2,811 research outputs found

    Heterotrophy as a tool to overcome the long and costly autotrophic scale-up process for large scale production of microalgae

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    Industrial scale-up of microalgal cultures is often a protracted step prone to culture collapse and the occurrence of unwanted contaminants. To solve this problem, a two-stage scale-up process was developed - heterotrophically Chlorella vulgaris cells grown in fermenters (1st stage) were used to directly inoculate an outdoor industrial autotrophic microalgal production unit (2nd stage). A preliminary pilot-scale trial revealed that C. vulgaris cells grown heterotrophically adapted readily to outdoor autotrophic growth conditions (1-m3 photobioreactors) without any measurable difference as compared to conventional autotrophic inocula. Biomass concentration of 174.5 g L-1, the highest value ever reported for this microalga, was achieved in a 5-L fermenter during scale-up using the heterotrophic route. Inocula grown in 0.2- and 5-m3 industrial fermenters with mean productivity of 27.54 ± 5.07 and 31.86 ± 2.87 g L-1 d-1, respectively, were later used to seed several outdoor 100-m3 tubular photobioreactors. Overall, all photobioreactor cultures seeded from the heterotrophic route reached standard protein and chlorophyll contents of 52.18 ± 1.30% of DW and 23.98 ± 1.57 mg g-1 DW, respectively. In addition to providing reproducible, high-quality inocula, this two-stage approach led to a 5-fold and 12-fold decrease in scale-up time and occupancy area used for industrial scale-up, respectively.Agência financiadora project FERMALG 017608 Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) UID/Multi/04326/2019 project FERMALG (AVISO) 32/SI/2015info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Programa academia da saúde e acolhimento

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    O seminário aborda as estratégias do acolhimento e da academia da saúde para os usuários da atenção básica enquanto elementos para a promoção da saúde e melhorias na qualidade de vida.Versão em H

    Pyrocarbon Humeral Head in a Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty: Preliminary Results at 3 Years Follow-Up and Review of the Current Literature

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    Shoulder hemiarthroplasty is a viable option in young patients with an intact rotator cuff in order to preserve the native glenoid. To avoid the dreaded and expected wear of the glenoid in very active shoulders, implants with humeral head coated with a high resistant and elastic material—pyrolytic carbon—are now an option. The authors present the first pyrocarbon coated arthroplasty performed at our Orthopedic Department in a patient with osteonecrosis of the humeral head. At three years of follow-up, the patient is pain free and without limitations in his daily work. The Constant score was applied preand postoperatively, and an improvement of 32 points was reported. Larger cohorts with long-term follow-up are required to confirm our promising results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação de subcentros de emprego: o caso do Município de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Theoretical models concerned with multiple centers have been brought to the debate on sprawling urban employment. However, empirical methods that identify these centers are not a specific focus of the specialized literature. The purpose of this paper is to apply a new empirical methodology in the identification and characterization of urban employment subcenters (Small Business Districts, SBD) using the case of the Municipality of São Paulo. To this end, we adopted a two-step approach, developing: 1) Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and 2) Spatial Hedonic Price Model. As a result, we found seven regions that can be considered SBDs.Modelos teóricos preocupados com centros múltiplos foram trazidos para o debate sobre o espraiamento do emprego urbano. No entanto, os métodos empíricos que identificam esses centros não são um foco específico da literatura especializada. O objetivo deste artigo é aplicar uma nova metodologia empírica na identificação e caracterização de subcentros de emprego urbano (Pequenos Distritos Comercial, SBD) utilizando o caso do Município de São Paulo. Para tanto, adotamos uma abordagem em duas etapas, desenvolvendo: 1) Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais e 2) Modelo de Preço Hedônico Espacial. Como resultado, encontramos sete regiões que podem ser consideradas SBDs

    Classification of breast tissue in mammograms using efficient coding

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Female breast cancer is the major cause of death by cancer in western countries. Efforts in Computer Vision have been made in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy by radiologists. Some methods of lesion diagnosis in mammogram images were developed based in the technique of principal component analysis which has been used in efficient coding of signals and 2D Gabor wavelets used for computer vision applications and modeling biological vision.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this work, we present a methodology that uses efficient coding along with linear discriminant analysis to distinguish between mass and non-mass from 5090 region of interest from mammograms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that the best rates of success reached with Gabor wavelets and principal component analysis were 85.28% and 87.28%, respectively. In comparison, the model of efficient coding presented here reached up to 90.07%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Altogether, the results presented demonstrate that independent component analysis performed successfully the efficient coding in order to discriminate mass from non-mass tissues. In addition, we have observed that LDA with ICA bases showed high predictive performance for some datasets and thus provide significant support for a more detailed clinical investigation.</p

    Impacto del COVID-19 en la educación de los estudiantes de medicina del Perú: Impact of COVID-19 on the education of medical students in Peru

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    The pandemic caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) caused by the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease that represents an emergency worldwide. On May 22, 2020 we counted 4,993,470 confirmed cases and 327,738 deaths among 188 countries/regions, at the same time there already existed 111,698 positive cases and 3,244 deaths in Peru already existed; data that will continue to expand and that places thousands of lives in danger, affecting states, municipalities and public and private institutions. In that regard, stricter measures are being taken with the obligatory quarantine, isolation and social distancing management, which directly affects all activities that involve in person gatheringsLa pandemia por el coronavirus del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Grave 2 (SARS-CoV-2) que causa laenfermedad Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa que representa unaemergencia a nivel mundial. Al 22 de mayo del 2020 se cuenta con 4 993 470 casos confirmados y 327738 muertes entre 188 países/regiones, al mismo tiempo en Perú ya existen 111 698 casos positivos y 3244 fallecidos; datos que seguirán extendiéndose y poniendo en peligro la vida de miles de personas,afectando a estados, municipios e instituciones públicas y privadas; en tal sentido, se están tomandomedidas más estrictas en el manejo de la cuarentena, aislamiento y distanciamiento social obligatorio, loque repercute directamente en todas las actividades que involucren las reuniones presenciales

    La generalización es necesaria o incluso inevitable

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    The problems of geometry and mechanics have driven forward the generalization of the concepts of number and function. This shows how application and generalization together prevent that mathematics becomes a mere formalism. Thoughts are signs and signs have meaning within a certain context. Meaning is a function of a term: This function produces a pattern. Algebra or modern axiomatic come to mind, as examples. However, strictly formalistic mathematics did not pay sufficient attention to the fact that modern axiomatic theories require a complementary element, in terms of intended applications or models, not to end up in a merely formal game.Los problemas de geometría y mecánica han motivado la generalización de los conceptos de número y función. Esto muestra cómo la aplicación y la generalización previenen que las matemáticas sean un mero formalismo. Los pensamientos son signos y los signos tienen un significado dentro de un cierto contexto. El significado es una función de un término: esta función produce un patrón. El álgebra o la moderna axiomática vienen a la mente como ejemplos. Sin embargo, las matemáticas estrictamente formales no prestaron suficiente atención al hecho de que las teorías axiomáticas modernas requieren un elemento complementario, en términos de aplicaciones intencionadas o modelos, para no terminar en un juego meramente formal

    Attitudes towards and assessment of spoken interaction in the primary English classroom

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    This report describes the action research project I engaged in as part of my practicum as a trainee teacher during my master´s degree in teaching English in primary education. It investigated how I could assess spoken interaction during structured assessment tasks and what the influence of young learners’ attitudes is on spoken interaction. The research took place in a private primary school in a town near Lisbon, Portugal. This study involved a group of 22 young learners in year four, eleven girls and eleven boys, aged between 9 and 10 years who had two weekly 60 minute classes of English during the afternoon. The study was implemented from mid-September 2020 to mid-December 2020, the main aim was to study how to formatively assess spoken interaction and what the influence of young learners’ attitudes was on spoken interaction. The method chosen was a small scale action research project. The research tools used were an observation grid, the use of a teacher’s journal and questionnaires to the young learners. The study concluded that to formatively assess spoken interaction an observation grid is justified, and that the contribution of peer feedback contributed to the progress of young learner’s language learning. Furthermore, it was observed that formatively assessing contributes to having less anxious young learners during assessment moments. There was also evidence that indicated the importance of collaborative peer work for young learner’s language learning progress. Throughout the action research, it became evident that young learners who demonstrated positive attitudes towards spoken interaction structured assessment tasks progressed in language learning.Este relatório descreve o projeto de pesquisa da minha prática de ensino supervisionada durante o Mestrado de Inglês no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O meu objetivo foi observar como poderia avaliar formativamente a interação oral de pares durante tarefas interativas estruturadas nas aulas de inglês do ensino primário e qual a influência das atitudes dos jovens aprendizes na interação oral nas aulas de inglês do ensino primário. Este estudo decorreu numa escola primária privada próximo de Lisboa, em Portugal. Este projeto envolveu um grupo de 22 alunos do 4º ano, onze raparigas e onze rapazes com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e 10 anos. Esta turma tinha duas aulas semanais de 60 minutos cada durante o período da tarde. O estudo decorreu entre meados de setembro 2020 e meados de dezembro de 2020. Foram planeadas e incluídas tarefas de interação oral estruturadas, a pares, nos planos individuais de aula. As ferramentas de pesquisa escolhidas para recolha de dados foram uma grelha de observação, anotações num diário de professor e pequenos questionários aos alunos. A recolha de dados permitiu concluir que a avaliação formativa de interação oral justifica por si uma grelha de observação e também evidenciou a importância do feedback dos pares no progresso da aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. O estudo também demonstrou que existem evidencias positivas do trabalho a pares para o progresso da aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. Ao longo deste estudo observei que os alunos demonstraram atitudes positivas em relação á avaliação formativa de tarefas estruturadas interativas realizadas a pares. Os resultados deste estudo corroboram no tema da responsabilidade que os professores de inglês detêm em planear aulas com tarefas estruturadas interativas a pares, para promover uma maior interação dos jovens alunos no progresso da aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. O estudo indica que as atitudes, perante a avaliação formativa, dos jovens aprendizes melhoram com o decorrer da execução da avaliação de tarefas estruturadas

    Prevalence, determinants, and effects of violence during pregnancy: A maternity-based cross-sectional study in Luanda, Angola

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    Nimi T, Fraga S, Costa D, Campos P, Barros H. Prevalence, determinants, and effects of violence during pregnancy: A maternity-based cross-sectional study in Luanda, Angola. Journal of Public Health in Africa. 2019;10(2).Information on the extent of violence against women is scarce in Angola. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of violence against pregnant women in Angola and to identify its sociodemographic determinants and effects on pregnancy outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2012 and February 2013, involving 995 women who delivered at a Maternity in Luanda, Angola. Information was collected through questionnaires administered by interviewers. The prevalence of violence during pregnancy was 13.0%. Exclusively physical, psychological or sexual violence was reported by 4.3%, 7.7% and 0.2% of the women, respectively. After adjustment, the occurrence of physical violence decreased with increasing age and education, and was more common among women who consumed alcohol during pregnancy, while psychological violence was significantly more frequent among women aged 20 to 24 years and those who had their first sexual intercourse before the age of 15, and less frequent among those who were married or in cohabitation. This first study describing violence against pregnant Angolan women showed that violence is a frequent event, supporting that violence assessment should be considered in antenatal care.</jats:p
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