2,135 research outputs found

    Elastic scattering of Beryllium isotopes near the Coulomb barrier

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    In this contribution, results of experiments performed with the three Beryllium isotopes 9,10,11Be on a medium mass 64Zn target, at a center of mass energy of≈1.4 the Coulomb barrier, will be discussed. Elastic scattering angular distributions have been measured for the 9,10Be reactions. In the 11Be case the quasielastic scattering angular distribution was obtained. In the halo nucleus case, the angular distribution exhibit a non-Fresnel-type pattern with a strong damping of the Coulombnuclear interference peak. Moreover, it is found that the total reaction cross-section for the halo nucleus induced collision is more than double the ones extracted in the collisions induced by the non-halo Beryllium isotopes. A large contribution to the total-reaction cross-section in the 11Be case could be attributed to transfer and/or break-up events

    Reducing Flood Risk in Changing Environments: Optimal Location and Sizing of Stormwater Tanks Considering Climate Change

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been an increase in the frequency of urban floods as a result of three determinant factors: the reduction in systems' capacity due to aging, a changing environment that has resulted in alterations in the hydrological cycle, and the reduction of the permeability of watersheds due to urban growth. Due to this, a question that every urban area must answer is: Are we ready to face these new challenges? The renovation of all the pipes that compose the drainage system is not a feasible solution, and, therefore, the use of new solutions is an increasing trend, leading to a new operational paradigm where water is stored in the system and released at a controlled rate. Hence, technologies, such as stormwater tanks, are being implemented in different cities. This research sought to understand how Climate Change would affect future precipitation, and based on the results, applied two different approaches to determine the optimal location and sizing of storage units, through the application of the Simulated Annealing and Pseudo-Genetic Algorithms. In this process, a strong component of computational modeling was applied in order to allow the optimization algorithms to efficiently reach near-optimal solutions. These approaches were tested in two stormwater networks at Bogota, Colombia, considering three different rainfall scenarios.This research was funded by MEXICHEM-PAVCO and COLCIENCIAS, grant number 565263339028Saldarriaga, J.; Salcedo, C.; Solarte, L.; Pulgarín, L.; Rivera, ML.; Camacho, M.; Iglesias Rey, PL.... (2020). Reducing Flood Risk in Changing Environments: Optimal Location and Sizing of Stormwater Tanks Considering Climate Change. Water. 12(9):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092491S124129Willems, P., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Olsson, J., & Nguyen, V. T. V. (2012). Climate change impact assessment on urban rainfall extremes and urban drainage: Methods and shortcomings. Atmospheric Research, 103, 106-118. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.04.003Padulano, R., Reder, A., & Rianna, G. (2019). An ensemble approach for the analysis of extreme rainfall under climate change in Naples (Italy). Hydrological Processes, 33(14), 2020-2036. doi:10.1002/hyp.13449Zeroual, A., Assani, A. A., Meddi, M., & Alkama, R. (2018). Assessment of climate change in Algeria from 1951 to 2098 using the Köppen–Geiger climate classification scheme. Climate Dynamics, 52(1-2), 227-243. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4128-0Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Willems, P., Olsson, J., Beecham, S., Pathirana, A., Bülow Gregersen, I., … Nguyen, V.-T.-V. (2013). Impacts of climate change on rainfall extremes and urban drainage systems: a review. Water Science and Technology, 68(1), 16-28. doi:10.2166/wst.2013.251Ashley, R. M., Balmforth, D. J., Saul, A. J., & Blanskby, J. D. (2005). Flooding in the future – predicting climate change, risks and responses in urban areas. Water Science and Technology, 52(5), 265-273. doi:10.2166/wst.2005.0142Ngamalieu-Nengoue, U. A., Martínez-Solano, F. J., Iglesias-Rey, P. L., & Mora-Meliá, D. (2019). Multi-Objective Optimization for Urban Drainage or Sewer Networks Rehabilitation through Pipes Substitution and Storage Tanks Installation. Water, 11(5), 935. doi:10.3390/w11050935Lee, E. H., & Kim, J. H. (2017). Design and Operation of Decentralized Reservoirs in Urban Drainage Systems. Water, 9(4), 246. doi:10.3390/w9040246Kändler, N., Annus, I., Vassiljev, A., & Puust, R. (2019). Peak flow reduction from small catchments using smart inlets. Urban Water Journal, 17(7), 577-586. doi:10.1080/1573062x.2019.1611888Miao, Z.-T., Han, M., & Hashemi, S. (2019). The effect of successive low-impact development rainwater systems on peak flow reduction in residential areas of Shizhuang, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(2). doi:10.1007/s12665-018-8016-zMartínez, C., Sanchez, A., Galindo, R., Mulugeta, A., Vojinovic, Z., & Galvis, A. (2018). Configuring Green Infrastructure for Urban Runoff and Pollutant Reduction Using an Optimal Number of Units. Water, 10(11), 1528. doi:10.3390/w10111528Cunha, M. C., Zeferino, J. A., Simões, N. E., Santos, G. L., & Saldarriaga, J. G. (2017). A decision support model for the optimal siting and sizing of storage units in stormwater drainage systems. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12(01), 122-132. doi:10.2495/sdp-v12-n1-122-132Ngamalieu-Nengoue, U., Iglesias-Rey, P., Martínez-Solano, F., Mora-Meliá, D., & Saldarriaga Valderrama, J. (2019). Urban Drainage Network Rehabilitation Considering Storm Tank Installation and Pipe Substitution. Water, 11(3), 515. doi:10.3390/w11030515Cimorelli, L., Morlando, F., Cozzolino, L., Covelli, C., Della Morte, R., & Pianese, D. (2016). Optimal Positioning and Sizing of Detention Tanks within Urban Drainage Networks. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 142(1), 04015028. doi:10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0000927Duan, H.-F., Li, F., & Yan, H. (2016). Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Detention Tanks in the Urban Stormwater Drainage System: LID Implementation and Analysis. Water Resources Management, 30(13), 4635-4648. doi:10.1007/s11269-016-1444-1Iglesias-Rey, P. L., Martínez-Solano, F. J., Saldarriaga, J. G., & Navarro-Planas, V. R. (2017). Pseudo-genetic Model Optimization for Rehabilitation of Urban Storm-water Drainage Networks. Procedia Engineering, 186, 617-625. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.278Martínez-Solano, F., Iglesias-Rey, P., Saldarriaga, J., & Vallejo, D. (2016). Creation of an SWMM Toolkit for Its Application in Urban Drainage Networks Optimization. Water, 8(6), 259. doi:10.3390/w8060259García, L., Barreiro-Gomez, J., Escobar, E., Téllez, D., Quijano, N., & Ocampo-Martinez, C. (2015). Modeling and real-time control of urban drainage systems: A review. Advances in Water Resources, 85, 120-132. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.08.007Stevens, B., Giorgetta, M., Esch, M., Mauritsen, T., Crueger, T., Rast, S., … Roeckner, E. (2013). Atmospheric component of the MPI‐M Earth System Model: ECHAM6. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 5(2), 146-172. doi:10.1002/jame.20015Magi, B. I. (2015). Global Lightning Parameterization from CMIP5 Climate Model Output. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32(3), 434-452. doi:10.1175/jtech-d-13-00261.1Dunne, J. P., John, J. G., Adcroft, A. J., Griffies, S. M., Hallberg, R. W., Shevliakova, E., … Zadeh, N. (2012). GFDL’s ESM2 Global Coupled Climate–Carbon Earth System Models. Part I: Physical Formulation and Baseline Simulation Characteristics. Journal of Climate, 25(19), 6646-6665. doi:10.1175/jcli-d-11-00560.1Voldoire, A., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Salas y Mélia, D., Decharme, B., Cassou, C., Sénési, S., … Chauvin, F. (2012). The CNRM-CM5.1 global climate model: description and basic evaluation. Climate Dynamics, 40(9-10), 2091-2121. doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1259-yAckerley, D., & Dommenget, D. (2016). Atmosphere-only GCM (ACCESS1.0) simulations with prescribed land surface temperatures. Geoscientific Model Development, 9(6), 2077-2098. doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2077-2016Yazdi, J., Lee, E. H., & Kim, J. H. (2015). Stochastic Multiobjective Optimization Model for Urban Drainage Network Rehabilitation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(8), 04014091. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000491Javier Martínez-Solano, F., Iglesias-Rey, P. L., Mora Meliá, D., & Ribelles-Aguilar, J. V. (2018). Combining Skeletonization, Setpoint Curves, and Heuristic Algorithms to Define District Metering Areas in the Battle of Water Networks District Metering Areas. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(6), 04018023. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000938Baek, H., Ryu, J., Oh, J., & Kim, T.-H. (2015). Optimal design of multi-storage network for combined sewer overflow management using a diversity-guided, cyclic-networking particle swarm optimizer – A case study in the Gunja subcatchment area, Korea. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(20), 6966-6975. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.04.049McEnery, J. A., & Morris, C. D. (2011). Muskingum optimisation used for evaluation of regionalised stormwater detention. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 5(1), 49-61. doi:10.1111/j.1753-318x.2011.01125.xCunha, M. C., Zeferino, J. A., Simões, N. E., & Saldarriaga, J. G. (2016). Optimal location and sizing of storage units in a drainage system. Environmental Modelling & Software, 83, 155-166. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.05.015Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C. D., & Vecchi, M. P. (1983). Optimization by Simulated Annealing. Science, 220(4598), 671-680. doi:10.1126/science.220.4598.671Del Giudice, G., & Padulano, R. (2016). Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of a Rainfall-Runoff Model with the Combined Use of EPA-SWMM and Genetic Algorithm. Acta Geophysica, 64(5), 1755-1778. doi:10.1515/acgeo-2016-006

    Los estudios de pertinencia y factibilidad: una contribución elemental para el diseño de planes de estudio y educación de calidad. caso: Licenciatura en turismo de la universidad autónoma de Nayarit

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    En busca de dar respuesta a las necesidades de la sociedad y mantener la oferta de programas de educación de calidad, es necesario realizar estudios de pertinencia y factibilidad como elemento indispensable en el diseño y/o actualización del plan de estudios. Por lo que se analiza específicamente el programa de la Licenciatura en Turismo de la U.A.N., tratando de alinear el currículo de la educación turística con las necesidades del campo laboral

    Estudio de las propiedades de adsorción/desorción de gas en el carbón de la Cuenca de Sabinas en México: Study of gas adsorption/desorption properties in coals of Sabinas Basin on Mexico

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    http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2007-9753/El objetivo principal de esta investigación, se enfoca en el estudio de las propiedades de adsorción/desorción de CH4 en los yacimientos de gas asociado al carbón, los cuales se ubican en la porción noreste de México, con el fin de comprender su comportamiento desde el punto de vista de los yacimientos no convencionales. Para continuar con el desarrollo de este proyecto, se llevó a cabo una campaña de muestreo a cargo del Servicio Geológico Mexicano (SGM), el cual nos proporcionó 7 muestras de carbón bituminoso, procedentes de la Cuenca de Sabinas para su caracterización. La caracterización general incluyó: (1) Análisis inmediatos o primarios de humedad y ceniza, (2) Análisis elemental para la determinación de (C, H, O, N, y S), (3) Análisis petrográfico para determinar el tipo de materia orgánica, (4) Pirolisis Rock-Eval®6 para conocer su potencial petrolífero. El conjunto de estos análisis nos permitieron evaluar las muestras para desarrollar mediante “Isotermas de Langmuir” los ensayos de adsorción/desorción de CH4 y la interpretación de los parámetros que influyen en el proceso de adsorción. Para el desarrollo de las pruebas de adsorción/desorción se utilizó la técnica termo-volumétrica, observando capacidades de almacenamiento de gas metano de 202.11 scf/ton (7.07m3/ton) a 364.76 scf/ton (10.47m3/ton). Estos resultados nos permitieron interpretar las características físicas y químicas que influyen en la capacidad de almacenamiento del gas en el carbón. Anticipando como conclusión general que: la adsorción del gas aumenta con el rango/madurez. También se estudió la influencia de la composición maceral en el proceso de sorción y se verificó que la capacidad de almacenamiento de gas está íntimamente relacionada al contenido de vitrinita. Esto nos condujo a retomar las declaraciones de algunos autores (Chalmers y Bustin, 2008; Zhang et al, 2012) quienes verificaron que la capacidad de adsorción en base al COT aumenta en el siguiente orden: tipo I < tipo II < tipo III. Esto se atribuyó a que la vitrinita tiene una mayor capacidad de adsorción, en comparación con otros tipos de macerales.The main objective of this research was to study the gas adsorption/desorption properties in Coal Bed Methane reservoirs located in the North-eastern Mexico, and to understand the behavior of unconventional reservoirs. The Servicio Geológico Mexicano (SGM) performed a sampling campaign. For the characterization, the SGM providing us 7 bituminous coal samples from the Sabinas Basin. The general characterization included: (1) immediate or primary moisture and ash analysis (2) elemental analysis for (C, H, O, N, and S) quantification, (3) petrographic analysis for organic matter type determination, (4) Rock-Eval®6 Pyrolysis, for oil potential generation determination. After results evaluation, 7 samples were selected, in order to develop adsorption/desorption CH4 tests by “Langmuir Isotherms” and to understand of parameters affecting the adsorption process. Using thermo-volumetric technique could be observed storage capacities of methane gas between 202.11 scf/ton (7.07m3/ton) and 364.76 scf/ton (10.47 m3/ton). The adsorption/desorption tests results, let us to identify the physical and chemical characteristics of the samples influencing the gas storage capacity in the coal. A general conclusion is given; the gas adsorption increases with the rank/maturity. Also, the influence of the maceral composition in the process of sorption is recognized, and the capacity of gas storage is closely related to the vitrinite content. According to Chalmers y Bustin (2008), and Zhang et al. (2012), the capacity of adsorption as TOC, increases in the next order: type I < type II < type III. This is attributed to high adsorption capacity of vitrinite, compared with other macerals types.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardiometabolic risk estimation using exposome data and machine learning

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    Background: The human exposome encompasses all exposures that individuals encounter throughout their lifetime. It is now widely acknowledged that health outcomes are influenced not only by genetic factors but also by the interactions between these factors and various exposures. Consequently, the exposome has emerged as a significant contributor to the overall risk of developing major diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. Therefore, personalized early risk assessment based on exposome attributes might be a promising tool for identifying high-risk individuals and improving disease prevention. Objective: Develop and evaluate a novel and fair machine learning (ML) model for CVD and type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk prediction based on a set of readily available exposome factors. We evaluated our model using internal and external validation groups from a multi-center cohort. To be considered fair, the model was required to demonstrate consistent performance across different sub-groups of the cohort. Methods: From the UK Biobank, we identified 5,348 and 1,534 participants who within 13 years from the baseline visit were diagnosed with CVD and T2D, respectively. An equal number of participants who did not develop these pathologies were randomly selected as the control group. 109 readily available exposure variables from six different categories (physical measures, environmental, lifestyle, mental health events, sociodemographics, and early-life factors) from the participant's baseline visit were considered. We adopted the XGBoost ensemble model to predict individuals at risk of developing the diseases. The model's performance was compared to that of an integrative ML model which is based on a set of biological, clinical, physical, and sociodemographic variables, and, additionally for CVD, to the Framingham risk score. Moreover, we assessed the proposed model for potential bias related to sex, ethnicity, and age. Lastly, we interpreted the model's results using SHAP, a state-of-the-art explainability method. Results: The proposed ML model presents a comparable performance to the integrative ML model despite using solely exposome information, achieving a ROC-AUC of 0.78±0.01 and 0.77±0.01 for CVD and T2D, respectively. Additionally, for CVD risk prediction, the exposome-based model presents an improved performance over the traditional Framingham risk score. No bias in terms of key sensitive variables was identified. Conclusions: We identified exposome factors that play an important role in identifying patients at risk of CVD and T2D, such as naps during the day, age completed full-time education, past tobacco smoking, frequency of tiredness/unenthusiasm, and current work status. Overall, this work demonstrates the potential of exposome-based machine learning as a fair CVD and T2D risk assessment tool.</p

    An application of the Shapley value to perform system partitioning

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    We introduce a new method to perform the partitioning of non-centralized dynamical linear systems based on the relevance of the possible interconnections among the smallest components of the system. In particular, we analyze the importance of the interconnections using game theoretical tools, so that they can be arranged as a function of their expected contribution to the overall system performance. In addition, this method allows to identify unnecessary interconnections and highlights the most appropriate communication links facing the application of distributed control schemes. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown at the end of this work by means of a numerical example.Financial support by the COOPERA Project (DPI2013-46912-C2-1-R) and the FP7-ICT DYMASOS Proyect (under grant agreement No 611281) is gratefully acknowledgedPeer Reviewe

    Observation of second sound in a rapidly varying temperature field in Ge

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    Second sound is known as the thermal transport regime where heat is carried by temperature waves. Its experimental observation was previously restricted to a small number of materials, usually in rather narrow temperature windows. We show that it is possible to overcome these limitations by driving the system with a rapidly varying temperature field. This effect is demonstrated in bulk Ge between 7 kelvin and room temperature, studying the phase lag of the thermal response under a harmonic high frequency external thermal excitation, addressing the relaxation time and the propagation velocity of the heat waves. These results provide a new route to investigate the potential of wave-like heat transport in almost any material, opening opportunities to control heat through its oscillatory nature.Comment: After careful revision we have ruled out the presence of coherent noise and from any other noise source within the reported data. We have updated the manuscript providing a detailed analysis of the photoreflectance signal, demonstrating with experiments its thermal origi

    Diversity and Genetic Relationship of Free-Range Chickens from the Northeast Region of Brazil

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    In this study, we aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity within and among chicken breeds from the northeast region of Brazil (states of Bahia and Piauí) using microsatellite markers. In addition, we assessed the identity and genetic relationships of chickens from Europe, Africa, and South America, as well as their influence on the formation of the Brazilian breeds. A total of 25 microsatellite markers and a panel containing 886 samples from 20 breeds (including the Brazilian chickens) were used in this study. Different statistical parameters were used to estimate the genetic diversity and relationship among the genetic groups studied. Our study indicates that the Brazilian Creole chickens have high genetic variability. The results show that chickens reared in the states of Bahia and Piauí could have originated from different ancestors. The Brazilian breeds studied have an evolutionary relationship with chickens from Portugal, Nigeria, Chile, and Spain. Our results will contribute directly to the conservation and recognition of Brazilian Creole chicken breeds and provide a solid basis for the demonstration of their genetic identity and genetic conservation of American Creole chicken populations

    Diagnóstico precoce de neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2B: um desafio para os médicos

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    BACKGROUND: The hereditary form of medullary thyroid carcinoma may occur isolated as a familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) or as part of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) and 2B (MEN2B). MEN2B is a rare syndrome, its phenotype may usually, but not always, be noted by the physician. In the infant none of the MEN2B characteristics are present, except by early gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by intestinal neuromas. When available, genetic analysis confirms the diagnosis and guides pre-operative evaluation and extent of surgery. Here we report four cases of MEN2B in which the late diagnosis had a significant impact in clinical evolution and, potentially, in overall survival. CASE REPORT: We report four cases, 2 men and 2 women, with differences in their phenotypes and with a late diagnosis. The first case has a history of severe gastrointestinal obstruction requiring a surgery intervention two days after his birth. The second told had nodules in the oral mucosa and constipation since childhood. The third case referred a history of constipation from birth until 5 months of life. The fourth has had a history of chronic constipation since childhood. DISCUSSION: New concepts have emerged since the RET oncogene was identified in 1993 as the responsible gene for hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma. The majority of MEN2B individuals have M918T mutation in the exon 16 of RET, with a few cases having a mutation A883F or the association of V804M with E805K, Y806C or S904C mutations. The consensus classifies the RET mutation in codon 918 as of highest risk and recommends total thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection until 6 months after birth. A fast and precise diagnosis is essential to reach these goals. The identification of early manifestations such as intestinal ganglioneuromatosis and oral mucosal neuromas should prompt the physician to initiate an investigation for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of MEN2B is very important to allow appropriate investigation of associated diseases and to allow counseling and appropriate screening of relatives for a RET mutation. Even patients with MEN2B, which often have typical physical features, may not be properly recognized and be followed as a sporadic case. Based on this, all suspicious cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia should undergo a molecular genetic test.A forma hereditária do carcinoma medular da tiróide pode ocorrer de modo isolado, o carcinoma medular da tiróide familiar (FMTC), ou como parte das neoplasias endócrinas múltiplas tipo 2A (MEN2A) e 2B (MEN2B). MEN2B é uma síndrome rara e seu fenótipo é usualmente, mas nem sempre, notado pelo médico. Na infância, nenhuma das características de MEN2B estão presentes, exceto pela disfunção gastrintestinal precoce, causada pelos neuromas intestinais. Quando disponível, a análise genética confirma o diagnóstico e orienta a avaliação pré-operatória e extensão da cirurgia. Neste artigo, apresentamos quatro casos de MEN2B, nos quais o diagnóstico tardio teve impacto significativo na evolução clínica e, potencialmente, na mortalidade em geral. APRESENTAÇÃO DOS CASOS: Apresentamos quatro casos, dois homens e duas mulheres, com diferenças em seus fenotipos e com diagnóstico tardio. O primeiro caso tem história de obstrução gastrintestinal importante em que foi necessária cirurgia dois dias após o nascimento. O segundo paciente apresentava nódulos na mucosa oral e constipação desde a infância. O terceiro referia história de constipação desde o nascimento até 5 meses de idade. O quarto tinha história de constipação intestinal desde a infância. DISCUSSÃO: Novos conceitos emergiram desde que o oncogene RET foi identificado, em 1993, como o gene responsável pelo carcinoma medular da tiróide hereditário. A maioria dos indivíduos apresenta a mutação M918T no éxon 16 do RET, enquanto poucos casos apresentam a mutação A883F ou a associação de V804M com E805K, Y806C ou S904C. O consenso recomenda a tiroidectomia total com dissecção dos linfonodos no compartimento central até os 6 meses após o nascimento. O diagnóstico rápido e preciso é essencial para o atingir os objetivos. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce de MEN2B é muito importante para propiciar a investigação apropriada de doenças associadas e para permitir aconselhamento e rastreamento dos parentes para uma mutação do RET. Pacientes com MEN2B, que apresentam frequentemente achados típicos ao exame físico, podem não ser reconhecidos e seguidos como casos esporádicos. Por causa disso, todos os casos de neoplasia endócrina múltipla devem ser avaliados pelo teste genético para mutações do RET.Federal University of São Paulo Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologyFleury-Medicina e SaúdeUNIFESP, Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologySciEL