607 research outputs found

    Impacto ambiental: Autorización Ambiental Integrada

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    La Autorización Ambiental Integrada es uno de los instrumentos de prevención y gestión ambiental en Andalucía. Su finalidad es: 1. Protección del medioambiente y de las personas; 2. Utilización eficiente de la energía, agua, materias primas, el paisaje, el territorio y otros recursos; 3. Integrar todas las autorizaciones en un único documento. Su aplicación, según el anexo I (Ley 3/2014) alcanza a la a) Construcción, montaje, explotación o traslado de instalaciones en las que se desarrolle alguna o parte de las actividades siguientes: 1. Industria extractiva (no AAI). 2. Instalaciones energéticas. 3. Producción y transformación de metales. 4. Industria del mineral. 5. Industria química y petroquímica. 6. Industria textil, papelera y del cuero. 7. Proyectos de infraestructuras (no AAI). 8. Proyectos de ingeniería hidráulica y de gestión del agua. 9. Agricultura, selvicultura y acuicultura. 10.Industrias agroalimentarias y explotaciones ganaderas. 11.Proyectos de tratamiento y gestión de residuos. 12. Planes y programas (no AAI). 13.Otras actuaciones. b) Modificación sustancial de las instalaciones o parte de las mencionadas en el punto a). c) Instalaciones operativas y por causa de alguna modificación superen los umbrales del anexo I.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the behaviour of mixtures of higher alcohols with diesel fuel in diesel engines

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    En las últimas décadas ha crecido en la sociedad una conciencia colectiva medio ambiental enfocada a la consecución de un desarrollo sostenible. Uno de los aspectos más importantes es la afección a la salud de las emisiones a la atmósfera y, en particular, de las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero (en adelante GEI). En la Unión Europea, el segundo sector productor de GEI es el sector del transporte con un 20,1% [1]. Analizando este sector, el transporte por carretera es el que más contribuye a la emisión de GEI, en concreto, en más de un 90% [1]. Actualmente las investigaciones para minimizar las emisiones de este sector son, principalmente, dos: la búsqueda de motorizaciones alternativas (pilas de hidrógeno, motores eléctricos o motores híbridos) o de combustibles alternativos (bioetanol y biodiésel). De estos dos enfoques, en la presente tesis se ha decido profundizar en la búsqueda de combustibles alternativos puesto que pueden ser empleados en el extenso parque móvil existente. Entre los combustibles alternativos, se ha decidido el ensayo de alcoholes superiores, en concreto, butanol y pentanol. Aunque los alcoholes pueden ser mezclados tanto con gasolina como con gasóleo se ha optado por este último puesto que los motores que más se están comercializando en la actualidad en la UE son los diésel [2]

    Exequias en honor de Felipe III celebradas en Lima en 1621

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    The author demonstrates in this article that the cultural relationships between Spain and the colonies of Spanish-America were very narrow in spite of the distance. The author takes as example the funerals of Philip in, which were celebrated in Lima with the same form and pomp with which were celebrated in Spain.<br><br>El autor demuestra en este trabajo que las relaciones culturales entre España y sus colonias de Hispanoamérica fueron muy estrechas a pesar de la lejanía. Toma como ejemplo los funerales de Felipe in celebrados en Lima con la misma forma y boato con que se hicieron en España

    Dysregulation and detection methods of EGFR in oral cancer. A narrative review.

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a transmembrane glycoprotein, with an intracellular domain and tyrosine kinase function (TK) involved in cell proliferation. Dysfunctions in EGFR signaling pathways have been associated with oral malignant tumors such as oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Dysfunctions of EGFR may result from: increased EGF ligand; EGFR overexpression and copy number gain of the EGFR gene (EGFR CNG); EGFR mutations; failure in the downregulation of EGFR; and EGFR crosstalk. Of these alterations, overexpression of EGFR is by far the most studied dysfunction in OSCC. Clinicians should identify possible alterations of EGFR in the oral mucosa of patients, as EGFR can act as a biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis of OSCC. Currently, there are several methods and techniques for detecting EGFR. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), are used to identify overexpression of EGFR, EGFR CNG and EGFR mutations, respectively. Detection of EGFR as a biomarker is key to identify any oral malignant transformation. Consequently, it becomes imperative to implement a non-invasive and inexpensive method of early diagnosis for OSCC in clinical practice

    Portus, New Contributions to its Research: Construction Systems and Dating of the East-West Docks

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    The archaeological site of Portus (Ostia Antica), is a most important ports of the ancient world. Since 2017, the University of Huelva, in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica, has been developing a research project on one of its interior piers, the socalled lantern. Said east-west structure or pier is the best example of its category in the port complex. With a length of about 150 m. the latest research has provided numerous and interesting data on its architecture and diachrony, highlighting significant phases in its evolution from its construction to its final abandonment in the beginnings of the Middle Ages. Therefore, the results presented here represent a significant novelty in the general knowledge of Portus and in that of its docks in particular.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA. The study and analysis of the east-west dock are part of a research agreement signed between University of Huelva and the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica. It was also carried out in the context of the Research Project Del Atlántico al Tirreno: Investigaciones en las infraestructuras de Portus- Ostia Antica, el muelle de la Lanterna (From the Atlantic to the Tyrrhenian: Investigations in the infrastructures of Portus-Ostia Antica, the Lanterna dock), of the Call for Archaeological Projects Abroad of the Ministry of Education of Spain

    Feed intake and performance of growing lambs raised on concentrate-based diets under cafeteria feeding systems

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    8 pages, 4 tables, 3 figures.--Two trials were undertaken to study the effects of cafeteria feeding systems on the feed intake, animal performance and carcass characteristics of growing lambs, Trial 1 was designed to compare conventional and cafeteria feeding systems in terms of the growth of individually reared lambs. For this assay, 26 weaned Merino lambs (15.5 +/- 0.20 kg live weight) were assigned to three dietary treatment groups: (1) a control group fed barley straw and commercial concentrate under a conventional feeding system, (2) group W100S, fed soya-bean meal, whole barley grain and a mineral-vitamin supplement under a cafeteria feeding system, and (3) group W100S-T, fed as in the W100S treatment but allowing the lambs an initial training period so they could learn to identify a number of feeds. The feeding system had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on either average daily live-weight gain, carcass weight, or carcass conformation. The food conversion ratio was lower (P < 0.05) for the cafeteria-reared animals (2.9 +/- 0.16 v. 2.5 +/- 0.08g dry-matter intake per g average daily gain) than those of the control group. This might be related to the higher crude protein intake seen in the cafeteria groups (150 +/- 5.6 v. 208 +/- 12.5g per animal per day, P < 0.001). In trial 2, cafeteria and conventional feeding system were compared in terms of the growth of feedlot lambs. Two hundred weaned Merino lambs (13.1 +/- 0.10 kg) were divided into two experimental groups: (1) a control group, offered commercial concentrate and barley straw, and (2) a cafeteria group fed the same diet as W100ST in trial 1. The average daily gain (282 +/- 5.8 and 309 6.5, P 0.001) in the conventional than in the cafeteria system lambs. The use of cafeteria systems for fattening lambs can improve the feed conversion efficiency and body growth rate over those achieved with conventional feeding systems, although the crude protein intake in these systems seems to be in excess of requirements.This research was funded by Magnus S.A., with additional support from the collaboration between Caja España and the Estación Agrícola Experimental (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council).Peer reviewe

    Transungual Delivery, Anti-Inflammatory Activity, and In Vivo Assessment of a Cyclodextrin Polypseudorotaxanes Nail Lacquer

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    A new cyclodextrin polypseudorotaxanes nail lacquer (Regenail®) containing biotin, methyl sulphonyl methane (MSM), and dimethylsilanediol salicylate was developed and evaluated in vitro and in vivo. The product was developed to improve nail status and diminish signs of pathological nail alterations. A reference product (Betalfatrus®) was used for comparative purposes. An in vitro permeation experiment in hooves showed high MSM and biotin absorption. The content of sulfur and silicon in hooves was also found to be higher compared with the reference product. MSM was tested in human keratinocytes, exhibiting a good cytotoxicity profile and anti-inflammatory activity by the reduction in IL-8 and TNF-α under LPS stimuli. A clinical study was performed to check product safety and efficacy against nail brittleness and alterations such as Beau’s lines and onychorrhexis. A reduction in both alterations and in surface roughness without alteration of nail structure was observed, with a good level of patient acceptance and satisfactionS

    Tanzawaic acids, a chemically novel set of bacterial conjugation inhibitors

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    Bacterial conjugation is the main mechanism for the dissemination of multiple antibiotic resistance in human pathogens. This dissemination could be controlled by molecules that interfere with the conjugation process. A search for conjugation inhibitors among a collection of 1,632 natural compounds, identified tanzawaic acids A and B as best hits. They specially inhibited IncW and IncFII conjugative systems, including plasmids mobilized by them. Plasmids belonging to IncFI, IncI, IncL/M, IncX and IncH incompatibility groups were targeted to a lesser extent, whereas IncN and IncP plasmids were unaffected. Tanzawaic acids showed reduced toxicity in bacterial, fungal or human cells, when compared to synthetic conjugation inhibitors, opening the possibility of their deployment in complex environments, including natural settings relevant for antibiotic resistance dissemination.Work in the FDLC group was supported by grants BFU2014-55534-C2-1-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (http://www.mineco.gob.es) and 612146/FP7-ICT-2013-10 and 282004/FP7-HEALTH-2011-2.3.1-2 from the European Seventh Framework Programme (https://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7). MG was supported by a PhD fellowship from the University of Cantabria (http://www.unican.es). JCG was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship ASTF 402-2010 from the European Molecular Biology Organization (http://www.embo.org). Biomar Microbial Technologies was supported by grant 282004/FP7-HEALTH-2011-2.3.1-2 from the European Seventh Framework Programme (https://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7).USD 1,495 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access PilotPeer reviewe