64 research outputs found

    Clothes of power- Comparing textiles and rock art of Northwestern Argentina (13th to 15th centuries)

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    Proponemos que la suma de atributos visuales presentes en un conjunto de representaciones rupestres antropomorfas del Período de Desarrollos Regionales (PDR) e Inca del NO de Argentina estaría relacionada con la conformación de un lenguaje visual de poder que se vincularía: a) en el PDR, con el surgimiento y/o consolidación de grupos y/o comunidades con pretensiones territoriales e identitarias específicas y, b) durante el Período Inca, con una estrategia de intervención estatal que apeló a la apropiación de íconos vigentes, resignificándolos para la instauración de un nuevo poder y/o para la explicitación de las alianzas entabladas. Para ello, partimos de un estudio comparativo sistemático que tomó en cuenta dicho registro rupestre y la muestra de piezas textiles sincrónicas, recuperadas en la región del NO y centro de Argentina y que integró, en ambos soportes, un examen de los aspectos representativos y estructurales, entendidos como partes indivisibles de una totalidad.In this paper we suggest that a particular assemblage of visual attributes observed in a number of specific types of anthropomorphic rock-art depictions of the last moments of Regional Developments Period (RDP) in NW Argentina, could be related to the conformation of a visual language of power. This could be associated to: a) the emergence and consolidation of different groups and/or communities with specific territorial and identity claims during RDP, and b) during the Inca Period, with a state intervention strategy to appropriate and resignify existing local icons in order to establish a new power and/or explicitness of new alliances. To this end we carried out a comparative and systematic study that included the analysis of RDP rock art record and textiles recovered in NW and Central Argentina. In addition we examined representative and synchronous technical aspects, both understood as indivisible parts of the whole.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    A new key locality for the Pliocene vertebrate record of Europe : the Camp dels Ninots maar (NE Spain)

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    A new Pliocene Konservat-Lagerstätte in north-eastern Spain is described here for the first time. It is referred to as Camp dels Ninots. The particular geological conditions of the site, which correspond to lacustrine sedimentation in a maar, made it ideal for the preservation of fossils. At present, five large mammal skeletons in anatomical connection have been recovered: three individuals of Alephis tigneresi, one of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti and one of Tapirus arvernenis, as well as isolated remains. A minimum of five individuals of the chelonian Mauremys leprosa have been recovered, some of them in anatomical connection. The rodent Apodemus atavus, the amphibians cf. Pleurodeles sp., Lissotriton aff. helveticus and Pelophylax cf. perezi and freshwater fishes (Leuciscus ?) complete the vertebrate assemblage uncovered up to the present time. The coexistence of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti and Alephis tigneresi suggests an age of about 3.2Ma for the Camp dels Ninots, near the MN15-MN16 transition. The Camp del Ninots fossil record enables one to extend the biogeographic range of some vertebrate taxa, such as Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, Tapirus arvernensis or Mauremys leprosa to the Iberian Peninsula. Taphonomic evidences of the skeletal remains indicates minimal (if any) weathering. Deposition at the lake bottom seems to have taken place in oxygen depleted layers. In this way, Camp dels Ninots is comparable to other remarkable maar sites such as Messel, the Eocene site situated in Germany

    The Poopó polymetallic epithermal deposit, Bolivia: mineralogy, genetic constraints, and distribution of critical elements

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    The tin-rich polymetallic epithermal deposit of Poopó, of plausible Late Miocene age, is part of the Bolivian Tin Belt. As an epithermal low sulfidation mineralisation, it represents a typological end-member within the “family” of Bolivian tin deposits. The emplacement of the mineralisation was controlled by the regional fault zone that constitutes the geological border between the Bolivian Altiplano and the Eastern Andes Cordillera. In addition to Sn and Ag, its economic interest resides in its potential in critical elements as In, Ga and Ge. This paper provides the first systematic characterisation of the complex mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Poopó deposit with the twofold aim of identifying the mineral carriers of critical elements and endeavouring to ascertain plausible metallogenic processes for the formation of this deposit, by means of a multi-methodological approach. The poor development of hydrothermal alteration assemblage, the abundance of sulphosalts and the replacement of löllingite and pyrrhotite by arsenopyrite and pyrite, respectively, indicate that this deposit is ascribed to the low-sulphidation subtype of epithermal deposits, with excursions into higher states of sulphidation. Additionally, the occurrence of pyrophyllite and topaz has been interpreted as the result of discrete pulses of high-sulphidation magmatic fluids. The d34SVCDT range in sulphides (-5.9 to -2.8‰) is compatible either with: (i) hybrid sulphur sources (i.e., magmatic and sedimentary or metasedimentary); or (ii) a sole magmatic source involving magmas that derived from partial melting of sedimentary rocks or underwent crustal assimilation. In their overall contents in critical elements (In, Ga and Ge), the key minerals in the Poopó deposit, based on their abundance in the deposit and compositions, are rhodostannite, franckeite, cassiterite, stannite and, less importantly, teallite, sphalerite and jamesonite.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Poopó Polymetallic Epithermal Deposit, Bolivia: Mineralogy, Genetic Constraints, and Distribution of Critical Elements

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    The tin-rich polymetallic epithermal deposit of Poopó, of plausible Late Miocene age, is part of the Bolivian Tin Belt. As an epithermal low sulfidation mineralisation, it represents a typological end-member within the "family" of Bolivian tin deposits. The emplacement of the mineralisation was controlled by the regional fault zone that constitutes the geological border between the Bolivian Altiplano and the Eastern Andes Cordillera. In addition to Sn and Ag, its economic interest resides in its potential in critical elements as In, Ga and Ge. This paper provides the first systematic characterisation of the complex mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Poopó deposit with the twofold aim of identifying the mineral carriers of critical elements and endeavouring to ascertain plausible metallogenic processes for the formation of this deposit, by means of a multi-methodological approach. The poor development of hydrothermal alteration assemblage, the abundance of sulphosalts and the replacement of löllingite and pyrrhotite by arsenopyrite and pyrite, respectively, indicate that this deposit is ascribed to the low-sulphidation subtype of epithermal deposits, with excursions into higher states of sulphidation. Additionally, the occurrence of pyrophyllite and topaz has been interpreted as the result of discrete pulses of high-sulphidation magmatic fluids. The δ34SVCDT range in sulphides (−5.9 to −2.8 ) is compatible either with: (i) hybrid sulphur sources (i.e., magmatic and sedimentary or metasedimentary); or (ii) a sole magmatic source involving magmas that derived from partial melting of sedimentary rocks or underwent crustal assimilation. In their overall contents in critical elements (In, Ga and Ge), the key minerals in the Poopó deposit, based on their abundance in the deposit and compositions, are rhodostannite, franckeite, cassiterite, stannite and, less importantly, teallite, sphalerite and jamesonite

    Indium mineralization in the volcanic dome-hosted Ánimas–Chocaya–Siete Suyos polymetallic deposit, Potosí, Bolivia

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    A volcanic dome complex of Miocene age hosts the In-bearing Ánimas–Chocaya–Siete Suyos district in SW Bolivia. Ore mineralization occurs as banded and massive infillings in subvertical, NE-SW striking veins. In this article, a detailed petrographic study is combined with in situ mineral geochemistry determinations in ore from the Arturo, Chorro and Diez veins in the Siete Suyos mine, the Ánimas, Burton, Colorada, and Rosario veins in the Ánimas mine and the Nueva vein in the Chocaya mine. A three-stage paragenetic sequence is roughly determined for all of them, and includes (1) an early low-sulfidation stage that is dominated by cassiterite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and high-Fe sphalerite (FeS > 21 mol. %); (2) a second intermediate-sulfidation stage dominated by pyrite + marcasite ± intermediate product, sphalerite (FeS < 21 mol. %), stannite, and local famatinite; and, (3) a late intermediate-sulfidation stage dominated by galena and Ag-Pb-Sn sulfosalts. Electron-probe microanalyses reveal high indium enrichment in stage-2 sphalerite (up to 9.66 wt.% In) and stannite (up to 4.11 wt.% In), and a moderate enrichment in rare wurtzite (up to 1.61 wt.% In), stage-1 sphalerite (0.35 wt.% In), cassiterite (up to 0.25 wt.% In2O3), and ramdohrite (up to 0.24 wt.% In). Therefore, the main indium mineralization in the district can be associated to the second, intermediate-sulfidation stage, chiefly in those veins in which sphalerite and stannite are more abundant. Atomic concentrations of In and Cu in sphalerite yield a positive correlation at Cu/In = 1 that agrees with a (Cu+ + In3+) ¿ 2Zn2+ coupled substitution. The availability of Cu in the mineralizing fluids during the crystallization of sphalerite is, in consequence, essential for the incorporation of indium in its crystal lattice and would control the distribution of indium enrichment at different scales. The highest concentrations of indium in sphalerite, which is found in the Diez vein in the Siete Suyos mine, occur in crustiform bands of sphalerite with local “chalcopyrite disease” texture, which has not been observed in the other studied veins. In stannite, the atomic concentrations of In are negatively correlated with those of Cu and Sn at Cu + In = 2 and Sn + In = 1. Thus, atomic proportions and correlations suggest the contextualization of the main indium mineralization in the sphalerite–stannite–roquesite pseudoternary system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    La reproducción de Hyla meridionalis en el suroeste de EspañaAlimentación y relaciones tróficas entre larvas de Triturus marmoratus, T. alpestris y T. helveticus (Amphibia: CaudataOrganization of behaviour in isolated lizards (Gallotia galloti galloti) as revealed by multivariate analyseComposición y estructura de las comunidades de aves a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en tres medios arbustivos del macizo de Ayllón(Sistema Central)La comunidad de aves de un acebuchar del sur de España durante el periodo invernal y de cria.Alimentación del buho chico (Asio otus) en la isla de Tenerife y análisis comparativo con la dieta de Tyto albaAlimentación del zorzal charlo (Turdus viscivoros) en la sierra de Cazorla, SE de España.La migración en España del verderón común (Carduelis chloris, L.) según los resultados de anillamientoIdentificación de los principales quirópteros ibéricos a partir de sus dientes aislados. Valor sistemático de los caracteres morfológicos y métricos dentariosRitmo de actividad en Gazella dorcasSobre la sistemática y biología de Eliomys quercinus en la Cordillera Cantábrica.Primeras citas de Barbus microcephalus Almaça, 1967 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) en EspañaSobre la presencia de Lampetra planeri BLOCH, 1784 en España.Sobre el status taxonómico del género Valencia Myers, 1928 en el suroeste de IberiaNuevas localidades de Chondrostroma polypis Steindachner, 1865 (Ostariophysi, Cyprinidae) en España.Sobre la distribución Gobio gobio (L., 1758)(OSTAOPHYSI, CIPRINIDAE) en EspañaNotas sobre la alimentación de larvas de anfibios: 2. Salamandra salamandra de CazorlaNuevos datos sobre la permanencia de caracteres larvarios en individuos adultos de una población de tritón pirenaico (Euproctus asper) en el valle de AránLa variación del diseño natural como método de reconocimiento individual en Triturus boscaiPresencia de Triturus boscai en la provincia de Córdoba.Datos sobre la alimentación de Athene cunicularia en la Reserva de fauna altoandina de Ulla-Ulla, Bolivia.Falco peregrinus cassini en BoliviaAlgunos datos sobre quirópteros de Galicia.Notas sobre la alimentación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en el embalse de Matavacas, HuelvaPeer reviewe

    Radioactivity control strategy for the JUNO detector

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    602siopenJUNO is a massive liquid scintillator detector with a primary scientific goal of determining the neutrino mass ordering by studying the oscillated anti-neutrino flux coming from two nuclear power plants at 53 km distance. The expected signal anti-neutrino interaction rate is only 60 counts per day (cpd), therefore a careful control of the background sources due to radioactivity is critical. In particular, natural radioactivity present in all materials and in the environment represents a serious issue that could impair the sensitivity of the experiment if appropriate countermeasures were not foreseen. In this paper we discuss the background reduction strategies undertaken by the JUNO collaboration to reduce at minimum the impact of natural radioactivity. We describe our efforts for an optimized experimental design, a careful material screening and accurate detector production handling, and a constant control of the expected results through a meticulous Monte Carlo simulation program. We show that all these actions should allow us to keep the background count rate safely below the target value of 10 Hz (i.e. ∼1 cpd accidental background) in the default fiducial volume, above an energy threshold of 0.7 MeV. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]openAbusleme A.; Adam T.; Ahmad S.; Ahmed R.; Aiello S.; Akram M.; An F.; An Q.; Andronico G.; Anfimov N.; Antonelli V.; Antoshkina T.; Asavapibhop B.; de Andre J.P.A.M.; Auguste D.; Babic A.; Baldini W.; Barresi A.; Basilico D.; Baussan E.; Bellato M.; Bergnoli A.; Birkenfeld T.; Blin S.; Blum D.; Blyth S.; Bolshakova A.; Bongrand M.; Bordereau C.; Breton D.; Brigatti A.; Brugnera R.; Bruno R.; Budano A.; Buscemi M.; Busto J.; Butorov I.; Cabrera A.; Cai H.; Cai X.; Cai Y.; Cai Z.; Cammi A.; Campeny A.; Cao C.; Cao G.; Cao J.; Caruso R.; Cerna C.; Chang J.; Chang Y.; Chen P.; Chen P.-A.; Chen S.; Chen X.; Chen Y.-W.; Chen Y.; Chen Y.; Chen Z.; Cheng J.; Cheng Y.; Chetverikov A.; Chiesa D.; Chimenti P.; Chukanov A.; Claverie G.; Clementi C.; Clerbaux B.; Conforti Di Lorenzo S.; Corti D.; Cremonesi O.; Dal Corso F.; Dalager O.; De La Taille C.; Deng J.; Deng Z.; Deng Z.; Depnering W.; Diaz M.; Ding X.; Ding Y.; Dirgantara B.; Dmitrievsky S.; Dohnal T.; Dolzhikov D.; Donchenko G.; Dong J.; Doroshkevich E.; Dracos M.; Druillole F.; Du S.; Dusini S.; Dvorak M.; Enqvist T.; Enzmann H.; Fabbri A.; Fajt L.; Fan D.; Fan L.; Fang J.; Fang W.; Fargetta M.; Fedoseev D.; Fekete V.; Feng L.-C.; Feng Q.; Ford R.; Formozov A.; Fournier A.; Gan H.; Gao F.; Garfagnini A.; Giammarchi M.; Giaz A.; Giudice N.; Gonchar M.; Gong G.; Gong H.; Gornushkin Y.; Gottel A.; Grassi M.; Grewing C.; Gromov V.; Gu M.; Gu X.; Gu Y.; Guan M.; Guardone N.; Gul M.; Guo C.; Guo J.; Guo W.; Guo X.; Guo Y.; Hackspacher P.; Hagner C.; Han R.; Han Y.; Hassan M.S.; He M.; He W.; Heinz T.; Hellmuth P.; Heng Y.; Herrera R.; Hor Y.K.; Hou S.; Hsiung Y.; Hu B.-Z.; Hu H.; Hu J.; Hu J.; Hu S.; Hu T.; Hu Z.; Huang C.; Huang G.; Huang H.; Huang W.; Huang X.; Huang X.; Huang Y.; Hui J.; Huo L.; Huo W.; Huss C.; Hussain S.; Ioannisian A.; Isocrate R.; Jelmini B.; Jen K.-L.; Jeria I.; Ji X.; Ji X.; Jia H.; Jia J.; Jian S.; Jiang D.; Jiang X.; Jin R.; Jing X.; Jollet C.; Joutsenvaara J.; Jungthawan S.; Kalousis L.; Kampmann P.; Kang L.; Karaparambil R.; Kazarian N.; Khan W.; Khosonthongkee K.; Korablev D.; Kouzakov K.; Krasnoperov A.; Kruth A.; Kutovskiy N.; Kuusiniemi P.; Lachenmaier T.; Landini C.; Leblanc S.; Lebrin V.; Lefevre F.; Lei R.; Leitner R.; Leung J.; Li D.; Li F.; Li F.; Li H.; Li H.; Li J.; Li M.; Li M.; Li N.; Li N.; Li Q.; Li R.; Li S.; Li T.; Li W.; Li W.; Li X.; Li X.; Li X.; Li Y.; Li Y.; Li Z.; Li Z.; Li Z.; Liang H.; Liang H.; Liao J.; Liebau D.; Limphirat A.; Limpijumnong S.; Lin G.-L.; Lin S.; Lin T.; Ling J.; Lippi I.; Liu F.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu J.; Liu J.; Liu M.; Liu Q.; Liu Q.; Liu R.; Liu S.; Liu S.; Liu S.; Liu X.; Liu X.; Liu Y.; Liu Y.; Lokhov A.; Lombardi P.; Lombardo C.; Loo K.; Lu C.; Lu H.; Lu J.; Lu J.; Lu S.; Lu X.; Lubsandorzhiev B.; Lubsandorzhiev S.; Ludhova L.; Luo F.; Luo G.; Luo P.; Luo S.; Luo W.; Lyashuk V.; Ma B.; Ma Q.; Ma S.; Ma X.; Ma X.; Maalmi J.; Malyshkin Y.; Mantovani F.; Manzali F.; Mao X.; Mao Y.; Mari S.M.; Marini F.; Marium S.; Martellini C.; Martin-Chassard G.; Martini A.; Mayer M.; Mayilyan D.; Mednieks I.; Meng Y.; Meregaglia A.; Meroni E.; Meyhofer D.; Mezzetto M.; Miller J.; Miramonti L.; Montini P.; Montuschi M.; Muller A.; Nastasi M.; Naumov D.V.; Naumova E.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nemchenok I.; Nguyen Thi M.T.; Ning F.; Ning Z.; Nunokawa H.; Oberauer L.; Ochoa-Ricoux J.P.; Olshevskiy A.; Orestano D.; Ortica F.; Othegraven R.; Pan H.-R.; Paoloni A.; Parmeggiano S.; Pei Y.; Pelliccia N.; Peng A.; Peng H.; Perrot F.; Petitjean P.-A.; Petrucci F.; Pilarczyk O.; Pineres Rico L.F.; Popov A.; Poussot P.; Pratumwan W.; Previtali E.; Qi F.; Qi M.; Qian S.; Qian X.; Qian Z.; Qiao H.; Qin Z.; Qiu S.; Rajput M.U.; Ranucci G.; Raper N.; Re A.; Rebber H.; Rebii A.; Ren B.; Ren J.; Ricci B.; Robens M.; Roche M.; Rodphai N.; Romani A.; Roskovec B.; Roth C.; Ruan X.; Ruan X.; Rujirawat S.; Rybnikov A.; Sadovsky A.; Saggese P.; Sanfilippo S.; Sangka A.; Sanguansak N.; Sawangwit U.; Sawatzki J.; Sawy F.; Schever M.; Schwab C.; Schweizer K.; Selyunin A.; Serafini A.; Settanta G.; Settimo M.; Shao Z.; Sharov V.; Shaydurova A.; Shi J.; Shi Y.; Shutov V.; Sidorenkov A.; Simkovic F.; Sirignano C.; Siripak J.; Sisti M.; Slupecki M.; Smirnov M.; Smirnov O.; Sogo-Bezerra T.; Sokolov S.; Songwadhana J.; Soonthornthum B.; Sotnikov A.; Sramek O.; Sreethawong W.; Stahl A.; Stanco L.; Stankevich K.; Stefanik D.; Steiger H.; Steinmann J.; Sterr T.; Stock M.R.; Strati V.; Studenikin A.; Sun S.; Sun X.; Sun Y.; Sun Y.; Suwonjandee N.; Szelezniak M.; Tang J.; Tang Q.; Tang Q.; Tang X.; Tietzsch A.; Tkachev I.; Tmej T.; Treskov K.; Triossi A.; Troni G.; Trzaska W.; Tuve C.; Ushakov N.; van den Boom J.; van Waasen S.; Vanroyen G.; Vassilopoulos N.; Vedin V.; Verde G.; Vialkov M.; Viaud B.; Vollbrecht M.C.; Volpe C.; Vorobel V.; Voronin D.; Votano L.; Walker P.; Wang C.; Wang C.-H.; Wang E.; Wang G.; Wang J.; Wang J.; Wang K.; Wang L.; Wang M.; Wang M.; Wang M.; Wang R.; Wang S.; Wang W.; Wang W.; Wang W.; Wang X.; Wang X.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Waqas M.; Watcharangkool A.; Wei L.; Wei W.; Wei W.; Wei Y.; Wen L.; Wiebusch C.; Wong S.C.-F.; Wonsak B.; Wu D.; Wu F.; Wu Q.; Wu Z.; Wurm M.; Wurtz J.; Wysotzki C.; Xi Y.; Xia D.; Xie X.; Xie Y.; Xie Z.; Xing Z.; Xu B.; Xu C.; Xu D.; Xu F.; Xu H.; Xu J.; Xu J.; Xu M.; Xu Y.; Xu Y.; Yan B.; Yan T.; Yan W.; Yan X.; Yan Y.; Yang A.; Yang C.; Yang C.; Yang H.; Yang J.; Yang L.; Yang X.; Yang Y.; Yang Y.; Yao H.; Yasin Z.; Ye J.; Ye M.; Ye Z.; Yegin U.; Yermia F.; Yi P.; Yin N.; Yin X.; You Z.; Yu B.; Yu C.; Yu C.; Yu H.; Yu M.; Yu X.; Yu Z.; Yu Z.; Yuan C.; Yuan Y.; Yuan Z.; Yuan Z.; Yue B.; Zafar N.; Zambanini A.; Zavadskyi V.; Zeng S.; Zeng T.; Zeng Y.; Zhan L.; Zhang A.; Zhang F.; Zhang G.; Zhang H.; Zhang H.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang P.; Zhang Q.; Zhang S.; Zhang S.; Zhang T.; Zhang X.; Zhang X.; Zhang X.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Z.; Zhang Z.; Zhao F.; Zhao J.; Zhao R.; Zhao S.; Zhao T.; Zheng D.; Zheng H.; Zheng M.; Zheng Y.; Zhong W.; Zhou J.; Zhou L.; Zhou N.; Zhou S.; Zhou T.; Zhou X.; Zhu J.; Zhu K.; Zhu K.; Zhu Z.; Zhuang B.; Zhuang H.; Zong L.; Zou J.Abusleme, A.; Adam, T.; Ahmad, S.; Ahmed, R.; Aiello, S.; Akram, M.; An, F.; An, Q.; Andronico, G.; Anfimov, N.; Antonelli, V.; Antoshkina, T.; Asavapibhop, B.; de Andre, J. P. A. M.; Auguste, D.; Babic, A.; Baldini, W.; Barresi, A.; Basilico, D.; Baussan, E.; Bellato, M.; Bergnoli, A.; Birkenfeld, T.; Blin, S.; Blum, D.; Blyth, S.; Bolshakova, A.; Bongrand, M.; Bordereau, C.; Breton, D.; Brigatti, A.; Brugnera, R.; Bruno, R.; Budano, A.; Buscemi, M.; Busto, J.; Butorov, I.; Cabrera, A.; Cai, H.; Cai, X.; Cai, Y.; Cai, Z.; Cammi, A.; Campeny, A.; Cao, C.; Cao, G.; Cao, J.; Caruso, R.; Cerna, C.; Chang, J.; Chang, Y.; Chen, P.; Chen, P. -A.; Chen, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y. -W.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Z.; Cheng, J.; Cheng, Y.; Chetverikov, A.; Chiesa, D.; Chimenti, P.; Chukanov, A.; Claverie, G.; Clementi, C.; Clerbaux, B.; Conforti Di Lorenzo, S.; Corti, D.; Cremonesi, O.; Dal Corso, F.; Dalager, O.; De La Taille, C.; Deng, J.; Deng, Z.; Deng, Z.; Depnering, W.; Diaz, M.; Ding, X.; Ding, Y.; Dirgantara, B.; Dmitrievsky, S.; Dohnal, T.; Dolzhikov, D.; Donchenko, G.; Dong, J.; Doroshkevich, E.; Dracos, M.; Druillole, F.; Du, S.; Dusini, S.; Dvorak, M.; Enqvist, T.; Enzmann, H.; Fabbri, A.; Fajt, L.; Fan, D.; Fan, L.; Fang, J.; Fang, W.; Fargetta, M.; Fedoseev, D.; Fekete, V.; Feng, L. -C.; Feng, Q.; Ford, R.; Formozov, A.; Fournier, A.; Gan, H.; Gao, F.; Garfagnini, A.; Giammarchi, M.; Giaz, A.; Giudice, N.; Gonchar, M.; Gong, G.; Gong, H.; Gornushkin, Y.; Gottel, A.; Grassi, M.; Grewing, C.; Gromov, V.; Gu, M.; Gu, X.; Gu, Y.; Guan, M.; Guardone, N.; Gul, M.; Guo, C.; Guo, J.; Guo, W.; Guo, X.; Guo, Y.; Hackspacher, P.; Hagner, C.; Han, R.; Han, Y.; Hassan, M. S.; He, M.; He, W.; Heinz, T.; Hellmuth, P.; Heng, Y.; Herrera, R.; Hor, Y. K.; Hou, S.; Hsiung, Y.; Hu, B. -Z.; Hu, H.; Hu, J.; Hu, J.; Hu, S.; Hu, T.; Hu, Z.; Huang, C.; Huang, G.; Huang, H.; Huang, W.; Huang, X.; Huang, X.; Huang, Y.; Hui, J.; Huo, L.; Huo, W.; Huss, C.; Hussain, S.; Ioannisian, A.; Isocrate, R.; Jelmini, B.; Jen, K. -L.; Jeria, I.; Ji, X.; Ji, X.; Jia, H.; Jia, J.; Jian, S.; Jiang, D.; Jiang, X.; Jin, R.; Jing, X.; Jollet, C.; Joutsenvaara, J.; Jungthawan, S.; Kalousis, L.; Kampmann, P.; Kang, L.; Karaparambil, R.; Kazarian, N.; Khan, W.; Khosonthongkee, K.; Korablev, D.; Kouzakov, K.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kruth, A.; Kutovskiy, N.; Kuusiniemi, P.; Lachenmaier, T.; Landini, C.; Leblanc, S.; Lebrin, V.; Lefevre, F.; Lei, R.; Leitner, R.; Leung, J.; Li, D.; Li, F.; Li, F.; Li, H.; Li, H.; Li, J.; Li, M.; Li, M.; Li, N.; Li, N.; Li, Q.; Li, R.; Li, S.; Li, T.; Li, W.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.; Li, Z.; Li, Z.; Liang, H.; Liang, H.; Liao, J.; Liebau, D.; Limphirat, A.; Limpijumnong, S.; Lin, G. -L.; Lin, S.; Lin, T.; Ling, J.; Lippi, I.; Liu, F.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Liu, M.; Liu, Q.; Liu, Q.; Liu, R.; Liu, S.; Liu, S.; Liu, S.; Liu, X.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Lokhov, A.; Lombardi, P.; Lombardo, C.; Loo, K.; Lu, C.; Lu, H.; Lu, J.; Lu, J.; Lu, S.; Lu, X.; Lubsandorzhiev, B.; Lubsandorzhiev, S.; Ludhova, L.; Luo, F.; Luo, G.; Luo, P.; Luo, S.; Luo, W.; Lyashuk, V.; Ma, B.; Ma, Q.; Ma, S.; Ma, X.; Ma, X.; Maalmi, J.; Malyshkin, Y.; Mantovani, F.; Manzali, F.; Mao, X.; Mao, Y.; Mari, S. M.; Marini, F.; Marium, S.; Martellini, C.; Martin-Chassard, G.; Martini, A.; Mayer, M.; Mayilyan, D.; Mednieks, I.; Meng, Y.; Meregaglia, A.; Meroni, E.; Meyhofer, D.; Mezzetto, M.; Miller, J.; Miramonti, L.; Montini, P.; Montuschi, M.; Muller, A.; Nastasi, M.; Naumov, D. V.; Naumova, E.; Navas-Nicolas, D.; Nemchenok, I.; Nguyen Thi, M. T.; Ning, F.; Ning, Z.; Nunokawa, H.; Oberauer, L.; Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P.; Olshevskiy, A.; Orestano, D.; Ortica, F.; Othegraven, R.; Pan, H. -R.; Paoloni, A.; Parmeggiano, S.; Pei, Y.; Pelliccia, N.; Peng, A.; Peng, H.; Perrot, F.; Petitjean, P. -A.; Petrucci, F.; Pilarczyk, O.; Pineres Rico, L. F.; Popov, A.; Poussot, P.; Pratumwan, W.; Previtali, E.; Qi, F.; Qi, M.; Qian, S.; Qian, X.; Qian, Z.; Qiao, H.; Qin, Z.; Qiu, S.; Rajput, M. U.; Ranucci, G.; Raper, N.; Re, A.; Rebber, H.; Rebii, A.; Ren, B.; Ren, J.; Ricci, B.; Robens, M.; Roche, M.; Rodphai, N.; Romani, A.; Roskovec, B.; Roth, C.; Ruan, X.; Ruan, X.; Rujirawat, S.; Rybnikov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Saggese, P.; Sanfilippo, S.; Sangka, A.; Sanguansak, N.; Sawangwit, U.; Sawatzki, J.; Sawy, F.; Schever, M.; Schwab, C.; Schweizer, K.; Selyunin, A.; Serafini, A.; Settanta, G.; Settimo, M.; Shao, Z.; Sharov, V.; Shaydurova, A.; Shi, J.; Shi, Y.; Shutov, V.; Sidorenkov, A.; Simkovic, F.; Sirignano, C.; Siripak, J.; Sisti, M.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, M.; Smirnov, O.; Sogo-Bezerra, T.; Sokolov, S.; Songwadhana, J.; Soonthornthum, B.; Sotnikov, A.; Sramek, O.; Sreethawong, W.; Stahl, A.; Stanco, L.; Stankevich, K.; Stefanik, D.; Steiger, H.; Steinmann, J.; Sterr, T.; Stock, M. R.; Strati, V.; Studenikin, A.; Sun, S.; Sun, X.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Y.; Suwonjandee, N.; Szelezniak, M.; Tang, J.; Tang, Q.; Tang, Q.; Tang, X.; Tietzsch, A.; Tkachev, I.; Tmej, T.; Treskov, K.; Triossi, A.; Troni, G.; Trzaska, W.; Tuve, C.; Ushakov, N.; van den Boom, J.; van Waasen, S.; Vanroyen, G.; Vassilopoulos, N.; Vedin, V.; Verde, G.; Vialkov, M.; Viaud, B.; Vollbrecht, M. C.; Volpe, C.; Vorobel, V.; Voronin, D.; Votano, L.; Walker, P.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. -H.; Wang, E.; Wang, G.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, K.; Wang, L.; Wang, M.; Wang, M.; Wang, M.; Wang, R.; Wang, S.; Wang, W.; Wang, W.; Wang, W.; Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Waqas, M.; Watcharangkool, A.; Wei, L.; Wei, W.; Wei, W.; Wei, Y.; Wen, L.; Wiebusch, C.; Wong, S. C. -F.; Wonsak, B.; Wu, D.; Wu, F.; Wu, Q.; Wu, Z.; Wurm, M.; Wurtz, J.; Wysotzki, C.; Xi, Y.; Xia, D.; Xie, X.; Xie, Y.; Xie, Z.; Xing, Z.; Xu, B.; Xu, C.; Xu, D.; Xu, F.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, J.; Xu, M.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Yan, B.; Yan, T.; Yan, W.; Yan, X.; Yan, Y.; Yang, A.; Yang, C.; Yang, C.; Yang, H.; Yang, J.; Yang, L.; Yang, X.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Yao, H.; Yasin, Z.; Ye, J.; Ye, M.; Ye, Z.; Yegin, U.; Yermia, F.; Yi, P.; Yin, N.; Yin, X.; You, Z.; Yu, B.; Yu, C.; Yu, C.; Yu, H.; Yu, M.; Yu, X.; Yu, Z.; Yu, Z.; Yuan, C.; Yuan, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Yuan, Z.; Yue, B.; Zafar, N.; Zambanini, A.; Zavadskyi, V.; Zeng, S.; Zeng, T.; Zeng, Y.; Zhan, L.; Zhang, A.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, T.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, R.; Zhao, S.; Zhao, T.; Zheng, D.; Zheng, H.; Zheng, M.; Zheng, Y.; Zhong, W.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, N.; Zhou, S.; Zhou, T.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, Z.; Zhuang, B.; Zhuang, H.; Zong, L.; Zou, J

    Clothes of power- Comparing textiles and rock art of Northwestern Argentina (13<SUP>th>/SUP> to 15<SUP>th>/SUP> centuries)

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    Proponemos que la suma de atributos visuales presentes en un conjunto de representaciones rupestres antropomorfas del Período de Desarrollos Regionales (PDR) e Inca del NO de Argentina estaría relacionada con la conformación de un lenguaje visual de poder que se vincularía: a) en el PDR, con el surgimiento y/o consolidación de grupos y/o comunidades con pretensiones territoriales e identitarias específicas y, b) durante el Período Inca, con una estrategia de intervención estatal que apeló a la apropiación de íconos vigentes, resignificándolos para la instauración de un nuevo poder y/o para la explicitación de las alianzas entabladas. Para ello, partimos de un estudio comparativo sistemático que tomó en cuenta dicho registro rupestre y la muestra de piezas textiles sincrónicas, recuperadas en la región del NO y centro de Argentina y que integró, en ambos soportes, un examen de los aspectos representativos y estructurales, entendidos como partes indivisibles de una totalidad.In this paper we suggest that a particular assemblage of visual attributes observed in a number of specific types of anthropomorphic rock-art depictions of the last moments of Regional Developments Period (RDP) in NW Argentina, could be related to the conformation of a visual language of power. This could be associated to: a) the emergence and consolidation of different groups and/or communities with specific territorial and identity claims during RDP, and b) during the Inca Period, with a state intervention strategy to appropriate and resignify existing local icons in order to establish a new power and/or explicitness of new alliances. To this end we carried out a comparative and systematic study that included the analysis of RDP rock art record and textiles recovered in NW and Central Argentina. In addition we examined representative and synchronous technical aspects, both understood as indivisible parts of the whole.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí


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    A partir del análisis de las contribuciones que abordaron el sitio Nevados del Aconquija (Parque Nacional Campo de Los Alisos, Tucumán, Argentina) y de un relevamiento que tuvo como fin evaluar el estado de los recursos culturales, exponemos algunas consideraciones en relación a distintos aspectos vinculados con la apropiación material y simbólica de este sector de la Sierra del Aconquija por parte del Estado incaico