64 research outputs found

    Sobre la relación entre la ergonomía y psicología cognitivas

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    This study describes the,field of cognitive ergonomics and discussesthe relation between this discipline and cognitive psychology. We argue against the view commonly held by scientists that cognitive ergonomics is merely the applied science of cognitive psychology and describe studies that support the role of cognitive ergonomics as a basic science. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework for the work of the cognitive ergonomist, in order to promote joint research projects involving cognitive ergonomics and cognitive psychology.En el presente trabajo se describe el ámbito y el modo de trabajo de la ergonomia cognitiva, para a continuación ahondar en la relación entre la ergonomia y la psicologia cognitiva. En este sentido, se discute la visión extendida en el ámbito científico que concibe a la ergonomia cognitiva como simple ciencia aplicada de la psicologia cognitiva. Para contrarrestar esta visión se defiende el papel de la ergonomia cognitiva como ciencia generadora de conocimiento. Finalmente, se presenta un marco conceptual sobre el trabajo del ergónomo cognitivo con el objetivo de facilitar el desarrollo de lineas de investigación conjuntas entre la ergonomia y psicologia cognitivas

    Species Identification of Food Spoilage and Pathogenic Bacteria by MALDI-TOF Mass Fingerprinting

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    18 pages, 1 table, 2 figuresFood quality and safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Nowadays, the topics “food quality” and “food safety” are very close and two important issues in the food sector, due to the globalization of the food supply and the increased complexity of the food chain. The consumers need to purchase safe products that do not involve any kind of risk for health. On one hand, the aim of the “food safety” is to avoid health hazards for the consumer: microbiological hazards, pesticide residues, misuse of food additives and contaminants, such as chemicals, biological toxins and adulteration. On the other hand, “food quality” includes all attributes that influence the value of a product for the consumer; this includes negative attributes such as spoilage, contamination with filth, discoloration, off-odors and positive attributes such as the origin, color, flavor, texture and processing method of the food (FAO, 2003)This work was funded by project 10PXIB261045PR from Xunta de Galicia and by project AGL2010-19646 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. The work of K. Böhme and I.C. Fernández-No is supported by a “Maria Barbeito” and “Lucas Labrada” research contract from Xunta de GaliciaN

    Técnicas de predicción a corto plazo de la demanda de agua. Aplicación al uso agrícola

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    [ES] La demanda de agua es la magnitud de referencia en la gestión óptima de los sistemas de distribución. En este trabajo se propone la estimación de la demanda en las próximas 24 horas en un sistema de distribución de agua para riego, y se utilizan, junto con los métodos tradicionales de predicción de regresión múltiple y de modelos univariantes de series temporales (ARIMA), las Redes Neuronales Computacionales (RNCs). Se dispone de los datos de las demandas diarias de agua de las campañas de riegos 1987/88, 1988/89 y 1990/91 de la zona regable de Fuente Palmera (Córdoba). Los modelos se establecen considerando la relación de los datos presentes y pasados de la demanda, aunque también se analiza la influencia de datos climáticos (temperatura máxima, temperatura media, temperatura mínima, precipitación, humedad relativa, horas de sol y velocidad del viento). Las mejores estimaciones se consiguen con la RNC que considera como variables de entrada las demandas y las temperaturas máximas de los dos días anteriores al de estimación.Pulido Calvo, I.; Roldán Cañas, J.; López Luque, R.; Gutiérrez Estrada, JC. (2002). Técnicas de predicción a corto plazo de la demanda de agua. Aplicación al uso agrícola. Ingeniería del Agua. 9(3):319-331. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2002.2622SWORD31933193ÁLVAREZ, J. y S. BOLADO (1996) Descripción de los procesos de infiltración mediante redes neurales artificiales. Ingeniería del Agua, 3: 39-46.BOX, G.E.P. y G.M. JENKINS (1976) Time series analysis: forecasting and control. Holden-Day, San Francisco, CA.CYBENCO, G. (1989) Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function. Math. Controls, Signals, and Systems, 2: 303-314.COULBECK, B., S.T. TENNANT y C.H. ORR (1985) Development of a demand prediction program for use in optimal control of water supply. Systems Sci., 11: 59-66.FRENCH, M.N., W.F. KRAJEWSKI y R.R. CUYKENDAL I (1992) Rainfall forecasting in space and time using a neural network. J. Hydrol., 137: 1-31.GRIÑÓ, R. (1992) Neural networks for univariate time series forecasting and their application to water demand prediction. Neural Network World, 437-450.GUTIÉRREZ-ESTRADA, J.C., I. PULIDO-CALVO y J. PRENDA (2000) Gonadosomatic index estimates of an introduced pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) population in a Mediterranean stream, using computational neural networks. Aquat. Sci., 62: 350-363.HAIR, JR., J.F., R.E. ANDERSON, R.L. TATHAM y W.C. BLACK (1999) Análisis de regresión múltiple. En Análisis multivariante. Pretince Hall Iberia, 5ª ed., Madrid, 4: 143-226.HARTLEY, J.A. y R.S. POWELL (1991) The development of a combined demand prediction system. Civ. Engrg. Systems, 8: 231-236.HSU, K., H.V. GUPTA y S. SOROOSHIAN (1995) Artificial neural network modeling of the rainfall-runoff process. Water Resour. Res., 31: 2517-2530.JOWITT, P.W. y C. 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HAARHOFF (1996) Sizing municipal water storage tanks with Monte Carlo simulation. J. Water SRTæAqua, 45: 203-212.PULIDO-CALVO, I. (2001) Diseño y gestión óptimos de sistemas de impulsión y de almacenamiento de agua para riego. Tesis Doctoral, Dpto. de Agronomía, Universidad de Córdoba.RAMAN, H. y V. CHANDRAMOULI (1996) Deriving a general operating policy for reservoirs using neural networks. J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt., 122: 342-347.RANJITHAN, S., J.W. EHEART y J.H. GARRET JR. (1993) Neural network-based screening for groundwater reclamation under uncertainty. Water Resour. Res., 29: 563-574.RIZZO, D.M. y D.E. DOUGHERTY (1994) Characterization of aquifer properties using artificial neural networks: neural kriging. Water Resour. Res., 30: 483-497.RÜFENATCH, H.P. y H. GUIBENTIF (1997) A model for forecasting water consumption in Geneva canton, Switzerland. J. Water SRTæAqua, 46: 196-201.RUMELHART, D.E., G.E. HINTON y R.J. Willians (1986) 'Learning' representations by backpropagation errors. Nature, 323: 533-536.SAPORTA, D. y M. MUÑOZ (1994) El consumo en redes de distribución. Predicción diaria de la demanda. En Mejora del rendimiento y de la fiabilidad en sistemas de distribución de agua. Aguas de Valencia y U.D. Mecánica de Fluidos (UPV), 2: 43-75.SHVARTSER, L., U. SHAMIR y M. FELDMAN (1993) Forecasting hourly water demands by pattern recognition approach. J. Water Resour. Planning and Mgmt., 119: 611-627.THIRUMALAIAH, K. y M.C. DEO (2000) Hydrological forecasting using neural networks. J. Hydrol. Engrg., 5: 180-189.VENTURA, S., M. SILVA, D. PÉREZ-BENDITO y C. HERVÁS (1995) Artificial neural networks for estimation of kinetic analytical parameters. Anal. Chem., 67: 1521-1525.VENTURA, S., M. SILVA, D. PÉREZ-BENDITO y C. HERVÁS (1997) Computational neural networks in conjuction with principal component analysis for resolving highly nonlinear kinetics. J. Chem. Inform. and Computer Sci., 37: 287-291.YANG, C.C., S.O. PRASHER, R. LACROIX, S. SREEKANTH, N.K. PATNI y L. MASSE (1997) Artificial neural network model for subsurface-drained farmlands. J. Irrig. And Drain. Engrg., 123: 285-292

    Bronchiolitis and recurrent wheezing are distinguished by type 2 innate lymphoid cells and immune response

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    Background: Recurrent wheezing (RW) is frequently developed in infants that have suffered bronchiolitis (BCH) during first months of life, but the immune mechanism underlying is not clear. The goal was to analyze the innate immune response that characterizes BCH and RW. Methods: Ninety-eight and seventy hospitalized infants with BCH or RW diagnosis, respectively, were included. Nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) was processed. Cellular pellet was employed to evaluate type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) by flow cytometry and mRNA expression assays by semi-quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). In supernatant, twenty-seven pro-inflammatory and immunomodulatory factors, as well as lipid mediators and nitrites, were evaluated by ELISA and Luminex. Results: Bronchiolitis patients showed higher ILC2 percentage compared with RW (P < .05). Also, ST2+ /ILC2 percentage was higher in the BCH group than in the RW group (P < .01). TLR3, IL33, IFNG, IL10, and FLG mRNA levels were significantly increased in BCH vs RW (P < .05). In supernatant, no significant differences were reached, observing similar levels of parameters linked to vascular damage, monocyte activation, and fibroblast growth. Prostaglandin E2 and cysteinyl leukotrienes C4 were evaluated; a significant difference was only found in their ratio. Conclusion: Bronchiolitis is associated with elevated nasal percentage of ILC2. This cellular population could be the key element in the differential immune response between BCH and RW which share some mechanisms such us monocyte activation, vascular damage, and fibroblast repair. Lipid mediators could play a role in the evolution of the disease later in life through innate lymphoid cells.This study has been partially supported by FIS (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria—Spanish Health Research Fund) Grants PI15/00803, FI16/00036, PI15CIII/00028, and FEDER Funds (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional); Alfonso X El Sabio University Grant: VIII Convocatoria Santander‐UAX; and CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), a Carlos III Institute of Health Initiative.S

    Correlation between clinical parameters characterising peri-implant and periodontal health : a practice-based research in Spain in a series of patients with implants installed 4-5 years ago

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    Objectives: To explore peri-implant health (and relation with periodontal status) 4-5 years after implant insertion. Study D esign: A practice-based dental research network multicentre study was performed in 11 Spanish centres. The first patient/month with implant insertion in 2004 was considered. Per patient four teeth (one per quadrant) showing the highest bone loss in the 2004 panoramic X-ray were selected for periodontal status assessment. Bone losses in implants were calculated as the differences between 2004 and 2009 bone levels in radiographs. Results: A total of 117 patients were included. Of the 408 teeth considered, 73 (17.9%) were lost in 2009 (losing risk: >50% for bone losses ?7mm). A total of 295 implants were reviewed. Eight of 117 (6.8%) patients had lost implants (13 of 295 implants installed; 4.4%). Implant loss rate (quadrant status) was 1.4% (edentulous), 3.6% (preserved teeth), and 11.1% (lost teeth) (p=0.037). The percentage of implant loss significantly (p<0.001) increased when the medial/distal bone loss was ?3 mm. The highest (p?0.001) pocket depths were found in teeth with ?5mm and implants with ?3mm bone losses, with similar mean values (?4mm), associated with higher rates of plaque index and bleeding by probing. Conclusions: The significant bi-directional relation between plaque and bone loss, and between each of these two parameters/signs and pocket depths or bleeding (both in teeth and implants, and between them) together with the higher percentage of implants lost when the bone loss of the associated teeth was ?3 mm suggest that the patient?s periodontal status is a critical issue in predicting implant health/lesion

    Antipsicóticos inyectables de liberación prolongada para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia en España.

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    Los antipsicóticos son un componente esencial del tratamiento de la esquizofrenia. Las formulaciones inyectables de liberación prolongada (ILP) surgen para mejorar la adherencia con el potencial asociado de reducir el riesgo de recaídas. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el uso de antipsicóticos ILP en España –que es similar al de otros países europeos pero con un predominio de la utilización de ILP de segunda generación–, discutir las posibles causas de las diferencias de prescripción respecto a otros países de nuestro entorno (entre otras, aspectos organizativos, actitudes de psiquiatras, pacientes y familiares, guías de práctica clínica), y discutir su utilización en unidades de agudos, primeros episodios, y en niños y adolescentes. A nuestro juicio, aunque es necesario aumentar las pruebas existentes respecto a las ventajas de los antipsicóticos ILP y la diferenciación entre aquellos disponibles actualmente, su utilización seguirá probablemente creciendo impulsada por la experiencia clínica.post-print1,08 M