2,227 research outputs found

    Spin dependent Momentum Distributions in Deformed Nuclei

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    We study the properties of the spin dependent one body density in momentum space for odd--A polarized deformed nuclei within the mean field approximation. We derive analytic expressions connecting intrinsic and laboratory momentum distributions. The latter are related to observable transition densities in {\bf p}--space that can be probed in one nucleon knock--out reactions from polarized targets. It is shown that most of the information contained in the intrinsic spin dependent momentum distribution is lost when the nucleus is not polarized. Results are presented and discussed for two prolate nuclei, 21^{21}Ne and 25^{25}Mg, and for one oblate nucleus, 37^{37}Ar. The effects of deformation are highlighted by comparison to the case of odd--A nuclei in the spherical model.Comment: Latex 2.09. 25 pages and 6 figures (available from [email protected]), to appear in Ann. of Phy

    Inclusive quasielastic electron scattering on 6^6He: a probe of the halo structure

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    We investigate inclusive electron scattering reactions on two-neutron halo nuclei in the quasielastic region. Expressions for the cross section and structure functions are given assuming that the halo nucleus can be described as a three-body system (core+n+n{core}+n+n). The method is applied to 6^6He. We compute cross sections and structure functions, and investigate the kinematic conditions for which the observables are determined either by α\alpha-knockout or by halo neutron-knockout. The optimal kinematical domain to disantangle the momentum distributions of the various components of the three--body system (q≲200q \lesssim 200 MeV/c and ω<q2/2MN+20\omega < q^2/2M_N + 20 MeV) are explored.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Physics Letters B, in pres

    Inclusive quasielastic scattering of polarized electrons from polarized nuclei

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    The inclusive quasielastic response functions that appear in the scattering of polarized electrons from polarized nuclei are computed and analyzed for several closed-shell-minus-one nuclei with special attention paid to 39K. Results are presented using two models for the ejected nucleon --- when described by a distorted wave in the continuum shell model or by a plane wave in PWIA with on- and off-shell nucleons. Relativistic effects in kinematics and in the electromagnetic current have been incorporated throughout. Specifically, the recently obtained expansion of the electromagnetic current in powers only of the struck nucleon's momentum is employed for the on-shell current and the effects of the first-order terms (spin-orbit and convection) are compared with the zeroth-order (charge and magnetization) contributions. The use of polarized inclusive quasielastic electron scattering as a tool for determining near-valence nucleon momentum distributions is discussed.Comment: 51 LaTeX pages, 14 Postscript figure

    Electron scattering on two-neutron halo nuclei: The case of 6^6He

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    The formalism to describe electron scattering reactions on two-neutron halo nuclei is developed. The halo nucleus is described as a three-body system (core+n+n), and the wave function is obtained by solving the Faddeev equations in coordinate space. We discuss elastic and quasielastic scattering using the impulse approximation to describe the reaction mechanism. We apply the method to investigate the case of electron scattering on 6^6He. Spectral functions, response functions, and differential cross sections are calculated for both neutron knockout and α\alpha knockout by the electron.Comment: 17 pages, figures include

    Probing Deformed Orbitals with \vec{A}(\vec{e}, e' N)B reactions

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    We present results for response functions and asymmetries in the nuclear reactions 37\vec{Ar}(\vec{e},e'n)36Ar and 37\vec{K}(\vec{e},e' p)36Ar at quasifree kinematics. We compare PWIA results obtained using deformed HF wave functions with PWIA and DWIA results obtained assuming a spherical mean field. We show that the complex structure of the deformed orbitals can be probed by coincidence measurements with polarized beam and targets.Comment: Latex 2.09. 22 pages and 8 figures (available from [email protected]), to appear in Nuc. Phys.

    Polarized Deformed Nuclei Studied via Coincidence Polarized Electron Scattering: The case of 21 Ne

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    Coincidence reactions of the type \svec{A}(\svec{e},e'N)B involving the scattering of polarized electrons from deformed polarized targets are discussed within the context of the plane--wave impulse approximation. A general expression for the polarized spectral function for transitions leaving the residual nucleus in discrete states is presented. General properties and angular symmetries exhibited by the polarization observables are discussed in detail. Results for unpolarized cross sections as well as for polarization ratios (asymmetries) are obtained for typical quasi--free kinematics. The dependences of the polarization observables on the bound neutron momentum, target polarization orientation, nuclear deformation and value of the momentum transfer qq are discussed in detail for various different kinematical situations.Comment: 37 pages in Plain TeX, MIT-CTP-209

    Spectroscopic Factors in 40^{40}Ca and 208^{208}Pb from (e,e′p)(e,e'p): Fully Relativistic Analysis

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    We present results for spectroscopic factors of the outermost shells in 40^{40}Ca and 208^{208}Pb, which have been derived from the comparison between the available quasielastic (e,e′pe,e'p) data from NIKHEF-K and the corresponding calculated cross-sections obtained within a fully relativistic formalism. We include exactly the effect of Coulomb distortion on the electron wave functions and discuss its role in the extraction of the spectroscopic factors from experiment. Without any adjustable parameter, we find spectroscopic factors of about 70\%, consistent with theoretical predictions. We compare our results with previous relativistic and nonrelativistic analyses of (e,e′pe,e'p) data. In addition to Coulomb distortion effects we discuss different choices of the nucleon current operator and also analyze the effects due to the relativistic treatment of the outgoing-distorted and bound nucleon wave functions.Comment: 9 pages RevTeX, 5 figures can be obtained from the author

    Candidate free-floating super-Jupiters in the young sigma Orionis open cluster

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    Free-floating substellar candidates with estimated theoretical masses of as low as ~5 Jupiter masses have been found in the ~3 Myr old sigma Orionis open cluster. As the overlap with the planetary mass domain increases, the question of how these objects form becomes important. The determination of their number density and whether a mass cut-off limit exists is crucial to understanding their formation. We propose to search for objects of yet lower masses in the cluster and determine the shape of the mass function at low mass. Using new- and (re-analysed) published IZJHKs[3.6]-[8.0]-band data of an area of 840 arcmin2, we performed a search for LT-type cluster member candidates in the magnitude range J=19.5-21.5 mag, based on their expected magnitudes and colours. Besides recovering the T type object S Ori 70 and two other known objects, we find three new cluster member candidates, S Ori 72-74, with J=21 mag and within 12 arcmin of the cluster centre. They have theoretical masses of 4 (-2,+3) M_Jup and are among the least massive free-floating objects detected by direct imaging outside the Solar System. The photometry in archival Spitzer [3.6]-[5.8]-band images infers that S Ori 72 is an L/T transition candidate and S Ori 73 a T-type candidate, following the expected cluster sequence in the mid-infrared. Finally, the L-type candidate S Ori 74 with lower quality photometry is located at 11.8 arcsec (~4250 AU) of a stellar member of sigma Orionis and could be a companion. After contaminant correction in the area complete to J=21.1 mag, we estimate that there remain between zero and two cluster members in the mass interval 6-4 M_Jup. Our result suggests a possible turnover in the substellar mass spectrum below ~6 Jupiter masses, which could be investigated further by wider and deeper photometric surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, and appendix containing 5 figures; accepted for publication in AA; v2: 2 minor corrections, in abstract and sect. 2.

    Relativistic versus Nonrelativistic Optical Potentials in A(e,e'p)B Reactions

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    We investigate the role of relativistic and nonrelativistic optical potentials used in the analysis of (e,e′pe,e'p) data. We find that the relativistic calculations produce smaller (e,e′pe,e'p) cross sections even in the case in which both relativistic and nonrelativistic optical potentials fit equally well the elastic proton--nucleus scattering data. Compared to the nonrelativistic impulse approximation, this effect is due to a depletion in the nuclear interior of the relativistic nucleon current, which should be taken into account in the nonrelativistic treatment by a proper redefinition of the effective current operator.Comment: Added one new figure, the formalism section has been enlarged and the list of references updated. Added one appendix. This version will appear in Phys. Rev. C. Revtex 3.0, 6 figures (not included). Full postscript version of the file and figures available at http://www.nikhefk.nikhef.nl/projects/Theory/preprints
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