861 research outputs found

    Trash Talk Unpicking the deadlock around urban waste and regeneration

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    'Situating Mary Douglas’ famous formulation that “dirt is matter out of place” relative to time may lead us to think that litter is matter out of time, and that the responses and interventions this evokes are similarly timed, as well as spatialised.' Nolan, R., Jones, P. & Sharma, P. (2022, March 8). Introduction to March’s Theme: Time [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine. https://doi.org/10.51428/tsr.irfx897

    Sexo & Género

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    A melhor forma de transmitir conhecimentos e de estimular o raciocínio nas pessoas é abordar uma questão genérica, mostrando-lhes porque é importante e continuará a sê-lo ao longo das suas vidas. Tomemos, por exemplo, o sexo nos seres humanos: por que não se limitam as pessoas a praticar a partenogénese, desenvolvendo embriões a partir de óvulos não fertilizados? Como evoluiu a sexualidade humana? Porque é que os seres humanos têm dois sexos? Porque é que as pessoas não são hermafroditas? Infelizmente, a compreensão da sexualidade tem sido perturbada pelo excesso de politização que atualmente a envolve. Se, por um lado, uma teoria do género que ignore a biologia é inaceitável, por outro lado, é impossível concordar com um determinismo biológico que tudo justifique

    La fine dell’eccezione atlantica e la decolonizzazione dell’Europa

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    Fin dalla sua fondazione, il Portogallo venne visto, e si vide, come ciò che Eduardo Lourenço, nella sua opera, ha chiamato “insolita eccezione portoghese” (Lourenço, 1999a: 11). Un’eccezione divenuta storicamente norma, costruita prima di tutto in rapporto allo stesso corpo fisico e politico dell’Iberia, e che ha poi portato all’indipendenza del Regno del Portogallo, nell’eccezionale e narrativamente miracolosa, battaglia di Ourique, poi riaffermata nella non meno miracolosa battaglia di Aljubarrota; questa specie di vocazione all’eccezionalità era inscritta nella stessa geografia del paese, sottolineata già in tempi antichi da Zurara nella prima cronaca dell’espansione, la Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta.Since its foundation Portugal has been seen by others and by itself as, in the words of Eduardo Lourenço, an “uncommon Portuguese exception”. An exception that has historically become a norm firstly built upon the relationship with both the physical and political body of Iberia, leading afterwards to the independence of the Reign of Portugal. This independence was perceived as an achievement gained through the exceptional and narratively miraculous Battle of Ourique and reaffirmed then thanks to the equally miraculous Battle of Aljubarrota. This sort of vocation for 'exceptionality' was inherent in the geography of the country itself, as Zurara emphasized in ancient times in the first chronicle of its expansion: the Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta

    De kommunala valen åren 1918–1922.

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    A partir da poesia de Ana Paula Tavares, procurarei mostrar neste artigo como a dupla premissa do poder e do conhecimento, sobre a qual se ergueu o colonialismo dos séculos XIX e XX, foi femininamente reapropriada, subvertida, desmultiplicada e antropofagizada, revelando outras identidades. Este processo inaugura assim um tempo pós-colonial de possibilidade de acesso e valorização de outros conhecimentos, de outros poderes, expressos noutras línguas, noutros sons, noutras escritas, e hoje transmitidos em língua portuguesa.Through a reading of the poetry of Ana Paula Tavares, I will argue that the power/knowledge binary, based on 19th and 20th century colonialism, has been reappropriated, subverted, multiplied and cannibalized, revealing other identities. This process thus initiates a postcolonial time of possible access and appreciation of other knowledges, other powers, expressed originally in other languages, sounds and writings, and nowadays transmitted through the Portuguese language

    A heritage of one's own: a conversation with Ana Paula Tavares

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    Luta anticolonial

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    MEMOIRS - Children of Empires and European Postmemories (648624


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    MEMOIRS - Children of Empires and European Postmemories (648624

    Performance tuning of a smartphone-based overtaking assistant

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    ITS solutions suffer from the slow pace of adoption by manufacturers despite the interest shown by both consumers and industry. Our goal is to develop ITS applications using already available technologies to make them affordable, quick to deploy, and easy to adopt. In this paper we introduce EYES, an overtaking assistance solution that provides drivers with a real-time video feed from the vehicle located just in front. Our application thus provides a better view of the road ahead, and of any vehicles travelling in the opposite direction, being especially useful when the front view of the driver is blocked by large vehicles. We evaluated our application using the MJPEG video encoding format, and have determined the most effective resolution and JPEG quality choice for our case. Experimental results from the tests performed with the application in both indoor and outdoor scenarios, allow us to be optimistic about the effectiveness and applicability of smartphones in providing overtaking assistance based on video streaming in vehicular networks


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