging features and a higher speed of bleeding. This association is not mediated by antithrombotic therapy and deserves further research to characterize the underlying biological mechanisms

    Occupational socioeconomic risk associations for head and neck cancer in Europe and South America: individual participant data analysis of pooled case–control studies within the INHANCE Consortium

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    Background: The association between socioeconomic disadvantage (low education and/or income) and head and neck cancer is well established, with smoking and alcohol consumption explaining up to three-quarters of the risk. We aimed to investigate the nature of and explanations for head and neck cancer risk associated with occupational socioeconomic prestige (a perceptual measure of psychosocial status), occupational socioeconomic position and manual-work experience, and to assess the potential explanatory role of occupational exposures. Methods: Pooled analysis included 5818 patients with head and neck cancer (and 7326 control participants) from five studies in Europe and South America. Lifetime job histories were coded to: (1) occupational social prestige-Treiman's Standard International Occupational Prestige Scale (SIOPS); (2) occupational socioeconomic position-International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI); and (3) manual/non-manual jobs. Results: For the longest held job, adjusting for smoking, alcohol and nature of occupation, increased head and neck cancer risk estimates were observed for low SIOPS OR=1.88 (95% CI: 1.64 to 2.17), low ISEI OR=1.74 (95% CI: 1.51 to 1.99) and manual occupations OR=1.49 (95% CI: 1.35 to 1.64). Following mutual adjustment by socioeconomic exposures, risk associated with low SIOPS remained OR=1.59 (95% CI: 1.30 to 1.94). Conclusions: These findings indicate that low occupational socioeconomic prestige, position and manual work are associated with head and neck cancer, and such risks are only partly explained by smoking, alcohol and occupational exposures. Perceptual occupational psychosocial status (SIOPS) appears to be the strongest socioeconomic factor, relative to socioeconomic position and manual/non-manual work