1,165 research outputs found

    Difficulty in performing activities of daily living and the need for help in older adults: evidence on social distancing models from the ELSI-COVID-19 initiative

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    To analyze whether the older adults with difficulty or need of help to perform basic or instrumentals activities of daily living are more socially distanced in times of COVID-19. A total of 4,035 older adults participated in the telephone interviews from the second wave of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil). Difficulty, need and receiving help were classified into: (1) independents; (2) had difficulty without need for care; (3) had difficulty, needed and have received care from someone within their household; (4) had difficulty, needed and have received care from someone outside their household; and (5) had difficulty and needed care but did not receive it. Social distancing was categorized as follows: did not leave their houses in the last 7 days, left their houses for essential activities and went out for non-essential activities. Multinomial regression model adjusted for age, sex, schooling and great geographical region was performed. Older adults who had difficulty, needed and have received help from within their homes (odds ratio - OR = 2.34 95%CI: 1.25-4.39) or from outside their homes (OR = 3.94; 95%CI: 2.24-6.92) were more socially distanced. Age increased the odds of not going out (OR = 1.06; 95%CI: 1.03-1.09) while be men reduced it (OR = 0.48; 95%CI: 0.33-0.70). Living in the South of Brazil has increased the odds of the respondents going out for essential activities (OR = 1.77; 95%CI: 1.01-3.10). Older adults who had difficulty, needed and have received help from within or outside their homes did not leave their homes in the last 7 days. Even with social distancing, these older adults can not have their exposure to COVID-19 reduced, weakening the theory of selective social distancing

    Renormalization of QCD_2

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    The low energy infrared scaling of the multi-color 2-dimensional quantum chromodynamics is determined in the framework of its bosonized model by using the functional renormalization group method with gliding sharp cut-off k in momentum space in the local potential approximation. The model exhibits a single phase with a superuniversal effective potential.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Dynapenic abdominal obesity as a risk factor for worse trajectories of ADL disability among older adults: the ELSA cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: There is little epidemiological evidence demonstrating that dynapenic abdominal obese individuals have worse trajectories of disability than those with dynapenia and abdominal obesity alone. Our aim was to investigate whether dynapenic abdominal obesity can result in worse trajectories of activities of daily living (ADL) over 8 years of follow-up. METHODS: We used longitudinal data from 3,723 participants free from ADL disability at baseline from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Using measures of handgrip strength (102 cm for men; >88 cm for women), participants were classified into four groups: nondynapenic/nonabdominal obese (reference group), abdominal obese only, dynapenic only, and dynapenic abdominal obese. We used generalized linear mixed models with ADL as the outcome and the four groups according to dynapenia and abdominal obesity status as the main exposure controlled by sociodemographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics. RESULTS: The estimated change over time in ADL disability was significantly higher for participants with dynapenic abdominal obesity compared with those with neither condition (+0.018, 95% CI: 0.008 to 0.027). Compared with the results of our main analysis (which took into account the combination of dynapenia and abdominal obesity on the rate of change in ADL), the results of our sensitivity analysis—which examined dynapenia and abdominal obesity only as independent conditions—showed an overestimation of the associations of dynapenia only and of abdominal obesity only on the ADL disability trajectories. CONCLUSIONS: Dynapenic abdominal obesity is an important risk factor for functional decline in older adults

    Short-Term Red Wine Consumption Promotes Differential Effects on Plasma Levels of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Sympathetic Activity, and Endothelial Function in Hypercholesterolemic, Hypertensive, and Healthy Subjects

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the metabolic, hemodynamic, autonomic, and endothelial responses to short-term red wine consumption in subjects with hypercholesterolemia or arterial hypertension, and healthy controls. METHODS: Subjects with hypercholesterolemia (n=10) or arterial hypertension (n=9), or healthy controls (n=7) were given red wine (250 mL/night) for 15 days. Analyses were performed before and after red wine intake. RESULTS: Red wine significantly increased the plasma levels of HDL-cholesterol in the controls, but not in the other groups. The effects on hemodynamic measurements were mild, non-significantly more prominent in healthy subjects, and exhibited high interindividual variability. Across all participants, mean blood pressure decreased 7 mmHg (p <0.01) and systemic vascular resistance decreased 7% (p = 0.05). Heart rate and cardiac output did not significantly change in any group. Red wine enhanced muscle sympathetic fibular nerve activity in hypercholesterolemic and hypertensive patients, but not in controls. At baseline, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation was impaired in patients with hypercholesterolemia and arterial hypertension; red wine restored the dilation in the hypercholesterolemic group but not in the hypertensive group. CONCLUSIONS: Red wine elicits different metabolic, autonomic, and endothelial responses among individuals with hypercholesterolemia or arterial hypertension and healthy controls. Our findings highlight the need to consider patient characteristics when evaluating the response to red wine.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    Caspase-2 is upregulated after sciatic nerve transection and its inhibition protects dorsal root ganglion neurons from Apoptosis after serum withdrawal

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    Sciatic nerve (SN) transection-induced apoptosis of dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGN) is one factor determining the efficacy of peripheral axonal regeneration and the return of sensation. Here, we tested the hypothesis that caspase-2(CASP2) orchestrates apoptosis of axotomised DRGN both in vivo and in vitro by disrupting the local neurotrophic supply to DRGN. We observed significantly elevated levels of cleaved CASP2 (C-CASP2), compared to cleaved caspase-3 (C-CASP3), within TUNEL+DRGN and DRG glia (satellite and Schwann cells) after SN transection. A serum withdrawal cell culture model, which induced 40% apoptotic death in DRGN and 60% in glia, was used to model DRGN loss after neurotrophic factor withdrawal. Elevated C-CASP2 and TUNEL were observed in both DRGN and DRG glia, with C-CASP2 localisation shifting from the cytosol to the nucleus, a required step for induction of direct CASP2-mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, siRNAmediated downregulation of CASP2 protected 50% of DRGN from apoptosis after serum withdrawal, while downregulation of CASP3 had no effect on DRGN or DRG glia survival. We conclude that CASP2 orchestrates the death of SN-axotomised DRGN directly and also indirectly through loss of DRG glia and their local neurotrophic factor support. Accordingly, inhibiting CASP2 expression is a potential therapy for improving both the SN regeneration response and peripheral sensory recovery

    Nitrogen uptake and internal recycling in Zostera marina exposed to oyster farming: eelgrass potential as a natural biofilter

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    Oyster farming in estuaries and coastal lagoons frequently overlaps with the distribution of seagrass meadows, yet there are few studies on how this aquaculture practice affects seagrass physiology. We compared in situ nitrogen uptake and the productivity of Zostera marina shoots growing near off-bottom longlines and at a site not affected by oyster farming in San Quintin Bay, a coastal lagoon in Baja California, Mexico. We used benthic chambers to measure leaf NH4 (+) uptake capacities by pulse labeling with (NH4)-N-15 (+) and plant photosynthesis and respiration. The internal N-15 resorption/recycling was measured in shoots 2 weeks after incubations. The natural isotopic composition of eelgrass tissues and vegetative descriptors were also examined. Plants growing at the oyster farming site showed a higher leaf NH4 (+) uptake rate (33.1 mmol NH4 (+) m(-2) day(-1)) relative to those not exposed to oyster cultures (25.6 mmol NH4 (+) m(-2) day(-1)). We calculated that an eelgrass meadow of 15-16 ha (which represents only about 3-4 % of the subtidal eelgrass meadow cover in the western arm of the lagoon) can potentially incorporate the total amount of NH4 (+) excreted by oysters (similar to 5.2 x 10(6) mmol NH4 (+) day(-1)). This highlights the potential of eelgrass to act as a natural biofilter for the NH4 (+) produced by oyster farming. Shoots exposed to oysters were more efficient in re-utilizing the internal N-15 into the growth of new leaf tissues or to translocate it to belowground tissues. Photosynthetic rates were greater in shoots exposed to oysters, which is consistent with higher NH4 (+) uptake and less negative delta C-13 values. Vegetative production (shoot size, leaf growth) was also higher in these shoots. Aboveground/belowground biomass ratio was lower in eelgrass beds not directly influenced by oyster farms, likely related to the higher investment in belowground biomass to incorporate sedimentary nutrients

    Pirfenidone in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:expert panel discussion on the management of drug-related adverse events

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    Pirfenidone is currently the only approved therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, following studies demonstrating that treatment reduces the decline in lung function and improves progression-free survival. Although generally well tolerated, a minority of patients discontinue therapy due to gastrointestinal and skin-related adverse events (AEs). This review summarizes recommendations based on existing guidelines, research evidence, and consensus opinions of expert authors, with the aim of providing practicing physicians with the specific clinical information needed to educate the patient and better manage pirfenidone-related AEs with continued pirfenidone treatment. The main recommendations to help prevent and/or mitigate gastrointestinal and skin-related AEs include taking pirfenidone during (or after) a meal, avoiding sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with high ultraviolet (UV) A and UVB protection. These measures can help optimize AE management, which is key to maintaining patients on an optimal treatment dose.Correction in: Advances in Therapy, Volume 31, Issue 5, pp 575-576 , doi: 10.1007/s12325-014-0118-8</p

    Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for lysozyme from bacteriophage lambda

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    Lysozyme from lambda bacteriophage (λ lysozyme) is an 18 kDa globular protein displaying some of the structural features common to all lysozymes; in particular, λ lysozyme consists of two structural domains connected by a helix, and has its catalytic residues located at the interface between these two domains. An interesting feature of λ lysozyme, when compared to the well-characterised hen egg-white lysozyme, is its lack of disulfide bridges; this makes λ lysozyme an interesting system for studies of protein folding. A comparison of the folding properties of λ lysozyme and hen lysozyme will provide important insights into the role that disulfide bonds play in the refolding pathway of the latter protein. Here we report the 1H, 13C and 15N backbone resonance assignments for λ lysozyme by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. These assignments provide the starting point for detailed investigation of the refolding pathway using pulse-labelling hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments monitored by NMR

    Prediction of peptide and protein propensity for amyloid formation

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    Understanding which peptides and proteins have the potential to undergo amyloid formation and what driving forces are responsible for amyloid-like fiber formation and stabilization remains limited. This is mainly because proteins that can undergo structural changes, which lead to amyloid formation, are quite diverse and share no obvious sequence or structural homology, despite the structural similarity found in the fibrils. To address these issues, a novel approach based on recursive feature selection and feed-forward neural networks was undertaken to identify key features highly correlated with the self-assembly problem. This approach allowed the identification of seven physicochemical and biochemical properties of the amino acids highly associated with the self-assembly of peptides and proteins into amyloid-like fibrils (normalized frequency of β-sheet, normalized frequency of β-sheet from LG, weights for β-sheet at the window position of 1, isoelectric point, atom-based hydrophobic moment, helix termination parameter at position j+1 and ΔGº values for peptides extrapolated in 0 M urea). Moreover, these features enabled the development of a new predictor (available at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/appnn/index.html) capable of accurately and reliably predicting the amyloidogenic propensity from the polypeptide sequence alone with a prediction accuracy of 84.9 % against an external validation dataset of sequences with experimental in vitro, evidence of amyloid formation
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