195 research outputs found

    Entropic uncertainty relations and locking: tight bounds for mutually unbiased bases

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    We prove tight entropic uncertainty relations for a large number of mutually unbiased measurements. In particular, we show that a bound derived from the result by Maassen and Uffink for 2 such measurements can in fact be tight for up to sqrt{d} measurements in mutually unbiased bases. We then show that using more mutually unbiased bases does not always lead to a better locking effect. We prove that the optimal bound for the accessible information using up to sqrt{d} specific mutually unbiased bases is log d/2, which is the same as can be achieved by using only two bases. Our result indicates that merely using mutually unbiased bases is not sufficient to achieve a strong locking effect, and we need to look for additional properties.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, v3: complete rewrite, new title, many new results, v4: minor changes, published versio

    Efficient noninteractive certification of RSA moduli and beyond

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key (N; e) speci es a permutation over the entire space ZN, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and e cient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modi cations to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one-time veri cation of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N. For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations. We extend our results beyond RSA keys and also provide e cient noninteractive zero- knowledge proofs for other properties of N, which can be used to certify that N is suitable for the Paillier cryptosystem, is a product of two primes, or is a Blum integer. As compared to the recent work of Auerbach and Poettering (PKC 2018), who provide two-message protocols for similar languages, our protocols are more e cient and do not require interaction, which enables a broader class of applications.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057First author draf

    On Secure Workflow Decentralisation on the Internet

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    Decentralised workflow management systems are a new research area, where most work to-date has focused on the system's overall architecture. As little attention has been given to the security aspects in such systems, we follow a security driven approach, and consider, from the perspective of available security building blocks, how security can be implemented and what new opportunities are presented when empowering the decentralised environment with modern distributed security protocols. Our research is motivated by a more general question of how to combine the positive enablers that email exchange enjoys, with the general benefits of workflow systems, and more specifically with the benefits that can be introduced in a decentralised environment. This aims to equip email users with a set of tools to manage the semantics of a message exchange, contents, participants and their roles in the exchange in an environment that provides inherent assurances of security and privacy. This work is based on a survey of contemporary distributed security protocols, and considers how these protocols could be used in implementing a distributed workflow management system with decentralised control . We review a set of these protocols, focusing on the required message sequences in reviewing the protocols, and discuss how these security protocols provide the foundations for implementing core control-flow, data, and resource patterns in a distributed workflow environment

    Estimates for practical quantum cryptography

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    In this article I present a protocol for quantum cryptography which is secure against attacks on individual signals. It is based on the Bennett-Brassard protocol of 1984 (BB84). The security proof is complete as far as the use of single photons as signal states is concerned. Emphasis is given to the practicability of the resulting protocol. For each run of the quantum key distribution the security statement gives the probability of a successful key generation and the probability for an eavesdropper's knowledge, measured as change in Shannon entropy, to be below a specified maximal value.Comment: Authentication scheme corrected. Other improvements of presentatio

    Possibility, Impossibility and Cheat-Sensitivity of Quantum Bit String Commitment

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    Unconditionally secure non-relativistic bit commitment is known to be impossible in both the classical and the quantum worlds. But when committing to a string of n bits at once, how far can we stretch the quantum limits? In this paper, we introduce a framework for quantum schemes where Alice commits a string of n bits to Bob in such a way that she can only cheat on a bits and Bob can learn at most b bits of information before the reveal phase. Our results are two-fold: we show by an explicit construction that in the traditional approach, where the reveal and guess probabilities form the security criteria, no good schemes can exist: a+b is at least n. If, however, we use a more liberal criterion of security, the accessible information, we construct schemes where a=4log n+O(1) and b=4, which is impossible classically. We furthermore present a cheat-sensitive quantum bit string commitment protocol for which we give an explicit tradeoff between Bob's ability to gain information about the committed string, and the probability of him being detected cheating.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, 2 figure. v2: title change, cheat-sensitivity adde

    The Sleepy Model of Consensus

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    The distributed systems literature adopts two primary network models, the synchronous model where honest messages are delivered in the next round, and the partially synchronous (or asynchronous) model where honest messages are subject to unpredictable adversarial delays. In this paper, we show that more nuanced formal models exist beyond the traditional synchrony and asynchrony stratification -- and interestingly, such new models allow us to articulate new robustness properties that traditional models would have failed to capture. More specifically, we articulate a new formal model called “the sleepy model of consensus”, where we classify honest nodes as being either alert or sleepy. Alertness implies that the node is online and has good network connections; whereas sleepiness captures any type of failure or network jitter. We then describe the Sleepy consensus protocol that achieves security as long as at any time, the number of alert nodes outnumber corrupt ones. No classical synchronous or asynchronous protocols attain such robustness guarantees, and yet we show how to leverage Nakamoto’s blockchain protocol, but without proofs-of-work, to achieve these properties, assuming collision resistant hash functions, the existence of a public-key infrastructure and a common reference string

    A fast single server private information retrieval protocol with low communication cost

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    Existing single server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols are far from practical. To be practical, a single server PIR protocol has to be both communicationally and computationally efficient. In this paper, we present a single server PIR protocol that has low communication cost and is much faster than existing protocols. A major building block of the PIR protocol in this paper is a tree-based compression scheme, which we call folding/unfolding. This compression scheme enables us to lower the communication complexity to O(loglogn). The other major building block is the BGV fully homomorphic encryption scheme. We show how we design the protocol to exploit the internal parallelism of the BGV scheme. This significantly reduces the server side computational overhead and makes our protocol much faster than the existing protocols. Our protocol can be further accelerated by utilising hardware parallelism. We have built a prototype of the protocol. We report on the performance of our protocol based on the prototype and compare it with the current most efficient protocols

    Factor Varieties and Symbolic Computation

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    We propose an algebraization of classical and non-classical logics, based on factor varieties and decomposition operators. In particular, we provide a new method for determining whether a propositional formula is a tautology or a contradiction. This method can be autom-atized by defining a term rewriting system that enjoys confluence and strong normalization. This also suggests an original notion of logical gate and circuit, where propositional variables becomes logical gates and logical operations are implemented by substitution. Concerning formulas with quantifiers, we present a simple algorithm based on factor varieties for reducing first-order classical logic to equational logic. We achieve a completeness result for first-order classical logic without requiring any additional structure

    Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Low Degree Polynomials

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    Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) allows nn clients to secret-share data to mm servers, who can then homomorphically evaluate public functions over the shares. A natural application is outsourced computation over private data. In this work, we present the first plain-model homomorphic secret sharing scheme that supports the evaluation of polynomials with degree higher than 2. Our construction relies on any degree-kk (multi-key) homomorphic encryption scheme and can evaluate degree-((k+1)m1)\left( (k+1)m -1 \right) polynomials, for any polynomial number of inputs nn and any sub-logarithmic (in the security parameter) number of servers mm. At the heart of our work is a series of combinatorial arguments on how a polynomial can be split into several low-degree polynomials over the shares of the inputs, which we believe is of independent interest

    Conceptual Model and Architecture of MAFTIA

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    This deliverable builds on the work reported in [MAFTIA 2000] and [Powell and Stroud 2001]. It contains a further refinement of the MAFTIA conceptual model and a revised discussion of the MAFTIA architecture. It also introduces the work done in MAFTIA on verification and assessment of security properties, which is reported on in more detail in [Adelsbach and Creese 2003