30 research outputs found

    Desdoblamiento y transformación de la identidad del personaje en / Mygale / de Thierry Jonquet

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    From the studies of mythocritique and mythanalyse, this article proposes a study of Mygale, Thierry Jonquet’s story, where the stereotypes of the crime novel pass in the background for the benefit of the treatment of the problem of the metamorphosis, the transsexuality and the processing of the identity. The analysis of the structural constituents of the novel: characters, narrative authorities, speech, writing and mythical transposition (Pygmalion), reveal the interest of a novel strongly anchored in the contemporary reality which does not give up for all that the ancient imagination

    Duración y ritmo en la "nouvelle" de entreguerras

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    L’enseveli de Jean Schlumberger ou l’écriture d’une voix agonisante

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    Pour plusieurs générations de lecteurs, Jean Schlumberger demeure l'ami d'André Gide, l'un des fondateurs de la N.R.F. et du Vieux Colombier, le journaliste du Vendredi et du Figaro et l'anthologiste d'un Plaisir à Corneille. Cantonné à cette action de témoin d'un début de siècle, auquel il participa de très près, c'est sa contribution proprement littéraire qui s'est vue injustement négligée, à tel point qu'on connaît toujours mal le rôle qu'il joua dans le monde des lettres. S'il est vrai qu..

    Cd38 deficiency ameliorates chronic graft versus Host disease murine lupus via a b-cell dependent mechanism

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    Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso investigación PTS, celebrado en Granada (España) del 09 al 11 de febrero de 2022.Absence of mouse cell surface receptor CD38 in Cd38-/- mice suggests that this receptor acts as positive regulator of inflammatory and autoimmune responses. Here we report that in the setting of a chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) lupus model induced by the transfer of B6.C-H2bm12/KhEg (bm12) spleen cells into co-isogenic Cd38-/- B6 mice causes milder lupus-like autoimmunity with lower levels of anti-ssDNA autoantibodies than the transfer of bm12 spleen cells into WT B6 mice. I In addition, significantly lower percentages of Tfh cells, as well as GC B cells, plasma cells and T-bet+CD11chi B cells are observed in Cd38-/- mice than in WT mice, while the expansion of Treg cells, and Tfr cells is normal, suggesting that the ability of Cd38-/- B cells to respond to allogeneic help from bm12 CD4+ T cells is greatly diminished. The frequencies of T-bet+CD11chi B cells, which are considered the precursors of the autoantibody secreting cells, correlate with anti-ssDNA autoantibody serum levels, with IL-27, and sCD40L. Proteomics profiling of spleens from WT cGVHD mice reflects a STAT1-driven type I IFN-signature, which is absent in Cd38-/- cGVHD mice. Kidney, spleen and liver inflammation was mild and resolved faster in Cd38-/- cGVHD mice than in WT cGVHD mice. We conclude that in B cells CD38 functions as a modulator receptor that controls autoimmune responses

    CD38 Deficiency Ameliorates Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Murine Lupus via a B-Cell-Dependent Mechanism

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    © 2021 Martínez-Blanco, Domínguez-Pantoja, Botía-Sánchez, Pérez-Cabrera, Bello-Iglesias, Carrillo-Rodríguez, Martin-Morales, Lario-Simón, Pérez-Sánchez-Cañete, Montosa-Hidalgo, Guerrero-Fernández, Longobardo-Polanco, Redondo-Sánchez, Cornet-Gomez, Torres-Sáez, Fernández-Ibáñez, Terrón-Camero, Andrés-León, O’Valle, Merino, Zubiaur and Sancho.The absence of the mouse cell surface receptor CD38 in Cd38−/− mice suggests that this receptor acts as a positive regulator of inflammatory and autoimmune responses. Here, we report that, in the context of the chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) lupus inducible model, the transfer of B6.C-H2bm12/KhEg(bm12) spleen cells into co-isogenic Cd38−/− B6 mice causes milder lupus-like autoimmunity with lower levels of anti-ssDNA autoantibodies than the transfer of bm12 spleen cells into WT B6 mice. In addition, significantly lower percentages of Tfh cells, as well as GC B cells, plasma cells, and T-bet+CD11chi B cells, were observed in Cd38−/− mice than in WT mice, while the expansion of Treg cells and Tfr cells was normal, suggesting that the ability of Cd38−/− B cells to respond to allogeneic help from bm12 CD4+ T cells is greatly diminished. The frequencies of T-bet+CD11chi B cells, which are considered the precursors of the autoantibody-secreting cells, correlate with anti-ssDNA autoantibody serum levels, IL-27, and sCD40L. Proteomics profiling of the spleens from WT cGVHD mice reflects a STAT1-driven type I IFN signature, which is absent in Cd38−/− cGVHD mice. Kidney, spleen, and liver inflammation was mild and resolved faster in Cd38−/− cGVHD mice than in WT cGVHD mice. We conclude that CD38 in B cells functions as a modulator receptor that controls autoimmune responses.S and MZ received financial support through “Proyecto del Plan Estatal”: SAF2017–89801-R. The IPBLN-CSIC Proteomics Unit belonged to ProteoRed-ISCIII (PRB2; PRB3) and was supported by grants PT13/0001/0011 (IPBLN-CSIC) and PT17/0019/0010 (CIB-CSIC; IPBLN-CSIC). RM: Project: SAF2017-82905-R. FO'V: Cátedra MIS IMPLANT-UGR. The stay of AC-G in Sancho’s lab was supported by a fellowship-contract JAE-Intro (CSIC). The stay of MD-P in Sancho’s lab was supported by a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship (Reference No. 502492) from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of México. EA-L was recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from the regional Andalusian Government