1,425 research outputs found

    El Mashreq francés en México. Patronazgo, propiedad y la lectura de los cuerpos en la Poscolonia / The French Mashreq in Mexico. Patronage, Property and Body readings in Postcolony

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    This paper explores the ambivalence in the structural and discursive production of the class positions of migrants that have circulated between Lebanon, Syria and Mexico throughout the twentieth century. Its central argument is that the inscription of their subalternity as subjects of the French mandate on the Mashreq during the first half of the twentieth century has constituted their access to a privileged position in the Mexican context.Key words: Mashreq, México, France, Subalternity, Patronage

    Polar-midlatitude responses to sea ice reduction from long term coupled simulations

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    While summer sea ice reduced dramatically/significantly, and the atmospheric warming is amplified over the Arctic, changes in the ocean are less obvious due to its higher inertia. The understanding of the ongoing changes at polar latitudes and its linkages to mid-latitude climate has become a top subject among climate research community. The ocean circulation response to an idealized decline in Arctic sea ice is investigated in a set of novel fully-coupled climate model (AWI-CM) experiments. The atmosphere and thermodynamics is resolved by ECHAM6.3 in a resolution of ca. 180Km, whereas FESOM resolves the ocean and dynamical aspects of the sea ice with resolution ranging from 25 to 150 km. A 250-year reference simulation (REF) is initialized with CORE II and WOA01 data and forced by 1990 greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations. We conduct a comparative study in which three distinct thermodynamical perturbations are applied on the sea ice to induce a gradual sea ice reduction over 150-year period simulations. Our sensitivity experiments consist of three different approaches to induce an Arctic sea ice reduction: I) the albedo is modified by the increase of snow aging factor; II) reducing the lead closing parameter which resembles a loss of sea ice thickness rather than sea ice area; III) imposing an anomalous heat flux on the sea ice by adding 0.5 W/m2 of long wave radiation. To check the robustness of our results we undertake a second realization of each sensitivity experiment simply by initializing the experiments 30 years later. It is shown that ocean responses establish comparably in all sensitivity experiments. Dynamical adjustments of ocean fluxes and currents are not confined to the polar latitudes. The North Atlantic high-latitude indicates a southward shift of the North Atlantic Current pathway. Although the atmosphere seems to play a secondary role in responding and forcing dynamical changes in the Arctic Ocean, we believe that a negative annular-mode like trend explains the weakening of the westerly winds along the poleward flank of the jet stream, which in turn alters the upper ocean circulation

    Transposição dentária: dois relatos de casos e revisão de literatura

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    Tooth transposition is a rare developmental disorder in which a normal tooth erupts in an inappropriate position. The change in position occurs between two adjacent teeth within the same quadrant. In this article, two cases of tooth transposition involving mandibular molars are described. Patient 1 presented with bilateral transposition between first and second mandibular molars. In addition, giroversion of the first molars was observed. Patient 2 presented with unilateral transposition between the mandibular left molars. Because this tooth disorder does not affect quality of life, both patients declined to seek dental treatment. Out of the 120 cases of tooth transposition found in the literature, 92,5% occurred in the maxilla and 15% were bilateral, 65,8% percent of these cases involved the canine and first premolar; 26.6% involved the canine and lateral incisor; 2,5% involved the canine and central incisor; and only 0.85% involved the first and second molar. The majority of tooth transposition cases occurred in women (66,6%). In literature, tooth transposition is a poorly-documented condition. Consequently, this report seeks to contribute to the existing information in the literature on this disorder.Resumo em português não disponíve

    La Influencia de la familia o tutores en el rendimiento escolar de jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad: un estudio de casos de alumnos del cuarto medio A y D del Liceo Alberto Hurtado de San Francisco de Mostazal

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    Tesis (Psicopedagogo, Licenciado en Educación)El presente Seminario de Grado pretende comprender que la vulnerabilidad tiene relación con complejidades sociales, entendiendo por una parte, que existen factores de orden más estructural en su origen, que no radican en los sujetos, y que el asistencialismo promovido por el, que se limita a satisfacer las necesidades básicas para la supervivencia, no incide en la superación de los factores que causan la vulnerabilidad. Por ende, aunque el concepto de vulnerabilidad pasa a ser central en las políticas públicas no favorece al desarrollo humano. Específicamente, se define vulnerabilidad como "Condición dinámica que resulta de la interacción de una multiplicidad de factores de riesgo y protectores, que ocurren en el ciclo vital de un sujeto y que se manifiestan en conductas o hechos de mayor o menor riesgo social, económico, psicológico, cultural, ambiental y/o biológico, produciendo una desventaja comparativa entre sujetos, familias y/o comunidades" (JUNAEB, 2005, p. 14). De este modo, una mayor vulnerabilidad implica mayor riesgo. La presente investigación se enmarca dentro del Paradigma Post-Positivista, ya que se caracteriza por tener un rol ontológico, es decir, la realidad está sujeta al investigador pues permite comprender el contexto donde se encuentran los jóvenes y así tener una mirada empíricamente fundada de influencia de la familia en el rendimiento académico de los jóvenes con un alto nivel de vulnerabilidad, a su vez esta investigación recopila datos en un solo momento único, por ende, este estudio es de tipo no experimental transeccional, ya que su propósito es describir variables y analizar su incidencia e interrelación en un momento dado. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo, ya que busca especificar propiedades importantes de personas, grupos o comunidades que se ha sometido a análisis. Además intenta demostrar que el supuesto que tiene relación con el rendimiento escolar, no solo depende de los factores personales, sino que también a los factores contextuales familiares, difíciles de describir y que las políticas públicas actuales al no tomar en cuenta esta variable no ha sido efectiva. Para esta investigación se ha considerado como población de referencia a jóvenes que asisten al Liceo Alberto Hurtado, siendo la unidad de análisis los alumnos de cuarto año medio, en este caso cuarto año A y cuarto año D, la cantidad de jóvenes que serán entrevistados son 4 por caso. A través de la información obtenida y graficada, los resultados en cuanto al ámbito motivacional, establecen que los estudiantes desean en su mayoría aprender e investigar nuevos conocimientos, que desean comprender y entender lo que se les enseña, sin embargo, se observa una tendencia opuesta en especial el grupo de varones lo que indicaría desmotivación o falta de interés de estos por experimentar y conocer nuevas realidades, de acuerdo a la información de responsabilidad de los alumnos frente a sus estudios se observan los porcentajes más altos de desinterés o indiferencia, lo cual podría indicar que los alumnos no ven sus estudios como un factor de importancia o que sea relevante para ellos, finalmente el ámbito del apoyo familiar entrega la información necesaria para poder mencionar de que la percepción de los estudiantes respecto al apoyo que reciben en su hogar de familiares o sus tutores es positivo, osea que si cuentan en la mayoría de los casos con este factor de apoyo. No es el objetivo de este seminario dar una respuesta definitiva a la problemática expuesta, sino iniciar una reflexión a partir de experiencias y aportes teóricos que abordan una perspectiva similar a la orientación de esta investigación

    A Classification Model for Managers by Competencies: A Case Study in the Construction Sector

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    Many companies have difficulties in filling managerial positions. This is because there is a lack in understanding of the competencies that a manager must have. This is as true for those responsible for selecting managers as it is for the employee who aspires to be a manager. Furthermore, the construction industry seeks to appoint managers who are likely to excel in several different managerial roles. However, currently, there is no model that classifies managers by the different competencies they need to perform specific functions. This paper presents how a nonordered classification method was applied in a construction company in order to select managers for different roles. While no manager is considered to be more important than any other, they nevertheless need to have different competencies that match those needed for the job assigned to them. The model also serves as a guide for evaluating whether or not those already in or being considered for a managerial position have the competencies required

    Motor physiotherapy in the treatment of preterm infants with metabolic bone disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To review the role of motor physiotherapy in the treatment of preterm infants at risk of developing metabolic bone disease. DATA SOURCES: This is a review of articles published between 1986 and 2009, using the following key-words: premature infant physiologic calcification, physiotherapy techniques, metabolic bone diseases and the respective Portuguese-language descriptors. Twenty nine scientific articles were selected in the PubMed and ISI Web databases, along with one chapter of a Brazilian book. DATA SYNTHESIS: Metabolic bone diseases are a set of conditions related to abnormalities in the physiologic calcification process. They lead to problems going from structural frailness to fracture development. Routine application of passive joint mobilization exercises, massage and positioning exercises correlate with weight gain and increasing bone mineral content and density. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of motor physiotherapy exercises could provide stability or stimulation for bone formation and may consequently avoid or minimize the complications resulting from metabolic bone disease of prematurity.OBJETIVO: Revisar o papel da fisioterapia motora no prematuro com risco de desenvolver doença metabólica óssea. FONTES DE DADOS: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura publicada entre 1986 e 2009, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: prematuro, calcificação fisiológica, modalidades de fisioterapia, doenças ósseas metabólicas e os respectivos descritores no idioma inglês. Foram selecionados 29 artigos científicos, via PubMed e ISI Web, além de um capítulo de livro nacional. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: As doenças ósseas metabólicas compreendem um conjunto de condições relacionadas a alterações no processo de calcificação fisiológica, levando desde à fragilidade estrutural até ao desenvolvimento de fraturas. A aplicação rotineira de exercícios de mobilização passiva articular, massagem e posicionamento está relacionada ao ganho ponderal, ao aumento na densidade e no conteúdo mineral ósseo. CONCLUSÕES: A implementação de exercícios de fisioterapia motora parece proporcionar estabilidade ou estímulo para a formação óssea, podendo, consequentemente, prevenir e/ou minimizar as complicações decorrentes da doença metabólica óssea.UNIFESP Departamento de PediatriaHospital das Clínicas Luzia de Pinho MeloUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    The Association between Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes and Cohort Fertility: Evidence from Brazil

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    Brazil’s Bolsa Família Programme (BFP) aims to combat poverty and social inequalities through monetary transfers to families. A much-discussed indirect effect of the programme was its correlation to the fertility of the beneficiary families. In this paper, we use a cohort fertility approach with parity progression ratios that differs from existing literature, which mainly used period fertility measures, to better understand the relationship between fertility and the BFP. This study analyses the relationship between the BFP and the reproduction of Brazilian women. We use data from the 2010 Brazilian micro-censuses, the only census after the start of the BFP in 2004, to reconstruct the childbirth history of women with incomplete reproductive cycles (women aged 25 to 29), and estimate parity progression ratios (PPRs) and cohort fertility rates (CFR). In addition, we estimate propensity score matching (PSM) models comparing fertility outcomes of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the programme. Our results show distinct differences in CFRs and PPRs. On average, BFP beneficiaries had more children than women not covered by the programme. This finding remained consistent even after controlling for educational gradients and other covariates. Our empirical findings show that women opt for a “rational” strategy, where they tend to have children in more rapid succession up until three children. These findings contradict the recent literature that has not found any correlation between BFP and fertility. The results also suggest that cohort analyses may fill certain gaps left by previous studies of period fertility. This paper is one of a few that have analysed the relationship between a conditional income transfer programme and cohort measures in Brazil

    As componentes cultural e criativa da Vila de Óbidos e a Covid-19

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    Analisar as componentes cultural e criativa de uma política autárquica pode ser um processo desafiante. Este desafio enfatiza-se ainda mais quando a investigação é realizada em um contexto específico pouco propício ao seu desenvolvimento como é o caso da pandemia mundial causada pela doença Covid-19. A vila de Óbidos foi provavelmente um dos lugares histórico-culturais que mais consequências sofreu causadas pela pandemia a nível nacional, assim como todos os eventos culturais e criativos de que é produtora. Não só a cultura obidense foi alvo de mudança, como também os setores turístico e comercial de que dela fazem parte. A presente investigação pretende ser uma viagem pelas vertentes cultural e criativa da vila, desde o contexto pré-pandémico, portanto anterior a março de 2020, até ao momento atual, setembro de 2021. Descobrir efetivamente o que se alterou, que alternativas nasceram, que medidas foram tomadas, não só através do Município, mas também por parte dos comerciantes e trabalhadores da vila, e, sobretudo, como toda a dinâmica de vila se reinventou. Pretende-se apurar estes dados através de vários momentos de pesquisa empírica recorrendo à utilização de entrevistas, junto das pessoas que passaram e observaram este fenómeno, como agiram e agem, como se sentem, o que mudou nas suas vidas e nos eventos culturais da vila. É possível concluir de que modos as componentes cultural e criativa de Óbidos foram afetadas pela pandemia. As fotografias de autor na vila complementam a investigação, de modo a torná-la mais multifacetada aludindo para a realidade observada.Analyzing the cultural and creative components of one autarchic policy can be a challenging process. This challenge is even more emphasized when the investigation is carried out in a specific context less propitious to its development such as the case of the worldwide pandemic caused by the Covid-19 disease. The town of Óbidos was probably one of the historical and cultural places that suffered the most consequences caused by the pandemic at a national level, as well as all the cultural and creative events that it produces. Not only the culture of Óbidos was the target of change, but also the tourist and commercial sectors that are part of it. This research aims to be a journey through the cultural and creative aspects of the town since the pre-pandemic context, so that before march of 2020, until the present time, September of 2021. Understand, for sure what has changed, what alternatives were born, what measures were taken, not only through the Municipality, but also by the town’s merchants and workers, and, above all, how the entire dynamic of the town was reinvented. It is intended to investigate this data through various moments of empirical research, with the people who have experienced and observed this phenomenon, how they acted and still act, how do they feel, what has changed in their lives and in the cultural events of the town. It is possible to conclude in which ways cultural and creative components of Óbidos were affected by the pandemic

    Revisão literária sobre pancreatite aguda canina

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    Acute canine pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation that is completely reversible after removal of the triggering cause. It is a very common disease among dogs, and can be considered to have a severity that varies from mild to severe. It can have an idiopathic etiology, due to ductal obstruction, hypersecretion or biliary reflex to the pancreatic duct, among others. Trauma, ischemia, hypercalcemia, drugs, infections and hypertriglyceridemia can be predisposing factors. The most common clinical signs include lethargy, anorexia, stooped posture, emesis, hematemesis, diarrhea, hematochezia, tachypnea, dilated abdomen, polyuria, and polydipsia. Physical examination findings are depression, dehydration, abdominal pain, tachycardia, prolonged capillary refill time, sticky mucous membranes, hypothermia, petechiae, jaundice, and ascites. In more severe cases of acute pancreatitis, the consequence can be a systemic inflammatory response, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and/or multiple organ failure. For diagnosis, abdominal ultrasound and lipase-like immunoreactivity are the main tests. The treatment of acute pancreatitis is based on intravenous fluid therapy, analgesia and nutritional support, individually adapted to each need. Therefore, an accurate early diagnosis is important, which guarantees a better prognosis and reduces mortality rates.Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomentoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Pancreatite aguda canina é caracterizada por uma inflamação que é completamente reversível após a remoção da causa desencadeadora. É uma doença bastante comum entre os cães, e pode ser considerada de gravidade que varia de discreta a grave. Ela pode ter etiologia idiopática, por obstrução ductal, hipersecreção ou reflexo biliar ao ducto pancreático, entre outros. Traumatismos, isquemia, hipercalcemia, fármacos, infecções e hipertrigliceridemia podem ser fatores predisponentes. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns incluem letargia, anorexia, postura encurvada, êmese, hematêmese, diarréia, hematoquezia, taquipnéia, abdômen dilatado, poliúria e polidipsia. Os achados do exame físico são depressão, desidratação, dor abdominal, taquicardia, tempo de preenchimento capilar prolongado, membranas das mucosas pegajosas, hipotermia, petéquias, icterícia e ascite. Nos casos mais graves de pancreatite aguda, a consequência pode ser uma resposta inflamatória sistêmica, coagulação intravascular disseminada e/ou falência múltipla de órgãos. Para diagnóstico, a ultrassonografia abdominal e a imunorreatividade semelhante a lipase são os principais exames. O tratamento da pancreatite aguda é baseado na fluidoterapia intravenosa, analgesia e suporte nutricional, adaptado individualmente para cada necessidade. Assim sendo, é importante um diagnóstico precoce preciso, o que garante melhor prognóstico e diminui as taxas de mortalidade