735 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussian Geostatistical Modeling using (skew) t Processes

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    We propose a new model for regression and dependence analysis when addressing spatial data with possibly heavy tails and an asymmetric marginal distribution. We first propose a stationary process with tt marginals obtained through scale mixing of a Gaussian process with an inverse square root process with Gamma marginals. We then generalize this construction by considering a skew-Gaussian process, thus obtaining a process with skew-t marginal distributions. For the proposed (skew) tt process we study the second-order and geometrical properties and in the tt case, we provide analytic expressions for the bivariate distribution. In an extensive simulation study, we investigate the use of the weighted pairwise likelihood as a method of estimation for the tt process. Moreover we compare the performance of the optimal linear predictor of the tt process versus the optimal Gaussian predictor. Finally, the effectiveness of our methodology is illustrated by analyzing a georeferenced dataset on maximum temperatures in Australi

    La mujer y su reflejo en la literatura bajomedieval española : ¿literatura feminista o femenina?

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    1 archivo PDF (18 páginas). fhduodequadragintaLa literatura femenina bajomedieval española ha recibido y sigue recibiendo muy distintas denominaciones: literatura de matrimonio, literatura para mujeres o literatura feminista o antifeminista. Estas últimas acepciones van a ser el centro de atención y estudio de nuestro trabajo, pues creemos que el uso indiscriminado que se produce en la crítica literaria desvirtúa la naturaleza de las obras bajomedievales y el sentido preciso que tienen los términos feminista y antifeminista, apartándolos de su correcta taxonomía y de su ideología más propia

    Fission in inverse kinematics: A window to new experimental observables

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    Experimentally, the understanding of the complex and intricate process of nuclear fission is approached by collecting as many observables as possible and from all fissioning systems available. The measured properties of the fissioning system and of the fission products, and their correlations, has led to the current picture where, in a very simplified way, the fission proceeds according certain modes or channels centred around fragments with particular numbers of protons and/or neutrons, which emerge with specific deformations that also drive the sharing of part of the available energy. Most of the information on fission was gathered so far in experiments that use direct kinematics, where the fissioning system can be considered at rest in the laboratory. However, these experiments suffer from two main drawbacks: few observables are measured simultaneously and the fragment atomic number is either absent or poor in resolution. The use of inverse kinematics, where the fissioning system is studied in-flight, opens a possibility to solve those issues and to add new information

    Comparison of Digital Watermarking Methods for an Id Authentication System

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    Current radio-frequency identification (RFID) card authentication systems are not secure enough to fight the latest and most novel hacking methods. Poor software implementations, outdated cryptography algorithms and faulty hardware are just some of the most common ways of exploiting these systems. Research in the field of image processing and cryptography suggests that an additional authentication layer based on digital watermarking could help improve the level of security of traditional RFID cards. Unfortunately, not all watermarking methods can be implemented in an embedded device, such as the one used for RFID card systems. The aim of this work is to provide a comparison among different digital watermarking techniques that can be used to add the extra security layer required by the basic RFID card authentication systems. In this work, two widely known methods proposed by Kang et al. in 2010 and 2003, were selected as the basis to create a comparison framework for their implementation in an embedded device. Important elements such as algorithm complexity and memory occupation were measured and analyzed in order to select the best candidate for an RFID card system. The method proposed by Kang et al. in 2010 represented the option with lowest algorithmic complexity and less memory footprint, indicating that this method is the most suitable for its implementation in an authentication system.Los métodos de autenticación basados en tarjetas con tecnología RFID (del inglés, radiofrequency identification) no son lo suficientemente seguros para contrarrestar las técnicas de hackeo más novedosas y actuales. Implementaciones deficientes, algoritmos de criptografía obsoletos y errores de hardware son solo algunas de las formas más comunes para vulnerar este tipo de sistemas. Investigaciones en el área de procesamiento digital de imágenes y criptografía sugieren que una capa adicional de autenticación basada en marcas de agua digitales podría ayudar a incrementar el nivel de seguridad de las tarjetas RFID tradicionales. Desafortunadamente, no todos los métodos de marca de agua digital pueden ser implementados en un sistema embebido como el usado en los sistemas de tarjetas RFID. El objetivo de este trabajo en proveer una comparación entre diversas técnicas de marcas de agua digital que pueden ser usadas para proveer una capa de seguridad extra a los sistemas de autenticación basados en RFID. En este trabajo, dos métodos ampliamente conocidos propuestos por Kang y Cols. en el 2010 y 2003, fueron seleccionados como base para crear un marco de comparación para su implementación en un sistema embebido. Elementos importantes como complejidad algorítmica y ocupación de memoria fueron medidos y analizados para elegir el mejor candidato para un sistema de tarjetas RFID. El método propuesto por Kang y Cols. en 2010 representó la opción con la complejidad algorítmica más baja y menor ocupación de memoria, con lo que indicó que este método es el más apto para su implementación en un sistema de autenticación como el deseado.Continental AutomotiveConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    A Semi-Distributed Electric Demand-Side Management System with PV Generation for Self-Consumption Enhancement

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    This paper presents the operation of an Electrical Demand-Side Management (EDSM) system in a real solar house. The use of EDSM is one of the most important action lines to improve the grid electrical efficiency. The combination between the EDSM and the PV generation performs a new control level in the local electric behavior and allows new energy possibilities. The solar house used as test-bed for the EDSM system owns a PV generator, a lead-acid battery storage system and a grid connection. The electrical appliances are controllable from an embedded computer. The EDSM is implemented by a control system which schedules the tasks commanded by the user. By using the control system, we define the house energy policy and improve the energy behavior with regard to a selected energy criterion, self-consumption. The EDSM system favors self-consumption with regard to a standard user behavior and reduces the energy load from the grid

    Tracking algorithms for the active target MAYA

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    The MAYA detector is a Time-Charge Projection Chamber based on the concept of active target. These type of devices use a part of the detection system, the filling gas in this case, in the role of reaction target. The MAYA detector performs three-dimensional tracking, in order to determine physical observables of the reactions occurring inside the detector. The reconstruction algorithms of the tracking use the information from a two-dimensional projection on the segmented cathode, and, in general, they need to be adapted for the different experimental settings of the detector. This work presents some of the most relevant solutions developed for the MAYA detector

    The shell phenotypic variability of the keyhole limpet Fissurella latimarginata: insights from an experimental approach using a water flow flume

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    Hydrodynamics are a major environmental factor on intertidal rocky shores. Morphological responses to this factor are expected to strongly influence spatial distribution of species across environmental gradients. We here analysed the shell phenotypic variability of the limpet Fissurella latimarginata using geometric mor phometric analysis. The limpets were obtained from a sheltered intertidal coastal area and a wave-exposed environment. To determine whether the shell shape variation of the intertidal molluscs is linked to their resistance to differential intertidal wave exposure, mesocosm studies were developed in a hydraulic flume to explore the effects of hydrodynamic forces on this limpet species. A unidirectional current was used to test the impacts of step-by-step increased current flow velocities for each limpet. The phenotypic variability observed in the populations of F. latimarginata was associated with habitats characterized by contrasting wave exposure. Limpets from exposed environments showed a flattened, round to laterally wider and posteriorly narrower shell shape, larger foot and higher full limpet height, and were dislodged at higher velocities. A more laterally compressed and peaked shape was found in limpets from sheltered areas and these showed a lower resistance to wave action by dislodging at lower velocities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El turismo en Galicia: el caso de la industria balnearia

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo pretende analizar uno de los principales sectores estratégicos del turismo gallego en la actualidad y con mejores perspectivas de futuro: el turismo termal. Con este fin, se analizará primero el peso del turismo en Galicia tanto en términos de PIB como de empleo; su contribución al total nacional y su posición relativa respecto a otras comunidades autónomas. La segunda parte del trabajo se concentrará en el estudio de las ventajas y desventajas de otras especialidades turísticas gallegas, concentrándose especialmente en dos: una más histórica, desarrollada en torno a la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela, y otra más reciente, como el turismo rural. Por último, el trabajo aporta un análisis de los factores de oferta y demanda que han convertido al sector balneario gallego en una de las actividades turísticas más importantes de Galicia. El turismo termal representa una industria con gran tradición histórica que ha sabido reciclarse y aprovechar el marco de oportunidades del mercado actual. El cuidado de la salud, la belleza y la búsqueda del bienestar en entornos conectados con la naturaleza representan hoy en día una parte importante de las demandas de ocio de la población. El turismo termal gallego cuenta con grandes ventajas competitivas y de partida para cubrir este creciente nicho de mercado. Este trabajo pone de manifiesto como el sector ha sabido aprovechar buena parte de sus potencialidades en las últimas décadas y presenta perspectivas de futuro muy favorables.[Abstract] This paper analyses one of the fastest growing industry in Galicia and with more development possibilities in the future: thermal tourism. To this end, the economic importance of tourism in Galicia will be discussed firstly in terms of its contribution to GDP and employment in total and comparative terms. The second part of this work will focus on the study of the advantages and disadvantages of other tourist activities in Galicia, focusing particularly on two: a more historical tourism, developed around the city of Santiago de Compostela, and a more recent activity, such as rural tourism. Finally, the study provides an analysis of supply and demand factors that have made the Galician spa sector in one of the most popular tourist activities in Galicia. Thermal tourism is an industry with great historical tradition that has managed to recycle and exploit opportunities within the current market. Health care, beauty and the pursuit of well-being in environments connected with nature today represent an important part of the leisure demands of the population. The Galician thermal tourism has great competitive advantages and starting to cover this growing niche market. This work shows how the sector has taken advantage of many of its potential in the past decades and how its future prospects are favourable.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). Economía. Curso 2014/201