2,943 research outputs found


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    The exchange rate regime applied in Albania is a flexible one, as a result it directly brings the exposure to exchange rate risk. Value at Risk (VaR) is one of the known measures of this type of risk. The measurement of VaR for the EUR/ALL exchange rate is the aim of this paper. Taking into the consideration that Albania has its trade activity mainly with countries that are part of Eurozone and that Euro is actually the main reserve value tool, we are focused only in this currency. The GARCH model is used as the approach to measure VaR, as in our opinion, it is the most appropriate for this problem. The results confirm the stability of the model and it being appropriate. This paper is an original attempt to use this method for the calculation of VaR for the EUR/ALL exchange rate

    Knowledge and valorization of historical sites through low-cost, gaming sensors and H-BIM models. The case study of Liternum

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    The paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary project related to the 3D documentation, dissemination and valorisation of archaeological sites. The project has two goals: to test a novel and economic pipeline for the acquisition of survey data, and to promote the study and appreciation of archaeological areas, among public and scientists, using the HBIM workflow. The 3D survey of archaeological sites is still an expensive and time-consuming task. In this project, a low-cost approach to 3D survey is presented and compared to a standard photogrammetry pipeline based on high-resolution photographs. The pipeline is based on a consumer-level hand-held RGB-D sensor as Microsoft Kinect. The quality of the digitized raw 3D models is evaluated by comparing them to a photogrammetry-based reconstruction and then the acquired data is elaborated in software BIM in order to create a semantically enriched model of the archaeological site. This method has been verified on the archaeological park of Liternum (Campania, Italy), a Roman forum that includes a capitolium, a theatre, a basilica and some others commercial spaces. Using a reflex camera for the photogrammetric survey, it was compared to the Kinect acquisition. In this way, we obtained a 3D model that is imported in a BIM software such as Autodesk Revit. Every element is modelled as a parametric object so the final model is enriched with additional information: geometric dimensions, material, text documents, CAAD reconstruction hypotheses, drawings, photos, etc. These methods allowed us to better understand the site, perform analyses, see interpretative processes, communicate historical information and promote the heritage location

    Tra mondo e mondo umano: antropologia filosofica, oggi. Karl Löwith e la Philosophische Anthropologie

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    I propose a comparison between the “classic” philosophical anthropology of the XX century and Karl Löwith’s thought, through a dialog with Joachim Fischer’s 2008 book, Philosophische Anthropologie. Eine Denkrichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts

    Un modello di Team Based Learning per la ricerca empirica in educazione

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    Attraverso l’insegnamento della “metodologia della ricerca”, gli studenti acquisiscono competenze hard e soft, le quali esercitano una funzione positiva nell’esercizio delle future professioni. Per questa ragione, la qualità dei metodi didattici, utilizzati per l’insegnamento di tale disciplina, riveste un notevole interesse, in quanto finalizzati a far acquisire capacità di investigazione e di risoluzione dei problemi. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di proporre un modello didattico, il Team Based Learning (TBL), considerato valido per imparare a “fare ricerca empirica”. In particolare, attraverso il TBL è possibile sviluppare il pensiero critico e acquisire competenze nel campo della decision making, in modo che gli studenti imparino non solo a progettare sulla carta un itinerario di ricerca, ma anche a realizzarlo e a saper prendere decisioni, sulla base dei dati emersi dall’indagine. Inoltre, il contributo illustra i presupposti epistemologici che sorreggono il TBL e i vantaggi e i limiti presenti nel suo utilizzo

    Noir Miroir : Ambiguïtés topographiques, sociales et interactives de la musique

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    Les pièces d'Andrea Cera sont toujours générées par un processus d’interaction avec le contexte dans lequel elles sont présentées. Cette interaction, toutefois, n’est pas toujours lisible au premier regard. Souvent ses travaux cachent leur vrai rapport avec le lieu, et le déclarent de façon chiffrée, ou à travers l’ironie, ou l’énigme. Ce jeu invisible, fait de stratifications et déguisements sera l’objet de son intervention, articulée autour de quatre projets élaborés entre 2004 et 2005.The works of Andrea Cera are inevitably generated through a process of interaction with the context in which they are presented. Nonetheless, this interaction is not always evident at first glance. The true relationship of his works with their performance venue is often hidden, cryptically declared, or expressed through irony and enigma. Through layers of meaning and disguises, this invisible game forms the subject of this discussion, articulated around four projects completed between 2004 and 2005

    Modernizing Repositories, Step One: Build Some Bridges Using Identifiers

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    This project attempts to start addressing the lack of connection between repositories. While proper connections are far down the road, the first step is to be prepared for connections. This session will discuss how Berkeley Law is preparing data through persistent identifiers

    Calibratin Of St.Johns River Watershed Hydrology Models for the Water Supply Impact Study

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Women in Politics; The Soong Sisters and Chinese History in the 20th Century

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    This research focuses on the Soong sisters in the twentieth century in order to analyze women’s impact on politics in China. Women’s contributions are often overlooked, leading to a lack of women’s stories in historical narratives. It identifies that to produce a less biased historical narrative there needs to be more diversity within the historiographers and the narratives portrayed. The research provides solutions to combating the existing biases present in historical narratives and an attempt to apply them through an analysis of the lives of the Soong sisters. The sisters Ai-ling, Qing-ling, and Mei-ling were the wives of powerful men such as Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek, and H.H. Kung. Furthermore, Qing-ling after the passing of her husband became a trustee of Mao Zedong. The sisters had opposing political ideologies that had significant influence over the development of China in the Twentieth century, however, for all of their contributions more often than not it is the men they interacted with that are remembered. Upon further research, it can be concluded that these women had an equal impact on Chinese politics as the men they were close to, but their stories are often forgotten. This phenomenon is what the research tries to combat

    How Conventions Bump: An Individual-level Investigation

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    Presidential nominating conventions sometimes trigger shifts in aggregate levels of candidate support large enough to affect election outcomes. While we are able to predict the probable impact of conventions with some degree of accuracy, we do not yet fully understand how these large-scale campaign events produce the changes we observe. Current scholarship on the impact of conventions on opinion is almost exclusively limited to aggregate-level analysis. In this study, I focus on individual-level analysis to demonstrate how self-exposure to different sources of information during conventions can produce overlapping yet distinct impacts on candidate support that are not always observable at the aggregate level. Along the way, I discuss the state of current scholarship and present theoretical justifications for the separate consideration of different types of information sources during conventions. I explore the determinants of self-exposure to nominee acceptance speeches, and demonstrate how those speeches exercise a persuasive effect that favors convening candidates. I also examine the influence of partisan bias triggered by an information environment flooded with political messaging. Finally, I consider the joint influence of pairs of conventions within a given cycle, and I examine the impact of conventions on political knowledge in general and the gap in political knowledge that runs along socioeconomic lines specifically

    El fiel Âżun personaje menor?: arrendamiento, fieldad y negocio en la Castilla del siglo XV

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    The goal of this paper is to make known a tax-collection system that was widely used in fifteenth-century Castile as is little known today: the fielded. Among other things, in this essay I will be presenting the fieldad as a common, unexceptional system that is an integral part of leasing (as opposed to an independent or parallel method) and describing its core role in the fiscal business.El objetivo de este trabajo es el de dar a conocer un sistema de recaudación de impuestos tan utilizado como desconocido en la Castilla del siglo XV la fieldad. Entenderlo como un régimen ordinario, y nada excepcional, concebirlo como parte integrante del arrendamiento, y no como un sistema independiente o paralelo, o situarlo como pieza clave del negocio fiscal, son algunas de las cuestiones que tratamos en él
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