35 research outputs found

    Exportación del oro de Perú a Estados Unidos 2004- 2013

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la evolución de las exportaciones del oro producidas en el Perú y su exportación al mercado EE.UU. en el periodo 2004-2013. El tipo y diseño de investigación fue descriptivo correlacional, el objeto de estudio de esta investigación estuvo constituida por las principales empresas mineras exportadoras en el rubro del oro, no requerimos de una técnica o instrumento especial de recolección datos, porque nuestros datos fueron ex post facto. Se concluyó según los resultados obtenidos que existe una relación entre los indicadores que son el valor, volumen y precio producida en el Perú y su exportación al mercado EE.UU. 2004-2013

    Risk factors and outcomes of lower respiratory tract infections after traumatic brain injury: a retrospective observational study

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    BackgroundTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health problem with a high burden in terms of disability and death. Infections are a common complication, with respiratory infections being the most frequent. Most available studies have addressed the impact of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) after TBI; therefore, we aim to characterize the hospital impact of a broader entity, lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs).MethodsThis observational, retrospective, single-center cohort study describes the clinical features and risk factors associated with LRTIs in patients with TBI admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). We used bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions to identify the risk factors associated with developing LRTI and determine its impact on hospital mortality.ResultsWe included 291 patients, of whom 77% (225/291) were men. The median (IQR) age was 38 years (28–52 years). The most common cause of injury was road traffic accidents 72% (210/291), followed by falls 18% (52/291) and assault at 3% (9/291). The median (IQR) Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score on admission was 9 (6–14), and 47% (136/291) were classified as severe TBI, 13% (37/291) as moderate TBI, and 40% (114/291) as mild TBI. The median (IQR) injury severity score (ISS) was 24 (16–30). Nearly 48% (141/291) of patients presented at least one infection during hospitalization, and from those, 77% (109/141) were classified as LRTIs, which included tracheitis 55% (61/109), ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) 34% (37/109), and hospital-acquired pneumoniae (HAP) 19% (21/109). After multivariable analysis, the following variables were significantly associated with LRTIs: age (OR 1.1, 95% CI 1.01–1.2), severe TBI (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.1–6.9), AIS thorax (OR 1.4, 95 CI 1.1–1.8), and mechanical ventilation on admission (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.1–13.5). At the same time, hospital mortality did not differ between groups (LRTI 18.6% vs. No LRTI 20.1%, p = 0.7), and ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS) were longer in the LRTI group (median [IQR] 12 [9–17] vs. 5 [3–9], p < 0.01) and (median [IQR] 21 [13–33] vs. 10 [5–18], p = 0.01), respectively. Time on the ventilator was longer for those with LRTIs.ConclusionThe most common site/location of infection in patients with TBI admitted to ICU is respiratory. Age, severe TBI, thoracic trauma, and mechanical ventilation were identified as potential risk factors. LRTI was associated with prolonged ICU, hospital stay, and more days on a ventilator, but not with mortality

    Postre saludables “DIAFIT”

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    Hoy en día la alimentación saludable es una tendencia en crecimiento a nivel mundial y las personas tratan de seguir ese ritmo de vida por razones de cuidar su imagen, trabajo o salud. Asimismo, esto abre un nuevo mercado para cubrir esa necesidad de las personas Es así que nace DiaFit una idea de negocio que elabora postres saludables con altos estándares de calidad el cual permita a nuestros clientes que practican algún deporte, llevan una alimentación saludable u tiene algún familiar o sufren de diabetes pueda consumir sin miedo un sabroso postre. Iniciaremos con 5 productos torta de chocolate, pie de manzana, galleta de almendras Muffins de Plátano y tarta de queso y freso preparado con ingrediente bajo en azúcar, calorías y grasas saturadas. En nuestra investigación validamos que aproximadamente 134225 personas estarían interesadas en adquirir nuestros productos estos no ayudaran segmentar nuestro mercado, crear una estrategia de marketing, planificar nuestras operaciones y elaborar un plan económico sobre nuestro proyecto con el fin de saber la viabilidad de la misma Finalmente, con las propuestas planteadas y los resultados de nuestro proyecto podemos decir que la empresa DiaFit es viable con un modelo de negocio fácil de perseverar, genera solvencia financiera y resultados positivos en utilidad en un horizonte de 5 año con una perspectiva de crecimiento y oportunidades de expansión en el mercado peruano.Today, healthy eating is a growing trend worldwide and people try to follow this rhythm of life for reasons of taking care of their image, work or health. Also, this opens a new market to meet that need of people. This is how DiaFit was born, a business idea that prepares healthy desserts with high quality standards which allows our customers who practice sports, have a healthy diet or have a family member or suffer from diabetes to consume a tasty dessert without fear. We will start with 5 products chocolate cake, apple pie, almond cookie Banana Muffins and strawberry cheesecake prepared with an ingredient low in sugar, calories and saturated fat. In our research we validate that approximately 134,225 people would be interested in acquiring our products, these will not help segment our market, create a marketing strategy, plan our operations and develop an economic plan on our project in order to know its viability. Finally, with the proposed proposals and the results of our project, we can say that the DiaFit company is viable with a business model that is easy to persevere, generates financial solvency and positive profit results over a 5-year horizon with a perspective of growth and opportunities. expansion in the Peruvian marketTrabajo de investigació

    COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

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    Background: The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms. Methods: International, prospective observational study of 60 109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms. Results: ‘Typical’ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (≤ 18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (≥ 70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each P < 0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country. Interpretation: This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men

    Exportación del oro de Perú a Estados Unidos 2004- 2013

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    TesisLima NorteEscuela Académico Profesional de Negocios InternacionalesComercio internacionalEl objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la evolución de las exportaciones del oro producidas en el Perú y su exportación al mercado EE.UU. en el periodo 2004-2013. El tipo y diseño de investigación fue descriptivo correlacional, el objeto de estudio de esta investigación estuvo constituida por las principales empresas mineras exportadoras en el rubro del oro, no requerimos de una técnica o instrumento especial de recolección datos, porque nuestros datos fueron ex post facto. Se concluyó según los resultados obtenidos que existe una relación entre los indicadores que son el valor, volumen y precio producida en el Perú y su exportación al mercado EE.UU. 2004-2013

    Short range dispersal by a rare, obligate freshwater crustacean Triops cancriformis (Bosc)

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    Ephemeral freshwater ponds are highly discrete, limiting dispersal for obligate freshwater species and creating disjunct distributions.The rare, freshwater, ephemeral pond dwelling, brachiopod crustacean, Triops cancriformis (Bosc) exhibits a highly disjunct spatial distribution across the UK.This study examined 86 potentially suitable habitats for the resting cysts of this species on the north coast of the Solway estuary, south?west Scotland, to address two hypotheses:a) that there are populations of this species that, because of their unusual life history, remain undetected.b) that this species is able to disperse over distances of several kilometres.Incubation of sediment samples demonstrated the presence of T. cancriformis at two previously unknown sites. One further serendipitous discovery of adults at another site is also reported, bringing to eight the number of discrete ponds where this species has been recorded on the north Solway coast since 1907.Only five natural populations are probably extant in the UK (with a sixth introduced population still extant). Four of these are on the Solway coast suggesting that this area is a conservation hotspot.The inference from the spatial and temporal pattern of records of T. cancriformis from the Solway coast is that this species is able to disperse between discrete habitat patches over distances of at least several kilometres and successfully colonize new sites.The mechanisms of this dispersal are unknown but transfer of material during floods or on the feet of deer, livestock, humans, waterfowl, or on farm machinery are all highly possible

    Crucial role of the residue at the F'-G' loop of the human GM-CSF receptor a chain for ligand recognition.

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    The receptor for granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is composed of two chains, α and βc. Both chains belong to the superfamily of cytokine receptors characterized by a common structural feature, i.e., the presence of at least two fibronectin-like folds in the extracellular domain, which was first identified in the growth hormone receptor. The GM-CSF receptor (GMR)-α chain confers low affinity binding only (5–10 nM), whereas the other chain, βc, does not bind GM-CSF by itself but confers high affinity binding when associated with GMR-α (25–100 pM). The present study was designed to define the assembly of the GMR complex at the molecular level through site-directed mutagenesis guided by homology modeling with the growth hormone receptor complex. In our three-dimensional model, R280 of GMR-α, located in the F′–G′ loop and close to the WSSWS motif, is in the vicinity of the ligand Asp112, suggesting the possibility of electrostatic interaction between these two residues. Through site directed mutagenesis, we provide several lines of evidence indicating the importance of electrostatic interaction in ligand–receptor recognition. First, mutagenesis of GMR-αR280 strikingly ablated ligand binding in the absence of β common (βc); ligand binding was restored in the presence of βc with, nonetheless, a significant shift from high (26 pM) toward low affinity (from 2 to 13 nM). The rank order of the dissociation constant for the different GMR-αR280 mutations where Lys > Gln > Met > Asp, suggesting the importance of the charge at this position. Second, a mutant GM-CSF with charge reversal mutation at position Asp112 exhibited a 1,000-fold decrease in affinity in receptor binding, whereas charge ablation or conservative mutations were the least affected (10–20-fold). Third, removal of the charge at position R280 of GMR-α introduced a 10-fold decrease in the association rate constant and only a 2-fold change in the dissociation rate constant, suggesting that R280 is implicated in ligand recognition, possibly through interaction with Asp112 of GM-CSF. For all R280 mutants, the half-efficient concentrations of GM-CSF required for membrane (receptor binding) to nuclear events (c-fos promoter activation) and cell proliferation (thymidine incorporation) were in the same range, indicating that the threshold for biologic activity is governed mainly by the affinity of ligand–receptor interaction. Furthermore, mutation of other residues in the immediate vicinity of R280 was less drastic. Sequence alignment and modeling of interleukin (IL)-3R and IL-5R identified an arginine residue at the tip of a β turn in a highly divergent context at the F′–G′ loop, close to a conserved structural element, the WSXWS motif, suggesting the possibility of a ligand association mechanism similar to the one described herein for GMR.D. Rajotte, C. Cadieux, A. Haman, B.C. Wilkes, S.C. Clark, T. Hercus, J.A. Woodcock, A. Lopez and T. Hoan

    A sensory neuronal ion channel essential for airway inflammation and hyperreactivity in asthma

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    Asthma is an inflammatory disorder caused by airway exposures to allergens and chemical irritants. Studies focusing on immune, smooth muscle, and airway epithelial function revealed many aspects of the disease mechanism of asthma. However, the limited efficacies of immune-directed therapies suggest the involvement of additional mechanisms in asthmatic airway inflammation. TRPA1 is an irritant-sensing ion channel expressed in airway chemosensory nerves. TRPA1-activating stimuli such as cigarette smoke, chlorine, aldehydes, and scents are among the most prevalent triggers of asthma. Endogenous TRPA1 agonists, including reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products, are potent drivers of allergen-induced airway inflammation in asthma. Here, we examined the role of TRPA1 in allergic asthma in the murine ovalbumin model. Strikingly, genetic ablation of TRPA1 inhibited allergen-induced leukocyte infiltration in the airways, reduced cytokine and mucus production, and almost completely abolished airway hyperreactivity to contractile stimuli. This phenotype is recapitulated by treatment of wild-type mice with HC-030031, a TRPA1 antagonist. HC-030031, when administered during airway allergen challenge, inhibited eosinophil infiltration and prevented the development of airway hyperreactivity. Trpa1−/− mice displayed deficiencies in chemically and allergen-induced neuropeptide release in the airways, providing a potential explanation for the impaired inflammatory response. Our data suggest that TRPA1 is a key integrator of interactions between the immune and nervous systems in the airways, driving asthmatic airway inflammation following inhaled allergen challenge. TRPA1 may represent a promising pharmacological target for the treatment of asthma and other allergic inflammatory conditions

    Negative predictive value of procalcitonin to rule out bacterial respiratory co-infection in critical covid-19 patients.

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    Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) are useful biomarkers to differentiate bacterial from viral or fungal infections, although the association between them and co-infection or mortality in COVID-19 remains unclear. The study represents a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted for COVID-19 pneumonia to 84 ICUs from ten countries between (March 2020-January 2021). Primary outcome was to determine whether PCT or CRP at admission could predict community-acquired bacterial respiratory co-infection (BC) and its added clinical value by determining the best discriminating cut-off values. Secondary outcome was to investigate its association with mortality. To evaluate the main outcome, a binary logistic regression was performed. The area under the curve evaluated diagnostic performance for BC prediction. 4635 patients were included, 7.6% fulfilled BC diagnosis. PCT (0.25[IQR 0.1-0.7] versus 0.20[IQR 0.1-0.5]ng/mL, p These biomarkers at ICU admission led to a poor ability to predict BC among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Baseline values of PC